private void CreateBoxWithEdgeLines(Point3D centerPosition, Size3D size, DiffuseMaterial material)
            var boxVisual3D = new BoxVisual3D()
                CenterPosition = centerPosition,
                Size           = size,
                Material       = material


            var wireBoxVisual3D = new WireBoxVisual3D()
                CenterPosition = centerPosition,
                Size           = size,
                LineColor      = Colors.Yellow,
                LineThickness  = 3

            // Set LineDepthBias to prevent rendering wireframe at the same depth as the 3D objects.
            // This creates much nicer 3D lines. See the LineDepthBiasSample for more information.
            wireBoxVisual3D.SetDXAttribute(DXAttributeType.LineDepthBias, 0.1);

Exemplo n.º 2
 private void EnsureWireBox()
     if (_wireBoxVisual3D == null)
         _wireBoxVisual3D = new WireBoxVisual3D();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void ShowRotationAdorner(Point rotationCenterPosition)
            if (Viewport3D != null)
                // In this sample we show WireBoxVisual3D around selected box (when there is a box selected)
                if (SelectedBoxVisual3D != null)
                    _wireBoxVisual3D = new WireBoxVisual3D()
                        LineColor      = Colors.Red,
                        LineThickness  = 3,
                        CenterPosition = SelectedBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition,
                        Size           = SelectedBoxVisual3D.Size



                // If no box is selected, we show WireCrossVisual3D at the RotationCenterPosition (if set)

                // When MouseCameraController.RotateAroundMousePosition is set to true,
                // MouseCameraController calculates the RotationCenterPosition with hit testing current mouse position on the 3D scene.
                var targetPositionCamera = TargetCamera as TargetPositionCamera;
                if (targetPositionCamera != null && targetPositionCamera.RotationCenterPosition != null)
                    _wireCrossVisual3D = new WireCrossVisual3D()
                        LineColor     = Colors.Red,
                        LineThickness = 3,
                        LinesLength   = 30,
                        Position      = targetPositionCamera.RotationCenterPosition.Value



            // If we came here then Viewport3D and SelectedBoxVisual3D are not set or there is no 3D object behind the mouse position (RotationCenterPosition is null)
            // In this case we show standard rotation marker
        private BaseLineVisual3D CloneLineVisuals(BaseLineVisual3D lineVisual)
            BaseLineVisual3D clonedLineVisual = null;

            // NOTE:
            // This method supports only cloning LineArcVisual3D and WireBoxVisual3D

            var lineArcVisual3D = lineVisual as LineArcVisual3D;

            if (lineArcVisual3D != null)
                clonedLineVisual = new LineArcVisual3D()
                    CircleCenterPosition = lineArcVisual3D.CircleCenterPosition,
                    Radius             = lineArcVisual3D.Radius,
                    CircleNormal       = lineArcVisual3D.CircleNormal,
                    ZeroAngleDirection = lineArcVisual3D.ZeroAngleDirection,
                    StartAngle         = lineArcVisual3D.StartAngle,
                    EndAngle           = lineArcVisual3D.EndAngle,
                    LineColor          = lineArcVisual3D.LineColor,
                    LineThickness      = lineArcVisual3D.LineThickness
                var wireBoxVisual3D = lineVisual as WireBoxVisual3D;
                if (wireBoxVisual3D != null)
                    clonedLineVisual = new WireBoxVisual3D()
                        CenterPosition = wireBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition,
                        Size           = wireBoxVisual3D.Size,
                        LineColor      = wireBoxVisual3D.LineColor,
                        LineThickness  = wireBoxVisual3D.LineThickness

Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void HideRotationAdorner()
            if (Viewport3D != null)
                if (_wireBoxVisual3D != null)
                    _wireBoxVisual3D = null;


                if (_wireCrossVisual3D != null)
                    _wireCrossVisual3D = null;


Exemplo n.º 6
        private void AddModel(Model3D originalModel3D, Point3D position, PositionTypes positionType, Size3D size, bool preserveAspectRatio = true)
            // Create a new Model3DGroup that will hold the originalModel3D.
            // This allows us to have different transformation for each originalModel3D (transformation is on Model3DGroup)
            var model3DGroup = new Model3DGroup();


            Ab3d.Utilities.ModelUtils.PositionAndScaleModel3D(model3DGroup, position, positionType, size, preserveAspectRatio);

            // Add the model
            var modelVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D()
                Content = model3DGroup


            // Now add red WireCrossVisual3D at the specified position
            var wireCrossVisual3D = new Ab3d.Visuals.WireCrossVisual3D()
                Position    = position,
                LinesLength = 30,
                LineColor   = Colors.Red


            // Now show a WireBoxVisual3D (box from 3D lines) that would represent the position, positionType and size.

            // To get the correct CenterPosition of the WireBoxVisual3D,
            // we start with creating a bounding box (Rect3D) that would be used when CenterPosition would be set to (0, 0, 0):
            var wireboxInitialBounds = new Point3D(-size.X * 0.5, -size.Y * 0.5, -size.Z * 0.5);

            // Then we use that bounding box and call GetModelTranslationVector3D method
            // that will tell us how much we need to move the bounding box so that it will be positioned at position and for positionType:
            var wireboxCenterOffset = Ab3d.Utilities.ModelUtils.GetModelTranslationVector3D(new Rect3D(wireboxInitialBounds, size), position, positionType);

            // Now we can use the result wireboxCenterOffset as a CenterPosition or a WireBoxVisual3D

            var wireBoxVisual3D = new WireBoxVisual3D()
                CenterPosition = new Point3D(wireboxCenterOffset.X, wireboxCenterOffset.Y, wireboxCenterOffset.Z),
                Size           = size,
                LineColor      = Colors.Green,
                LineThickness  = 1


            // Finally we add TextBlockVisual3D to show position and size information for this model
            // Note that the TextBlockVisual3D is added to the TransparentObjectsVisual3D.
            // The reason for this is that TextBlockVisual3D uses semi-transparent background.
            // To correctly show other object through semi-transparent, the semi-transparent must be added to the scene after solid objects.
            var infoText = string.Format("Position: {0:0}\r\nPositionType: {1}\r\nSize: {2:0}", position, positionType, size);

            if (!preserveAspectRatio)
                infoText += "\r\npreserveAspectRatio: false";

            var textBlockVisual3D = new TextBlockVisual3D()
                Position      = new Point3D(model3DGroup.Bounds.GetCenterPosition().X, -15, 55), // Show so that X center position is the same as model center position
                PositionType  = PositionTypes.Center,
                TextDirection = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0),
                UpDirection   = new Vector3D(0, 1, -1), // angled at 45 degrees
                Size          = new Size(80, 0),        // y size will be calculated automatically based on x size (80) and size of the text

                Text            = infoText,
                BorderBrush     = Brushes.DimGray,
                BorderThickness = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 1),
                Background      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(180, 200, 200, 200)),
                TextPadding     = new Thickness(5, 2, 5, 2)
