Exemplo n.º 1
    //Not used on encoder
    private void playVideo(string fileName)
        //constructor for playpreview
        webcamPlay = new WebcamFfmpeg(Webcam.Action.PLAYFILE, UtilAll.GetOSEnum(), "", "", "");
        Webcam.Result result = webcamPlay.PlayFile(fileName);

         * TODO: reimplement this with ffmpeg
         * if(File.Exists(fileName)) {
         *      LogB.Information("Play video starting...");
         *      PlayerBin player = new PlayerBin();
         *      player.Open(fileName);
         *      //without these lines works also but has less functionalities (speed, go to ms)
         *      Gtk.Window d = new Gtk.Window(Catalog.GetString("Playing video"));
         *      d.Add(player);
         *      d.Modal = true;
         *      d.SetDefaultSize(500,400);
         *      d.ShowAll();
         *      d.DeleteEvent += delegate(object sender, DeleteEventArgs e) {player.Close(); player.Dispose();};
         *      if(play) {
         *              LogB.Information("Play video playing...");
         *              player.Play();
         *      }
         *      return true;
         * }
Exemplo n.º 2
    //do this to start them at the "same moment"
    //can pass a -1 uniqueID if test is cancelled
    private void webcamEndTwoCams(Constants.TestTypes testType, int uniqueID)
        WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder guiContactsEncoder = WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder.CONTACTS;
        if (testType == Constants.TestTypes.ENCODER)
            guiContactsEncoder = WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder.ENCODER;
            label_video_encoder_feedback.Text = "";

        //button_video_play_this_test.Sensitive = false;
        //button_video_play_this_test_sensitive (guiContactsEncoder, false);

        if (!preferences.videoOn || webcamManage == null)

        Webcam.Result result1 = webcamManage.RecordEnd(1);
        Webcam.Result result2 = webcamManage.RecordEnd(2);

        string errorMessage = "";

        if (result1.success)
            Webcam.Result result1Exit = webcamManage.ExitAndFinish(1, currentSession.UniqueID, testType, uniqueID, guiContactsEncoder);
            if (uniqueID != -1 && !result1Exit.success)
                errorMessage += result1Exit.error + "\n";
            errorMessage += result1.error + "\n";

        if (result2.success)
            Webcam.Result result2Exit = webcamManage.ExitAndFinish(2, currentSession.UniqueID, testType, -1 * uniqueID, guiContactsEncoder);
            if (uniqueID != -1 && !result2Exit.success)
                errorMessage += result2Exit.error + "\n";
            errorMessage += result2.error + "\n";

        if (errorMessage != "")
            new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, errorMessage);

        //button_video_play_this_test.Sensitive = (uniqueID != -1 && errorMessage == "");
        button_video_play_this_test_sensitive(guiContactsEncoder, (uniqueID != -1 && errorMessage == ""));
Exemplo n.º 3
    //can pass a -1 uniqueID if test is cancelled
    private void webcamEnd(Constants.TestTypes testType, int uniqueID)
        //on contacts tests, we have WebcamStarted. No need to stop camera because it is not recording
        if (testType != Constants.TestTypes.ENCODER && !webcamManage.ReallyStarted)

        WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder guiContactsEncoder = WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder.CONTACTS;
        if (testType == Constants.TestTypes.ENCODER)
            guiContactsEncoder = WebcamManage.GuiContactsEncoder.ENCODER;
            label_video_encoder_feedback.Text = "";

            hbox_video_encoder.Sensitive            = true;
            hbox_video_encoder_no_capturing.Visible = true;
            hbox_video_encoder_capturing.Visible    = false;

        if (!preferences.videoOn || webcamManage == null)

        Webcam.Result result = webcamManage.RecordEnd(1);

        if (!result.success)
            new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, result.error);

        webcamEndParams = new WebcamEndParams(1, currentSession.UniqueID, testType, uniqueID, guiContactsEncoder);

        //on encoder do not have a delayed call to not have problems with CopyTempVideo on src/gui/encoder.cs
        //also on encoder exercise ends when movement has really finished
        if (testType == Constants.TestTypes.ENCODER)
            LogB.Information("Encoder, immediate call to webcamEndDo()");
            if (preferences.videoStopAfter == 0)
                //call it later to be able to have some video on a short test like a jump.
                LogB.Information(string.Format("Preparing to call webcamEndDo() in {0} s", preferences.videoStopAfter));
                GLib.Timeout.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(preferences.videoStopAfter * 1000), new GLib.TimeoutHandler(webcamEndDo));
Exemplo n.º 4
    // 2 cameras
    public Webcam.Result RecordPrepare(string videoDevice, string videoDevice2, string videoDeviceResolution, string videoDeviceFramerate)
        Webcam.Result result1 = recordPrepareDo(ref webcam, videoDevice, videoDeviceResolution, videoDeviceFramerate);
        Webcam.Result result2 = recordPrepareDo(ref webcam2, videoDevice2, videoDeviceResolution, videoDeviceFramerate);

        return(new Webcam.Result(
                   result1.success && result2.success,
                   result1.output + result2.output,
                   result1.error + result2.error
Exemplo n.º 5
    private Webcam.Result recordEndDo(ref Webcam webcam)
        LogB.Information("webcamRecordEnd call 0");
        Webcam.Result result = webcam.VideoCaptureEnd();

        LogB.Information("webcamRecordEnd call 1");
        if (!result.success)

        LogB.Information("webcamRecordEnd call 2");
Exemplo n.º 6
    private bool webcamEndDo()
        LogB.Information("Called webcamEndDo()");
        Webcam.Result resultExit = webcamManage.ExitAndFinish(webcamEndParams.camera, webcamEndParams.sessionID,
                                                              webcamEndParams.testType, webcamEndParams.uniqueID, webcamEndParams.guiContactsEncoder);

        if (webcamEndParams.uniqueID != -1 && !resultExit.success)
            new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, resultExit.error);

        LogB.Information(string.Format("calling button_video_play_this_test_sensitive {0}-{1}-{2}", webcamEndParams.guiContactsEncoder, webcamManage.ReallyStarted, resultExit.success));
        button_video_play_this_test_sensitive(webcamEndParams.guiContactsEncoder, webcamManage.ReallyStarted && resultExit.success);

        return(false);        //do not call this Timeout routine again
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void on_button_video_watch_clicked(object o, EventArgs args)
        if (File.Exists(videoFileName))
            LogB.Information("Exists and clicked " + videoFileName);

             * using mplayer
             * Webcam webcam = new WebcamMplayer ();
             * Webcam.Result result = webcam.PlayFile(videoFileName);

            //using ffmpeg
            Webcam        webcam = new WebcamFfmpeg(Webcam.Action.PLAYFILE, UtilAll.GetOSEnum(), "", "", "");
            Webcam.Result result = webcam.PlayFile(videoFileName);
Exemplo n.º 8
    private Webcam.Result recordPrepareDo(ref Webcam w, string videoDevice, string videoDeviceResolution, string videoDeviceFramerate)
        if (videoDevice == "")
            new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, "Video device is not configured. Check Preferences / Multimedia.");
            return(new Webcam.Result(false, ""));

        //w = new Webcam(preferences.videoDevice);
        LogB.Information("wRS at gui chronojump.cs 0, videoDevice: " + videoDevice);

        //w = new WebcamMplayer (videoDevice);
        w = new WebcamFfmpeg(Webcam.Action.CAPTURE, os, videoDevice, videoDeviceResolution, videoDeviceFramerate);
        Webcam.Result result = w.CapturePrepare(Webcam.CaptureTypes.VIDEO);

        LogB.Information("wRS at gui chronojump.cs 1, videoDevice: " + videoDevice);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private void playPreview()
     //constructor for playpreview
     webcamPlay = new WebcamFfmpeg(Webcam.Action.PLAYPREVIEW, UtilAll.GetOSEnum(), preferences.videoDevice, preferences.videoDeviceResolution, preferences.videoDeviceFramerate);
     Webcam.Result result = webcamPlay.PlayPreviewNoBackground();