Exemplo n.º 1
        private ILibrary GetLibrary(int?provider, WebMediaType type)
            switch (type)
            case WebMediaType.Movie:

            case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
            case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
            case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:

            case WebMediaType.Picture:

            case WebMediaType.TVShow:
            case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
            case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:

            case WebMediaType.File:
            case WebMediaType.Folder:
            case WebMediaType.Drive:

                throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public WebMediaItem GetMediaItem(int?provider, WebMediaType type, string id)
            switch (type)
            case WebMediaType.Movie:
                return(GetMovieDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Movie).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
                return(GetMusicTrackDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Music).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.Picture:
                return(GetPictureDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Picture).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
                return(GetTVEpisodeDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.TVShow).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.Drive:
                return(GetFileSystemDriveBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.Folder:
                return(GetFileSystemFolderBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem());

            case WebMediaType.File:
                return(GetFileSystemFileBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem());

                throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Playlist(WebMediaType type, string itemId, string transcoder = null)
            // save stream request
            if (!PlayerOpenedBy.Contains(Request.UserHostAddress))

            // get profile
            var defaultProfile = type == WebMediaType.TV || type == WebMediaType.Recording ?
                                 Settings.ActiveSettings.DefaultTVProfile :
            var profile = GetProfile(GetStreamControl(type), transcoder ?? defaultProfile);

            // generate url
            RouteValueDictionary parameters = new RouteValueDictionary();

            parameters["item"]           = itemId;
            parameters["transcoder"]     = profile.Name;
            parameters["continuationId"] = "playlist-" + randomGenerator.Next(10000, 99999);
            string url = Url.Action(Enum.GetName(typeof(WebMediaType), type), "Stream", parameters, Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Host);

            // create playlist
            StringBuilder m3u = new StringBuilder();

            m3u.AppendLine("#EXTINF:-1, " + MediaName.GetMediaName(type, itemId));

            // return it
            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(m3u.ToString());
            return(File(data, "audio/x-mpegurl", "stream.m3u"));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Stream GetArtworkResized(WebMediaType mediatype, int?provider, string id, WebFileType artworktype, int offset, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string borders = null, string format = null)
            int?calcMaxWidth  = maxWidth == 0 ? null : (int?)maxWidth;
            int?calcMaxHeight = maxHeight == 0 ? null : (int?)maxHeight;

            return(Images.GetResizedImage(new ImageMediaSource(mediatype, provider, id, artworktype, offset), calcMaxWidth, calcMaxHeight, borders, format));
Exemplo n.º 5
        // HTTP Live Streaming
        public ActionResult StartHttpLiveStream(WebMediaType type, string itemId, string transcoder, string continuationId)
            if (!IsUserAuthenticated())
                Log.Warn("User {0} (host {1}) requested a HLS stream but isn't authenticated - denying access", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, Request.UserHostAddress);
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult());

            var    profile    = GetProfile(GetStreamControl(type), transcoder);
            string identifier = ActuallyStartHttpLiveStream(type, itemId, profile, 0, continuationId);

            if (identifier != null)
                string url = GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct ? HttpLiveUrls[identifier] :
                             Url.Action(Enum.GetName(typeof(WebMediaType), type), new RouteValueDictionary()
                    { "item", itemId },
                    { "transcoder", transcoder },
                    { "continuationId", continuationId }
                return(Json(new { Success = true, URL = url }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { Succes = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public WebBoolResult InitStream(WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, int?offset, string clientDescription, string identifier, int?idleTimeout)
            if (type == WebMediaType.TV)
                int channelId = Int32.Parse(itemId);
                lock (_timeshiftings)
                    StreamLog.Info(identifier, "Starting timeshifting on channel {0} for client {1}", channelId, clientDescription);
                    var card = Connections.TAS.SwitchTVServerToChannelAndGetVirtualCard("mpextended-" + identifier, channelId);
                    if (card == null)
                        StreamLog.Error(identifier, "Failed to start timeshifting for stream");
                        StreamLog.Debug(identifier, "Timeshifting started!");
                        _timeshiftings[identifier] = card;
                        itemId = card.TimeShiftFileName;

            StreamLog.Info(identifier, "Called InitStream with type={0}; provider={1}; itemId={2}; offset={3}; clientDescription={4}; idleTimeout={5}",
                           type, provider, itemId, offset, clientDescription, idleTimeout);
            return(_stream.InitStream(identifier, clientDescription, new MediaSource(type, provider, itemId, offset), idleTimeout.HasValue ? idleTimeout.Value : 5 * 60));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static Task <Stream> ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id, int offset)
            ISet <Guid> necessaryMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();


            MediaItem item = MediaLibraryAccess.GetMediaItemById(context, id, necessaryMIATypes, null);

            if (item == null)
                throw new NotFoundException("RetrieveFile: no media item found");

            var files = ResourceAccessUtils.GetResourcePaths(item);
            var ra    = GetResourceAccessor(files[offset]);
            IFileSystemResourceAccessor fsra = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;

            if (fsra == null)
                throw new InternalServerException("RetrieveFile: failed to create IFileSystemResourceAccessor");

 private static string ArtworkImplementation(this UrlHelper helper, WebMediaType mediaType, string id, Func<string, string, RouteValueDictionary, string> actionMethod)
     switch (mediaType)
         case WebMediaType.Movie:
             return actionMethod("Cover", "MovieLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { movie = id }));
         case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
             return actionMethod("AlbumImage", "MusicLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { album = id }));
         case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:
             return actionMethod("ArtistImage", "MusicLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { artist = id }));
         case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
             return actionMethod("TrackImage", "MusicLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { track = id }));
         case WebMediaType.Radio:
         case WebMediaType.TV:
             return actionMethod("ChannelLogo", "Television", new RouteValueDictionary(new { channelId = id }));
         case WebMediaType.Recording:
             // TODO: Make width configurable with a parameter (object attributes or something like it)
             return actionMethod("PreviewImage", "Recording", new RouteValueDictionary(new { id = id, width = 640 }));
         case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
             return actionMethod("EpisodeImage", "TVShowsLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { episode = id }));
         case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
             return actionMethod("SeasonImage", "TVShowsLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { season = id }));
         case WebMediaType.TVShow:
             return actionMethod("SeriesPoster", "TVShowsLibrary", new RouteValueDictionary(new { season = id }));
             return String.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public MediaSource(WebMediaType type, int? provider, string id)
     this.MediaType = (WebStreamMediaType)type;
     this.Id = id;
     this.Offset = 0;
     this.Provider = provider;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public WebBoolResult RequestImageResize(WebMediaType mediatype, int?provider, string id, WebFileType imagetype, int offset, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string borders = null, string format = null)
            int?calcMaxWidth  = maxWidth == 0 ? null : (int?)maxWidth;
            int?calcMaxHeight = maxHeight == 0 ? null : (int?)maxHeight;

            return(Images.CacheImage(new ImageMediaSource(mediatype, provider, id, imagetype, offset), calcMaxWidth, calcMaxHeight, borders, format));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public string GenerateDownloadToken(WebMediaType mediaType, string itemId)
            string tokenData = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", mediaType, itemId, viewContext.HttpContext.Application["randomToken"]);

            byte[] tokenBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tokenData));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static async Task ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType mediatype, string id, WebFileType artworktype, int offset)
            int offsetInt = 0;

            if (id == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("GetArtwork: id is null");

            string fanartType;
            string fanArtMediaType;

            MapTypes(artworktype, mediatype, out fanartType, out fanArtMediaType);

            bool isTvRadio   = fanArtMediaType == FanArtMediaTypes.ChannelTv || fanArtMediaType == FanArtMediaTypes.ChannelRadio;
            bool isRecording = mediatype == WebMediaType.Recording;

            IList <FanArtImage> fanart = GetFanArtImages(context, id, isTvRadio, isRecording, fanartType, fanArtMediaType);

            // get offset
            if (offsetInt >= fanart.Count)
                Logger.Warn("GetArtwork: offset is too big! FanArt: {0} Offset: {1}", fanart.Count, offsetInt);
                offsetInt = 0;

            Stream resourceStream = ImageFile(fanart[offsetInt].BinaryData);

            context.Response.ContentType = "image/*";
            await SendWholeFileAsync(context, resourceStream, false);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public Stream ExtractImageResized(WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, long position, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string borders = null, string format = null)
            int?calcMaxWidth  = maxWidth == 0 ? null : (int?)maxWidth;
            int?calcMaxHeight = maxHeight == 0 ? null : (int?)maxHeight;

            return(Images.ExtractImage(new MediaSource(type, provider, itemId), position, calcMaxWidth, calcMaxHeight, borders, format));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static ProviderType ToProviderType(this WebMediaType mediatype)
            switch (mediatype)
            case WebMediaType.File:

            case WebMediaType.Movie:

            case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
            case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:
            case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:

            case WebMediaType.Picture:

            case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
            case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
            case WebMediaType.TVShow:

                throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static string GetMediaName(WebMediaType type, string id)
         switch (type)
             case WebMediaType.Movie:
                 return Connections.Current.MAS.GetMovieDetailedById(Settings.ActiveSettings.MovieProvider, id).Title;
             case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
                 return Connections.Current.MAS.GetMusicAlbumBasicById(Settings.ActiveSettings.MusicProvider, id).Title;
             case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
                 return Connections.Current.MAS.GetMusicTrackDetailedById(Settings.ActiveSettings.MusicProvider, id).Title;
             case WebMediaType.Recording:
                 return Connections.Current.TAS.GetRecordingById(Int32.Parse(id)).Title;
             case WebMediaType.TV:
                 return Connections.Current.TAS.GetChannelDetailedById(Int32.Parse(id)).Title;
             case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
                 return Connections.Current.MAS.GetTVEpisodeDetailedById(Settings.ActiveSettings.TVShowProvider, id).Title;
             case WebMediaType.TVShow:
                 return Connections.Current.MAS.GetTVShowDetailedById(Settings.ActiveSettings.TVShowProvider, id).Title;
             case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
                 return "";
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Warn("Could not load display name of media", ex);
     return "";
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Util
        protected int?GetProvider(WebMediaType type)
            switch (type)
            case WebMediaType.File:

            case WebMediaType.Movie:

            case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
            case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:

            case WebMediaType.Picture:

            case WebMediaType.Recording:
            case WebMediaType.TV:

            case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
            case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
            case WebMediaType.TVShow:

                // this cannot happen
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult Download(WebMediaType type, string item)
            // Create URL to GetMediaItem
            Log.Debug("User wants to download type={0}; item={1}", type, item);
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty); // you can't instantiate that class manually for some reason
            queryString["clientDescription"] = String.Format("WebMediaPortal download (user {0})", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
            queryString["type"] = ((int)type).ToString();
            queryString["itemId"] = item;
            string address = type == WebMediaType.TV || type == WebMediaType.Recording ? Connections.Current.Addresses.TAS : Connections.Current.Addresses.MAS;
            string fullUrl = String.Format("http://{0}/MPExtended/StreamingService/stream/GetMediaItem?{1}", address, queryString.ToString());
            UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder(fullUrl);

            // If we connect to the services at localhost, actually give the extern IP address to users
            if (NetworkInformation.IsLocalAddress(fullUri.Host, false))
                fullUri.Host = NetworkInformation.GetIPAddress(false);

            // Do the actual streaming
            if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Proxied)
                Log.Debug("Proxying download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
            else if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct)
                Log.Debug("Redirecting user to download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
                return Redirect(fullUri.ToString());
            return new EmptyResult();
Exemplo n.º 18
        public WebDictionary <string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
            if (type == WebMediaType.MusicAlbum)
                var album = GetAlbumBasicById(id);
                return(new WebDictionary <string>()
                    { "Type", "mpmusic album" },
                    { "Album", album.Title },
                    { "Artist", album.AlbumArtist }
            else if (type == WebMediaType.MusicTrack)
                return(new WebDictionary <string>()
                    { "Type", "mpmusic track" },
                    { "Id", GetTrackBasicById(id).Id }
            else if (type == WebMediaType.MusicArtist)
                return(new WebDictionary <string>()
                    { "Type", "mpmusic artist" },
                    { "Artist", GetArtistBasicById(id).Title }

            throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 19
        // HTTP Live Streaming
        public ActionResult StartHttpLiveStream(WebMediaType type, string itemId, int fileindex, string transcoder, string continuationId)
            if (!IsUserAuthenticated())
                Log.Warn("User {0} (host {1}) requested a HLS stream but isn't authenticated - denying access", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, Request.UserHostAddress);
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult());

            var    profile    = GetProfile(GetStreamControl(type), transcoder);
            string identifier = ActuallyStartHttpLiveStream(type, itemId, fileindex, profile, 0, continuationId);

            if (identifier != null)
                string url = GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct ? HttpLiveUrls[identifier] :
                             Url.Action(Enum.GetName(typeof(WebMediaType), type), new RouteValueDictionary()
                    { "item", itemId },
                    { "fileindex", fileindex },
                    { "transcoder", transcoder },
                    { "continuationId", continuationId }

                // iOS does not display poster images with relative paths
                string posterUrl = Url.AbsoluteArtwork(type, itemId);
                Log.Debug("HLS: Replying to explicit AJAX HLS start request for continuationId={0} with mode={1}; url={2}", continuationId, GetStreamMode(), url);
                return(Json(new { Success = true, URL = url, Poster = posterUrl }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                return(Json(new { Succes = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Stream GetImageResized(WebMediaType type, int?provider, string id, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string borders = null, string format = null)
            int?calcMaxWidth  = maxWidth == 0 ? null : (int?)maxWidth;
            int?calcMaxHeight = maxHeight == 0 ? null : (int?)maxHeight;

            return(Images.GetResizedImage(new ImageMediaSource(type, provider, id, WebFileType.Content, 0), calcMaxWidth, calcMaxHeight, borders, format));
Exemplo n.º 21
 protected virtual bool CheckArguments(WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype)
                (mediatype == WebMediaType.TV && FileType != WebFileType.Content) ||
                (mediatype == WebMediaType.Recording && FileType != WebFileType.Content)
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static Task <IList <string> > ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id)
            if (id == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("GetPathList: id is null");

            ISet <Guid> necessaryMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();


            ISet <Guid> optionalMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();


            MediaItem item = MediaLibraryAccess.GetMediaItemById(context, Guid.Parse(id), necessaryMIATypes, optionalMIATypes);

            if (item == null)
                throw new NotFoundException(String.Format("GetPathList: No MediaItem found with id: {0}", id));

            var output = ResourceAccessUtils.GetPaths(item);

        public static Task <WebItemSupportStatus> ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, int?offset)
            if (itemId == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("GetItemSupportStatus: itemId is null");

            ISet <Guid> necessaryMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();


            ISet <Guid> optionalMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();


            MediaItem item = MediaLibraryAccess.GetMediaItemById(context, itemId, necessaryMIATypes, optionalMIATypes);

            bool result = item != null;

            WebItemSupportStatus webItemSupportStatus = new WebItemSupportStatus
                Supported = result,
                Reason    = ""

Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult Download(WebMediaType type, string item)
            // Create URL to GetMediaItem
            Log.Debug("User wants to download type={0}; item={1}", type, item);
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty); // you can't instantiate that class manually for some reason

            queryString["clientDescription"] = String.Format("WebMediaPortal download (user {0})", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
            queryString["type"]   = ((int)type).ToString();
            queryString["itemId"] = item;
            string     address = type == WebMediaType.TV || type == WebMediaType.Recording ? Connections.Current.Addresses.TAS : Connections.Current.Addresses.MAS;
            string     fullUrl = String.Format("http://{0}/MPExtended/StreamingService/stream/GetMediaItem?{1}", address, queryString.ToString());
            UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder(fullUrl);

            // If we connect to the services at localhost, actually give the extern IP address to users
            if (fullUri.Host == "localhost" || fullUri.Host == "")
                fullUri.Host = NetworkInformation.GetIPAddress();

            // Do the actual streaming
            if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Proxied)
                Log.Debug("Proxying download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
            else if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct)
                Log.Debug("Redirecting user to download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
            return(new EmptyResult());
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected override bool CheckArguments(WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype)
     if ((mediatype == WebMediaType.TV || mediatype == WebMediaType.Recording) && filetype == WebFileType.Logo)
     return(base.CheckArguments(mediatype, filetype));
Exemplo n.º 26
 public WebDictionary <string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     return(new WebDictionary <string>()
         { "Type", "file" },
         { "Path", GetPictureBasic(id).Path.First() },
Exemplo n.º 27
 public WebDictionary <string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     return(new WebDictionary <string>()
         { "Type", "moving pictures" },
         { "Id", id }
Exemplo n.º 28
 public SerializableDictionary <string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     return(new SerializableDictionary <string>()
         { "Type", "myvideos" },
         { "Id", id }
        public static async Task <WebIntResult> ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType mediaType, string filterField, string op, int?limit)
            IList <string> output = await GetFilterValues.ProcessAsync(context, mediaType, filterField, op, limit, null);

            return(new WebIntResult {
                Result = output.Count
Exemplo n.º 30
 public SerializableDictionary<string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     return new SerializableDictionary<string>()
         { "Type", "file" },
         { "Path", GetFileBasic(id).Path.First() }
Exemplo n.º 31
        // Streaming
        public ActionResult Download(WebMediaType type, string item, string token = null)
            // Check authentication
            if (!IsUserAuthenticated())
                string expectedData = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", type, item, HttpContext.Application["randomToken"]);
                byte[] expectedBytes = SHA256.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(expectedData));
                string expectedToken = expectedBytes.ToHexString();
                if (token == null || expectedToken != token)
                    Log.Error("Denying download type={0}, item={1}, token={2}, ip={3}: user is not logged in and token is invalid", type, item, token, Request.UserHostAddress);
                    return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

            // Create URL to GetMediaItem
            Log.Debug("User wants to download type={0}; item={1}", type, item);
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty); // you can't instantiate that class manually for some reason
            var userDescription = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name) ? String.Format(" (user {0})", HttpContext.User.Identity) :
                                  // TODO: also grab the user from the Authorization header here
                                  !String.IsNullOrEmpty(token) ? " (token-based download)" : String.Empty;
            queryString["clientDescription"] = "WebMediaPortal download" + userDescription;
            queryString["type"] = ((int)type).ToString();
            queryString["itemId"] = item;
            string address = type == WebMediaType.TV || type == WebMediaType.Recording ? Connections.Current.Addresses.TAS : Connections.Current.Addresses.MAS;
            string fullUrl = String.Format("http://{0}/MPExtended/StreamingService/stream/GetMediaItem?{1}", address, queryString.ToString());
            UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder(fullUrl);

            // If we can access the file without any problems, let IIS stream it; that is a lot faster
            if (NetworkInformation.IsLocalAddress(fullUri.Host) && type != WebMediaType.TV)
                var path = type == WebMediaType.Recording ?
                    Connections.Current.TAS.GetRecordingFileInfo(Int32.Parse(item)).Path :
                    Connections.Current.MAS.GetMediaItem(GetProvider(type), type, item).Path[0];
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                    return File(path, MIME.GetFromFilename(path, "application/octet-stream"), Path.GetFileName(path));

            // If we connect to the services at localhost, actually give the extern IP address to users
            if (NetworkInformation.IsLocalAddress(fullUri.Host))
                fullUri.Host = NetworkInformation.GetIPAddressForUri();

            // Do the actual streaming
            if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Proxied)
                Log.Debug("Proxying download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
            else if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct)
                Log.Debug("Redirecting user to download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
                return Redirect(fullUri.ToString());
            return new EmptyResult();
Exemplo n.º 32
 public object GetDownloadArguments(WebMediaType mediaType, string itemId)
     return new
         item = itemId,
         type = mediaType,
         token = GenerateDownloadToken(mediaType, itemId)
Exemplo n.º 33
 public object GetDownloadArguments(WebMediaType mediaType, string itemId)
         item = itemId,
         type = mediaType,
         token = GenerateDownloadToken(mediaType, itemId)
Exemplo n.º 34
        public Stream Download(string clientDescription, WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, long?position)
            // validate source first
            MediaSource source = new MediaSource(type, provider, itemId);

            if (!source.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException();

            // create context
            DownloadContext context = new DownloadContext()
                ClientDescription = clientDescription,
                Source            = source,
                StartTime         = DateTime.Now,
                Stream            = new ReadTrackingStreamWrapper(source.Retrieve()),
                MediaInfo         = MediaInfoHelper.LoadMediaInfoOrSurrogate(source) // for playerposition view

            // seek to start position if wanted/needed
            if (position != null && position > 0)
                if (context.Stream.CanSeek)
                    context.Stream.Seek(position.Value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    Log.Warn("Download: Cannot seek on stream, failed to set start position to {0}", position);

            // see comment in Streaming.cs:151
            string realIp = WCFUtil.GetHeaderValue("forwardedFor", "X-Forwarded-For");

            context.ClientIP = realIp == null?WCFUtil.GetClientIPAddress() : String.Format("{0} (via {1})", realIp, WCFUtil.GetClientIPAddress());

            // set headers for downloading
            WCFUtil.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + source.GetFileInfo().Name + "\"");
            if (source.MediaType != WebMediaType.TV)

            // FIXME: there has to be a better way to do this
            string mime = MIME.GetFromFilename(source.GetFileInfo().Name);

            if (mime != null)

            // finally, save the context and return
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static async Task <bool> ProcessAsync(IOwinContext context, WebMediaType type, string id)
            if (id == null)
                throw new BadRequestException("GetImage: id is null");

            ISet <Guid> necessaryMIATypes = new HashSet <Guid>();

            MediaItem item = MediaLibraryAccess.GetMediaItemById(context, id, necessaryMIATypes, null);

            var resourcePathStr = item.PrimaryResources[item.ActiveResourceLocatorIndex].GetAttributeValue(ProviderResourceAspect.ATTR_RESOURCE_ACCESSOR_PATH);
            var resourcePath    = ResourcePath.Deserialize(resourcePathStr.ToString());

            var ra = GetResourceAccessor(resourcePath);
            IFileSystemResourceAccessor fsra = ra as IFileSystemResourceAccessor;

            if (fsra == null)
                throw new InternalServerException("GetImage: failed to create IFileSystemResourceAccessor");

            using (var resourceStream = fsra.OpenRead())
                // HTTP/1.1 RFC2616 section 14.25 'If-Modified-Since'
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"]))
                    DateTime lastRequest = DateTime.Parse(context.Request.Headers["If-Modified-Since"]);
                    if (lastRequest.CompareTo(fsra.LastChanged) <= 0)
                        context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;

                // HTTP/1.1 RFC2616 section 14.29 'Last-Modified'
                context.Response.Headers["Last-Modified"] = fsra.LastChanged.ToUniversalTime().ToString("r");

                string        byteRangesSpecifier = context.Request.Headers["Range"];
                IList <Range> ranges      = ParseByteRanges(byteRangesSpecifier, resourceStream.Length);
                bool          onlyHeaders = context.Request.Method == "HEAD" || context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified;
                if (ranges != null && ranges.Count > 0)
                    // We only support last range
                    await SendRangeAsync(context, resourceStream, ranges[ranges.Count - 1], onlyHeaders);
                    await SendWholeFileAsync(context, resourceStream, onlyHeaders);
Exemplo n.º 36
        public WebItemSupportStatus GetItemSupportStatus(WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, int?offset)
            // check if we actually now about this file
            MediaSource source = new MediaSource(type, provider, itemId, offset);
            string      error  = source.CheckAvailability();

            return(error != null ?
                   new WebItemSupportStatus(false, error) :
                   new WebItemSupportStatus(true, null));
Exemplo n.º 37
 public SerializableDictionary<string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     string path = GetFileBasic(id).Path.First();
     return new SerializableDictionary<string>()
         { "Type", File.Exists(path) ? "file" : "folder" },
         { "Path", path },
         { "Extensions", ".*" }
Exemplo n.º 38
 public WebBoolResult AddPlaylistItems(int? provider, string playlistId, WebMediaType type, int? position, string ids)
     IList<WebPlaylistItem> playlist = GetAllPlaylistItems(provider, playlistId).Finalize(provider, type);
     int pos = position != null ? (int)position : playlist.Count - 1;
     string[] splitIds = ids.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     for (int i = 0; i < splitIds.Length; i++)
         AddPlaylistItemToPlaylist(provider, splitIds[i], pos + i, playlist);
     return PlaylistLibraries[provider].SavePlaylist(playlistId, playlist);
        public async Task DoStream(WebMediaType type, int?provider, string itemId, string clientDescription, string profileName, long startPosition, int?idleTimeout)
            Logger.Debug("WSS Request: {0}", Request.GetOwinContext().Request.Uri);
            string identifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var    result     = await ResourceAccess.WSS.json.Control.InitStream.ProcessAsync(Request.GetOwinContext(), itemId, clientDescription, identifier, type, idleTimeout);

            if (result.Result)
                await ResourceAccess.WSS.json.Control.StartStream.ProcessAsync(Request.GetOwinContext(), identifier, profileName, startPosition);
Exemplo n.º 40
        public Stream Download(string clientDescription, WebMediaType type, int? provider, string itemId, long? position)
            // validate source first
            MediaSource source = new MediaSource(type, provider, itemId);
            if (!source.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException();

            // create context
            DownloadContext context = new DownloadContext()
                ClientDescription = clientDescription,
                Source = source,
                StartTime = DateTime.Now,
                Stream = new ReadTrackingStreamWrapper(source.Retrieve()),
                MediaInfo = MediaInfoHelper.LoadMediaInfoOrSurrogate(source) // for playerposition view

            // seek to start position if wanted/needed
            if (position != null && position > 0)
                if (context.Stream.CanSeek)
                    context.Stream.Seek(position.Value, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    Log.Warn("Download: Cannot seek on stream, failed to set start position to {0}", position);

            // see comment in Streaming.cs:151
            string realIp = WCFUtil.GetHeaderValue("forwardedFor", "X-Forwarded-For");
            context.ClientIP = realIp == null ? WCFUtil.GetClientIPAddress() : String.Format("{0} (via {1})", realIp, WCFUtil.GetClientIPAddress());

            // set headers for downloading
            WCFUtil.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + source.GetFileInfo().Name + "\"");
            if (source.MediaType != WebMediaType.TV)

            // FIXME: there has to be a better way to do this
            string mime = MIME.GetFromFilename(source.GetFileInfo().Name);
            if (mime != null)

            // finally, save the context and return
            return context.Stream;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public WebBoolResult AddPlaylistItem(int? provider, string playlistId, WebMediaType type, string id, int? position)
            IList<WebPlaylistItem> playlist = GetAllPlaylistItems(provider, playlistId).Finalize(provider, type);

            if (AddPlaylistItemToPlaylist(provider, id, position, playlist))
                return PlaylistLibraries[provider].SavePlaylist(playlistId, playlist);
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 42
        public MediaSource(WebMediaType type, int? provider, string id, WebFileType filetype, int offset)
            this.MediaType = type;
            this.Id = id;
            this.Provider = provider;
            this.Offset = offset;
            this.FileType = filetype;

            if (!CheckArguments(type, filetype))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid combination of mediatype and filetype");
Exemplo n.º 43
        public static ActionResult ReturnFromService(WebMediaType mediaType, string id, WebFileType artworkType, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, string defaultFile = null)
            IStreamingService service;
            int? provider = null;

            switch (mediaType)
                case WebMediaType.Drive:
                case WebMediaType.File:
                case WebMediaType.Folder:
                    service = Connections.Current.MASStream;
                    provider = Settings.ActiveSettings.FileSystemProvider;
                case WebMediaType.Movie:
                    service = Connections.Current.MASStream;
                    provider = Settings.ActiveSettings.MovieProvider;
                case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
                case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:
                case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
                    service = Connections.Current.MASStream;
                    provider = Settings.ActiveSettings.MusicProvider;
                case WebMediaType.Picture:
                    service = Connections.Current.MASStream;
                    provider = Settings.ActiveSettings.PicturesProvider;
                case WebMediaType.TVShow:
                case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
                case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
                    service = Connections.Current.MASStream;
                    provider = Settings.ActiveSettings.TVShowProvider;
                case WebMediaType.TV:
                    service = Connections.Current.TASStream;
                case WebMediaType.Recording:
                    service = Connections.Current.TASStream;
                    return ReturnFromService(service, () => service.ExtractImageResized(mediaType, provider, id, 15, maxWidth, maxHeight), defaultFile);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Tried to load image for unknown mediatype " + mediaType);

            string etag = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}_{5}", mediaType, provider, id, artworkType, maxWidth, maxHeight);
            return ReturnFromService(service, () => service.GetArtworkResized(mediaType, provider, id, artworkType, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight), defaultFile, etag);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public ActionResult Download(WebMediaType type, string item)
            // Create URL to GetMediaItem
            Log.Debug("User wants to download type={0}; item={1}", type, item);
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty); // you can't instantiate that class manually for some reason
            queryString["clientDescription"] = String.Format("WebMediaPortal download (user {0})", HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
            queryString["type"] = ((int)type).ToString();
            queryString["itemId"] = item;
            string address = type == WebMediaType.TV || type == WebMediaType.Recording ? Connections.Current.Addresses.TAS : Connections.Current.Addresses.MAS;
            string fullUrl = String.Format("http://{0}/MPExtended/StreamingService/stream/GetMediaItem?{1}", address, queryString.ToString());
            UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder(fullUrl);

            // If we can access the file without any problems, let IIS stream it; that is a lot faster
            if (NetworkInformation.IsLocalAddress(fullUri.Host, false) && type != WebMediaType.TV)
                var path = type == WebMediaType.Recording ?
                    Connections.Current.TAS.GetRecordingFileInfo(Int32.Parse(item)).Path :
                    Connections.Current.MAS.GetMediaItem(GetProvider(type), type, item).Path[0];
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                    return File(path, MIME.GetFromFilename(path, "application/octet-stream"), Path.GetFileName(path));

            // If we connect to the services at localhost, actually give the extern IP address to users
            if (NetworkInformation.IsLocalAddress(fullUri.Host, false))
                fullUri.Host = NetworkInformation.GetIPAddress(false);

            // Do the actual streaming
            if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Proxied)
                Log.Debug("Proxying download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
            else if (GetStreamMode() == StreamType.Direct)
                Log.Debug("Redirecting user to download at {0}", fullUri.ToString());
                return Redirect(fullUri.ToString());
            return new EmptyResult();
Exemplo n.º 45
 private ILibrary GetLibrary(int? provider, WebMediaType type)
     switch (type)
         case WebMediaType.Movie:
             return MovieLibraries[provider];
         case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
         case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
         case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:
             return MusicLibraries[provider];
         case WebMediaType.Picture:
             return PictureLibraries[provider];
         case WebMediaType.TVShow:
         case WebMediaType.TVSeason:
         case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
             return TVShowLibraries[provider];
         case WebMediaType.File:
         case WebMediaType.Folder:
         case WebMediaType.Drive:
             return FileSystemLibraries[provider];
             throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 46
        public Stream RetrieveFile(int? provider, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id, int offset)
                string path = GetPathList(provider, mediatype, filetype, id).ElementAt(offset);
                WebFileInfo info = GetFileInfo(provider, mediatype, filetype, id, offset);

                // first try to read the file
                if (info.IsLocalFile && File.Exists(path))
                    return new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // maybe the plugin has some magic
                if (!info.IsLocalFile && info.Exists && !info.OnNetworkDrive)
                    return GetLibrary(provider, mediatype).GetFile(path);

                // try to load it from a network drive
                if (info.OnNetworkDrive && info.Exists)
                    using (NetworkShareImpersonator impersonator = new NetworkShareImpersonator())
                        return new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

                // fail
                Log.Warn("Requested non-existing or non-accessible file mediatype={0} filetype={1} id={2} offset={3}", mediatype, filetype, id, offset);
                return Stream.Null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Info("Failed to retrieve file for mediatype=" + mediatype + ", filetype=" + filetype + ", id=" + id + " and offset=" + offset, ex);
                return Stream.Null;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public WebBoolResult IsLocalFile(int? provider, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id, int offset)
     WebFileInfo info = GetFileInfo(provider, mediatype, filetype, id, offset);
     return info.Exists && info.IsLocalFile;
Exemplo n.º 48
 public static ActionResult ReturnFromService(WebMediaType mediaType, string id, WebFileType artworkType, string defaultFile = null)
     return ReturnFromService(mediaType, id, artworkType, 0, 0, defaultFile);
Exemplo n.º 49
 public ImageMediaSource(WebMediaType type, int? provider, string id, WebFileType filetype, int offset)
     : base(type, provider, id, filetype, offset)
Exemplo n.º 50
 public WebIntResult GetFilterValuesCount(int? provider, WebMediaType mediaType, string filterField, string op = null, int? limit = null)
     return GetFilterValues(provider, mediaType, filterField, op, limit).Count();
Exemplo n.º 51
 public MediaSource(WebMediaType type, int? provider, string id)
     : this(type, provider, id, WebFileType.Content, 0)
Exemplo n.º 52
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all available values for a given field
 /// </summary>
 public IList<string> GetFilterValues(int? provider, WebMediaType mediaType, string filterField, string op, int? limit, WebSortOrder? order = WebSortOrder.Asc)
     switch (mediaType)
         case WebMediaType.Drive:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetFileSystemDrives(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.Movie:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetMoviesDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.MusicAlbum:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetMusicAlbumsBasic(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.MusicArtist:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetMusicArtistsDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetMusicTracksDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.Picture:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetPicturesDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.Playlist:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetPlaylists(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetTVEpisodesDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
         case WebMediaType.TVShow:
             return AutoSuggestion.GetValuesForField(filterField, GetTVShowsDetailed(provider), op, limit).OrderBy(x => x, order).ToList();
             Log.Info("GetFilterValues() called with unsupported mediaType='{0}' filterField='{1}' op='{2}' limit='{3}'", mediaType, filterField, op, limit);
             throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported MediaType for GetFilterValues()");
Exemplo n.º 53
        public WebFileInfo GetFileInfo(int? provider, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id, int offset)
            string path = "";
                path = GetPathList(provider, mediatype, filetype, id).ElementAt(offset);
                WebFileInfo retVal = null;

                bool tryImpersonation = false;
                    // first try it the usual way
                    retVal = GetLibrary(provider, mediatype).GetFileInfo(path).Finalize(provider, mediatype);
                    tryImpersonation = retVal == null || !retVal.Exists;
                catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    // access denied, try impersonation
                    tryImpersonation = true;

                if (tryImpersonation && new Uri(path).IsUnc && !FileUtil.IsAccessible(path))
                    using (var impersonator = new NetworkShareImpersonator())
                        retVal = new WebFileInfo(path);
                        retVal.IsLocalFile = Configuration.Services.NetworkImpersonation.ReadInStreamingService;
                        retVal.OnNetworkDrive = true;

                // Make sure to always the path property, even if the file doesn't exist. This makes debugging a lot easier, as you get actual paths in your logs now.
                retVal.Path = path;
                return retVal;
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                Log.Info("Cannot resolve mediatype={0}, filetype={1}, provider={2}, id={3}, offset={4}", mediatype, filetype, provider, id, offset);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                Log.Info("Failed to load fileinfo for non-existing file mediatype={0}, filetype={1}, provider={5}, id={2}, offset={3} (resulting in path={4})", mediatype, filetype, id, offset, path, provider);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Info(String.Format("Failed to load fileinfo for mediatype={0}, filetype={1}, provider={5}, id={2}, offset={3} (resulting in path={4})", mediatype, filetype, id, offset, path, provider), ex);

            return new WebFileInfo()
                Exists = false,
                Path = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) ? null : path
Exemplo n.º 54
 public WebDictionary<string> GetExternalMediaInfo(int? provider, WebMediaType type, string id)
     return GetLibrary(provider, type).GetExternalMediaInfo(type, id);
Exemplo n.º 55
        /// <summary>
        /// Return external media info for recording
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Type of item</param>
        /// <param name="id">Id of recording</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary object that can be sent to e.g. WifiRemote</returns>
        public WebDictionary<string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType? type, string id)
            if (type == WebMediaType.Recording)
                return new WebDictionary<string>()
                    { "Type", "mp recording" },
                    { "Id", id }
            else if (type == WebMediaType.TV)
                return new WebDictionary<string>()
                    { "Type", "mp tvchannel" },
                    { "Id", id }

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 56
 public WebMediaItem GetMediaItem(int? provider, WebMediaType type, string id)
     switch (type)
         case WebMediaType.Movie:
             return GetMovieDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Movie).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.MusicTrack:
             return GetMusicTrackDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Music).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.Picture:
             return GetPictureDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Picture).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.TVEpisode:
             return GetTVEpisodeDetailedById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.TVShow).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.Drive:
             return GetFileSystemDriveBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.Folder:
             return GetFileSystemFolderBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem();
         case WebMediaType.File:
             return GetFileSystemFileBasicById(provider, id).Finalize(provider, ProviderType.Filesystem).ToWebMediaItem();
             throw new ArgumentException();
Exemplo n.º 57
 protected override bool CheckArguments(WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype)
     if ((mediatype == WebMediaType.TV || mediatype == WebMediaType.Recording) && filetype == WebFileType.Logo)
         return true;
     return base.CheckArguments(mediatype, filetype);
Exemplo n.º 58
        public IList<string> GetPathList(int? provider, WebMediaType mediatype, WebFileType filetype, string id)
            if (mediatype == WebMediaType.File && filetype == WebFileType.Content)
                return FileSystemLibraries[provider].GetFileBasic(id).Path;
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.Movie && filetype == WebFileType.Content)
                return MovieLibraries[provider].GetMovieDetailedById(id).Path;
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.Movie && filetype == WebFileType.Backdrop)
                return MovieLibraries[provider].GetMovieDetailedById(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Backdrop).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.Movie && filetype == WebFileType.Cover)
                return MovieLibraries[provider].GetMovieDetailedById(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Cover).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVShow && filetype == WebFileType.Banner)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetTVShowDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Banner).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVShow && filetype == WebFileType.Backdrop)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetTVShowDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Backdrop).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVShow && filetype == WebFileType.Poster)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetTVShowDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Poster).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVSeason && filetype == WebFileType.Backdrop)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetSeasonDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Backdrop).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVSeason && filetype == WebFileType.Banner)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetSeasonDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Banner).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVSeason && filetype == WebFileType.Poster)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetSeasonDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Poster).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVEpisode && filetype == WebFileType.Content)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetEpisodeBasic(id).Path;
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.TVEpisode && filetype == WebFileType.Banner)
                return TVShowLibraries[provider].GetEpisodeDetailed(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Banner).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.Picture && filetype == WebFileType.Content)
                return PictureLibraries[provider].GetPictureDetailed(id).Path;
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.MusicArtist && filetype == WebFileType.Cover)
                return MusicLibraries[provider].GetArtistBasicById(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Cover).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.MusicAlbum && filetype == WebFileType.Cover)
                return MusicLibraries[provider].GetAlbumBasicById(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Cover).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.MusicTrack && filetype == WebFileType.Cover)
                return MusicLibraries[provider].GetTrackBasicById(id).Artwork.Where(x => x.Type == WebFileType.Cover).Select(x => ((WebArtworkDetailed)x).Path).ToList();
            else if (mediatype == WebMediaType.MusicTrack && filetype == WebFileType.Content)
                return MusicLibraries[provider].GetTrackBasicById(id).Path;

            Log.Warn("Invalid combination of filetype {0} and mediatype {1} requested", filetype, mediatype);
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 59
 public IList<string> GetFilterValuesByRange(int? provider, int start, int end, WebMediaType mediaType, string filterField, string op = null, int? limit = null, WebSortOrder? order = WebSortOrder.Asc)
     return GetFilterValues(provider, mediaType, filterField, op, limit, order).TakeRange(start, end).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 60
 public WebDictionary<string> GetExternalMediaInfo(WebMediaType type, string id)
     string path = GetPath(id);
     return new WebDictionary<string>()
         { "Type", File.Exists(path) ? "file" : "folder" },
         { "Path", path },
         { "Extensions", String.Join("|", GetShare(id).Extensions) }