Exemplo n.º 1
 protected override void Initialize()
     player = FindObjectOfType<Player.Player>();
     mechAnima.SetBool("VertiSlash", true);
     bulletHolster = bullet.GetComponent<Weapons.TornadoHitbox>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected override void Initialize()
     player = FindObjectOfType <Player.Player>();
     mechAnima.GetComponent <Animator>();
     mechAnima.SetBool("VertiSlash", true);
     bulletHolster = bullet.GetComponent <Weapons.TornadoHitbox>();
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void RunAI()
            if (Attacking && mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0).Length > 0 && mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.name.Equals("SamuraiVerticalSlash"))
                Attacking = false;
                mechAnima.SetBool("Attack", false);

                Weapons.TornadoHitbox b = Instantiate(bullet).GetComponent <Weapons.TornadoHitbox>();
                b.transform.position = bulletHolster.transform.position;
                b.CurrentNode        = bulletHolster.CurrentNode;
                b.zTargetDistance    = bulletHolster.zTargetDistance;
                b.xTargetDistance    = bulletHolster.xTargetDistance;
                b.zStartingPoint     = bulletHolster.zStartingPoint;
                b.xStartingPoint     = bulletHolster.xStartingPoint;

            if (Hop && mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0).Length > 0 && (mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.name.Equals("MoveBegin") || (mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0)[0].clip.name.Equals("MoveEnd"))))
                Hop = false;
                mechAnima.SetBool("Hop", false);
                transform.position = currentNode.transform.position;
            //We change turns each second
            turn += Time.deltaTime;
            if (!hit)
                if (turn > 3f)
                    mechAnima.SetBool("Attack", false);

                    turn = 0;

                    if (currentNode.Left.Type == Util.Enums.FieldType.Blue)
                        if (!currentNode.Left.Occupied)
                            currentNode.clearOccupied();          //Say we aren't here
                            currentNode       = currentNode.Left; //Say we're there
                            currentNode.Owner = (this);           //Tell the place we own it.
                            mechAnima.SetBool("Hop", true);
                            Hop = true;
                        else if (currentNode.Left.Down != null && !currentNode.Left.Down.Occupied && !currentNode.Down.Occupied)
                            currentNode.clearOccupied();          //Say we aren't here
                            currentNode       = currentNode.Down; //Say we're there
                            currentNode.Owner = (this);           //Tell the place we own it.
                            mechAnima.SetBool("Hop", true);
                            Hop = true;
                        else if (currentNode.Left.Up != null && !currentNode.Left.Up.Occupied && !currentNode.Up.Occupied)
                            currentNode.clearOccupied();        //Say we aren't here
                            currentNode       = currentNode.Up; //Say we're there
                            currentNode.Owner = (this);         //Tell the place we own it.
                            mechAnima.SetBool("Hop", true);
                            Hop = true;
                    else if (currentNode.Up != null && !currentNode.Up.Occupied)
                        currentNode.clearOccupied();        //Say we aren't here
                        currentNode       = currentNode.Up; //Say we're there
                        currentNode.Owner = (this);         //Tell the place we own it.
                        mechAnima.SetBool("Hop", true);
                        Hop = true;
                    //If they are in front of us, ATTACK!.
                        AnimatorClipInfo[] temp = mechAnima.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);
                        if (temp.Length > 0 && temp[0].clip.name.Equals("SamuraiWait1"))
                            Attacking = true;
                            mechAnima.SetBool("Attack", true);

                            Grid.GridNode t = currentNode;

                                t = t.Left;
                            } while (t.Left != null && t.Left.Type != Util.Enums.FieldType.Red);

                            while (t.Up != null)
                                t = t.Up;

                            t = t.Right;

                            if (t == currentNode)
                                t = t.Left;

                            Grid.GridNode s = t;

                            while (s.Down != null)
                                s = s.Down;

                            bulletHolster.transform.position = t.transform.position;
                            bulletHolster.CurrentNode        = t;
                            bulletHolster.zTargetDistance    = player.transform.position.z;
                            bulletHolster.xTargetDistance    = s.transform.position.x;
                            bulletHolster.zStartingPoint     = t.transform.position.z;
                            bulletHolster.xStartingPoint     = t.transform.position.x;

                mechAnima.SetBool("Hurt", true);
                turn = 0;