public IdemixSetup(string[] attributeNames) { // Choose attribute names and create an issuer key pair // this.attributeNames = new String[]{"Attribute1", "Attribute2"}; this.attributeNames = attributeNames; key = new IdemixIssuerKey(this.attributeNames); RAND rng = IdemixUtils.GetRand(); // Choose a user secret key and request a credential sk = new BIG(rng.RandModOrder()); issuerNonce = new BIG(rng.RandModOrder()); idemixCredRequest = new IdemixCredRequest(sk, issuerNonce, key.Ipk); //csr // Issue a credential attrs = new BIG[this.attributeNames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.attributeNames.Length; i++) { attrs[i] = new BIG(i); } idemixCredential = new IdemixCredential(key, idemixCredRequest, attrs); //certificate wbbKeyPair = WeakBB.WeakBBKeyGen(); // Generate a revocation key pair revocationKeyPair = RevocationAuthority.GenerateLongTermRevocationKey(); // Check all the generated data CheckSetup(); }
private void Test() { RAND rng = IdemixUtils.GetRand(); // WeakBB test // Random message to sign BIG wbbMessage = rng.RandModOrder(); // Sign the message with keypair secret key ECP wbbSignature = WeakBB.WeakBBSign(setup.wbbKeyPair.Sk, wbbMessage); // Check the signature with valid PK and valid message Assert.IsTrue(WeakBB.weakBBVerify(setup.wbbKeyPair.Pk, wbbSignature, wbbMessage)); // Try to check a random message Assert.IsFalse(WeakBB.weakBBVerify(setup.wbbKeyPair.Pk, wbbSignature, rng.RandModOrder())); // user completes the idemixCredential and checks validity Assert.IsTrue(setup.idemixCredential.Verify(, setup.key.Ipk)); // Test serialization of IdemixidemixCredential Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixCredential(setup.idemixCredential.ToProto()).Verify(, setup.key.Ipk)); // Create CRI that contains no revocation mechanism int epoch = 0; BIG[] rhIndex = { new BIG(0) }; CredentialRevocationInformation cri = RevocationAuthority.CreateCRI(setup.revocationKeyPair, rhIndex, epoch, RevocationAlgorithm.ALG_NO_REVOCATION); // Create a new unlinkable pseudonym IdemixPseudonym pseudonym = new IdemixPseudonym(, setup.key.Ipk); //tcert // Test signing no disclosure bool[] disclosure = { false, false, false, false, false }; byte[] msg = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; IdemixSignature signature = new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential,, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, disclosure, msg, 0, cri); Assert.IsNotNull(signature); // Test bad disclosure: Disclosure > number of attributes || Disclosure < number of attributes bool[] badDisclosure = { false, true }; bool[] badDisclosure2 = { true, true, true, true, true, true, true }; try { new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential,, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, badDisclosure, msg, 0, cri); new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential,, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, badDisclosure2, msg, 0, cri); Assert.Fail("Expected an ArgumentException"); } catch (ArgumentException) { //ignored /* Do nothing, the expected behaviour is to catch this exception.*/ } // check that the signature is valid Assert.IsTrue(signature.Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // Test serialization of IdemixSignature Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixSignature(signature.ToProto()).Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // Test signing selective disclosure bool[] disclosure2 = { false, true, true, true, false }; signature = new IdemixSignature(setup.idemixCredential,, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, disclosure2, msg, 0, cri); Assert.IsNotNull(signature); // check that the signature is valid Assert.IsTrue(signature.Verify(disclosure2, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // Test signature verification with different disclosure Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure, setup.key.Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // test signature verification with different issuer public key Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure2, new IdemixIssuerKey(new [] { "Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4, Attr5" }).Ipk, msg, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // test signature verification with different message byte[] msg2 = { 1, 1, 1 }; Assert.IsFalse(signature.Verify(disclosure2, setup.key.Ipk, msg2, setup.attrs, 0, setup.revocationKeyPair, epoch)); // Sign a message with respect to a pseudonym IdemixPseudonymSignature nymsig = new IdemixPseudonymSignature(, pseudonym, setup.key.Ipk, msg); // check that the pseudonym signature is valid Assert.IsTrue(nymsig.Verify(pseudonym.Nym, setup.key.Ipk, msg)); // Test serialization of IdemixPseudonymSignature Assert.IsTrue(new IdemixPseudonymSignature(nymsig.ToProto()).Verify(pseudonym.Nym, setup.key.Ipk, msg)); }