Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the walk details form, prepare the DAL objects for insertion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iWalkID"></param>
        /// <param name="oForm"></param>
        /// <param name="strRootpath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Walk_AssociatedFile> FillHillAssociatedFilesFromFormVariables(int iWalkID, NameValueCollection oForm, string strRootpath)
            var collHillAssociatedFiles = new List <Walk_AssociatedFile>();

            int  iCounter = 1;
            int  iNumImages;
            bool bContinue = true;

            while (bContinue)
                if ((oForm[("imagerelpath" + iCounter)] != null &&
                     (oForm[("imagerelpath" + iCounter)]).Length > 0))
                    var oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                    oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = CleanUpAssociateFilePath(oForm[("imagerelpath" + iCounter)], "Content/images/");
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = "Image";
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Caption  = oForm[("imagecaption" + iCounter)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = (short)(iCounter);
                    if ((oForm[("imageismarker" + iCounter)] != null &&
                         (oForm[("imageismarker" + iCounter)].Length > 0)))
                        oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_MarkerID = Int32.Parse(oForm[("imagemarkerid" + iCounter)]);
                    iCounter = (iCounter + 1);
                    bContinue = false;
            iNumImages = (iCounter - 1);
            iCounter   = 1;
            bContinue  = true;
            while (bContinue)
                if ((oForm[("auxilliary_file" + iCounter)] != null &&
                     (oForm[("auxilliary_file" + iCounter)].Length > 0)))
                    Walk_AssociatedFile oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                    oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = CleanUpAssociateFilePath(oForm[("auxilliary_file" + iCounter)], "Content/images/");
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = oForm[("auxilliary_filetype" + iCounter)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = (short)(iCounter + iNumImages);
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Caption  = oForm[("auxilliary_caption" + iCounter)];
                    iCounter = (iCounter + 1);
                    bContinue = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <Walk_AssociatedFile> FillExistingAssociatedFilesFromFormVariables(int iWalkID, NameValueCollection oForm, string strRootpath)
            List <Walk_AssociatedFile> collHillAssociatedFiles = new List <Walk_AssociatedFile>();

            int  iCounter           = 1;
            int  iNumExistingImages = 0;
            int  iSequenceCounter   = 1;
            bool bContinue          = true;

                iNumExistingImages = int.Parse(oForm["NumExistingImages"]);
            catch (Exception)

            for (int iExistingImagesCount = 1; (iExistingImagesCount <= iNumExistingImages); iExistingImagesCount++)
                if ((oForm[("existingimagename" + iExistingImagesCount)] != null &&
                     ((oForm[("existingimagename" + iExistingImagesCount)].Length > 0) &&
                      (oForm[("deletexistingimage" + iExistingImagesCount)] != "on"))))
                    Walk_AssociatedFile oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                    oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = oForm[("existingimagename" + iExistingImagesCount)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = "Image";
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Caption  = oForm[("existingimagecaption" + iExistingImagesCount)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = (short)iSequenceCounter;
                    if ((oForm[("existingimageismarker" + iExistingImagesCount)] != null &&
                         (oForm[("existingimageismarker" + iExistingImagesCount)].Length > 0)))
                        oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_MarkerID = int.Parse(oForm[("existingimagemarkerid" + iExistingImagesCount)]);
                    iSequenceCounter = (iSequenceCounter + 1);

            iCounter  = 1;
            bContinue = true;
            while (bContinue)
                if ((oForm[("existingauxfilename" + iCounter)] != null &&
                     ((oForm[("existingauxfilename" + iCounter)].Length > 0) &&
                      (oForm[("delexisting_auxilliary_file" + iCounter)] != "on"))))
                    var oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                    oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = oForm[("existingauxfilename" + iCounter)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = oForm[("existingauxfiletype" + iCounter)];
                    oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = (short)(iCounter + iSequenceCounter);
                    iCounter = (iCounter + 1);
                    bContinue = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the walk details form, prepare the DAL objects for insertion
        /// TODO: In particular, given a directory in which the walk associated files have been prepared, examine the directory and add the files
        /// found to the walk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iWalkID"></param>
        /// <param name="oForm"></param>
        /// <param name="strRootpath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Walk_AssociatedFile> FillWalkAssociatedFilesByExaminingDirectory(int iWalkID, NameValueCollection oForm, string strRootPath)
            var collWalkAssociatedFiles = new List <Walk_AssociatedFile>();

            short siFileSequenceCounter = 1;

            string walkfiles_fullpathprefix = oForm["walkfiles_reldir"];
            string walkfiles_nameprefix;

            if (walkfiles_fullpathprefix.Trim().Length == 0)

            walkfiles_fullpathprefix = walkfiles_fullpathprefix.Replace("\\", "/");
            int iLoc;

                iLoc = walkfiles_fullpathprefix.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            catch (Exception)
                iLoc = 0;

            string strRelPath = walkfiles_fullpathprefix.Substring(0, iLoc);

            walkfiles_nameprefix = walkfiles_fullpathprefix.Substring(iLoc + 1, walkfiles_fullpathprefix.Length - iLoc - 1);

            // -----Check that the path specified is valid------------------------
            if (!WalkingStick.DetermineIfDirectoryExists(strRootPath + strRelPath))
                throw new Exception("Could not find directory when looking for image files: dir:[" + strRootPath + strRelPath + "]" + " strRootPath = [" + strRootPath + "]");

            //-----First add all the walk image files----
            string[] filesindir = Directory.GetFiles(strRootPath + strRelPath, walkfiles_nameprefix + "_*");

            // go through looking for each number, assigning an order number to the unsorted list
            for (int imageNumber = 1; imageNumber < filesindir.Length + 1; imageNumber++)
                // Look for image number imageNumber in the unordered list
                for (int iCount = 0; iCount < filesindir.Length; iCount++)
                    // Construct full file name to look for - jpgs and pngs are allowed, either case
                    if (filesindir[iCount].Equals(strRootPath + strRelPath + "\\" + walkfiles_nameprefix + "_" + imageNumber.ToString() + ".jpg") ||
                        filesindir[iCount].Equals(strRootPath + strRelPath + "\\" + walkfiles_nameprefix + "_" + imageNumber.ToString() + ".JPG") ||
                        filesindir[iCount].Equals(strRootPath + strRelPath + "\\" + walkfiles_nameprefix + "_" + imageNumber.ToString() + ".png") ||
                        filesindir[iCount].Equals(strRootPath + strRelPath + "\\" + walkfiles_nameprefix + "_" + imageNumber.ToString() + ".PNG"))
                        // filesindir[iCount] = filesindir[iCount].Replace("\\","/");
                        int iLocFileExtStart = 0;
                        iLocFileExtStart = filesindir[iCount].LastIndexOf(".");
                        string strImageFileExt = filesindir[iCount].Substring(iLocFileExtStart, 4);

                        var oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                        oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                        oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = CleanUpAssociateFilePath(strRelPath + "/" + walkfiles_nameprefix + "_" + imageNumber.ToString() + strImageFileExt, "Content/images/");
                        oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = "Image";
                        oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = siFileSequenceCounter++;


            // Look for any auxilliary files (not walk images) present matching the nameprefix.

            filesindir = Directory.GetFiles(strRootPath + strRelPath, walkfiles_nameprefix + "-*");

            // for each aux file, create object and add to result list.
            for (int iCount = 0; iCount < filesindir.Length; iCount++)
                filesindir[iCount] = filesindir[iCount].Replace("\\", "/");

                int iLocNamePrefix = filesindir[iCount].IndexOf(walkfiles_nameprefix);
                filesindir[iCount] = filesindir[iCount].Substring(iLocNamePrefix);

                string strDesc = "";

                var oHillAssociateFile = new Walk_AssociatedFile();
                oHillAssociateFile.WalkID = iWalkID;
                oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Name     = CleanUpAssociateFilePath(strRelPath + "/" + filesindir[iCount], "Content/images/");
                oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Type     = DetermineAuxFileType(filesindir[iCount], walkfiles_nameprefix, ref strDesc);
                oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Sequence = siFileSequenceCounter++;
                oHillAssociateFile.Walk_AssociatedFile_Caption  = strDesc;

