public static void pathToMap(string s, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("Need 1 parameter. MapName"); ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("OR need 3 parameters. MapName, xTile, yTile"); return; } else { if (args.Length == 1) { //path to the map location. WarpGoal.getWarpChain(Game1.player.currentLocation, args[0]); } if (args.Length >= 3) { //path to the map location. WarpGoal.pathToWorldTile(Game1.player.currentLocation, args[0], Convert.ToInt32(args[1]), Convert.ToInt32(args[2])); } } }
public static bool interruptionTasks(CustomTask v) { if (v.taskMetaData.bedTimePrerequisite.enoughTimeToDoTask() == false) { CustomTask task = WayPoints.pathToWayPointReturnTask("bed"); if (task == null) { ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHEN TRYING TO GO TO BED", LogLevel.Error); return(false); } ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("Not enough time remaining in day. Going home and removing tasks.", LogLevel.Alert); task.runTask(); return(true); } if (v.taskMetaData.locationPrerequisite.isPlayerAtLocation() == false) { //Force player to move to that location, but also need the cost again.... // ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("PLAYERS LOCATION:"; Utilities.tileExceptionList.Clear(); CustomTask task = WarpGoal.getWarpChainReturnTask(Game1.player.currentLocation,; if (task == null) { ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHEN TRYING TO GO TO" +, LogLevel.Error); return(false); } task.runTask(); object[] arr = (object[])v.objectParameterDataArray; List <TileNode> path; try { List <List <TileNode> > okList = (arr[0] as List <List <TileNode> >); List <TileNode> smallList = okList.ElementAt(okList.Count - 1); TileNode tile = smallList.ElementAt(smallList.Count - 1); //arr[0] = WarpGoal.pathToWorldTileReturnTask(Game1.player.currentLocation,,(int) tile.tileLocation.X,(int) tile.tileLocation.Y); TileNode s = new TileNode(1, Vector2.Zero, Path.Combine("Tiles", "GenericUncoloredTile.xnb"), Path.Combine("Tiles", "TileData.xnb"), StardustCore.IlluminateFramework.Colors.invertColor(StardustCore.IlluminateFramework.ColorsList.Brown)); s.fakePlacementAction(Game1.player.currentLocation, Game1.player.getTileX(), Game1.player.getTileY()); path = Utilities.getIdealPath(tile, s); } catch (Exception err) { Utilities.tileExceptionList.Clear(); List <TileNode> smallList = (arr[1] as List <TileNode>); TileNode tile = smallList.ElementAt(smallList.Count - 1); //ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("LOC:" + tile.thisLocation + tile.thisLocation); Warp lastWarp = new Warp(-1, -1, "Grahm", -1, -1, false); GameLocation fakeLocation = Game1.getLocationFromName(; foreach (var ok in fakeLocation.warps) { if (ok.X == Game1.player.getTileX() && ok.Y == Game1.player.getTileY() + 1) { lastWarp = ok; } } //ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("MYLOC:" + lastWarp.TargetName + lastWarp.TargetX +" "+lastWarp.TargetY); //arr[0] = WarpGoal.pathToWorldTileReturnTask(Game1.player.currentLocation,,(int) tile.tileLocation.X,(int) tile.tileLocation.Y); TileNode s = new TileNode(1, Vector2.Zero, Path.Combine("Tiles", "GenericUncoloredTile.xnb"), Path.Combine("Tiles", "TileData.xnb"), StardustCore.IlluminateFramework.Colors.invertColor(StardustCore.IlluminateFramework.ColorsList.Brown)); s.fakePlacementAction(Game1.getLocationFromName(lastWarp.TargetName), lastWarp.TargetX, lastWarp.TargetY); path = Utilities.getIdealPath(tile, s); //arr[0] = s; } // ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("PATHCOUNT:"+path.Count); //arr[1] = path; //v.objectParameterDataArray = arr; PathFindingLogic.calculateMovement(path); return(false); } if ( == "Water Crop") { StardewValley.Tools.WateringCan w = new WateringCan(); bool found = false; foreach (var item in Game1.player.items) { if (item == null) { continue; } if (item.GetType() == typeof(StardewValley.Tools.WateringCan)) { w = (WateringCan)item; found = true; } } if (found == false) { removalList.Add(v); return(false); } if (w.WaterLeft == 0) { CustomTask waterRefill = WaterLogic.getAllWaterTilesTask(Game1.player.currentLocation); ModCore.CoreMonitor.Log("No water in can. Going to refil"); waterRefill.runTask(); return(true); } // } return(false); }