Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the wikipedia.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchWord">The search word.</param>
        /// <param name="outputType">Type of the output.</param>
        /// <param name="parseType">Type of the parse.</param>
        public void ParseWikipedia(string searchWord, WikiOutputType outputType, WikiParseType parseType)
            string        uri = "";
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            switch (parseType)
            case WikiParseType.Article:
                this.lblTitle.Text = "Wikipedia Artikel";

                Uri webUri;
                Uri downloadUri;

                if (WebValidator.IsWebAddress(searchWord))
                    // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Entf%C3%BChrung_der_U-Bahn_Pelham_123
                    //searchWord = searchWord.Substring(searchWord.IndexOf("wiki/") + 5);
                    //uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord);
                    if (uri.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD))
                        //uri = searchWord;
                        uri = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD, "/wiki/");
                        //uri = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD);
                        uri = searchWord;

                    if (!searchWord.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD))
                        searchWord = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD);

                    webUri      = new Uri(uri);
                    downloadUri = new Uri(searchWord);                            //.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD));
                    searchWord = this.ToCamelCase(searchWord);
                    searchWord = searchWord.Replace(' ', '_');

                    if (uri.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD))
                        uri = WP_URL + searchWord;
                        uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord);

                    webUri      = new Uri(WP_URL + searchWord);
                    downloadUri = new Uri(WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord));

                //this.wbResponse = new WebBrowser();
                //this.wbResponse.Url = null;
                this.wbResponse.Url = webUri;

                WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "MovieMatic (compatible; .NET 3.5;)");
                string response = wc.DownloadString(downloadUri.AbsoluteUri);

                this.txtResponse.Text = response;


            case WikiParseType.Search:
                this.lblTitle.Text = "Suchergebnis";

                searchWord = searchWord.Replace(' ', '+');

                uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_SEARCH_SCRIPT, searchWord);


            //Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            //// start request
            //HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

            //webRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            ////webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";

            //HttpWebResponse webResponse = null;
            //Stream responseStream = null;

            //try {
            //    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
            //    responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

            //    using(StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream)) {
            //        while(!streamReader.EndOfStream) {
            //            str.Append(streamReader.ReadLine());
            //            str.Append("\r\n");
            //        }

            //        //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();
            //    }
            //catch(WebException webex) {
            //    str.Append("WebException:\r\n");
            //    str.Append(webex.ToString());
            //catch(Exception ex) {
            //    str.Append("Exception:\r\n");
            //    str.Append(ex.ToString());
            //finally {
            //    if(responseStream != null) {
            //        responseStream.Close();
            //        responseStream.Dispose();
            //    }

            //    if(webResponse != null) {
            //        webResponse.Close();
            //    }

            ////TimeSpan span = watch.Elapsed;

            ////this.lblRequestTime.Text = string.Format(
            ////    "Request time: {0} - {1}ms ({2} Ticks)",
            ////    span.ToString(),
            ////    watch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
            ////    watch.ElapsedTicks

            //// show result
            //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();

            //if(str.Length > 0) {
            //    //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();

            //    switch(parseType) {
            //        case WikiParseType.Article:
            //            this.lbResult.Visible = false;
            //            this.txtResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.pBrowser.Visible = true;
            //            //this.wbResponse.Visible = true;
            //            this.wbResponse.Show();

            //            if(str.ToString() != Resources.WikipediaText.EmptyExportResult + "\r\n") {
            //                this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = true;

            //                if(str.ToString().Contains("#REDIRECT")) {
            //                    //  <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Star Trek (2009)]]</text>
            //                    string tmp = str.ToString();
            //                    int start = tmp.IndexOf("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">") + ("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">").Length;
            //                    int end = tmp.IndexOf("</text>", start) - start;
            //                    tmp = tmp.Substring(start, end);
            //                    this.ReOpenDialog(WikipediaParser.ParseRedirect(tmp));
            //                }
            //                else {
            //                    this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else {
            //                this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = false;

            //                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //                this.ParseWikipedia(
            //                    searchWord,
            //                    WikiOutputType.Html,
            //                    WikiParseType.Search
            //                );

            //                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            //            }
            //            break;

            //        case WikiParseType.Search:
            //            this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = false;

            //            this.lbResult.Visible = true;
            //            this.txtResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.pBrowser.Visible = false;
            //            //this.wbResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.wbResponse.Hide();

            //            //<!-- Search results fetched via search=[search6], highlight=[search7], interwiki=[search10] in 104 ms -->
            //            //<ul class='mw-search-results'>

            //            string buffer = str.ToString();

            //            if(buffer.Contains("<ul class='mw-search-results'>")) {
            //                int start = buffer.IndexOf("<ul class='mw-search-results'>") + ( "<ul class='mw-search-results'>" ).Length;
            //                int end = buffer.IndexOf("</div><p class='mw-search-pager-bottom'>") - start;

            //                string output = buffer.Substring(start, end);

            //                //</ul>
            //                //</div><p class='mw-search-pager-bottom'>

            //                string[] items = output.Split(new string[] { "<li>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //                foreach(string item in items) {
            //                    if(item != "\r\n") {
            //                        if(item.Contains("<a href=\"/wiki/")) {
            //                            int linkStart = item.IndexOf("<a href=\"/wiki/") + ( "<a href=\"/wiki/" ).Length;
            //                            int linkEnd = item.IndexOf("\" title=\"") - linkStart;

            //                            int titleStart = item.IndexOf("\">", linkEnd) + ( "\">" ).Length;
            //                            int titleEnd = item.IndexOf("</a>", linkEnd) - titleStart;

            //                            string link = item.Substring(linkStart, linkEnd);
            //                            string title = item.Substring(titleStart, titleEnd);

            //                            Regex textreplace = new Regex("(<[^>]*>)");
            //                            title = textreplace.Replace(title, "");

            //                            this.lbResult.Items.Add(title + " (Wiki Titel: " + link + ")");
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }

            //                //<li><a href="/wiki/American_History_X" title="American History X">
            //                //<span class='searchmatch'>American</span> <span class='searchmatch'>History</span> X</a>
            //                //<div class='searchresult'><span class='searchmatch'>American</span> <span class='searchmatch'>History</span> X ist ein Film aus dem Jahre 1998 .  Er beschäftigt sich mit der US-amerikanischen  Neonazi -Szene. Tony Kaye  führte  <b>…</b>
            //                //</div>
            //                //</li>

            //                //this.txtResponse.Text = output;
            //            }
            //            else {
            //                StaticWindows.InfoBox(
            //                    "Es konnte kein Eintrag gefunden werden, bitte ändern Sie Ihre Suchanfrage."
            //                );
            //            }
            //            break;

            //        default:
            //            break;
            //    }
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the wikipedia.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="searchWord">The search word.</param>
        /// <param name="outputType">Type of the output.</param>
        /// <param name="parseType">Type of the parse.</param>
        public void ParseWikipedia(string searchWord, WikiOutputType outputType, WikiParseType parseType)
            string uri = "";
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            switch(parseType) {
                case WikiParseType.Article:
                    this.lblTitle.Text = "Wikipedia Artikel";

                    Uri webUri;
                    Uri downloadUri;

                    if(WebValidator.IsWebAddress(searchWord)) {
                        // http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Die_Entf%C3%BChrung_der_U-Bahn_Pelham_123
                        //searchWord = searchWord.Substring(searchWord.IndexOf("wiki/") + 5);
                        //uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord);
                        if(uri.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD)) {
                            //uri = searchWord;
                            uri = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD, "/wiki/");
                        else {
                            //uri = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD);
                            uri = searchWord;

                        if(!searchWord.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD)) {
                            searchWord = searchWord.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD);

                        webUri = new Uri(uri);
                        downloadUri = new Uri(searchWord);//.Replace("/wiki/", "/wiki/" + WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD));
                    else {
                        searchWord = this.ToCamelCase(searchWord);
                        searchWord = searchWord.Replace(' ', '_');

                        if(uri.Contains(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT_ADD)) {
                            uri = WP_URL + searchWord;
                        else {
                            uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord);

                        webUri = new Uri(WP_URL + searchWord);
                        downloadUri = new Uri(WP_URL + string.Format(WP_EXPORT_SCRIPT, searchWord));

                    //this.wbResponse = new WebBrowser();
                    //this.wbResponse.Url = null;
                    this.wbResponse.Url = webUri;

                    WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                    wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "MovieMatic (compatible; .NET 3.5;)");
                    string response = wc.DownloadString(downloadUri.AbsoluteUri);

                    this.txtResponse.Text = response;


                case WikiParseType.Search:
                    this.lblTitle.Text = "Suchergebnis";

                    searchWord = searchWord.Replace(' ', '+');

                    uri = WP_URL + string.Format(WP_SEARCH_SCRIPT, searchWord);


            //Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            //// start request
            //HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);

            //webRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            ////webRequest.Accept = "text/xml";

            //HttpWebResponse webResponse = null;
            //Stream responseStream = null;

            //try {
            //    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
            //    responseStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();

            //    using(StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream)) {
            //        while(!streamReader.EndOfStream) {
            //            str.Append(streamReader.ReadLine());
            //            str.Append("\r\n");
            //        }

            //        //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();
            //    }
            //catch(WebException webex) {
            //    str.Append("WebException:\r\n");
            //    str.Append(webex.ToString());
            //catch(Exception ex) {
            //    str.Append("Exception:\r\n");
            //    str.Append(ex.ToString());
            //finally {
            //    if(responseStream != null) {
            //        responseStream.Close();
            //        responseStream.Dispose();
            //    }

            //    if(webResponse != null) {
            //        webResponse.Close();
            //    }

            ////TimeSpan span = watch.Elapsed;

            ////this.lblRequestTime.Text = string.Format(
            ////    "Request time: {0} - {1}ms ({2} Ticks)",
            ////    span.ToString(),
            ////    watch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
            ////    watch.ElapsedTicks

            //// show result
            //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();

            //if(str.Length > 0) {
            //    //this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();

            //    switch(parseType) {
            //        case WikiParseType.Article:
            //            this.lbResult.Visible = false;
            //            this.txtResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.pBrowser.Visible = true;
            //            //this.wbResponse.Visible = true;
            //            this.wbResponse.Show();

            //            if(str.ToString() != Resources.WikipediaText.EmptyExportResult + "\r\n") {
            //                this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = true;

            //                if(str.ToString().Contains("#REDIRECT")) {
            //                    //  <text xml:space="preserve">#REDIRECT [[Star Trek (2009)]]</text>
            //                    string tmp = str.ToString();
            //                    int start = tmp.IndexOf("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">") + ("<text xml:space=\"preserve\">").Length;
            //                    int end = tmp.IndexOf("</text>", start) - start;
            //                    tmp = tmp.Substring(start, end);
            //                    this.ReOpenDialog(WikipediaParser.ParseRedirect(tmp));
            //                }
            //                else {
            //                    this.txtResponse.Text = str.ToString();
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else {
            //                this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = false;

            //                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            //                this.ParseWikipedia(
            //                    searchWord,
            //                    WikiOutputType.Html,
            //                    WikiParseType.Search
            //                );

            //                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            //            }
            //            break;

            //        case WikiParseType.Search:
            //            this.btnOpenEditor.Enabled = false;

            //            this.lbResult.Visible = true;
            //            this.txtResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.pBrowser.Visible = false;
            //            //this.wbResponse.Visible = false;
            //            this.wbResponse.Hide();

            //            //<!-- Search results fetched via search=[search6], highlight=[search7], interwiki=[search10] in 104 ms -->
            //            //<ul class='mw-search-results'>

            //            string buffer = str.ToString();

            //            if(buffer.Contains("<ul class='mw-search-results'>")) {
            //                int start = buffer.IndexOf("<ul class='mw-search-results'>") + ( "<ul class='mw-search-results'>" ).Length;
            //                int end = buffer.IndexOf("</div><p class='mw-search-pager-bottom'>") - start;

            //                string output = buffer.Substring(start, end);

            //                //</ul>
            //                //</div><p class='mw-search-pager-bottom'>

            //                string[] items = output.Split(new string[] { "<li>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            //                foreach(string item in items) {
            //                    if(item != "\r\n") {
            //                        if(item.Contains("<a href=\"/wiki/")) {
            //                            int linkStart = item.IndexOf("<a href=\"/wiki/") + ( "<a href=\"/wiki/" ).Length;
            //                            int linkEnd = item.IndexOf("\" title=\"") - linkStart;

            //                            int titleStart = item.IndexOf("\">", linkEnd) + ( "\">" ).Length;
            //                            int titleEnd = item.IndexOf("</a>", linkEnd) - titleStart;

            //                            string link = item.Substring(linkStart, linkEnd);
            //                            string title = item.Substring(titleStart, titleEnd);

            //                            Regex textreplace = new Regex("(<[^>]*>)");
            //                            title = textreplace.Replace(title, "");

            //                            this.lbResult.Items.Add(title + " (Wiki Titel: " + link + ")");
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }

            //                //<li><a href="/wiki/American_History_X" title="American History X">
            //                //<span class='searchmatch'>American</span> <span class='searchmatch'>History</span> X</a>
            //                //<div class='searchresult'><span class='searchmatch'>American</span> <span class='searchmatch'>History</span> X ist ein Film aus dem Jahre 1998 .  Er beschäftigt sich mit der US-amerikanischen  Neonazi -Szene. Tony Kaye  führte  <b>…</b>
            //                //</div>
            //                //</li>

            //                //this.txtResponse.Text = output;
            //            }
            //            else {
            //                StaticWindows.InfoBox(
            //                    "Es konnte kein Eintrag gefunden werden, bitte ändern Sie Ihre Suchanfrage."
            //                );
            //            }
            //            break;

            //        default:
            //            break;
            //    }