public static bool ButtonImageOn(Rect rect, Texture2D tex,
                                         bool doMouseoverSound = true)
            var atlas = ButtonBgAtlas;

            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                atlas = ButtonBgAtlasMouseover;

                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                    atlas = ButtonBgAtlasClick;

            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);

            if (doMouseoverSound)

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect.ScaledBy(0.75f), (Texture)tex);

            return(Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect, false));
        public virtual void DoButton(Rect rect)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            string labelCap = this.def.LabelCap;

            if ((!this.def.validWithoutMap || this.def == MainButtonDefOf.World) && Find.VisibleMap == null)
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
            string   label             = labelCap;
            float    buttonBarPercent  = this.ButtonBarPercent;
            SoundDef mouseoverCategory = SoundDefOf.MouseoverCategory;

            if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rect, label, buttonBarPercent, -1f, mouseoverCategory, default(Vector2)))
            if (Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab != this.def && !Find.WindowStack.NonImmediateDialogWindowOpen)
                UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect, this.def.cachedHighlightTagClosed);
            if (!this.def.description.NullOrEmpty())
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, this.def.description);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Draw()
            Rect rect = new Rect(_x, _y, GenUI.ListSpacing, GenUI.ListSpacing * 2);

                , rect
                , WindowLayer.GameUI
                , () =>
                Texture2D atlas = TexResource.ButtonBGAtlas;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    atlas = TexResource.ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        atlas = TexResource.ButtonBGAtlasClick;

                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
                Widgets.ButtonText(rect.AtZero(), string.Empty);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, GenUI.SmallIconSize, GenUI.SmallIconSize), TexResource.TriangleRight);
                , true
                , false);
        //button text subtle copied from Rimworld basecode but with minor changes to fit this UI
        public static bool ButtonTextSubtleCentered(Rect rect, string label, Vector2 functionalSizeOffset = default(Vector2))
            Rect rect2 = rect;

            rect2.width  += functionalSizeOffset.x;
            rect2.height += functionalSizeOffset.y;
            bool flag = false;

            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect2))
                flag      = true;
                GUI.color = GenUI.MouseoverColor;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect);

            if (flag)
                rect3.x += 2f;
                rect3.y -= 2f;
            Text.Anchor   = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            Text.WordWrap = false;
            Text.Font     = GameFont.Small;
            Widgets.Label(rect3, label);
            Text.Anchor   = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            Text.WordWrap = true;
            return(Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect2, false));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void DrawSlotInfo(Rect rect, ModuleSlot <MKArmorModule> slot, ArmorSlot armorSlot)
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
            if (slot.Module != null)
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rect.x + 5, rect.y + 5, 100, 100), slot.Module.def.IconImage);

                string fullDesc = $"{slot.Module.def.LabelCap}\n\n{slot.Module.def.description}\n{slot.Module.StatDescription()}";
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, new TipSignal(fullDesc, 4321211));

                if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect))
                    Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(new List <FloatMenuOption>()
                        new FloatMenuOption("Station_UnloadModule".Translate(), delegate
                            if (CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(mkStation.Position, mkStation.Map, 3, null, out IntVec3 result))
                                GenSpawn.Spawn(slot.Item, result, mkStation.Map);
                                slot.Item   = null;
                                slot.Module = null;
                                Messages.Message("NotEnoughSpace".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent, false);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void DoRow(Listing listing, DefState <T> state, int reorderableGroup, bool isCheckbox)
            var rect = listing.GetRect(26f);

            ReorderableWidget.Reorderable(reorderableGroup, rect);

            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);

            rect.xMin += 28f;

            if (isCheckbox)
                var wasEnabled = state.Enabled;
                Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(rect, state.Def.LabelCap, ref state.Enabled);

                if (state.Enabled != wasEnabled)
                Widgets.Label(rect, state.Def.LabelCap);
Exemplo n.º 7
        static bool KeyGroupButton(Rect rect, string keyGroup, List <FloatMenuOption> floatMenuList, Color textColor)

            //Texture2D atlas = Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas;
            Texture2D atlas = TexUI.HighlightTex;

            Color color = GUI.color;

            GUI.color = textColor;

            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);

            TextAnchor anchor = Text.Anchor;

            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

            Widgets.Label(rect, keyGroup);
            Text.Anchor = anchor;
            GUI.color   = color;

            Widgets.DraggableResult result = (!Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect, false)) ? Widgets.DraggableResult.Idle : Widgets.DraggableResult.Pressed;

            return(result == Widgets.DraggableResult.Pressed || result == Widgets.DraggableResult.DraggedThenPressed);
            internal void <> m__0()
                Rect rect = this.bgRect.AtZero();

                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, ActiveTip.TooltipBGAtlas);
                Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                Widgets.Label(rect.ContractedBy(4f), this.finalText);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void DrawBorders()
            var allUi = new Rect(0, 0, UI.screenWidth, UI.screenHeight);

            _borders.ForEach(pair => Widgets.DrawAtlas(pair.First, pair.Second));
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void DrawFieldSelector(Rect fieldRect, string label, Action previousAction, Action nextAction, Action clickAction, Color labelColor)
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(fieldRect, Textures.TextureFieldAtlas);

            Text.Anchor  = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            fieldRect.y += 2;
            GUI.color    = labelColor;
            if (clickAction != null && fieldRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                GUI.color = Color.white;
            Widgets.Label(fieldRect, label);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            // Draw previous and next buttons.  Disable the buttons if no action arguments were passed in.
            float buttonHalfHeight = Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.height * 0.5f;
            Rect  prevButtonRect   = new Rect(fieldRect.x - Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.width - 2, fieldRect.MiddleY() - buttonHalfHeight, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.width, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.height);
            Rect  nextButtonRect   = new Rect(fieldRect.x + fieldRect.width + 1, fieldRect.MiddleY() - buttonHalfHeight, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.width, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious.height);

            if (previousAction != null)
                GUI.DrawTexture(prevButtonRect, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious);
                if (previousAction != null && Widgets.ButtonInvisible(prevButtonRect, false))
                GUI.color = Style.ColorButtonDisabled;
                GUI.DrawTexture(prevButtonRect, Textures.TextureButtonPrevious);
            if (nextAction != null)
                GUI.DrawTexture(nextButtonRect, Textures.TextureButtonNext);
                if (nextAction != null && Widgets.ButtonInvisible(nextButtonRect, false))
                GUI.color = Style.ColorButtonDisabled;
                GUI.DrawTexture(nextButtonRect, Textures.TextureButtonNext);

            if (clickAction != null && Widgets.ButtonInvisible(fieldRect, false))

            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
        // Draw a button with a graphic icon in the middle.  Similar to Verse.Widgets.TextButton(),
        // but draws an image instead of text in the button.
        public static bool IconButton(Rect rect, Texture texture, Color baseColor, Color highlightColor, bool enabled)
            if (texture == null)

            // Use the inactive color if the button is inactive.
            if (!enabled)
                GUI.color = InactiveButtonColor;
                GUI.color = Color.white;

            // Draw the button background.
            Texture2D atlas = ButtonBGAtlas;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                atlas = ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                    atlas = ButtonBGAtlasClick;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);

            // Set up the icon image position.  It's centered in the button rectangle.
            Rect iconRect = new Rect(rect.x + (rect.width / 2) - (texture.width / 2), rect.y + (rect.height / 2) - (texture.height / 2), texture.width, texture.height);

            // Draw the icon image.
            if (!enabled)
                GUI.color = InactiveButtonColor;
                GUI.color = baseColor;
            if (enabled && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                GUI.color = highlightColor;
            GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, texture);
            GUI.color = Color.white;

            // If the button is inactive, always return false.  Otherwise return true
            // if the user clicked on the button.
            if (!enabled)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public float DrawRelationship(float cursor, PawnRelationDef def, CustomPawn source, CustomPawn target, bool removeable)
            cursor += ContentPadding.y;
            Vector2 relationshipBoxSize = SizeRelation;

            if (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible)
                relationshipBoxSize.x -= ScrollView.ScrollbarSize;
            Rect relationshipBox = new Rect(ContentPadding.x, cursor, relationshipBoxSize.x, relationshipBoxSize.y);

            // Draw background box.
            GUI.color = BackgroundBoxColor;
            GUI.DrawTexture(relationshipBox, BaseContent.WhiteTex);


            // Draw pawn name.
            GUI.color = Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.TextColor;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(8, 6, relationshipBoxSize.x - 16, 24), target.Pawn.NameStringShort);

            // Draw relationship field.
            Rect fieldRect = new Rect(16, 30, relationshipBoxSize.x - 32, 28);

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(fieldRect, Textures.TextureFieldAtlas);
            // TODO: Move this color to another file like we did with the textures.
            GUI.color = Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.TextColor;
            if (def != null)
                Widgets.Label(new Rect(fieldRect.x, fieldRect.y + 1, fieldRect.width, fieldRect.height), def.GetGenderSpecificLabelCap(target.Pawn));

            // Delete relation
            Rect buttonRect = new Rect(relationshipBoxSize.x - 21, 3, 18, 18);

            GUI.color = buttonRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) ? Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.ButtonHighlightColor : Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.ButtonColor;
            if (removeable)
                GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, Textures.TextureButtonDelete);
                if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(buttonRect, false))
                    PrepareCarefully.Instance.RelationshipManager.DeleteRelationship(def, source, target);
                GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, Textures.TextureDerivedRelationship);
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(buttonRect, "EdB.PrepareCarefully.CannotDeleteRelationship".Translate());
            GUI.color = Color.white;


            return(cursor + relationshipBoxSize.y);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public float DrawCustomBodyPart(float cursor, CustomBodyPart customPart)
            cursor += ContentPadding.y;
            Vector2 boxSize = SizeElement;

            if (scrollView.ScrollbarsVisible)
                boxSize.x -= ScrollView.ScrollbarSize;
            Rect elementBox = new Rect(ContentPadding.x, cursor, boxSize.x, boxSize.y);

            // Draw background box.
            GUI.color = BackgroundBoxColor;
            GUI.DrawTexture(elementBox, BaseContent.WhiteTex);


            // Draw body part name.
            GUI.color = Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.TextColor;
            Widgets.Label(new Rect(8, 6, boxSize.x - 16, 24), customPart.PartName);

            // Draw field.
            Rect fieldRect = new Rect(16, 30, boxSize.x - 32, 28);

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(fieldRect, Textures.TextureFieldAtlas);
            GUI.color = Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.TextColor;

            // Draw the hediff label.
            GUI.color = customPart.LabelColor;
            Rect labelRect = new Rect(fieldRect.x, fieldRect.y + 1, fieldRect.width, fieldRect.height);

            Widgets.Label(labelRect, customPart.ChangeName);
            if (customPart.HasTooltip)
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(labelRect, customPart.Tooltip);
            GUI.color = Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.TextColor;

            // Delete the option.
            Rect buttonRect = new Rect(boxSize.x - 21, 3, 18, 18);

            GUI.color = buttonRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) ? Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.ButtonHighlightColor : Page_ConfigureStartingPawnsCarefully.ButtonColor;
            GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, Textures.TextureButtonDelete);
            if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(buttonRect, false))
            GUI.color = Color.white;


            return(cursor + boxSize.y);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public bool Draw(Vector2 pos, bool isSelected, float scale)
            var direction = Settings.GetOffsetDirection();

            var font = Settings.GetFont(scale);

            var paddingX = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mod.Settings.PaddingX * scale);
            var paddingY = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mod.Settings.PaddingY * scale);
            var maxWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mod.Settings.WidthMax * scale);

            var content = new GUIContent(_text);

            Width  = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Min(font.CalcSize(content).x + (paddingX * 2), maxWidth));
            Height = Mathf.CeilToInt(font.CalcHeight(content, Width - (paddingX * 2)) + (paddingY * 2));

            var posX = pos.x;
            var posY = pos.y;

            if (direction.IsHorizontal)
                posY -= Height / 2f;
                posX -= Width / 2f;

            var outer = new Rect(Mathf.CeilToInt(posX), Mathf.CeilToInt(posY), Width, Height);
            var inner = outer.ContractedBy(paddingX, paddingY);

            var fade = Mathf.Min(GetFade(), Mouse.IsOver(outer) ? Mod.Settings.OpacityMouseOver.ToPercentageFloat() : 1f);

            if (fade <= 0f)

            var backColor = GetColor(false, isSelected).WithAlpha(fade);
            var foreColor = GetColor(true, isSelected).WithAlpha(fade);

            var prevColor = GUI.color;

            GUI.color = backColor;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(outer, Textures.Inner);

            GUI.color = foreColor;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(outer, Textures.Outer);
            GUI.Label(inner, content, font);

            GUI.color = prevColor;

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static bool Settings_ButtonLabeled(this Listing_Standard lister, string header, string buttonLabel, Color highlightColor, float buttonWidth = 30f, bool background = true, bool active = true)
            var   anchor     = Text.Anchor;
            Color color      = GUI.color;
            Rect  rect       = lister.GetRect(20f);
            Rect  buttonRect = new Rect(rect.width - buttonWidth, rect.y, buttonWidth, rect.height);

            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            Widgets.Label(rect, header);

            if (background)
                Texture2D atlas = ButtonBGAtlas;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(buttonRect))
                    atlas = ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        atlas = ButtonBGAtlasClick;
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(buttonRect, atlas);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(buttonRect))
                    GUI.color = highlightColor;
            if (background)
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
            bool wordWrap = Text.WordWrap;

            if (buttonRect.height < Text.LineHeight * 2f)
                Text.WordWrap = false;

            Widgets.Label(buttonRect, buttonLabel);
            Text.Anchor   = anchor;
            GUI.color     = color;
            Text.WordWrap = wordWrap;
            return(Widgets.ButtonInvisible(buttonRect, false));
        public static bool Button(Rect rect, string label, bool drawBackground, bool doMouseoverSound, bool active)
            var anchor = Text.Anchor;
            var color  = GUI.color;

            if (drawBackground)
                var atlas = TextureButtonBGAtlas;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    atlas = TextureButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        atlas = TextureButtonBGAtlasClick;

                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
                var indicator = new Rect(rect.xMax - 21, rect.MiddleY() - 4, 11, 8);
                GUI.DrawTexture(indicator, TextureDropdownIndicator);

            if (doMouseoverSound)

            if (!drawBackground)
                GUI.color = new Color(0.8f, 0.85f, 1f);
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    GUI.color = Widgets.MouseoverOptionColor;

            if (drawBackground)
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

            var textRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - 12, rect.height);

            Widgets.Label(textRect, label);
            Text.Anchor = anchor;
            GUI.color   = color;
            return(active && Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect, false));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static bool DrawTabButton(Rect region, string text, string tooltip, bool active = false)
            if (!active)
                GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.6f);

            Widgets.DrawAtlas(region, Widgets.ButtonBGAtlas);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            UiHelper.Label(region, text, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter);
            TooltipHandler.TipRegion(region, tooltip);
            bool result = Widgets.ButtonInvisible(region);

Exemplo n.º 18
        public virtual void DoButton(Rect rect)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            string text = def.LabelCap;
            float  num  = def.LabelCapWidth;

            if (num > rect.width - 2f)
                text = def.ShortenedLabelCap;
                num  = def.ShortenedLabelCapWidth;
            if (Disabled)
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
            bool   flag           = num > 0.85f * rect.width - 1f;
            Rect   rect2          = rect;
            string label          = ((def.Icon == null) ? text : "");
            float  textLeftMargin = (flag ? 2f : (-1f));

            if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rect2, label, ButtonBarPercent, textLeftMargin, SoundDefOf.Mouseover_Category))
            if (def.Icon != null)
                Vector2 center =;
                float   num2   = 16f;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    center += new Vector2(2f, -2f);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(center.x - num2, center.y - num2, 32f, 32f), def.Icon);
            if (Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab != def && !Find.WindowStack.NonImmediateDialogWindowOpen)
                UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect, def.cachedHighlightTagClosed);
            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect) && !def.description.NullOrEmpty())
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, def.LabelCap + "\n\n" + def.description);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public float DrawTooltip(Vector2 pos)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            string finalText = this.FinalText;
            Rect   bgRect    = this.TipRect;

            bgRect.position = pos;
            Find.WindowStack.ImmediateWindow(153 * this.signal.uniqueId + 62346, bgRect, WindowLayer.Super, delegate
                Rect rect = bgRect.AtZero();
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, ActiveTip.TooltipBGAtlas);
                Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                Widgets.Label(rect.ContractedBy(4f), finalText);
            }, false, false, 1f);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static bool Settings_Button(this Listing_Standard lister, string label, Rect rect, Color customColor, bool background = true, bool active = true)
            var   anchor = Text.Anchor;
            Color color  = GUI.color;

            if (background)
                Texture2D atlas = ButtonBGAtlas;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    atlas = ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        atlas = ButtonBGAtlasClick;
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
                GUI.color = customColor;
                if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                    GUI.color = Color.cyan;
            if (background)
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            bool wordWrap = Text.WordWrap;

            if (rect.height < Text.LineHeight * 2f)
                Text.WordWrap = false;
            Widgets.Label(rect, label);
            Text.Anchor   = anchor;
            GUI.color     = color;
            Text.WordWrap = wordWrap;
            return(Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect, false));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void HighlightOpportunity(Rect rect, string tag)
     if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
         for (int i = 0; i < UIHighlighter.liveTags.Count; i++)
             Pair <string, int> pair = UIHighlighter.liveTags[i];
             if (tag == pair.First && Time.frameCount == pair.Second + 1)
                 Rect rect2 = rect.ContractedBy(-10f);
                 GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, Pulser.PulseBrightness(1.2f, 0.7f));
                 Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect2, UIHighlighter.TutorHighlightAtlas);
                 GUI.color = Color.white;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual void DoButton(Rect rect)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            string text = this.def.LabelCap;

            float num = this.def.LabelCapWidth;

            if (num > rect.width - 2f)
                text = this.def.ShortenedLabelCap;
                num  = this.def.ShortenedLabelCapWidth;
            if ((!this.def.validWithoutMap || this.def == MainButtonDefOf.World) && Find.CurrentMap == null)
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                bool   flag           = num > 0.85f * rect.width - 1f;
                Rect   rect2          = rect;
                string label          = text;
                float  textLeftMargin = (!flag) ? -1f : 2f;
                if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rect2, label, this.ButtonBarPercent, textLeftMargin, SoundDefOf.Mouseover_Category, default(Vector2)))
                if (Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab != this.def && !Find.WindowStack.NonImmediateDialogWindowOpen)
                    UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect, this.def.cachedHighlightTagClosed);
                if (!this.def.description.NullOrEmpty())
                    TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, this.def.description);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Draw(float x, ref float y, float width)
            if (this.shouldDrawInput == null)
                this.DrawInput(x, ref y, width);
                if (this.ToolTip != null)
                    if (Mouse.IsOver(new Rect(x, y - 32, width, 32)))
                        Vector2 vector = Text.CalcSize(ToolTip);
                        if (vector.x > 260f)
                            vector.x = 260f;
                            vector.y = Text.CalcHeight(ToolTip, vector.x);
                        Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, vector.x, vector.y);
                        rect = rect.ContractedBy(-4f);
                        Rect rect2 = new Rect(UI.MousePositionOnUI.x, UI.MousePositionOnUIInverted.y + 20, rect.width, rect.height);

                        Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                        Find.WindowStack.ImmediateWindow(ToolTip.GetHashCode(), rect2, WindowLayer.Super, delegate
                            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, ActiveTip.TooltipBGAtlas);
                            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                            Widgets.Label(rect.ContractedBy(4f), ToolTip);
                        }, false, false, 1f);
                ShouldDrawInputResult result = this.shouldDrawInput(this.Parent);
                if (result.drawInput)
                    this.DrawInput(x, ref y, width);
                else if (result.message != null && result.message.Length > 0)
                    DrawLabel(x, ref y, width, result.message);
Exemplo n.º 24
		public static bool IconButton(Rect rect, Texture texture, Color baseColor, Color highlightColor, bool enabled)
			if (texture == null)
				return false;
			if (!enabled)
				GUI.color = Button.InactiveButtonColor;
				GUI.color = Color.white;
			Texture2D atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlas;
			if (enabled && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
				atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
				if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
					atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlasClick;
			Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
			Rect position = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width / 2f - (float)(texture.width / 2), rect.y + rect.height / 2f - (float)(texture.height / 2), (float)texture.width, (float)texture.height);
			if (!enabled)
				GUI.color = Button.InactiveButtonColor;
				GUI.color = baseColor;
			if (enabled && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
				GUI.color = highlightColor;
			GUI.DrawTexture(position, texture);
			GUI.color = Color.white;
			return enabled && Widgets.InvisibleButton(rect);
Exemplo n.º 25
		public static bool TextButton(Rect rect, string label, bool drawBackground, bool doMouseoverSound, bool enabled)
			TextAnchor anchor = Text.Anchor;
			Color color = GUI.color;
			GUI.color = ((!enabled) ? Button.InactiveButtonColor : Color.white);
			if (drawBackground)
				Texture2D atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlas;
				if (enabled && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
					atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
					if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
						atlas = Button.ButtonBGAtlasClick;
				Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
			if (doMouseoverSound)
			if (!drawBackground && enabled && rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
				GUI.color = Button.MouseoverOptionColor;
			if (drawBackground)
				Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
				Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
			Widgets.Label(rect, label);
			Text.Anchor = anchor;
			GUI.color = color;
			return enabled && Widgets.InvisibleButton(rect);
Exemplo n.º 26
        public virtual void DoButton(Rect rect)
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            string text = def.LabelCap;
            float  num  = def.LabelCapWidth;

            if (num > rect.width - 2f)
                text = def.ShortenedLabelCap;
                num  = def.ShortenedLabelCapWidth;
            if (Disabled)
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, Widgets.ButtonSubtleAtlas);
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.IsOver(rect))
                bool   flag           = num > 0.85f * rect.width - 1f;
                Rect   rect2          = rect;
                string label          = text;
                float  textLeftMargin = (!flag) ? (-1f) : 2f;
                if (Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(rect2, label, ButtonBarPercent, textLeftMargin, SoundDefOf.Mouseover_Category))
                if (Find.MainTabsRoot.OpenTab != def && !Find.WindowStack.NonImmediateDialogWindowOpen)
                    UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect, def.cachedHighlightTagClosed);
                if (!def.description.NullOrEmpty())
                    TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, def.description);
        public static bool TextButton(Rect rect, string label, Color optionColor, float labelAdjustmentX = 0f)
            Texture2D atlas = BillDrawer.ButtonBGAtlas;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                atlas = BillDrawer.ButtonBGAtlasMouseover;
                if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                    atlas = BillDrawer.ButtonBGAtlasClick;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, atlas);
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect);

            rect2.x += labelAdjustmentX;
            rect2.y += 1f;
            Widgets.Label(rect2, label);
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            GUI.color   = Color.white;
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected void ShowBackstoryDialog(CustomPawn customPawn, BackstorySlot slot)
            Backstory          originalBackstory = (slot == BackstorySlot.Childhood) ? customPawn.Childhood : customPawn.Adulthood;
            Backstory          selectedBackstory = originalBackstory;
            Filter <Backstory> filterToRemove    = null;
            bool             filterListDirtyFlag = true;
            List <Backstory> fullOptionsList     = slot == BackstorySlot.Childhood ?
                                                   this.providerBackstories.GetChildhoodBackstoriesForPawn(customPawn) : this.providerBackstories.GetAdulthoodBackstoriesForPawn(customPawn);
            List <Backstory>           filteredBackstories = new List <Backstory>(fullOptionsList.Count);
            Dialog_Options <Backstory> dialog = new Dialog_Options <Backstory>(filteredBackstories)
                NameFunc = (Backstory backstory) => {
                DescriptionFunc = (Backstory backstory) => {
                SelectedFunc = (Backstory backstory) => {
                    return(selectedBackstory == backstory);
                SelectAction = (Backstory backstory) => {
                    selectedBackstory = backstory;
                CloseAction = () => {
                    if (slot == BackstorySlot.Childhood)
                        BackstoryUpdated(BackstorySlot.Childhood, selectedBackstory);
                        BackstoryUpdated(BackstorySlot.Adulthood, selectedBackstory);

            dialog.DrawHeader = (Rect rect) => {
                if (filterToRemove != null)
                    filterToRemove      = null;
                    filterListDirtyFlag = true;
                if (filterListDirtyFlag)
                    filteredBackstories.AddRange(fullOptionsList.Where(p => { foreach (var f in activeFilters)
                                                                                  if (f.FilterFunction(p) == false)
                                                                              return(true); }));
                    filterListDirtyFlag = false;

                float   filterHeight  = 18;
                float   filterPadding = 4;
                float   maxWidth      = rect.width - 32;
                Vector2 cursor        = new Vector2(0, 0);

                string addFilterLabel = "EdB.PC.Dialog.Backstory.Filter.Add".Translate();
                float  width          = Text.CalcSize(addFilterLabel).x;
                Rect   addFilterRect  = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, width + 30, filterHeight);
                Widgets.DrawAtlas(addFilterRect, Textures.TextureFilterAtlas1);
                Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
                if (addFilterRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                    GUI.color = Style.ColorButtonHighlight;
                    GUI.color = Style.ColorText;
                Widgets.Label(addFilterRect.InsetBy(10, 0, 20, 0).OffsetBy(0, 1), addFilterLabel);
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(addFilterRect.xMax - 20, addFilterRect.y + 6, 11, 8), Textures.TextureDropdownIndicator);

                if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(addFilterRect, true))
                    List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>();
                    foreach (var filter in availableFilters)
                        if (activeFilters.FirstOrDefault((f) => {
                            if (f == filter || f.ConflictsWith(filter))
                        }) == null)
                            list.Add(new FloatMenuOption(filter.LabelFull, () => {
                                filterListDirtyFlag = true;
                            }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0, null, null));
                    Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list, null, false));

                cursor.x += addFilterRect.width + filterPadding;
                Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
                foreach (var filter in activeFilters)
                    GUI.color = Style.ColorText;
                    float labelWidth = Text.CalcSize(filter.LabelShort).x;
                    if (cursor.x + labelWidth > maxWidth)
                        cursor.x  = 0;
                        cursor.y += filterHeight + filterPadding;
                    Rect filterRect = new Rect(cursor.x, cursor.y, labelWidth + 30, filterHeight);
                    Widgets.DrawAtlas(filterRect, Textures.TextureFilterAtlas2);
                    Rect closeButtonRect = new Rect(filterRect.xMax - 15, filterRect.y + 5, 9, 9);
                    if (filterRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
                        GUI.color = Style.ColorButtonHighlight;
                        GUI.color = Style.ColorText;
                    Widgets.Label(filterRect.InsetBy(10, 0, 20, 0).OffsetBy(0, 1), filter.LabelShort);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(closeButtonRect, Textures.TextureButtonCloseSmall);
                    if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(filterRect))
                        filterToRemove      = filter;
                        filterListDirtyFlag = true;
                    cursor.x += filterRect.width + filterPadding;

                Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                GUI.color = Color.white;

                return(cursor.y + filterHeight + 4);
        public override void Resize(Rect rect)

            Vector2 padding = new Vector2(12, 12);

            Vector2 sizeInfoButton = new Vector2(24, 24);
            Vector2 sizeButton     = new Vector2(160, 34);

            RectRemoveButton = new Rect(PanelRect.HalfWidth() - sizeButton.HalfX(),
                                        PanelRect.height - padding.y - sizeButton.y, sizeButton.x, sizeButton.y);

            Vector2 listSize = new Vector2();

            listSize.x = rect.width - padding.x * 2;
            listSize.y = rect.height - padding.y * 3 - RectRemoveButton.height;
            float listHeaderHeight = 20;
            float listBodyHeight   = listSize.y - listHeaderHeight;

            Rect rectTable = new Rect(padding.x, padding.y, listSize.x, listSize.y);

            RectRow = new Rect(0, 0, rectTable.width, 42);

            Vector2 nameOffset       = new Vector2(10, 0);
            float   columnWidthInfo  = 36;
            float   columnWidthIcon  = 42;
            float   columnWidthCount = 112;
            float   columnWidthName  = RectRow.width - columnWidthInfo - columnWidthIcon - columnWidthCount;

            table                   = new WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection>();
            table.Rect              = rectTable;
            table.BackgroundColor   = Style.ColorPanelBackgroundDeep;
            table.RowColor          = Style.ColorTableRow1;
            table.AlternateRowColor = Style.ColorTableRow2;
            table.SelectedRowColor  = Style.ColorTableRowSelected;
            table.SupportSelection  = true;
            table.RowHeight         = 42;
            table.SelectedAction    = (EquipmentSelection entry) => {
            table.DoubleClickAction = (EquipmentSelection entry) => {
                if (entry.Count > 0)
                    EquipmentCountUpdated(entry, entry.Count - 1);
            table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Column()
                Width      = columnWidthInfo,
                Name       = "Info",
                DrawAction = (EquipmentSelection entry, Rect columnRect, WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Metadata metadata) => {
                    Rect infoRect = new Rect(columnRect.MiddleX() - sizeInfoButton.HalfX(), columnRect.MiddleY() - sizeInfoButton.HalfY(), sizeInfoButton.x, sizeInfoButton.y);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(infoRect, Textures.TextureButtonInfo);
                    if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(infoRect))
                        if (entry.StuffDef != null)
                            Find.WindowStack.Add((Window) new Dialog_InfoCard(entry.ThingDef, entry.StuffDef));
                            Find.WindowStack.Add((Window) new Dialog_InfoCard(entry.ThingDef));
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
            table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Column()
                Width      = columnWidthIcon,
                Name       = "Icon",
                DrawAction = (EquipmentSelection entry, Rect columnRect, WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Metadata metadata) => {
                    WidgetEquipmentIcon.Draw(columnRect, entry.Record);
            table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Column()
                Width      = columnWidthName,
                Name       = "Name",
                Label      = "Name",
                DrawAction = (EquipmentSelection entry, Rect columnRect, WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Metadata metadata) => {
                    columnRect  = columnRect.InsetBy(nameOffset.x, 0, 0, 0);
                    GUI.color   = Style.ColorText;
                    Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
                    Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
                    Widgets.Label(columnRect, entry.Record.Label);
                    GUI.color   = Color.white;
                    Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            table.AddColumn(new WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Column()
                Width = columnWidthCount,
                Name  = "Count",
                Label = "Count",
                AdjustForScrollbars = true,
                DrawAction          = (EquipmentSelection entry, Rect columnRect, WidgetTable <EquipmentSelection> .Metadata metadata) => {
                    Rect fieldRect = new Rect(columnRect.x + 17, columnRect.y + 7, 60, 28);
                    Widgets.DrawAtlas(fieldRect, Textures.TextureFieldAtlas);

                    if (metadata.rowIndex <= numberFields.Count)
                        numberFields.Add(new WidgetNumberField()
                            MaxValue = 100000
                    WidgetNumberField field = numberFields[metadata.rowIndex];
                    field.UpdateAction      = (int value) => {
                        EquipmentCountUpdated(entry, value);
                    field.Draw(fieldRect, entry.Count);
        public virtual bool DoGUI(Rect rect, bool colonistOrdering, FloatMenu floatMenu)
            Rect rect2 = rect;

            bool flag  = !Disabled && Mouse.IsOver(rect2);
            bool flag2 = false;

            Text.Font = CurrentFont;
            Rect rect3 = rect;

            rect3.xMin += 4f;
            rect3.xMax  = rect.x + 27f;
            rect3.yMin += 4f;
            rect3.yMax  = rect.y + 27f;
            if (flag)
                rect3.x += 4f;
            Rect rect4 = rect;

            rect4.xMin += HorizontalMargin;
            rect4.xMax -= HorizontalMargin;
            rect4.xMax -= 4f;
            rect4.xMax -= extraPartWidth + IconOffset;
            rect4.x    += IconOffset;
            if (flag)
                rect4.x += 4f;
            Rect rect5 = default(Rect);

            if (extraPartWidth != 0f)
                float num = Mathf.Min(Text.CalcSize(Label).x, rect4.width - 4f);
                rect5 = new Rect(rect4.xMin + num, rect4.yMin, extraPartWidth, 30f);
                flag2 = Mouse.IsOver(rect5);
            if (!Disabled)
            Color color = GUI.color;

            if (Disabled)
                GUI.color = ColorBGDisabled * color;
            else if (flag && !flag2)
                GUI.color = ColorBGActiveMouseover * color;
                GUI.color = ColorBGActive * color;
            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, BaseContent.WhiteTex);
            GUI.color = ((!Disabled) ? ColorTextActive : ColorTextDisabled) * color;
            if (sizeMode == FloatMenuSizeMode.Tiny)
                rect4.y += 1f;
            Widgets.DrawAtlas(rect, TexUI.FloatMenuOptionBG);
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            Widgets.Label(rect4, Label);
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            GUI.color   = iconColor;
            if (shownItem != null || drawPlaceHolderIcon)
                Widgets.DefIcon(rect3, shownItem, null, 1f, drawPlaceHolderIcon);
            else if ((bool)itemIcon)
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect3, itemIcon);
            GUI.color = color;
            if (extraPartOnGUI != null)
                bool num2 = extraPartOnGUI(rect5);
                GUI.color = color;
                if (num2)
            if (flag && mouseoverGuiAction != null)
            if (tutorTag != null)
                UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect, tutorTag);
            if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(rect2))
                if (tutorTag != null && !TutorSystem.AllowAction(tutorTag))
                Chosen(colonistOrdering, floatMenu);
                if (tutorTag != null)