Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively loops through a directory, changing an attribute on all of the underlying files.
        /// An example is to add/remove the ReadOnly flag from each file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The directory path to start deleting from.</param>
        /// <param name="fileAttribute">The FileAttribute to change on each file.</param>
        /// <param name="messageHandler">The message handler.</param>
        /// <param name="markAttribute">If true, add the attribute to each file. If false, remove it.</param>
        private static void RecursiveFileAttributes(string path, FileAttributes fileAttribute, bool markAttribute, IMessageHandler messageHandler)
            foreach (string subDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
                RecursiveFileAttributes(subDirectory, fileAttribute, markAttribute, messageHandler);

            foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(path))
                FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(filePath);
                if (markAttribute)
                    attributes = attributes | fileAttribute;            // add to list of attributes
                else if (fileAttribute == (attributes & fileAttribute)) // if attribute set
                    attributes = attributes ^ fileAttribute;            // remove from list of attributes

                    File.SetAttributes(filePath, attributes);
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    messageHandler.OnMessage(WixWarnings.AccessDeniedForSettingAttributes(null, filePath));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the FileShare table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileFileShareTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                Util.FileShare fileShare = new Util.FileShare();

                fileShare.Id = (string)row[0];

                fileShare.Name = (string)row[1];

                if (null != row[3])
                    fileShare.Description = (string)row[3];

                // the Directory_ column is set by the parent Component

                // the User_ and Permissions columns are deprecated

                Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[2]);
                if (null != component)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[2], "Component"));
                this.Core.IndexElement(row, fileShare);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the AddinRegistration table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileAddinRegistrationTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                var file = (WixSerialize.File)Core.GetIndexedElement("File", (string)row[1]);

                var item = new AddinRegistration
                    ProgId                = row[0].ToString(),
                    FriendlyName          = row[2].ToString(),
                    Description           = row[3].ToString(),
                    VisioEditionAttribute = int.Parse(row[4].ToString()),
                    CommandLineSafe       = int.Parse(row[5].ToString()),
                    LoadBehavior          = int.Parse(row[6].ToString()),
                    Type = int.Parse(row[7].ToString())

                if (null != file)
                    Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File_", (string)row[1], "File"));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the WixHttpUrlAce table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileWixHttpUrlAceTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                Http.UrlAce urlace = new Http.UrlAce();
                urlace.Id = (string)row[0];
                urlace.SecurityPrincipal = (string)row[2];
                switch (Convert.ToInt32(row[3]))
                case HttpConstants.GENERIC_ALL:
                    urlace.Rights = Http.UrlAce.RightsType.all;

                case HttpConstants.GENERIC_EXECUTE:
                    urlace.Rights = Http.UrlAce.RightsType.register;

                case HttpConstants.GENERIC_WRITE:
                    urlace.Rights = Http.UrlAce.RightsType.@delegate;

                string reservationId = (string)row[1];
                Http.UrlReservation urlReservation = (Http.UrlReservation) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("WixHttpUrlReservation", reservationId);
                if (null != urlReservation)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, urlace.Id, "WixHttpUrlReservation_", reservationId, "WixHttpUrlReservation"));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the HelpNamespace table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileHelpNamespaceTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                VS.HelpCollection helpCollection = new VS.HelpCollection();

                helpCollection.Id = (string)row[0];

                helpCollection.Name = (string)row[1];

                if (null != row[3])
                    helpCollection.Description = (string)row[3];

                if (this.Core.RootElement is Wix.Module)
                    helpCollection.SuppressCustomActions = VS.YesNoType.yes;

                Wix.File file = (Wix.File) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", (string)row[2]);
                if (null != file)
                else if (0 != String.Compare(helpCollection.Id, "MS_VSIPCC_v80", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                         0 != String.Compare(helpCollection.Id, "MS.VSIPCC.v90", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File_Collection", (string)row[2], "File"));
                this.Core.IndexElement(row, helpCollection);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the HelpPlugin table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileHelpPluginTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                VS.PlugCollectionInto plugCollectionInto = new VS.PlugCollectionInto();

                plugCollectionInto.TargetCollection = (string)row[1];

                if (null != row[2])
                    plugCollectionInto.TableOfContents = (string)row[2];

                if (null != row[3])
                    plugCollectionInto.Attributes = (string)row[3];

                if (null != row[4])
                    plugCollectionInto.TargetTableOfContents = (string)row[4];

                VS.HelpCollection helpCollection = (VS.HelpCollection) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("HelpNamespace", (string)row[0]);
                if (null != helpCollection)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "HelpNamespace_", (string)row[0], "HelpNamespace"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        internal static string GetAttributeIdentifierValue(SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers, XAttribute attribute, Action <MessageEventArgs> messageHandler)
            string value = Common.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attribute, EmptyRule.CanBeWhitespaceOnly, messageHandler);

            if (Common.IsIdentifier(value))
                if (72 < value.Length && null != messageHandler)
                    messageHandler(WixWarnings.IdentifierTooLong(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName, value));

                if (value.StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) && value.EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal) && null != messageHandler)
                    messageHandler(WixErrors.IllegalIdentifierLooksLikeFormatted(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName, value));
                else if (null != messageHandler)
                    messageHandler(WixErrors.IllegalIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attribute.Parent.Name.LocalName, attribute.Name.LocalName, value));

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the MessageQueueGroupPermission table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileMessageQueueGroupPermissionTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                Msmq.MessageQueuePermission queuePermission = new Msmq.MessageQueuePermission();

                queuePermission.Id = (string)row[0];

                if (null != row[2])
                    queuePermission.MessageQueue = (string)row[2];

                queuePermission.Group = (string)row[3];

                DecompileMessageQueuePermissionAttributes(row, queuePermission);

                Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[1]);
                if (null != component)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[1], "Component"));
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void ResolveBundleInstallScope(WixBundleRow bundleInfo, IEnumerable <PackageFacade> facades)
            foreach (PackageFacade facade in facades)
                if (bundleInfo.PerMachine && YesNoDefaultType.No == facade.Package.PerMachine)
                    Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixVerboses.SwitchingToPerUserPackage(facade.Package.SourceLineNumbers, facade.Package.WixChainItemId));

                    bundleInfo.PerMachine = false;

            foreach (PackageFacade facade in facades)
                // Update package scope from bundle scope if default.
                if (YesNoDefaultType.Default == facade.Package.PerMachine)
                    facade.Package.PerMachine = bundleInfo.PerMachine ? YesNoDefaultType.Yes : YesNoDefaultType.No;

                // We will only register packages in the same scope as the bundle. Warn if any packages with providers
                // are in a different scope and not permanent (permanents typically don't need a ref-count).
                if (!bundleInfo.PerMachine && YesNoDefaultType.Yes == facade.Package.PerMachine && !facade.Package.Permanent && 0 < facade.Provides.Count)
                    Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixWarnings.NoPerMachineDependencies(facade.Package.SourceLineNumbers, facade.Package.WixChainItemId));
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a valid identifier as needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identifier">Identifier to verify.</param>
        /// <param name="table">table from which identifier came from.</param>
        /// <returns>Valid identifier</returns>
        public string GetValidIdentifier(string identifier, string table)
            string generatedName = identifier;

            if (!DecompilerCore.LegalIdentifierFirstCharacter.IsMatch(generatedName))
                generatedName = String.Concat("_", generatedName);

            if (72 < generatedName.Length)
                generatedName = generatedName.Substring(0, 72);

            if (!DecompilerCore.LegalIdentifierCharacters.IsMatch(generatedName))
                char[] badName = generatedName.ToCharArray();
                foreach (char test in badName)
                    if (!DecompilerCore.LegalIdentifierNonFirstCharacter.IsMatch(test.ToString()))
                        generatedName = generatedName.Replace(test.ToString(), "_");

            if (generatedName != identifier)
                this.OnMessage(WixWarnings.GeneratingIdentifier(null, WarningLevel.Major, identifier, table, generatedName));

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
                // parse the command line

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError)

                if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.inputFile) ^ String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.outputFile)))
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)

                if (this.showHelp)

                foreach (string parameter in this.invalidArgs)
                this.invalidArgs = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.inputFile))
            catch (WixException we)
            catch (Exception e)
                Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)

Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Finalize the Perfmon table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tables">The collection of all tables.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Since the PerfCounter element nests under a File element, but
        /// the Perfmon table does not have a foreign key relationship with
        /// the File table (instead it has a formatted string that usually
        /// refers to a file row - but doesn't have to), the nesting must
        /// be inferred during finalization.
        /// </remarks>
        private void FinalizePerfmonTable(TableCollection tables)
            Table perfmonTable = tables["Perfmon"];

            if (null != perfmonTable)
                foreach (Row row in perfmonTable.Rows)
                    string           formattedFile = (string)row[1];
                    Util.PerfCounter perfCounter   = (Util.PerfCounter) this.Core.GetIndexedElement(row);

                    // try to "de-format" the File column's value to determine the proper parent File element
                    if ((formattedFile.StartsWith("[#") || formattedFile.StartsWith("[!")) && formattedFile.EndsWith("]"))
                        string fileId = formattedFile.Substring(2, formattedFile.Length - 3);

                        Wix.File file = (Wix.File) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", fileId);
                        if (null != file)
                            this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, perfmonTable.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File", formattedFile, "File"));
                        // TODO: warn about this being undecompilable because its not well-formed
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void WriteBurnManifestContainerAttributes(XmlTextWriter writer, string executableName, WixBundleContainerRow container)
            writer.WriteAttributeString("Id", container.Id);
            writer.WriteAttributeString("FileSize", container.Size.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            writer.WriteAttributeString("Hash", container.Hash);

            if (ContainerType.Detached == container.Type)
                string resolvedUrl = this.ResolveUrl(container.DownloadUrl, null, null, container.Id, container.Name);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(resolvedUrl))
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("DownloadUrl", resolvedUrl);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(container.DownloadUrl))
                    writer.WriteAttributeString("DownloadUrl", container.DownloadUrl);

                writer.WriteAttributeString("FilePath", container.Name);
            else if (ContainerType.Attached == container.Type)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(container.DownloadUrl))
                    Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixWarnings.DownloadUrlNotSupportedForAttachedContainers(container.SourceLineNumbers, container.Id));

                writer.WriteAttributeString("FilePath", executableName); // attached containers use the name of the bundle since they are attached to the executable.
                writer.WriteAttributeString("AttachedIndex", container.AttachedContainerIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                writer.WriteAttributeString("Attached", "yes");
                writer.WriteAttributeString("Primary", "yes");
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the HelpNamespace table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileHelpNamespaceTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                VS.HelpCollection helpCollection = new VS.HelpCollection();

                helpCollection.Id = (string)row[0];

                helpCollection.Name = (string)row[1];

                if (null != row[3])
                    helpCollection.Description = (string)row[3];

                Wix.File file = (Wix.File) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", (string)row[2]);
                if (null != file)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File_Collection", (string)row[2], "File"));
                this.Core.IndexElement(row, helpCollection);
        /// <summary>
        /// Set an MsiAssemblyName row.  If it was directly authored, override the value, otherwise
        /// create a new row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyNameTable">MsiAssemblyName table.</param>
        /// <param name="file">FileFacade containing the assembly read for the MsiAssemblyName row.</param>
        /// <param name="name">MsiAssemblyName name.</param>
        /// <param name="value">MsiAssemblyName value.</param>
        private void SetMsiAssemblyName(Table assemblyNameTable, FileFacade file, string name, string value)
            // check for null value (this can occur when grabbing the file version from an assembly without one)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixWarnings.NullMsiAssemblyNameValue(file.File.SourceLineNumbers, file.File.Component, name));
                Row assemblyNameRow = null;

                // override directly authored value
                foreach (Row row in assemblyNameTable.Rows)
                    if ((string)row[0] == file.File.Component && (string)row[1] == name)
                        assemblyNameRow = row;

                // if the assembly will be GAC'd and the name in the file table doesn't match the name in the MsiAssemblyName table, error because the install will fail.
                if ("name" == name && FileAssemblyType.DotNetAssembly == file.WixFile.AssemblyType &&
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(file.WixFile.AssemblyApplication) &&
                    !String.Equals(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.File.LongFileName), value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixErrors.GACAssemblyIdentityWarning(file.File.SourceLineNumbers, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.File.LongFileName), value));

                if (null == assemblyNameRow)
                    assemblyNameRow    = assemblyNameTable.CreateRow(file.File.SourceLineNumbers);
                    assemblyNameRow[0] = file.File.Component;
                    assemblyNameRow[1] = name;
                    assemblyNameRow[2] = value;

                    // put the MsiAssemblyName row in the same section as the related File row
                    assemblyNameRow.SectionId = file.File.SectionId;

                    if (null == file.AssemblyNames)
                        file.AssemblyNames = new List <Row>();

                    assemblyNameRow[2] = value;

                if (this.VariableCache != null)
                    string key = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "assembly{0}.{1}", name, BindDatabaseCommand.Demodularize(this.Output.Type, this.ModularizationGuid, file.File.File)).ToLowerInvariant();
                    this.VariableCache[key] = (string)assemblyNameRow[2];
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Logs a message from the <see cref="Validator"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">A <see cref="String"/> of tab-delmited tokens
        /// in the validation message.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The name of the action to which the message
        /// belongs.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The message cannot be null.
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="WixException">The message does not contain four (4)
        /// or more tab-delimited tokens.</exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para><paramref name="message"/> a tab-delimited set of tokens,
        /// formatted according to Windows Installer guidelines for ICE
        /// message. The following table lists what each token by index
        /// should mean.</para>
        /// <para><paramref name="action"/> a name that represents the ICE
        /// action that was executed (e.g. 'ICE08').</para>
        /// <list type="table">
        /// <listheader>
        ///     <term>Index</term>
        ///     <description>Description</description>
        /// </listheader>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>0</term>
        ///     <description>Name of the ICE.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>1</term>
        ///     <description>Message type. See the following list.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>2</term>
        ///     <description>Detailed description.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>3</term>
        ///     <description>Help URL or location.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>4</term>
        ///     <description>Table name.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>5</term>
        ///     <description>Column name.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>6</term>
        ///     <description>This and remaining fields are primary keys
        ///     to identify a row.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// <para>The message types are one of the following value.</para>
        /// <list type="table">
        /// <listheader>
        ///     <term>Value</term>
        ///     <description>Message Type</description>
        /// </listheader>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>0</term>
        ///     <description>Failure message reporting the failure of the
        ///     ICE custom action.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>1</term>
        ///     <description>Error message reporting database authoring that
        ///     case incorrect behavior.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>2</term>
        ///     <description>Warning message reporting database authoring that
        ///     causes incorrect behavior in certain cases. Warnings can also
        ///     report unexpected side-effects of database authoring.
        ///     </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        ///     <term>3</term>
        ///     <description>Informational message.</description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual void Log(string message, string action)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");

            string[] messageParts = message.Split('\t');
            if (3 > messageParts.Length)
                if (null == action)
                    throw new WixException(WixErrors.UnexpectedExternalUIMessage(message));
                    throw new WixException(WixErrors.UnexpectedExternalUIMessage(message, action));

            SourceLineNumberCollection messageSourceLineNumbers = null;

            if (6 < messageParts.Length)
                string[] primaryKeys = new string[messageParts.Length - 6];

                Array.Copy(messageParts, 6, primaryKeys, 0, primaryKeys.Length);

                messageSourceLineNumbers = this.GetSourceLineNumbers(messageParts[4], primaryKeys);
            else // use the file name as the source line information
                messageSourceLineNumbers = this.sourceLineNumbers;

            switch (messageParts[1])
            case "0":
            case "1":
                this.OnMessage(WixErrors.ValidationError(messageSourceLineNumbers, messageParts[0], messageParts[2]));

            case "2":
                this.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ValidationWarning(messageSourceLineNumbers, messageParts[0], messageParts[2]));

            case "3":
                this.OnMessage(WixVerboses.ValidationInfo(messageParts[0], messageParts[2]));

                throw new WixException(WixErrors.InvalidValidatorMessageType(messageParts[1]));
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the entry section and loads the symbols from an array of intermediates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allowIdenticalRows">Flag specifying whether identical rows are allowed or not.</param>
        /// <param name="messageHandler">Message handler object to route all errors through.</param>
        /// <param name="entrySection">Located entry section.</param>
        /// <param name="allSymbols">Collection of symbols loaded.</param>
        internal void FindEntrySectionAndLoadSymbols(
            bool allowIdenticalRows,
            IMessageHandler messageHandler,
            out Section entrySection,
            out SymbolCollection allSymbols)
            entrySection = null;
            allSymbols   = new SymbolCollection();

            foreach (Section section in this.collection)
                if (SectionType.Product == section.Type || SectionType.Module == section.Type || SectionType.PatchCreation == section.Type || SectionType.Patch == section.Type)
                    if (null == entrySection)
                        entrySection = section;
                        messageHandler.OnMessage(WixErrors.MultipleEntrySections(entrySection.SourceLineNumbers, entrySection.Id, section.Id));

                foreach (Symbol symbol in section.GetSymbols(messageHandler))
                        Symbol existingSymbol = allSymbols[symbol.Name];
                        if (null == existingSymbol)
                        else if (allowIdenticalRows && existingSymbol.Row.IsIdentical(symbol.Row))
                            messageHandler.OnMessage(WixWarnings.IdenticalRowWarning(symbol.Row.SourceLineNumbers, existingSymbol.Name));
                    catch (DuplicateSymbolsException)
                        // if there is already a duplicate symbol, just
                        // another to the list, don't bother trying to
                        // see if there are any identical symbols
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompiles the WixDependencyRef table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileWixDependencyRefTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                RequiresRef requiresRef = new RequiresRef();

                requiresRef.Id = (string)row[1];

                Provides provides = (Provides)this.Core.GetIndexedElement("WixDependencyProvider", (string)row[0]);
                if (null != provides)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "WixDependencyProvider_", (string)row[0], "WixDependencyProvider"));

                // Get the cached keys for the provider and dependency IDs and generate registry rows.
                string providesKey = null;
                string requiresKey = null;

                if (null != provides && this.keyCache.ContainsKey(provides.Id))
                    providesKey = this.keyCache[provides.Id];
                    this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyWarnings.ProvidesKeyNotFound(row.SourceLineNumbers, provides.Id));

                if (this.keyCache.ContainsKey(requiresRef.Id))
                    requiresKey = this.keyCache[requiresRef.Id];
                    this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyWarnings.RequiresKeyNotFound(row.SourceLineNumbers, requiresRef.Id));

                if (!this.Core.EncounteredError)
                    // Add the dependency-specific registry keys to be removed during finalization.
                    // Only remove specific keys that the compiler writes.
                    string keyRequires = String.Format(@"{0}{1}\{2}\{3}", DependencyCommon.RegistryRoot, requiresKey, DependencyCommon.RegistryDependents, providesKey);

                    this.registryValues.Add(keyRequires, "*");
                    this.registryValues.Add(keyRequires, "MinVersion");
                    this.registryValues.Add(keyRequires, "MaxVersion");
                    this.registryValues.Add(keyRequires, "Attributes");
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the source line information (if available) for a row by its table name and primary key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">The table name of the row.</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeys">The primary keys of the row.</param>
        /// <returns>The source line number information if found; null otherwise.</returns>
        protected SourceLineNumberCollection GetSourceLineNumbers(string tableName, string[] primaryKeys)
            // source line information only exists if an output file was supplied
            if (null != this.output)
                // index the source line information if it hasn't been indexed already
                if (null == this.indexedSourceLineNumbers)
                    this.indexedSourceLineNumbers = new Hashtable();

                    // index each real table
                    foreach (Table table in this.output.Tables)
                        // skip unreal tables
                        if (table.Definition.IsUnreal)

                        // index each row
                        foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                            // skip rows that don't contain source line information
                            if (null == row.SourceLineNumbers)

                            // index the row using its table name and primary key
                            string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey(';');
                            if (null != primaryKey)
                                string key = String.Concat(table.Name, ":", primaryKey);

                                if (this.indexedSourceLineNumbers.ContainsKey(key))
                                    this.OnMessage(WixWarnings.DuplicatePrimaryKey(row.SourceLineNumbers, primaryKey, table.Name));
                                    this.indexedSourceLineNumbers.Add(key, row.SourceLineNumbers);

                return((SourceLineNumberCollection)this.indexedSourceLineNumbers[String.Concat(tableName, ":", String.Join(";", primaryKeys))]);

            // use the file name as the source line information
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Mutate a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentElement">The parent of the element to mutate.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file to mutate.</param>
        protected void MutateFile(Wix.IParentElement parentElement, Wix.File file)
            if (null == file.Source)

            string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.Source);
            string fileSource    = this.Core.ResolveFilePath(file.Source);

            if (String.Equals(".dll", fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                String.Equals(".ocx", fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))                 // ActiveX
                mutateDllComServer(parentElement, fileSource);
            else if (String.Equals(".exe", fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                mutateExeComServer(parentElement, fileSource);
            else if (string.Equals(".plb", fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                     string.Equals(".tlb", fileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // try the type library harvester
                    ATLTypeLibraryHarvester atlTypeLibHarvester = new ATLTypeLibraryHarvester();

                    Wix.RegistryValue[] registryValues = atlTypeLibHarvester.HarvestRegistryValues(fileSource);

                    foreach (Wix.RegistryValue registryValue in registryValues)
                catch (COMException ce)
                    //  0x8002801C (TYPE_E_REGISTRYACCESS)
                    // If we don't have permission to harvest typelibs, it's likely because we're on
                    // Vista or higher and aren't an Admin, or don't have the appropriate QFE installed.
                    if (!this.calledPerUserTLibReg && (0x8002801c == unchecked ((uint)ce.ErrorCode)))
                    else if (0x80029C4A == unchecked ((uint)ce.ErrorCode))                    // generic can't load type library
                        this.Core.OnMessage(UtilWarnings.TypeLibLoadFailed(fileSource, ce.Message));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the HelpFile table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileHelpFileTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                VS.HelpFile helpFile = new VS.HelpFile();

                helpFile.Id = (string)row[0];

                helpFile.Name = (string)row[1];

                if (null != row[2])
                    helpFile.Language = (int)row[2];

                if (null != row[4])
                    helpFile.Index = (string)row[4];

                if (null != row[5])
                    helpFile.Search = (string)row[5];

                if (null != row[6])
                    helpFile.AttributeIndex = (string)row[6];

                if (null != row[7])
                    helpFile.SampleLocation = (string)row[7];

                if (this.Core.RootElement is Wix.Module)
                    helpFile.SuppressCustomActions = VS.YesNoType.yes;

                Wix.File file = (Wix.File) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("File", (string)row[3]);
                if (null != file)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "File_HxS", (string)row[3], "File"));
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Does any housekeeping after Bind.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tidy">Whether or not any actual tidying should be done.</param>
 public void Cleanup(bool tidy)
     if (tidy)
         if (!this.DeleteTempFiles())
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a valid short filename as needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalName">The original file name.</param>
        /// <param name="table">table from which identifier came from.</param>
        /// <param name="id">Identifier for the file.</param>
        /// <param name="columnName">Column name of the file.</param>
        /// <returns>Valid identifier.</returns>
        public string GetValidShortName(string originalName, string table, string id, string columnName)
            string generatedName = originalName;

            if (0 < generatedName.Length && !DecompilerCore.LegalShortFilename.IsMatch(generatedName))
                generatedName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                generatedName = generatedName.Replace("-", "_");
                string generatedExt = generatedName.Substring(10, 3);
                generatedName = String.Concat(generatedName.Substring(0, 8), ".", generatedExt);
                this.OnMessage(WixWarnings.GeneratingShortName(null, WarningLevel.Major, originalName, generatedName, table, id, columnName));
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a cabinet using the wixcab.dll interop layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cabinetWorkItem">CabinetWorkItem containing information about the cabinet to create.</param>
        private void CreateCabinet(CabinetWorkItem cabinetWorkItem)

            int   maxCabinetSize = 0; // The value of 0 corresponds to default of 2GB which means no cabinet splitting
            ulong maxPreCompressedSizeInBytes = 0;

            if (MaximumCabinetSizeForLargeFileSplitting != 0)
                // User Specified Max Cab Size for File Splitting, So Check if this cabinet has a single file larger than MaximumUncompressedFileSize
                // If a file is larger than MaximumUncompressedFileSize, then the cabinet containing it will have only this file
                if (cabinetWorkItem.FileRows.Count == 1)
                    // Cabinet has Single File, Check if this is Large File than needs Splitting into Multiple cabs
                    // Get the Value for Max Uncompressed Media Size
                    maxPreCompressedSizeInBytes = (ulong)MaximumUncompressedMediaSize * 1024 * 1024;

                    foreach (FileRow fileRow in cabinetWorkItem.FileRows) // No other easy way than looping to get the only row
                        if ((ulong)fileRow.FileSize >= maxPreCompressedSizeInBytes)
                            // If file is larger than MaximumUncompressedFileSize set Maximum Cabinet Size for Cabinet Splitting
                            maxCabinetSize = MaximumCabinetSizeForLargeFileSplitting;

            // create the cabinet file
            string cabinetFileName  = Path.GetFileName(cabinetWorkItem.CabinetFile);
            string cabinetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(cabinetWorkItem.CabinetFile);

            using (WixCreateCab cab = new WixCreateCab(cabinetFileName, cabinetDirectory, cabinetWorkItem.FileRows.Count, maxCabinetSize, cabinetWorkItem.MaxThreshold, cabinetWorkItem.CompressionLevel))
                foreach (FileRow fileRow in cabinetWorkItem.FileRows)
                    bool retainRangeWarning = false;
                    // TODO: bring this line back when we find a better way to get the binder file manager here.
                    // cabinetWorkItem.BinderFileManager.ResolvePatch(fileRow, out retainRangeWarning);
                    if (retainRangeWarning)
                        // TODO: get patch family to add to warning message for PatchWiz parity.
                        Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixWarnings.RetainRangeMismatch(fileRow.SourceLineNumbers, fileRow.File));
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a row to the <paramref name="index"/> using the primary key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The indexed rows.</param>
        /// <param name="row">The row to index.</param>
        private void AddIndexedRow(IDictionary index, Row row)
            string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

            if (null != primaryKey)
                // Overriding WixActionRows have a primary key defined and take precedence in the index.
                if (row is WixActionRow)
                    WixActionRow currentRow = (WixActionRow)row;
                    if (index.Contains(primaryKey))
                        // If the current row is not overridable, see if the indexed row is.
                        if (!currentRow.Overridable)
                            WixActionRow indexedRow = index[primaryKey] as WixActionRow;
                            if (null != indexedRow && indexedRow.Overridable)
                                // The indexed key is overridable and should be replaced
                                // (not removed and re-added which results in two Array.Copy
                                // operations for SortedList, or may be re-hashing in other
                                // implementations of IDictionary).
                                index[primaryKey] = currentRow;

                        // If we got this far, the row does not need to be indexed.

                // Nothing else should be added more than once.
                if (!index.Contains(primaryKey))
                    index.Add(primaryKey, row);
                else if (this.showPedanticMessages)
                    this.OnMessage(WixWarnings.DuplicatePrimaryKey(row.SourceLineNumbers, primaryKey, row.Table.Name));
            else // use the string representation of the row as its primary key (it may not be unique)
                // this is provided for compatibility with unreal tables with no primary key
                // all real tables must specify at least one column as the primary key
                primaryKey        = row.ToString();
                index[primaryKey] = row;
        public void Execute()
            var optimizePatchSizeForLargeFiles = this.WixPatchId?.OptimizePatchSizeForLargeFiles ?? false;
            var apiPatchingSymbolFlags         = (PatchSymbolFlags)(this.WixPatchId?.ApiPatchingSymbolFlags ?? 0);

            foreach (FileFacade facade in this.FileFacades)
                if (RowOperation.Modify == facade.File.Operation &&
                    0 != (facade.WixFile.PatchAttributes & PatchAttributeType.IncludeWholeFile))
                    string deltaBase  = String.Concat("delta_", facade.File.File);
                    string deltaFile  = Path.Combine(this.IntermediateFolder, String.Concat(deltaBase, ".dpf"));
                    string headerFile = Path.Combine(this.IntermediateFolder, String.Concat(deltaBase, ".phd"));

                    bool retainRangeWarning = false;

                    if (PatchAPI.PatchInterop.CreateDelta(
                            new[] { facade.WixFile.PreviousSource },
                            facade.DeltaPatchFile.PreviousSymbols.Split(new[] { ';' }),
                            facade.DeltaPatchFile.PreviousIgnoreLengths.Split(new[] { ';' }),
                            facade.DeltaPatchFile.PreviousIgnoreOffsets.Split(new[] { ';' }),
                            facade.DeltaPatchFile.PreviousRetainLengths.Split(new[] { ';' }),
                            facade.DeltaPatchFile.PreviousRetainOffsets.Split(new[] { ';' }),
                            out retainRangeWarning))
                        PatchAPI.PatchInterop.ExtractDeltaHeader(deltaFile, headerFile);

                        facade.WixFile.Source = deltaFile;
                        facade.WixFile.DeltaPatchHeaderSource = headerFile;

                    if (retainRangeWarning)
                        // TODO: get patch family to add to warning message for PatchWiz parity.
                        Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixWarnings.RetainRangeMismatch(facade.File.SourceLineNumbers, facade.File.File));

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompile the MsiDriverPackages table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileMsiDriverPackagesTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                DifxApp.Driver driver = new DifxApp.Driver();

                int attributes = (int)row[1];
                if (0x1 == (attributes & 0x1))
                    driver.ForceInstall = DifxApp.YesNoType.yes;

                if (0x2 == (attributes & 0x2))
                    driver.PlugAndPlayPrompt = DifxApp.YesNoType.no;

                if (0x4 == (attributes & 0x4))
                    driver.AddRemovePrograms = DifxApp.YesNoType.no;

                if (0x8 == (attributes & 0x8))
                    driver.Legacy = DifxApp.YesNoType.yes;

                if (0x10 == (attributes & 0x10))
                    driver.DeleteFiles = DifxApp.YesNoType.yes;

                if (null != row[2])
                    driver.Sequence = (int)row[2];

                Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[0]);
                if (null != component)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerConstants.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component", (string)row[0], "Component"));
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuild the Wixlib using the original Wixlib and updated files.
        /// </summary>
        private void RebuildWixlib()
            Librarian              librarian           = new Librarian();
            WixVariableResolver    wixVariableResolver = new WixVariableResolver();
            BlastBinderFileManager binderFileManager   = new BlastBinderFileManager(this.outputFile);

            if (0 == Retina.GetCabinetFileIdToFileNameMap(this.outputFile).Count)
                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixWarnings.NotABinaryWixlib(this.outputFile));

            Library library = Library.Load(this.outputFile, librarian.TableDefinitions, false, false);

            library.Save(this.outputFile, binderFileManager, wixVariableResolver);
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Decompiles the WixDependencyProvider table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to decompile.</param>
        private void DecompileWixDependencyProviderTable(Table table)
            foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                Provides provides = new Provides();

                provides.Id  = (string)row[0];
                provides.Key = (string)row[2];

                if (null != row[3])
                    provides.Version = (string)row[3];

                if (null != row[4])
                    provides.DisplayName = (string)row[4];

                // Nothing to parse for attributes currently.

                Wix.Component component = (Wix.Component) this.Core.GetIndexedElement("Component", (string)row[1]);
                if (null != component)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(WixWarnings.ExpectedForeignRow(row.SourceLineNumbers, table.Name, row.GetPrimaryKey(DecompilerCore.PrimaryKeyDelimiter), "Component_", (string)row[1], "Component"));

                // Index the provider to parent the RequiresRef elements.
                this.Core.IndexElement(row, provides);

                // Add the provider-specific registry keys to be removed during finalization.
                // Only remove specific keys that the compiler writes.
                string keyProvides = String.Concat(DependencyCommon.RegistryRoot, provides.Key);

                this.registryValues.Add(keyProvides, null);
                this.registryValues.Add(keyProvides, "Version");
                this.registryValues.Add(keyProvides, "DisplayName");
                this.registryValues.Add(keyProvides, "Attributes");

                // Cache the provider key.
                this.keyCache[provides.Id] = provides.Key;
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Rebuild the Wixlib using the original Wixlib and updated files.
        /// </summary>
        private void RebuildWixlib()
            if (0 == Retina.GetCabinetFileIdToFileNameMap(this.outputFile).Count)

            Librarian librarian = new Librarian();
            Library   library   = Library.Load(this.outputFile, librarian.TableDefinitions, false, false);
            LibraryBinaryFileResolver resolver = new LibraryBinaryFileResolver()
                FileManager = new BlastBinderFileManager(this.outputFile)

            library.Save(this.outputFile, resolver);