Exemplo n.º 1
    WallLayout GetWallLayoutFromObj(GameObject tileObj)
        WallLayout layout = WallLayout.O;

        int wallCount = GetWallCountFromObj(tileObj);

        if (wallCount == 3)
            layout = WallLayout.C;
        else if (wallCount == 2)
            int wallAngle_1 = Mathf.FloorToInt(tileObj.transform.Find("Wall_1").transform.eulerAngles.y / 90);
            int wallAngle_2 = Mathf.FloorToInt(tileObj.transform.Find("Wall_2").transform.eulerAngles.y / 90);
            wallAngle_1 = wallAngle_1 > 180 ? (wallAngle_1 - 180) : wallAngle_1;
            wallAngle_2 = wallAngle_2 > 180 ? (wallAngle_2 - 180) : wallAngle_2;

            if (wallAngle_1 == wallAngle_2)
                layout = WallLayout.II;
                layout = WallLayout.L;
        else if (wallCount == 1)
            layout = WallLayout.I;

Exemplo n.º 2
    //      Functions
    public GameObject GetWallLayoutObj(WallLayout wallLayout)
        GameObject[] objList;

        switch ((int)wallLayout)
            objList = new GameObject[0];

        case 0:
            objList = TileLayoutO;

        case 1:
            objList = TileLayoutI;

        case 2:
            objList = TileLayoutL;

        case 3:
            objList = TileLayoutC;

        case 4:
            objList = TileLayoutII;

        Utilities.TryCatchError((objList.Length <= 0), "'TileLayout" + wallLayout + "' has wrong setup in current Maze Setting.");

        return(objList[Random.Range(0, objList.Length)]);
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Instead of creating multiple type of wall layout, we rotate existing object to match the wall layout.
    // This function calculate the rotCount that can be used later to spawn the wall layout.
    // ex: Quaternion.Euler (0, 90 * rotCount, 0))
    int GetLayoutRotationCount(bool[] walls, WallLayout wallLayout)
        int count = 0;

        if (wallLayout == WallLayout.II)
            int rnd = Random.Range(0, 2);
            if (walls [0] == true)
                count = 2 * rnd;
                count = 2 * rnd + 1;


        for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++)
            int  wallID = i;
            bool match  = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < (int)wallLayout; j++)
                if (!walls [wallID])

                if (j == ((int)wallLayout - 1))
                    match = true;

                wallID = wallID + 1 < walls.Length ? (wallID + 1) : (wallID + 1 - walls.Length);

            if (match)
                count = i;

Exemplo n.º 4
    // Store wall object in tile class
    void AssignWallFloorObjToTile(Tile tile, WallLayout wallLayout, int rotCount)
        if (wallLayout == WallLayout.O)

        // Get wall objects / or assign floor object
        Dictionary <int, GameObject> wall_obj_list = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>();

        foreach (Transform child in tile.transform)
            if (child.name.Contains("Wall_"))
                int index = int.Parse(child.name.Substring(child.name.IndexOf('_') + 1)) - 1;
                wall_obj_list.Add(index, child.gameObject);
            else if (child.name.Contains("Floor"))
                tile.floor_obj = child.gameObject;

        // Assign wall objects to Tile class based on wall layout and rotation
        int wallID = rotCount;

        tile.wall_obj [wallID] = wall_obj_list [0];

        if (wallLayout == WallLayout.II)
            wallID = wallID + 2 < 4 ? (wallID + 2) : (wallID + 2 - 4);
            tile.wall_obj [wallID] = wall_obj_list [1];
            for (int i = 1; i < wall_obj_list.Count; i++)
                wallID = wallID + 1 < 4 ? (wallID + 1) : (wallID + 1 - 4);
                tile.wall_obj [wallID] = wall_obj_list [i];
Exemplo n.º 5
    bool[] GetWallInfoFromObj(GameObject tileObj, int rotCount)
        bool[] wall = new bool[4];

        int        wallCount = GetWallCountFromObj(tileObj);
        WallLayout layout    = GetWallLayoutFromObj(tileObj);

        if (layout == WallLayout.II)
            wall[rotCount] = true;
            rotCount       = rotCount + 2 < 4 ? (rotCount + 2) : (rotCount + 2 - 4);
            wall[rotCount] = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < wallCount; i++)
                wall[rotCount] = true;
                rotCount       = rotCount + 1 < 4 ? (rotCount + 1) : (rotCount + 1 - 4);

Exemplo n.º 6
    // Generate maze using custom game object
    Maze GenerateMaze_Custom()
        // Init object list for the custom maze

        int width  = 0;
        int length = 0;

        foreach (GameObject obj in customTileObjList)
            // Gather tile data from preset tile object
            int X = GetObjX(obj);
            width = width > (X + 1) ? width : (X + 1);
            int Z = GetObjZ(obj);
            length = length > (Z + 1) ? length : (Z + 1);
        level.mazeWidth  = width;
        level.mazeLength = length;

        Maze maze = new Maze(level.mazeWidth, level.mazeLength);

        // Spawn and init each preset tile from the custom maze object
        GameObject mazeObj = new GameObject()
            name = "Maze"

        foreach (GameObject obj in customTileObjList)
            // Gather tile data from preset tile object
            int X        = GetObjX(obj);
            int Z        = GetObjZ(obj);
            int rotCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(obj.transform.eulerAngles.y / 90);
            rotCount = rotCount < 4 ? rotCount : (rotCount - 4);
            WallLayout wallLayout = GetWallLayoutFromObj(obj);
            bool[]     wall       = GetWallInfoFromObj(obj, rotCount);

            // Spawn tile object
            GameObject tileObj = GameObject.Instantiate(obj, new Vector3(X * 10, -0, Z * 10), Quaternion.Euler(0, 90 * rotCount, 0));
            tileObj.name = "Tile [" + X + "]" + "[" + Z + "] " + "(" + wallLayout + ")";
            tileObj.AddComponent <Tile>();

            // Generate Tile class data
            Tile tile = tileObj.GetComponent <Tile>();
            tile.X          = X;
            tile.Z          = Z;
            tile.wall       = wall;
            tile.wallLayout = wallLayout;
            AssignWallFloorObjToTile(tile, wallLayout, rotCount);

            // Group tile
            tile.transform.parent = mazeObj.transform;
            maze.mazeTile[X, Z]   = tile;

        for (int i = 0; i < level.mazeWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < level.mazeLength; j++)
                maze.mazeTileList.Add(maze.mazeTile[i, j]);

Exemplo n.º 7
    // Get tiles with desired wall layout from input list
    public static List <Tile> UpdateTileListWithDesiredWallLayout(List <Tile> oldList, WallLayout desiredWallLayout)
        List <Tile> newList = new List <Tile>();

        foreach (Tile t in oldList)
            if (t.wallLayout == desiredWallLayout)

        Utilities.TryCatchError((newList.Count <= 0), "There is no such wall layout in the input list.");
