// GET: WelcomeRanks/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            WelcomeRank welcomeRank = db.WelcomeRanks.Find(id);

            if (welcomeRank == null)

            welcomeRank.guests = db.WelcomeGuests
                                 .Where(g => g.Rank.Rank_ID == id)
                                 .OrderBy(g => g.Company.Company)
                                 .ThenBy(g => g.Fullname)

        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            WelcomeRank welcomeRank = db.WelcomeRanks.Find(id);

        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Rank_ID,Rank,Importance")] WelcomeRank welcomeRank)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(welcomeRank).State = EntityState.Modified;
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Rank,Importance")] WelcomeRank welcomeRank)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

        // GET: WelcomeRanks/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            WelcomeRank welcomeRank = db.WelcomeRanks.Find(id);

            if (welcomeRank == null)
        public ActionResult GREdit([Bind(Include = "Guest_ID,Sel_Rank_ID")] WelcomeGuest welcomeGuest)
            var role = UserRole();

            if (!role.WS_Settings)
                return(RedirectToAction("Unauthorized", "Error", new { role.Role, role.UserName }));

            var model = db.WelcomeGuests.Find(welcomeGuest.Guest_ID);

            if (model == null)

            WelcomeRank exrank = model.Rank;

            model.Rank = db.WelcomeRanks.Find(welcomeGuest.Sel_Rank_ID);
            if (model.Rank == null)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                db.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified;
                return(RedirectToAction("Delete", new { id = exrank.Rank_ID }));

            model.Rank = exrank;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void Seed(WelcomeScreen.Models.IntranetContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data.

            #region Welcome táblák feltöltése
            var rank1 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Beszállító képviseloje", Importance = 1
            var rank3 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Beszállító vezetoje", Importance = 3
            var rank1011 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "AQ Group felsõ vezetõ", Importance = 1011
            var rank1013 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "AQ Group CEO", Importance = 1013
            var rank2001 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Vevo képviseloje", Importance = 2001
            var rank2003 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Vevo vezetoje", Importance = 2003
            var rank2101 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Stratégiai vevo képviseloje", Importance = 2101
            var rank2103 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Stratégiai vevo vezetoje", Importance = 2103
            var rank2105 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Stratégiai vevõ felsõ vezetõje", Importance = 2105
            var rank2107 = new WelcomeRank()
                Rank = "Stratégiai vevõ CEO", Importance = 2107

            context.WelcomeRanks.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Rank
                                             , rank1, rank3, rank1011, rank1013, rank2001, rank2003, rank2101, rank2103, rank2105, rank2107);

            var compAQ = new WelcomeCompany()
                Company = "AQ Group", ShowComp = true

            context.WelcomeCompanies.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Company, compAQ);

            var guestAqCEO = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Anders Carlsson", Company = compAQ, Rank = rank1013
            var guestAqCEF = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Mia Tomczak", Company = compAQ, Rank = rank1011
            var guestAqBD = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Per Lindblad", Company = compAQ, Rank = rank1011
            var guestAqMS = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "James Ahrgren", Company = compAQ, Rank = rank1011
            context.WelcomeGuests.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Fullname
                                              , guestAqCEO, guestAqCEF, guestAqBD, guestAqMS);

            var compBosch = new WelcomeCompany()
                Company = "Bosch", ShowComp = true
            context.WelcomeCompanies.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Company, compBosch);

            var guestBoschDVD = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Dr.Volkmar Denner", Company = compBosch, Rank = rank2107
            var guestBoschCK = new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Christoph Kübel", Company = compBosch, Rank = rank2105

            context.WelcomeGuests.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Fullname
                                              , guestBoschDVD
                                              , new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Dr.Michael Bolle", Company = compBosch, Rank = rank2105
                                              , guestBoschCK
                                              , new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Uwe RaschkeL", Company = compBosch, Rank = rank2105

            var comp = new WelcomeCompany()
                Company = "Würth Szereléstechnika Kft.", ShowComp = true
            context.WelcomeCompanies.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Company, comp);
            context.WelcomeGuests.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Fullname
                                              , new WelcomeGuest()
                Fullname = "Kránitz Elemér", Company = comp, Rank = rank1

            context.WelcomeCompanies.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Company
                                                 , new WelcomeCompany()
                Company = "Egyéni vállalkozók", ShowComp = false

            var event1 = new WelcomeVisit
                Visit        = "Éves AQ látogatás"
                , FromDT     = new DateTime(2019, 5, 20, 7, 40, 0)
                , ToDT       = new DateTime(2019, 5, 23, 20, 30, 0)
                , Company    = compAQ
                , CreatingDT = new DateTime(2019, 4, 15, 13, 30, 0)
            var event2 = new WelcomeVisit
                Visit        = "Bosch vevõi látogatás"
                , FromDT     = new DateTime(2019, 6, 18, 7, 40, 0)
                , ToDT       = new DateTime(2019, 6, 20, 18, 10, 0)
                , Company    = compBosch
                , CreatingDT = new DateTime(2019, 4, 16, 11, 28, 11)
            context.WelcomeVisits.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Visit, event1, event2);

            if (context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Count() == 0)
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event1, Guest = guestAqCEO
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event1, Guest = guestAqCEF
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event1, Guest = guestAqBD
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event2, Guest = guestAqCEO
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event2, Guest = guestAqMS
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event2, Guest = guestBoschDVD
                context.WelcomeGuestVisits.Add(new WelcomeGuestVisit()
                    Visit = event2, Guest = guestBoschCK

            #region On-line reports tábla feltöltése
            context.OLReports.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Name
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Nyilvános riportok", Order = 1, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Anton-Public&header=Nyilv%C3%A1nos%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Értékesítés", Order = 2, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Sales-Public&header=%C3%89rt%C3%A9kes%C3%ADt%C3%A9si%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Logisztika", Order = 3, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Logistics-Public&header=Logisztikai%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Pénzügy", Order = 4, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Financial-Public&header=P%C3%A9nz%C3%BCgyes%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Karbantartás", Order = 5, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Maintenance-Public&header=Karbantart%C3%A1s%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Emberi erõforrás", Order = 6, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=HR-Public&header=Emberi%20er%C5%91forr%C3%A1s%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Informatika", Order = 7, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=IT-Public&header=Informatikai%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Történetiségi riportok", Order = 8, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=Histories-Public&header=T%C3%B6rt%C3%A9netis%C3%A9gi%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Szerszámüzem", Order = 21, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=T1-Public&header=Szersz%C3%A1m%C3%BCzemi%20riportok", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "Mûanyagüzem", Order = 22, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=T2-Public&header=M%C5%B1anyag%C3%Bczem", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "SMD", Order = 23, Link = "http://riportok.lan.local/report_list.html?path=T3-Public&header=SMD", IsInformatic = false
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "CIM stopped", Order = 41, Link = "http://rs/Reports/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fIT-Public%2fCIM%20stopped&rs:Command=Render", IsInformatic = true
                                          , new OnLineReport {
                Name = "QAD adatbázis lockok", Order = 42, Link = "http://rs/Reports/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fIT-Public%2fQAD%20adatb%C3%A1zis%20lockok&rs:Command=Render", IsInformatic = true

            #region Jogosultságok feltöltése
            context.IntraRoles.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Role
                                           , new IntraRole {
                Role                   = "Informatikai vezetõk"
                , Admin                = true
                , HomePage             = true
                , UsefullLimks         = true
                , WS_ViewVisit         = true
                , WS_CreateVisit       = true
                , WS_DelCompany        = true
                , WS_Settings          = true
                , T2rT_RecordChecklist = true
                , T2rT_EditChecklist   = false
