private int CheckBloodlust() { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Bloodlust")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Bloodlust")); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Heroism")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Heroism")); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Time Warp")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Time Warp")); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ancient Hysteria")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Ancient Hysteria")); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Netherwinds")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Netherwinds")); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Drums of Fury")) { return(WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Drums of Fury")); } return(0); }
public override void Pulse() { new Thread(PulseUpdateSpells).Start(); PulseTick = Environment.TickCount; Gcd = CooldownWithHaste(1500); HolyPower = WoW.CurrentHolyPower; InMeleeRange = WoW.CanCast("Templar Verdict", false, false, true, false, true); BloodLustUp = WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Bloodlust") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Time Warp") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Netherwinds") || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Drums of War"); //Log.Write("11 " + BladeOfJustice.SpellCanCast); if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && !WoW.PlayerIsChanneling && !WoW.PlayerIsCasting && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Mount")) { if (false) { //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); //sw.Start(); //PulseRotattion(); //sw.Stop(); //Log.Write("## " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } PulseRotattion(); } }
private void interruptcast() { Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(interMin, interMax); if (WoW.TargetPercentCast > randomNumber && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible) { if (WoW.CanCast("Wind Shear") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Wind Shear") && WoW.TargetIsCasting && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Wind Shear")) //interupt every spell, not a boss. { WoW.CastSpell("Wind Shear"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerRace == "BloodElf" && WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent", true, true, false, false, true) && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Wind Shear") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Stormstrike")) //interupt every spell, not a boss. { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Pandaren" && WoW.CanCast("Quaking palm", true, true, true, false, true)) //interupt every spell, not a boss. { WoW.CastSpell("Quaking palm"); return; } } /* for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) * if (WoW.BossPercentCast(i) > randomNumber && WoW.BossIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible(i)) * { * * if (WoW.CanCast("Wind Shear")) //interupt every spell, not a boss. * { * WoW.CastSpell("Wind Shear"); * return; * } * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// Maintain a debuff if it is not currently on the target or if it's about to expire. /// </summary> /// <param name="debuffName">The name of the debuff we are maintaining.</param> /// <param name="spellName">The name of the spell that applies the debuff.</param> /// <param name="minTimeToExpire">The minimum amount of time to allow on the debuff before renewing.</param> /// <returns>True if the debuff was renewed, otherwise fasle.</returns> private void maintainDebuff(string debuffName, string spellName, float minTimeToExpire) { if (!WoW.TargetHasDebuff(debuffName) || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining(debuffName) < minTimeToExpire) { castWithRangeCheck(spellName); } }
public override void Pulse() { if (WoW.TargetHealthPercent == 0) { return; } if (!WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { return; } WoW.CastSpell("Rebuke", WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible && WoW.TargetPercentCast > 60); WoW.CastSpell("ArdentDefender", WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 15); WoW.CastSpell("LayOnHands", WoW.CanCast("LayOnHands") && !WoW.PlayerHasDebuff("Forbearance") && WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 20 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ArdentDefender")); WoW.CastSpell("GuardianOfAncientKings", WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 50 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ArdentDefender")); if (!WoW.HasTarget) { return; } WoW.CastSpell("AvengingWrath", UseCooldowns, false); // Off the GCD no return needed. WoW.CastSpell("AvengersShield", true); WoW.CastSpell("EyeOfTyr", WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 100); WoW.CastSpell("Judgment", true); WoW.CastSpell("Consecration", true); WoW.CastSpell("LightOfTheProtector", WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Consecration") && WoW.PlayerHealthPercent < 70); WoW.CastSpell("BlessedHammer", WoW.Talent(1) == 2); WoW.CastSpell("BastionOfLight", WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShieldOfTheRighteous") == 0 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShieldOfTheRighteous")); WoW.CastSpell("ShieldOfTheRighteous", WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Consecration") && WoW.PlayerSpellCharges("ShieldOfTheRighteous") > 0 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("ShieldOfTheRighteous")); WoW.CastSpell("Seraphim", WoW.Talent(7) == 2); WoW.CastSpell("BlessedHammer", true); }
public override void Initialize() { Log.Write("Welcome to Enhancement Shaman by Jedix", Color.Green); Log.Write("Suggested build: 2212222 (HotHand+Overcharge+FoA)", Color.Green); Log.Write("If you got no set t19, use this rotation for most dps. Numpad * controls cooldowns on/off", Color.Green); WoW.Speak("PixelMagic Enhancement"); }
public override void Initialize() { Log.DrawHorizontalLine(); Log.WriteFrozen("Welcome to Frozen Protection", Color.Black); Log.Write("Supported Talents: 2212321"); Log.Write("Current Talents : " + WoW.Talent(1) + WoW.Talent(2) + WoW.Talent(3) + WoW.Talent(4) + WoW.Talent(5) + WoW.Talent(6) + WoW.Talent(7)); }
public override void Initialize() { Log.Write("Demonology Warlock", Color.Red); Log.Write("Suggested build: 2211232 - single target", Color.Red); Log.Write("Suggested build: 2311232 - AOE", Color.Red); WoW.Speak("Welcome to PixelMagic Demonology"); }
private void Defensive() { if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Dreanei" && WoW.HealthPercent < 80 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Gift Naaru")) { WoW.CastSpell("Gift Naaru"); } }
private void UsePotion() { if (!WoW.ItemOnCooldown("Prolonged Power")) { WoW.CastSpell("Prolonged Power"); return; } }
public void PulseTargetDebuffRemaining() { var remaining = WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining(this._name); if (_lastTargetDebuffRemaining - remaining == 1) { _endTargetDebuffRemaining = Environment.TickCount + 1000 * _lastTargetDebuffRemaining; } _lastTargetDebuffRemaining = remaining; }
public void PulseSpellCooldownRemaining() { var remaining = WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining(this._name); if (_lastSpellCooldownRemaining - remaining == 1) { _endSpellCooldownRemaining = Environment.TickCount + 1000 * _lastSpellCooldownRemaining; } _lastSpellCooldownRemaining = remaining; }
public void PulsePlayerBuffRemaining() { var remaining = WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining(this._name); if (_lastPlayerBuffRemaining - remaining == 1) { _endPlayerBuffRemaining = Environment.TickCount + 1000 * _lastPlayerBuffRemaining; } _lastPlayerBuffRemaining = remaining; }
private bool MoveCheck() { if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff(LEG_BOOTS) || !WoW.IsMoving) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
private bool DotsUp() { if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN) && WoW.TargetHasDebuff(VAMPIRIC_TOUCH)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public override void Pulse() { if (jumpInterval.ElapsedMilliseconds < 5000 + random.Next(5000, 20000) || WoW.PlayerIsCasting || WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { return; } Log.Write("Jumping is so much fun...", Color.Aqua); WoW.KeyPressRelease(Keys.Space); jumpInterval.Restart(); }
private void Stuns() { if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Tauren" && !WoW.IsMoving && WoW.CanCast("War Stomp") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("War Stomp")) { WoW.CastSpell("War Stomp"); return; } } }
private void DBMPrePull() { if (dbmOn && dbmTimer <= 18 && dbmTimer > 0 && WoW.HasTarget) { if (!WoW.ItemOnCooldown("Prolonged Power")) { WoW.CastSpell("Prolonged Power"); return; } } }
private void EnhancementBuffs() { //actions +=/ windstrike,if= (variable.heartEquipped | set_bonus.tier19_2pc) & (!talent.earthen_spike.enabled | (cooldown.earthen_spike.remains > 1 & cooldown.doom_winds.remains > 1) | debuff.earthen_spike.up) if (WoW.CanCast("Windstrike", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 8 && (/*heart equip place holder*/ WoW.SetBonus(19) >= 2) && (WoW.Talent(7) != 3 || (WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Earthen spike") > 1 && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom winds") > 1 || WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Earthen spike")))) { WoW.CastSpell("Windstrike", "Top prioity spell"); return; } //actions.buffs = rockbiter,if= talent.landslide.enabled & !buff.landslide.up if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true) && WoW.Talent(1) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Landslide")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ fury_of_air,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) | level < 100 if (WoW.CanCast("FoA") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 5 && WoW.Talent(6) == 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("FoA") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && Pets.IsRunning)) { WoW.CastSpell("FoA", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ crash_lightning,if= artifact.alpha_wolf.rank & prev_gcd.1.feral_spirit if (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && Pets.IsRunning && !Crash.IsRunning) { Crash.Restart(); WoW.CastSpell("Crash lightning", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= !buff.flametongue.up if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Flametongue") && WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true)) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & !buff.frostbrand.up & variable.furyCheck45 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.Talent(4) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Frostbrand") && furyCheck45) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= buff.flametongue.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Flametongue") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & buff.frostbrand.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Frostbrand") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } }
private void SingleTargetRotation() { if (WoW.HasTarget && WoW.TargetIsEnemy && WoW.IsInCombat && WoW.TargetIsVisible && !WoW.IsMounted) { if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff(VOIDFORM_AURA) && WoW.Insanity >= 65 && !MoveCheck() && DotsUp()) { SpellCast(VOID_ERUPTION); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff(VOIDFORM_AURA)) { if (!MoveCheck() && VoidTorrentRadio2.Checked && DotsUp() && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID) && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(MIND_BLAST) && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(VOID_BOLT)) { SpellCast(VOID_TORRENT); } if (WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID) || DotsUp()) { SpellCast(VOID_BOLT); } } if (!MoveCheck() && DotsUp() && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID) && WoW.LastSpell != VOID_ERUPTION) { SpellCast(MIND_BLAST); } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges(SHADOW_WORD_DEATH) == 2 && (WoW.Insanity <= 80 || (WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(MIND_BLAST) && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(VOID_BOLT))) && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 20 && DotsUp()) { SpellCast(SHADOW_WORD_DEATH); } if (WoW.PlayerSpellCharges(SHADOW_WORD_DEATH) == 1 && WoW.Insanity <= txtSWD && WoW.TargetHealthPercent <= 20 && DotsUp()) { SpellCast(SHADOW_WORD_DEATH); } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff(VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining(VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) <= 400) && !MoveCheck() && WoW.LastSpell != VAMPIRIC_TOUCH && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID)) //Messy workaround to fix the double VT-Cast, since addon/BLizz API is returning weird values { SpellCast(VAMPIRIC_TOUCH); } if ((!WoW.TargetHasDebuff(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN) || WoW.TargetDebuffTimeRemaining(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN) <= 300) && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID)) { SpellCast(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN); } if (WoW.TargetHasDebuff(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN) && WoW.TargetHasDebuff(VAMPIRIC_TOUCH) && !MoveCheck() && WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(MIND_BLAST) && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(T19_VOID) && WoW.LastSpell != VOID_ERUPTION) { SpellCast(MIND_FLAY); } } }
//-Pulse--------------------// public override void Pulse() { if (DetectKeyPress.GetKeyState(0x76) < 0) { UseCooldowns = !UseCooldowns; Thread.Sleep(150); } if (WoW.IsInCombat) { interruptwatch.Start(); } else { return; } if (combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.SingleTarget && combatRoutine.Type != RotationType.AOE) { return; } if (!WoW.HasTarget || !WoW.TargetIsEnemy) { return; } if (WoW.HealthPercent < txtPWS && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff(POWER_WORD_SHIELD) && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(POWER_WORD_SHIELD)) { Log.Write("Health below " + txtPWS + "% - Using PWS now", Color.Red); SpellCast(POWER_WORD_SHIELD); return; } if (SilenceBox.Checked && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible && interruptwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 900) { if (!WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown(SILENCE)) { SpellCast(SILENCE); interruptwatch.Reset(); interruptwatch.Start(); return; } } if (!(WoW.PlayerHasBuff(SHADOWFORM_AURA) || WoW.PlayerHasBuff(VOIDFORM_AURA))) { SpellCast(SHADOWFORM); } CooldownUsage(); SingleTargetRotation(); }
private void cmdRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WoW.KeyPressRelease(WoW.Keys.D0); Thread.Sleep(400); Log.Clear(); // Row 1 Pixel Testing Log.Write("Player Health: " + WoW.HealthPercent); Log.Write("Player Level: " + WoW.Level); Log.Write("Player Power: " + WoW.Power); Log.Write("Target Health: " + WoW.TargetHealthPercent); Log.Write("Unit In Combat: " + WoW.IsInCombat); Log.Write("Unit Power: " + WoW.UnitPower); Log.Write("Target Is Friend: " + WoW.TargetIsFriend); Log.Write("Has Target: " + WoW.HasTarget); Log.Write("Player Is Casting: " + WoW.PlayerIsCasting); Log.Write("Target Is Casting: " + WoW.TargetIsCasting); Log.Write("Player Haste Percent: " + WoW.HastePercent); Log.Write("Target Visible: " + WoW.TargetIsVisible); Log.Write("Pet Out: " + WoW.HasPet); Log.Write("Pet Health: " + WoW.PetHealthPercent); Log.Write("Wild Imps Count: " + WoW.WildImpsCount); Log.Write("Dreadstalkers Count: " + WoW.DreadstalkersCount); // Row 2 Pixel Testing Log.Write("Is Moving: " + WoW.IsMoving); Log.Write("Auto Attacking: " + WoW.AutoAtacking); Log.Write("Target Is Player: " + WoW.TargetIsPlayer); Log.Write("Flag: " + WoW.Flag); Log.Write("Last Casted Id: " + WoW.LastSpellCastedID); Log.Write("Target Casting Id: " + WoW.TargetCastingSpellID); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { Log.Write($"Talent {i} : " + WoW.Talent(i)); } Log.Write($"Race : " + WoW.PlayerRace + " Spec : " + WoW.PlayerSpec); for (int i = 19; i < 21; i++) { Log.Write($"SetBonus T{i}: " + WoW.SetBonus(i)); } for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) { Log.Write($"Legendary {i}: " + WoW.Legendary(i)); } while (WoW.TargetCastingSpellID != 0) { Log.Write("Target % Cast: " + WoW.TargetPercentCast); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
/// <summary> /// Cast a spell by name. Will check range, cooldown, and visibility. After the spell is cast, the thread will sleep /// for GCD. /// </summary> /// <param name="spellName">The name of the spell in the spell databse.</param> /// <param name="ignoreMovement">Can we cast while moving.</param> /// <param name="ignoreChanneling"></param> /// <returns>True if the spell was cast, false if it was not.</returns> private bool castWithRangeCheck(string spellName, bool ignoreMovement = false, bool ignoreChanneling = true) { //Can't do range check. if (!isPlayerBusy(ignoreMovement, ignoreChanneling) && WoW.CanCast(spellName)) { WoW.CastSpell(spellName); if (WoW.IsSpellOnGCD(spellName)) { Thread.Sleep(WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining(spellName)); } return(true); } return(false); }
private void DPSRacial() { if (!WoW.PlayerIsCasting) { if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll" && WoW.CanCast("Berserking") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserking")) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserking"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Orc" && WoW.CanCast("Blood Fury") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Blood Fury")) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Fury"); return; } } }
public void useCDDef() { if (CanCastNoRange("Anti-Magic Shell") && WoW.HealthPercent < 70 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Anti-Magic Shell") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Anti-Magic Shell"); return; } if (CanCastNoRange("Icebound Fortitude") && WoW.HealthPercent < 40 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Icebound Fortitude") && WoW.Level >= 65) { WoW.CastSpell("Icebound Fortitude"); return; } if (CanCastNoRange("Vampiric Blood") && WoW.HealthPercent < 50 && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Vampiric Blood") && WoW.Level >= 57) { WoW.CastSpell("Vampiric Blood"); } }
private void EnhancementBuffs() { //actions.buffs = rockbiter,if= talent.landslide.enabled & !buff.landslide.up if (WoW.CanCast("Rockbiter", true, true, true) && WoW.Talent(1) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Landslide")) { WoW.CastSpell("Rockbiter", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ fury_of_air,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) | level < 100 if (WoW.CanCast("FoA") && WoW.Talent(6) == 2 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("FoA") && (WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance") && Pets.IsRunning)) { WoW.CastSpell("FoA", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ crash_lightning,if= artifact.alpha_wolf.rank & prev_gcd.1.feral_spirit if (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && Pets.IsRunning && !Crash.IsRunning) { Crash.Restart(); WoW.CastSpell("Crash lightning", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= !buff.flametongue.up if (!WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Flametongue") && WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true)) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & !buff.frostbrand.up & variable.furyCheck45 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.Talent(4) == 3 && !WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Frostbrand") && furyCheck45) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ flametongue,if= buff.flametongue.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Flametongue", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Flametongue") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Flametongue", "Buff spell"); return; } //actions.buffs +=/ frostbrand,if= talent.hailstorm.enabled & buff.frostbrand.remains < 6 + gcd & cooldown.doom_winds.remains < gcd * 2 if (WoW.CanCast("Frostbrand", true, true, true) && WoW.PlayerBuffTimeRemaining("Frostbrand") < 600 + GCD && WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Doom Winds") < GCD * 2) { WoW.CastSpell("Frostbrand", "Buff spell"); return; } }
private void interruptcast() { Random random = new Random(); int randomNumber = random.Next(60, 80); if (WoW.TargetPercentCast > randomNumber && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible) { if (WoW.PlayerRace == "BloodElf" && WoW.CanCast("Arcane Torrent", true, true, false, false, true) && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Wind Shear") && WoW.TargetIsCastingAndSpellIsInterruptible) //interupt every spell, not a boss. { WoW.CastSpell("Arcane Torrent"); return; } if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Pandaren" && WoW.CanCast("Quaking palm", true, true, true, false, true)) //interupt every spell, not a boss. { WoW.CastSpell("Quaking palm"); return; } } }
private void SpellCast(string spellName) { if (WoW.PlayerIsCasting || (WoW.LastSpell == VOID_TORRENT && WoW.PlayerIsChanneling)) { return; } if (spellName == MIND_FLAY && WoW.LastSpell == MIND_FLAY && WoW.PlayerIsChanneling) { return; } if (WoW.CanCast(spellName) && WoW.IsSpellInRange(SHADOW_WORD_PAIN)) { WoW.CastSpell(spellName); if (WoW.IsSpellOnGCD(spellName)) { Thread.Sleep(WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining(spellName)); } } }
public override void Pulse() { resetStopwatch(); if (!WoW.CooldownsOn) { if (shouldUseTrinketOneAlways || shouldUseTrinketOneCd) { if (!trinketOne.IsRunning) { WoW.CastSpell("TrinketOne"); trinketOne.Start(); } } if (shouldUseTrinketTwoAlways || shouldUseTrinketTwoCd) { if (!trinketTwo.IsRunning) { WoW.CastSpell("TrinketTwo"); trinketTwo.Start(); } } } else { if (shouldUseTrinketOneAlways) { if (!trinketOne.IsRunning) { WoW.CastSpell("TrinketOne"); trinketOne.Start(); } } if (shouldUseTrinketTwoAlways) { if (!trinketTwo.IsRunning) { WoW.CastSpell("TrinketTwo"); trinketTwo.Start(); } } } }
public void EnhancementCD() { if (UseCooldowns) { //actions.CDs = bloodlust,if= < 25 | time > 0.500 //actions.CDs +=/ berserking,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Troll" && WoW.CanCast("Berserking") && !WoW.IsSpellOnCooldown("Berserking") && ((WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) || Pets.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)) { WoW.CastSpell("Berserking"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ blood_fury,if= buff.ascendance.up | (feral_spirit.remains > 5) | level < 100 if (WoW.PlayerRace == "Orc" && WoW.CanCast("Blood Fury") && ((WoW.Talent(7) != 1 || WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Ascendance")) || Pets.ElapsedMilliseconds < 10000)) { WoW.CastSpell("Blood Fury"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ feral_spirit if (WoW.CanCast("Feral Spirit", true, true, false, false, true) && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && WoW.Maelstrom >= 20 && (WoW.CanCast("Crash lightning", true, true, false, false, true) || WoW.SpellCooldownTimeRemaining("Crash lightning") < GCD)) //feral spirit on boss - normally cast manually { Pets.Start(); WoW.CastSpell("Feral Spirit"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ potion,if= buff.ascendance.up | !talent.ascendance.enabled & feral_spirit.remains > 5 | target.time_to_die <= 60 //actions.CDs +=/ doom_winds,if= debuff.earthen_spike.up & talent.earthen_spike.enabled | !talent.earthen_spike.enabled if (WoW.CanCast("Doom Winds") && WoW.IsSpellInRange("Rockbiter") && (WoW.Talent(7) == 3 && WoW.TargetHasDebuff("Earthen spike") || WoW.Talent(7) != 3)) { WoW.CastSpell("Doom Winds"); return; } //actions.CDs +=/ ascendance,if= buff.doom_winds.up if (WoW.CanCast("Ascendance") && WoW.PlayerHasBuff("Doom Winds")) { WoW.CastSpell("Ascendance"); return; } } }
public static void AddGameObjectSpawn(WoW.GameObject gameobject) { var gameobjectspawn = new Custom.gameobject_spawn() { guid = gameobject.Guid.Full, map = (ushort?)gameobject.MapID, clientbuild = gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount, phasemask = (ushort?)gameobject.PhaseMask, position_x = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x100.X, position_y = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x100.Y, position_z = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x100.Z, orientation = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x100_2.O, rotation0 = gameobject.MovementInfo.GameObjectRotation.X, rotation1 = gameobject.MovementInfo.GameObjectRotation.Y, rotation2 = gameobject.MovementInfo.GameObjectRotation.Z, rotation3 = gameobject.MovementInfo.GameObjectRotation.W, state = 1, }; if (gameobject.MovementInfo.UpdateFlags.HasFlag(MaximusParserX.OBJECT_UPDATE_FLAGS.UPDATEFLAG_TRANSPORT)) { gameobjectspawn.position_x = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x40.X; gameobjectspawn.position_y = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x40.Y; gameobjectspawn.position_z = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x40.Z; gameobjectspawn.orientation = gameobject.MovementInfo.PositionInfo_0x40.O; } var key = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}_{6}", gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount, gameobject.Guid.Full, gameobjectspawn.position_x, gameobjectspawn.position_y, gameobjectspawn.position_z, gameobjectspawn.orientation, gameobjectspawn.phasemask); if (gameobjectspawn.position_x == 0 && gameobjectspawn.position_y == 0 && gameobjectspawn.position_z == 0) { } else { if (!GameObjectSpawnList.ContainsKey(key)) { var shouldcommit = true; foreach (var updatefield in gameobject.UpdateFields) { var updatefieldname = MaximusParserX.Parsing.ParsingHandler.GetGameObjectUpdateFieldName(updatefield.Key, (ClientBuild)gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount); switch (updatefieldname) { case "OBJECT_FIELD_CREATED_BY": { shouldcommit = false; break; } case "OBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY": { gameobjectspawn.entry = (uint?)updatefield.Value.Int32Value; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_ANIMPROGRESS": { gameobjectspawn.animprogress = (byte?)updatefield.Value.Int32Value; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_STATE": { gameobjectspawn.state = (byte?)updatefield.Value.Int32Value; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION": { if (gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount >= 9183 && gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount <= 9551) { var low = (uint)gameobject.UpdateFields[updatefield.Key].Int32Value; var high = (uint)0; if (gameobject.UpdateFields.ContainsKey(updatefield.Key + 1)) high = (uint)gameobject.UpdateFields[updatefield.Key + 1].Int32Value; long packed = (long)((ulong)high << 32 | low); var x = (packed >> 42) * (1.0f / 2097152.0f); var y = (((packed << 22) >> 32) >> 11) * (1.0f / 1048576.0f); var z = (packed << 43 >> 43) * (1.0f / 1048576.0f); var w = x * x + y * y + z * z; if (Math.Abs(w - 1.0f) >= (1 / 1048576.0f)) w = (float)Math.Sqrt(1.0f - w); else w = 0.0f; var t = new Quaternion(x, y, z, w); gameobjectspawn.rotation0 = x; gameobjectspawn.rotation1 = y; gameobjectspawn.rotation2 = z; gameobjectspawn.rotation3 = w; } else if (gameobject.Core.ClientBuildAmount <= 8125) { gameobjectspawn.rotation0 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; } break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION_1": { gameobjectspawn.rotation1 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION_2": { gameobjectspawn.rotation2 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_ROTATION_3": { gameobjectspawn.rotation3 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_PARENTROTATION": { gameobjectspawn.parentrotation0 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_PARENTROTATION_1": { gameobjectspawn.parentrotation1 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_PARENTROTATION_2": { gameobjectspawn.parentrotation2 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } case "GAMEOBJECT_PARENTROTATION_3": { gameobjectspawn.parentrotation3 = updatefield.Value.FloatValue; break; } } if (gameobjectspawn.animprogress == 100) { gameobjectspawn.parentrotation0 = null; gameobjectspawn.parentrotation1 = null; gameobjectspawn.parentrotation2 = null; gameobjectspawn.parentrotation3 = null; } if (!shouldcommit) break; } if (shouldcommit) GameObjectSpawnList.Add(key, gameobjectspawn); } } }
// /!\ WARNING /!\ // The OnPull function should NOT be blocking function ! // The bot will handle calling it in loop until the combat is over. // Blocking function may lead to slow behavior. public override void OnPull(WoW.Classes.ObjectManager.WowUnit unit) { }