private async void MyMapView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
				//Create a new webmap with basemap and operational layers
				var webmap = new WebMap()
					Basemap = CreateBasemapLayer(),
					OperationalLayers = new List<WebMapLayer>()
                    await CreateFeatureCollectionLayer()

				// Load the new webmap into the current UI
				MyMapView.Map = await LoadWebMapAsync(webmap);
				MyMapView.Map.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(
					new Envelope(-14470183.421, 3560814.811, -11255400.943, 5399444.790, SpatialReferences.WebMercator));
			catch (System.Exception ex)
 public ArcGisPortalWebMapItem(ArcGISPortalItem arcGisPortalItem, WebMap webMap, bool isEditable, bool isSyncable)
     _arcGisPortalItem = arcGisPortalItem;
     _webMap = webMap;
     _isEditable = isEditable;
     _isSyncable = isSyncable;
        private async Task SetupWebMap()
            //Create a new webmap with basemap and operational layers
            var webmap = new WebMap()
                BaseMap = CreateBasemapLayer(),
                OperationalLayers = new List<WebMapLayer>()
                    await CreateFeatureCollectionLayer()

            // Load the new webmap into the current UI
            var mapView = new MapView();
            mapView.Map = await LoadWebMapAsync(webmap);
            mapView.Map.InitialExtent = new Envelope(-20000000, 1100000, -3900000, 11000000);
        void qt_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs e)
            #region Since featureset does not include layerdefinition, we would have to populate it with appropriate drawinginfo

            Dictionary<string, object> layerdef = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            Dictionary<string, object> defdictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>()
            { "id", 0 },
            { "name", "Earthquakes from last 7 days" }

            Dictionary<string, object> renderer = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            renderer.Add("type", "simple");
            renderer.Add("style", "esriSMSCircle");

            int[] color = new int[] { 255, 0, 0, 255 };
            renderer.Add("color", color);
            renderer.Add("size", 4);

            int[] outlinecolor = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 255 };

            defdictionary.Add("drawingInfo", renderer);

            layerdef.Add("layerDefinition", defdictionary);

            //Add a FeatureCollection to operational layers
            FeatureCollection featureCollection = null;

            if (e.FeatureSet.Features.Count > 0)
                var sublayer = new WebMapSubLayer();
                sublayer.FeatureSet = e.FeatureSet;

                sublayer.AddCustomProperty("layerDefinition", layerdef);
                featureCollection = new FeatureCollection { SubLayers = new List<WebMapSubLayer> { sublayer } };

            if (featureCollection != null)
                operationLayers.Add(new WebMapLayer { FeatureCollection = featureCollection });

            //Create a new webmap object and add base map and operational layers
            webmap = new WebMap() { BaseMap = basemap, OperationalLayers = operationLayers };

            Document webmapdoc = new Document();
            webmapdoc.GetMapCompleted += (a, b) =>
                  if (b.Error == null)
                      b.Map.Extent = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope(-20000000, 1100000, -3900000, 11000000);
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void TriggerLoadWebMapEvent(WebMap webMap, ArcGISPortal arcGisPortal)
			LoadWebMap(webMap, arcGisPortal);
        // Loads the given webmap
		private async Task<Map> LoadWebMapAsync(WebMap webmap)
			var portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();
			var vm = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(webmap, portal);
			return vm.Map;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a web map from the selected portal item and display it in the app.
        /// </summary>
        private async void AddMapItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.MapItemListBox.SelectedItem == null)

            // Clear status messages
            MessagesTextBlock.Text = string.Empty;
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

                // Clear the current MapView control from the app

                // See if we're using the public or secured portal; get the appropriate object reference
                ArcGISPortal portal = null;
                if (_usingPublicPortal)
                    portal = _publicPortal;
                    portal = _pkiSecuredPortal;

                // Throw an exception if the portal is null
                if (portal == null)
                    throw new Exception("Portal has not been instantiated.");

                // Get the portal item ID from the selected listbox item (read it from the Tag property)
                var itemId = (this.MapItemListBox.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem).Tag.ToString();
                // Use the item ID to create an ArcGISPortalItem from the appropriate portal
                var portalItem = await ArcGISPortalItem.CreateAsync(portal, itemId);

                // Create a WebMap from the portal item (all items in the list represent web maps)
                var webMap = await WebMap.FromPortalItemAsync(portalItem);

                if (webMap != null)
                    // Create a WebMapViewModel using the WebMap
                    var myWebMapViewModel = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(webMap, portal);

                    // Create a new MapView control to display the WebMapViewModel's Map; add it to the app
                    var mv = new MapView {
                        Map = myWebMapViewModel.Map

                // Report success
                sb.AppendLine("Successfully loaded web map from item #" + itemId + " from " + portal.Uri.Host);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Add an error message
                sb.AppendLine("Error accessing web map: " + ex.Message);
                // Show messages
                MessagesTextBlock.Text = sb.ToString();
        private void TryLoadWebMap(string itemId)
            // Create a new WebMap Document
            ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.WebMap.Document document = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.WebMap.Document();

            // Handle the GetMapCompleted event.
            document.GetMapCompleted += (s, getMapCompletedEventArgs) =>
              // Check the Error property of the GetMapCompletedEventArgs for a connection or login failure.
              if (getMapCompletedEventArgs.Error != null)
            // Show an error message box
            string message = getMapCompletedEventArgs.Error.Message + "\nWould you like to retry?";
            MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, "Error Loading WebMap", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)


              // Webmap loaded sucessfully, insert the loaded map into the window and continue
              MapGrid.Children.Insert(0, getMapCompletedEventArgs.Map);
              _map = getMapCompletedEventArgs.Map;
              _webMap = getMapCompletedEventArgs.WebMap;
              _username = MainSignInDialog.UserName;

            // Call the GetMayAsync method to retrieve the WebMap by item identifier.
            document.GetMapAsync(itemId, null);
              catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 9
        void qt_ExecuteCompleted(object sender, QueryEventArgs e)
            #region Since featureset does not include layerdefinition, we would have to populate it with appropriate drawinginfo

            Dictionary <string, object> layerdef      = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            Dictionary <string, object> defdictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "id", 0 },
                { "name", "Earthquakes from last 7 days" }

            Dictionary <string, object> renderer = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            renderer.Add("type", "simple");
            renderer.Add("style", "esriSMSCircle");

            int[] color = new int[] { 255, 0, 0, 255 };
            renderer.Add("color", color);
            renderer.Add("size", 4);

            int[] outlinecolor = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 255 };

            defdictionary.Add("drawingInfo", renderer);

            layerdef.Add("layerDefinition", defdictionary);

            //Add a FeatureCollection to operational layers
            FeatureCollection featureCollection = null;

            if (e.FeatureSet.Features.Count > 0)
                var sublayer = new WebMapSubLayer();
                sublayer.FeatureSet = e.FeatureSet;

                sublayer.AddCustomProperty("layerDefinition", layerdef);
                featureCollection = new FeatureCollection {
                    SubLayers = new List <WebMapSubLayer> {

            if (featureCollection != null)
                operationLayers.Add(new WebMapLayer {
                    FeatureCollection = featureCollection

            //Create a new webmap object and add base map and operational layers
            webmap = new WebMap()
                BaseMap = basemap, OperationalLayers = operationLayers

            Document webmapdoc = new Document();
            webmapdoc.GetMapCompleted += (a, b) =>
                if (b.Error == null)
                    b.Map.Extent = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry.Envelope(-20000000, 1100000, -3900000, 11000000);
        private async Task <WebMap> UpdateWebMap()
                WebMap = await WebMap.FromPortalItemAsync(PortalItem);

                if (WebMap == null)

                WebMapVM = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(WebMap, this.PortalItem.ArcGISPortal);

                var errors = WebMapVM.LoadErrors.ToArray();
                if (errors != null && errors.Any())
                    string title   = null;
                    string message = null;
                    if (errors.Count() == 1)
                        WebMapLayer webMapLayer = errors.First().Key;
                        var         layerName   = webMapLayer.Title ?? webMapLayer.Id ?? webMapLayer.Type;
                        title   = string.Format("Unable to add the layer '{0}' in the map.", layerName);
                        message = errors.First().Value.Message;
                        title = string.Format("Unable to add {0} layers in the map.", errors.Count());
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <WebMapLayer, Exception> error in errors)
                            WebMapLayer webMapLayer = error.Key;
                            var         layerName   = webMapLayer.Title ?? webMapLayer.Id ?? webMapLayer.Type;
                            message += layerName + ":  " + error.Value.Message + Environment.NewLine;
                    var ex = new Exception(message);
                    var _  = App.ShowExceptionDialog(ex, title);

                // <start workaround>
                // This is work around for WebMapViewModel because OutFields is not being set
                // on the GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable in the API this will be fixed after Beta.
                foreach (var featureLayer in OperationalLayers.OfType <FeatureLayer>())
                    var webMapLayer = WebMap.OperationalLayers.FirstOrDefault(wml => wml.Id == featureLayer.ID);
                    if (webMapLayer != null && webMapLayer.PopupInfo != null && webMapLayer.PopupInfo.FieldInfos != null && webMapLayer.PopupInfo.FieldInfos.Any())
                        var geodatabaseFeatureServiceTable = featureLayer.FeatureTable as GeodatabaseFeatureServiceTable;
                        if (geodatabaseFeatureServiceTable != null && geodatabaseFeatureServiceTable.OutFields == null)
                            geodatabaseFeatureServiceTable.OutFields = new OutFields(webMapLayer.PopupInfo.FieldInfos.Where(f => f != null).Select(f => f.FieldName));
                // <end workaround>
            catch (Exception ex)
                var _ = App.ShowExceptionDialog(ex, "An exception was caught while trying to open the map.");

 // Loads the given webmap
 private async Task<Map> LoadWebMapAsync(WebMap webmap)
         var portal = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync();
         var vm = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(webmap, portal);
         return vm.Map;
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sample Error");
         return null;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static string GetMappingToken(this WebMap webMap)
		private async Task LoadWebMap(WebMap webMap, ArcGISPortal arcGisPortal)
			var vm = await WebMapViewModel.LoadAsync(webMap, arcGisPortal);
			var mapView = new MapView {Map = vm.Map};
			CurrentEsriMapView = mapView;
			CurrentEsriMapView.MapViewTapped += CurrentEsriMapViewTapped;