Exemplo n.º 1
        public void GetAssistence(Quote q, string path)
            q        = GetById(q.ID);
            q.Status = QuoteStatus.AssistenceRequired;

            IList <UserMember>   umlst = MembershipManager.GetAdministrators();
            MembershipHelperUser user  = MembershipHelper.GetUser();

            IList <Note> lst = ControllerManager.Note.ListByType(q.GetType(), q.ID, 1);

            foreach (UserMember userMember in umlst)
                //PermissionManager.AddEntityPermision(q.GetType(), q.ID.ToString(), userMember.UserName);
                WebMailing w    = new WebMailing();
                string     body = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Config.MailTemplatePath), "quote.htm"));
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_CONTACT]", MembershipHelper.GetUser(userMember.ID).FullName);
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_BODY]", path);
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_OBSERVATION]", lst[0].Description);
                body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", user.FullName);
                body = body.Replace("[EMAIL]", user.Email);

                w.SendMail(userMember.Email, "", "Se ha solicitado asistencia en la cotización " + q.Number, body, false);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Send(Quote q, byte[] filecontent)
            string body = File.ReadAllText(
                Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Config.MailTemplatePath), "quote.htm"));

            string email = q.Email;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                email = q.Distributor.Email;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                email = q.Distributor.AlternativeEmail;
            q.Status = QuoteStatus.Sent;

            MembershipHelperUser mhu = MembershipHelper.GetUser(q.TimeStamp.CreatedBy);

            body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_BODY]", Resource.Business.GetString("QuoteBody"));
            body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_OBSERVATION]", q.Observations);
            body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", mhu.FullName);
            body = body.Replace("[EMAIL]", mhu.Email);

            string title    = "Cotizaciones";
            string subject  = "Cotización para " + q.Distributor.Name;
            string fileName = "Cotizacion" + q.Number + ".pdf";

            IList <string> lstMails = new List <string>();

            if (mhu != null)

            if (ControllerManager.Lookup.List(LookupType.AdministratorReceiveMail)[0].Description == "True")
                IList <UserMember> umlst = MembershipManager.GetAdministrators();
                foreach (UserMember um in umlst)

            WebMailing w = new WebMailing();

            foreach (string currentEmail in lstMails)
                w.SendMail(currentEmail, title, subject, body, false, false, mhu.Email, mhu.FullName, fileName, filecontent);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            byte[] response;
            String filePath = Server.MapPath("/temp/") + "1.pdf";

            response = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);

            WebMailing wm = new WebMailing();

            wm.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "title", "subject", "body", false);
            wm.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "title", "subject", "body", false, "cotizacion.pdf", response);

            //MailSender.Mail.Send(Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue), TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text);
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string error = Server.GetLastError().ToString();

            if (Server.GetLastError().InnerException != null && Server.GetLastError().InnerException.GetType() == typeof(NybbleMembership.NotValidPermissionException))
                Response.Redirect("/accessdenied.aspx?Url=" + Request.Url);

#if !DEBUG
            Utils.GetLogger().Error(Server.GetLastError().Message, Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException());
            WebMailing wm = new WebMailing();
            wm.SendMail(Config.SupportEmail, "", "Error en PriceManager Advance", error, false);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebMailing wm = new WebMailing();

            wm.SendMail("*****@*****.**", "Título del mail", "<b>Subject</b> del mail", "Cuerpo del <b>mail</b>", false);


            //// We should recreate the GridHelper on each postback.
            //if (Page.IsPostBack)
            //    gh.RecreateFromJavascript(hidSelChecks.Value.Split(','), Convert.ToBoolean(hidAllSelected.Value));

            //// We are disabling the ViewState for the GridView because we dont need it and is important for the page size.
            //// We will normally recreate the grid on every postback action.
            //// Pending to test Sorting & Click on each row event
            //if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            //    LoadGrid();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void Reject(Quote q, string creatoremail)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(creatoremail) || q.Status == QuoteStatus.Sent)

            q.Status = QuoteStatus.Rejected;

            string body = File.ReadAllText(
                Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Config.MailTemplatePath), "rejectquote.htm"));

            body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_BODY]", string.Format(Resource.Business.GetString("QuoteReject"), q.Number, q.Description));
            body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", MembershipHelper.GetUser().UserName);

            WebMailing wm = new WebMailing();

            wm.SendMail(creatoremail, "Cotización Rechazada", "Cotización rechazada", body, false);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void SendPasswordMail(MembershipUser mu, string password)
            WebMailing w    = new WebMailing();
            string     body = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(NybbleMembership.Core.Configuration.MailTemplatePath), "newpassword.htm"));

            body = body.Replace("[NEW_PASSWORD]", password);
            body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", mu.UserName);
            w.SendMail(mu.Email, "Cambio de Contraseña", "Cambio de Contraseña", body, false);

            //SmtpClient mailclient = new SmtpClient();

            //MailMessage mm = new MailMessage();
            //mm.Subject = "Nueva Contraseña";
            //mm.Body ="Su nueva contraseña es: " + password;

Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(txtUser.Text);

            if (mu != null)
                string     newPassword = mu.ResetPassword();
                WebMailing w           = new WebMailing();
                string     body        = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Config.MailTemplatePath), "newpassword.htm"));
                body = body.Replace("[NEW_PASSWORD]", newPassword);
                body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", MembershipHelper.GetUser(mu.UserName).FullName);
                w.SendMail(mu.Email, "Cambio de Contraseña", "Cambio de Contraseña", body, false);
                Flash.Attributes["class"] = "flash_notice";
                lblInfo.Text = "Su contraseña fue enviada con éxito.";
                Flash.Attributes["class"] = "flash_alert";
                lblInfo.Text = "El usuario ingresado es incorrecto";
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Send(Quote q, byte[] filecontent)
            MembershipHelperUser mhu      = MembershipHelper.GetUser(q.TimeStamp.CreatedBy);
            IList <string[]>     lstMails = new List <string[]>();

            if (q.QuoteNotifications.Count > 0)
                foreach (IQuoteNotification quoteNotification in q.QuoteNotifications)
                    string[] _contact = new string[2];
                    _contact[0] = quoteNotification.Name;
                    _contact[1] = quoteNotification.Email;
                string name  = q.Distributor.Contact;
                string email = q.Distributor.Email;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                    email = q.Distributor.AlternativeEmail;

                string[] _contact = new string[2];
                _contact[0] = name;
                _contact[1] = email;

            if (mhu != null)
                string[] _contact = new string[2];
                _contact[0] = mhu.FullName;
                _contact[1] = mhu.Email;

            if (ControllerManager.Lookup.List(LookupType.AdministratorReceiveMail)[0].Description == "True")
                IList <UserMember> umlst = MembershipManager.GetAdministrators();
                foreach (UserMember um in umlst)
                    string[] _contact = new string[2];
                    _contact[0] = um.UserName;
                    _contact[1] = um.Email;

            string title    = "Cotizaciones";
            string subject  = "Cotización para " + q.Distributor.Name;
            string fileName = "Cotizacion" + q.Number + ".pdf";

            WebMailing w = new WebMailing();

            foreach (string[] currentEmail in lstMails)
                string body = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Config.MailTemplatePath), "quote.htm"));
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_CONTACT]", currentEmail[0]);
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_BODY]", Resource.Business.GetString("QuoteBody"));
                body = body.Replace("[QUOTE_OBSERVATION]", q.Observations);
                body = body.Replace("[USUARIO]", mhu.FullName);
                body = body.Replace("[EMAIL]", mhu.Email);

                w.SendMail(currentEmail[1], title, subject, body, false, false, mhu.Email, mhu.FullName, fileName, filecontent);

            q.Status = QuoteStatus.Sent;
            if (q.SentDate == null)
                q.SentDate = DateTime.Now;