Exemplo n.º 1
        static WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType LoadDataValueInfo(string siteCode, string varCode,
                                                                  WaterML10.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient,
                                                                  DateTime beginDateTime, DateTime endDateTime,
                                                                  ref string queryParam, ref string errMsg)
            string beginDT = string.Format("{0:s}", beginDateTime);
            string endDT   = string.Format("{0:s}", endDateTime);

            errMsg     = "";
            queryParam = String.Format(" <{0}--{1}> ", beginDT, endDT);
            Console.WriteLine("......Getting values from <{0}> to <{1}>.", beginDT, endDT);

            WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt = null;
                tsRt = WofClient.GetValuesObject(siteCode, varCode, beginDT, endDT, "");
            catch (Exception e)
                errMsg = "Exception@LoadData: " + e.Message;

Exemplo n.º 2
        static void HandleSites_1_0(string url)
            string network, siteCode, varCode;
            int    seriesCatalogID, newSCID;
            string queryParam = string.Empty;
            string errMsg     = string.Empty;

            WaterML10.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient = new WaterOneFlowClient("WaterOneFlow", url);

            string[] blank = new string[0];
            WaterML10.SiteInfoResponseType sitesAll = null;
                // WaterML1.0
                sitesAll = WofClient.GetSites(blank, "");
                // WaterML1.1
                //sitesAll = WofClient.GetSitesObject(blank, "");
            catch (Exception e)
                errMsg = "Exception@HandleSites: " + e.Message;

            if (sitesAll == null)
                if (errMsg.Length == 0)
                    errMsg = "Info: no site was returned from the URL.";
                HQT.HandleQueryTimeseries("", "", -1, -1, -1, null, url, errMsg);

            WaterML10.SiteInfoResponseTypeSite[] sitesRt = sitesAll.site;
            int nsites = sitesRt.Count();

            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} sites from {1}", nsites, url);

            WaterML10.seriesCatalogType[] sctAll;

            #region Loop for each site
            for (int i = 0; i < nsites; i++)
                if (CPEnabled)
                    if (CP.siteIndex > i)

                if (i % 100 == 0)
                    // Do this check and refresh for after every 100 sites

                network  = sitesRt[i].siteInfo.siteCode[0].network;
                siteCode = network + ":" + sitesRt[i].siteInfo.siteCode[0].Value;

                if (CPEnabled)
                    CP.siteIndex = i;
                    CP.siteCode  = siteCode;

                //queryParam = string.Format("QueryID = (SELECT TOP 1 QueryID FROM dbo.QueryTimeseries where SiteCode = '{0}'" +
                //    " ORDER BY QueryID DESC) and DATEDIFF(HOUR, QueryDateTime, GETDATE()) <= {1}",
                //    siteCode, NoCheckHours);
                //if (OD_Utils.Exists("dbo.QueryTimeseries", queryParam, HQT.Adapter.Connection))
                //    Console.WriteLine("..Skip Site {0} which was already checked in last {1} hours.",
                //        siteCode, NoCheckHours);
                //    continue;
                if (sitesRt[i].seriesCatalog != null)
                    sctAll = sitesRt[i].seriesCatalog;
                    sctAll = LoadOnesiteInfo(WofClient, url, siteCode, ref errMsg);

                if (sctAll == null)
                    if (errMsg.Length == 0)
                        errMsg = "Error: LoadOneSiteInfo() returned NULL.";
                    HQT.HandleQueryTimeseries(siteCode, "", -1, -1, -1, null, url, errMsg);

                if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("..Site[{0}] {1} with {2} catalogs from {3} Time {4:HH:mm:ss}.",
                                      i, siteCode, sctAll.Count(), url, DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("..Site[{0}] {1} with {2} catalogs Time {3:HH:mm:ss}.",
                                      i, siteCode, sctAll.Count(), DateTime.Now);

                // network = SRBHOS, sites[i].seriesCatalog=null
                // My assumption is that
                // Under that situation, need to get SiteInfoResponseType one site by one site
                // Here is the one example siteCode for testing
                //WaterML11.SiteInfoResponseType rt = new WaterML11.SiteInfoResponseType();
                //rt = WofClient.GetSiteInfoObject("SRBHOS:RTHNet", "");

                #region Loop for each seriesCatalogType
                for (int j = 0; j < sctAll.Count(); j++)
                    int valueCount;
                    WaterML10.seriesCatalogType sct = sctAll[j];

                    if (sct.series == null)
                        errMsg = string.Format("Error: WaterML10.seriesCatalogType[{0}].series is NULL.", j);
                        HQT.HandleQueryTimeseries(siteCode, "", -1, -1, -1, null, url, errMsg);

                    #region Loop for each seriesCatalogTypeSeries
                    for (int k = 0; k < sct.series.Count(); k++)
                        WaterML10.seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts = sct.series[k];
                        WaterML10.TimeIntervalType        ti   = (WaterML10.TimeIntervalType)scts.variableTimeInterval;
                        DateTime beginDateTime = ti.beginDateTime;
                        DateTime endDateTime   = ti.endDateTime;

                        string code = scts.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
                        varCode    = network + ":" + code;
                        valueCount = scts.valueCount.Value;
                        if (valueCount <= MinValueCount)
                                "....Series[{0}] varCode: {1} valCount: {2}, too small, record in Query table, no further action.",
                                k, code, valueCount);
                            queryParam = String.Format(" <{0}--{1}> ", beginDateTime, endDateTime);
                            errMsg     = "Info: value count is too small, no further action.";
                            HQT.HandleQueryTimeseries(siteCode, varCode, -1, -1, valueCount, null,
                                                      queryParam, errMsg);

                        // Check hiscentral/SeriesCatalog table to get seriesCatalogID.
                        // Note: beginDateTime and endDateTime are obtained from web service.
                        seriesCatalogID = newSCID = 0;
                        hiscentralDataSet.SeriesCatalogRow hscRow = HisSC.GetRow(siteCode, varCode, scts);
                        if (hscRow != null)
                            seriesCatalogID = hscRow.SeriesID;
                            if (hscRow.SeriesCode != null)
                                // Don't want to repeatedly print siteCode and network
                                int idx = hscRow.SeriesCode.IndexOf(code);
                                code = hscRow.SeriesCode.Substring(idx);
                            Console.WriteLine("....Series[{0}] var: {1}, ID: {2}, valCount: {3}",
                                              k, code, seriesCatalogID, valueCount);
                            newSCID = HSC.GetOrCreateSeriesID(siteCode, varCode, scts);
                            Console.WriteLine("....Series[{0}] var: {1}||{2}||{3}||{4}, newID: {5}, valCount: {6}",
                                              k, code,
                                              // Where WaterML1.1 and WaterML1.0 differ
                                              newSCID, valueCount);

                        // Update HealthQuery/DataValue table if datavalue changed
                        int[] hasChanged = null;
                            if (valueCount > 5000)
                                WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType[] tsRtAll = null;
                                tsRtAll = LoadDataValueInfoSplit(siteCode, varCode, WofClient,
                                                                 valueCount, beginDateTime, endDateTime, ref queryParam, ref errMsg);

                                if (tsRtAll != null)
                                    hasChanged = HDV.HandleDataValueInfoSplit(seriesCatalogID, newSCID, tsRtAll);
                                WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt = null;
                                tsRt = LoadDataValueInfo(siteCode, varCode, WofClient,
                                                         beginDateTime, endDateTime, ref queryParam, ref errMsg);

                                if (tsRt != null)
                                    hasChanged = HDV.HandleDataValueInfo(seriesCatalogID, newSCID, tsRt);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            errMsg = "Exception@HandleSites1: " + ex.Message;

                        // Add to HealthQuery/QueryTimeseries table.
                        HQT.HandleQueryTimeseries(siteCode, varCode, seriesCatalogID, newSCID,
                                                  valueCount, hasChanged, queryParam, errMsg);
                    #endregion Loop for each seriesCatalogTypeSeries

                    // We delay inserting records to Query table to improve performance, check and do it now
                    if (HQT.Table.Count > Program.DbUpdateBatchSize / 2)
                #endregion Loop for each seriesCatalogType
            #endregion Loop for each site

            if (HQT.Table.Count > 0)
        } // end of HandleSites_1_0()
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Get DataValueInfo for 3 time periods: begin, middle, end.
        // As corresponding to the first, mid, and last 30 data values
        static WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType[] LoadDataValueInfoSplit(string siteCode, string varCode,
                                                                         WaterML10.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient,
                                                                         int valuecount, DateTime beginDateTime, DateTime endDateTime,
                                                                         ref string queryParam, ref string errMsg)
            queryParam = "";
            errMsg     = "";

            WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType[] tsRtAll = new WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType[3];

            string beginDT = string.Format("{0:s}", beginDateTime);
            string endDT   = string.Format("{0:s}", endDateTime);

            Console.WriteLine("......Getting values from <{0}> to <{1}>.", beginDT, endDT);
            DateTime[] fromDateTime = new DateTime[3];
            DateTime[] toDateTime = new DateTime[3];
            string     fromDT, toDT;

            int[] count = new int[3] {
                0, 0, 0

            // Timespan between beginDT and endDT
            TimeSpan delta = endDateTime - beginDateTime;
            double   step0 = delta.TotalSeconds * Program.CompareRecordCount * 2 / valuecount;

            // The first 30 records
            fromDateTime[0] = beginDateTime;
            toDateTime[0]   = beginDateTime.AddSeconds(step0);

            // The middle 30 records
            fromDateTime[1] = beginDateTime.AddSeconds(delta.TotalSeconds / 2);
            toDateTime[1]   = fromDateTime[1].AddSeconds(step0);

            // The last 30 records
            fromDateTime[2] = endDateTime.AddSeconds(-step0);
            toDateTime[2]   = endDateTime;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                bool lastTry = false;
                tsRtAll[i] = null;
                double step = step0;
                while (!lastTry)
                    if ((i < 2) && (DateTime.Compare(toDateTime[i], endDateTime) >= 0))
                        toDateTime[i] = endDateTime;
                        lastTry       = true;
                    else if ((i == 2) && (DateTime.Compare(fromDateTime[i], beginDateTime) <= 0))
                        fromDateTime[i] = beginDateTime;
                        lastTry         = true;

                    fromDT = string.Format("{0:s}", fromDateTime[i]);
                    toDT   = string.Format("{0:s}", toDateTime[i]);

                    Console.WriteLine("......Getting values, Segment <{0}>: from <{1}> to <{2}>.",
                                      i + 1, fromDT, toDT);
                        tsRtAll[i] = WofClient.GetValuesObject(siteCode, varCode, fromDT, toDT, "");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        errMsg = "Exception@LoadDataSplit: " + e.Message;

                    // Where WaterML1.0 and WaterML1.1 differ
                    if (tsRtAll[i].timeSeries.values != null)
                        count[i] = Convert.ToInt32(tsRtAll[i].timeSeries.values.count);
                    if (count[i] >= Program.CompareRecordCount)
                        queryParam += String.Format(" <{0}--{1}> ", fromDT, toDT);
                        step *= 2;
                        if (i < 2)
                            toDateTime[i] = toDateTime[i].AddSeconds(step);
                            fromDateTime[i] = fromDateTime[i].AddSeconds(-step);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public int[] HandleDataValueInfo(int scID, int newID, WaterML10.TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt)
            //Console.WriteLine("Parsing and inserting data value info.");

            WaterML10.ValueSingleVariable   dvInfo;
            HealthQueryDataSet.DataValueRow row;
            int[] hasChanged = new int[3] {
                0, 0, 0
            };                                          //0 or 1
            int valueCount = Convert.ToInt32(tsRt.timeSeries.values.count);

            if (valueCount == 1 &&
                tsRt.timeSeries.values.value.ToString() == tsRt.timeSeries.variable.NoDataValue)
                Console.WriteLine("No values in WS response.");
                // there are values in SC, but not in the response from WS

            string cond;

            if (scID > 0)
                cond = string.Format("SeriesCatalogID = {0} order by RecordID", scID);
                cond = string.Format("NewSCID = {0} order by RecordID", newID);

            Adapter.FillWhere(Table, cond);

            int[] indices = new int[] { 0, valueCount / 2, valueCount - Program.CompareRecordCount };
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                int recordID = i * Program.CompareRecordCount + 1;
                int idx      = indices[i];
                int limit    = Math.Min(Program.CompareRecordCount, valueCount - indices[i]);

                if ((i > 0) && (indices[i] < Program.CompareRecordCount * i))
                    // Record overlap, all records are put into table, no further action

                for (int j = 0; j < limit; j++)
                    dvInfo = tsRt.timeSeries.values.value[idx + j];

                    if (recordID + j > Table.Rows.Count)
                        row                 = Table.NewDataValueRow();
                        row.DataValue       = (double)dvInfo.Value;
                        row.ValueAccuracy   = dvInfo.accuracyStdDev;
                        row.DateTimeUTC     = dvInfo.dateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                        row.SeriesCatalogID = scID;
                        row.NewSCID         = newID;
                        row.RecordID        = recordID + j;

                        hasChanged[i] = 1;

                    row = Table.ElementAt(recordID - 1 + j);

                    if ((row.DataValue != (double)dvInfo.Value) ||
                        (row.ValueAccuracy != dvInfo.accuracyStdDev) ||
                        (DateTime.Compare(row.DateTimeUTC, dvInfo.dateTime.ToUniversalTime()) != 0))
                        row.DataValue     = (double)dvInfo.Value;
                        row.ValueAccuracy = dvInfo.accuracyStdDev;
                        row.DateTimeUTC   = dvInfo.dateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                        hasChanged[i]     = 1;
