Exemplo n.º 1
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(Actor self, WRot orientation)
            // Quantization disabled
            if (QuantizedFacings == 0)
                return orientation;

            // Map yaw to the closest facing
            var facing = Util.QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw.Angle / 4, QuantizedFacings) * (256 / QuantizedFacings);

            // Roll and pitch are always zero if yaw is quantized
            return new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public WDist DistanceFromEdge(WPos pos, WPos origin, WRot orientation)
            if (pos.Z > origin.Z + VerticalTopOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge(pos - (origin + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalTopOffset))));

            if (pos.Z < origin.Z + VerticalBottomOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge(pos - (origin + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalBottomOffset))));

            return(DistanceFromEdge(pos - new WPos(origin.X, origin.Y, pos.Z)));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(WRot orientation, int facings)
            //Quantization disabled
            if (facings == 0)

            //Map yaw to the closest facing.
            var facing = QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw.Angle / 4, facings);

            //Roll and pitch are always zero if yaw is quantized.
            return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facings)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        IEnumerable <IRenderable> IHitShape.RenderDebugOverlay(WorldRenderer wr, Actor actor)
            var actorPos    = actor.CenterPosition;
            var orientation = actor.Orientation + WRot.FromYaw(LocalYaw);

            var vertsTop    = combatOverlayVertsTop.Select(v => actorPos + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();
            var vertsBottom = combatOverlayVertsBottom.Select(v => actorPos + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(vertsTop, actorPos, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(vertsBottom, actorPos, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new CircleAnnotationRenderable(actorPos, OuterRadius, 1, Color.LimeGreen));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public IEnumerable <VoxelAnimation> RenderPreviewVoxels(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderVoxelsInfo rv, string image, WRot orientation, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            var body = init.Actor.Traits.Get <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            var t    = init.Actor.Traits.WithInterface <TurretedInfo>()
                       .First(tt => tt.Turret == Turret);

            var voxel        = VoxelProvider.GetVoxel(image, Sequence);
            var turretOffset = body.LocalToWorld(t.Offset.Rotate(orientation));

            var turretBodyOrientation = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(t.InitialFacing) - orientation.Yaw);
            var turretOrientation     = new[] { turretBodyOrientation, body.QuantizeOrientation(orientation, facings) };

            yield return(new VoxelAnimation(voxel, () => turretOffset, () => turretOrientation, () => false, () => 0));
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Orientation in world-space
        public WRot WorldOrientation(Actor self)
            // Hack: turretFacing is relative to the world, so subtract the body yaw
            var world = WRot.FromYaw(WAngle.FromFacing(TurretFacing));

            if (QuantizedFacings == 0)

            // Quantize orientation to match a rendered sprite
            // Implies no pitch or yaw
            return(WRot.FromYaw(body.QuantizeFacing(world.Yaw, QuantizedFacings)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(Actor self, WRot orientation)
            // Quantization disabled
            if (QuantizedFacings == 0)

            // Map yaw to the closest facing
            var facing = Util.QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw.Angle / 4, QuantizedFacings) * (256 / QuantizedFacings);

            // Roll and pitch are always zero if yaw is quantized
            return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing)));
Exemplo n.º 8
        void SpawnCrate(Actor self)
            var inWater = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(100) < info.WaterChance;
            var pp      = ChooseDropCell(self, inWater, 100);

            if (pp == null)

            var p          = pp.Value;
            var crateActor = ChooseCrateActor();

            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
                if (info.DeliveryAircraft != null)
                    var crate = w.CreateActor(false, crateActor, new TypeDictionary {
                        new OwnerInit(w.WorldActor.Owner)
                    var dropFacing = 256 * self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.QuantizedFacings) / info.QuantizedFacings;
                    var delta      = new WVec(0, -1024, 0).Rotate(WRot.FromFacing(dropFacing));

                    var altitude   = self.World.Map.Rules.Actors[info.DeliveryAircraft].TraitInfo <AircraftInfo>().CruiseAltitude.Length;
                    var target     = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(p) + new WVec(0, 0, altitude);
                    var startEdge  = target - (self.World.Map.DistanceToEdge(target, -delta) + info.Cordon).Length * delta / 1024;
                    var finishEdge = target + (self.World.Map.DistanceToEdge(target, delta) + info.Cordon).Length * delta / 1024;

                    var plane = w.CreateActor(info.DeliveryAircraft, new TypeDictionary
                        new CenterPositionInit(startEdge),
                        new OwnerInit(self.Owner),
                        new FacingInit(dropFacing),

                    var drop = plane.Trait <ParaDrop>();
                    drop.SetLZ(p, true);
                    plane.Trait <Cargo>().Load(plane, crate);

                    plane.QueueActivity(false, new Fly(plane, Target.FromPos(finishEdge)));
                    plane.QueueActivity(new RemoveSelf());
                    w.CreateActor(crateActor, new TypeDictionary {
                        new OwnerInit(w.WorldActor.Owner), new LocationInit(p)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(WRot orientation, int facings)
            // Quantization disabled
            if (facings == 0)

            // Map yaw to the closest facing
            var facing = QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw, facings);

            // Roll and pitch are always zero if yaw is quantized
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo attack)
            foreach (var wep in info.WeaponInfos)
                var pieces = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.Pieces[0], info.Pieces[1]);
                var range  = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.Range[0].Length, info.Range[1].Length);

                for (var i = 0; pieces > i; i++)
                    var rotation = WRot.FromFacing(self.World.SharedRandom.Next(1024));
                    var args     = new ProjectileArgs
                        Weapon = wep,
                        Facing = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(-1, 255),

                        DamageModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                          .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier()).ToArray(),

                        InaccuracyModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IInaccuracyModifier>()
                                              .Select(a => a.GetInaccuracyModifier()).ToArray(),

                        RangeModifiers = self.TraitsImplementing <IRangeModifier>()
                                         .Select(a => a.GetRangeModifier()).ToArray(),

                        Source        = self.CenterPosition,
                        CurrentSource = () => self.CenterPosition,
                        SourceActor   = self,
                        PassiveTarget = self.CenterPosition + new WVec(range, 0, 0).Rotate(rotation)

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(x =>
                        if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                            var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                            if (projectile != null)

                            if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                                Game.Sound.Play(SoundType.World, args.Weapon.Report.Random(self.World.SharedRandom), self.CenterPosition);
Exemplo n.º 11
        //Orientation in world-space.
        public WRot WorldOrientation(Actor self)
            var world = WRot.FromYaw(WAngle.FromFacing(TurretFacing));

            if (QuantizedFacings == 0)

            //Quantize orientation to match q rendered sprite
            //Implies no pitch or yaw
            var facing = body.QuantizeFacing(world.Yaw.Angle / 4, QuantizedFacings);

            return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing)));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Tick(World world)
            lastPos = pos;
            if (--lifetime < 0)
                world.AddFrameEndTask(w => { w.Remove(this); w.ScreenMap.Remove(this); });


            var forward = speed.Length == 2
                                ? world.SharedRandom.Next(speed[0].Length, speed[1].Length)
                                : speed[0].Length;

            var height = gravity.Length == 2
                                ? world.SharedRandom.Next(gravity[0].Length, gravity[1].Length)
                                : gravity[0].Length;

            var offset = new WVec(forward, 0, height);

            if (turnRate > 0)
                facing = (facing + world.SharedRandom.Next(-turnRate, turnRate)) & 0xFF;

            offset = offset.Rotate(WRot.FromFacing(facing));

            pos += offset;

            world.ScreenMap.Update(this, pos, anim.Image);

            if (canDamage && --explosionInterval < 0)
                var args = new WarheadArgs
                    Weapon            = smoke.Weapon,
                    Source            = pos,
                    SourceActor       = invoker,
                    WeaponTarget      = Target.FromPos(pos),
                    ImpactOrientation = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, Common.Util.GetVerticalAngle(lastPos, pos), WAngle.FromFacing(facing)),
                    ImpactPosition    = pos

                smoke.Weapon.Impact(Target.FromPos(pos), args);
                explosionInterval = smoke.Weapon.ReloadDelay;
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Orientation in unit-space
        public WRot LocalOrientation(Actor self)
            // Hack: turretFacing is relative to the world, so subtract the body yaw
            var local = WRot.FromYaw(WAngle.FromFacing(TurretFacing) - self.Orientation.Yaw);

            if (QuantizedFacings == 0)

            // Quantize orientation to match a rendered sprite
            // Implies no pitch or yaw
            var facing = Util.QuantizeFacing(local.Yaw.Angle / 4, QuantizedFacings) * (256 / QuantizedFacings);

            return(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing)));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public WDist DistanceFromEdge(WPos pos, WPos origin, WRot orientation)
            orientation += WRot.FromYaw(LocalYaw);

            if (pos.Z > origin.Z + VerticalTopOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - (origin + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalTopOffset))).Rotate(-orientation)));

            if (pos.Z < origin.Z + VerticalBottomOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - (origin + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalBottomOffset))).Rotate(-orientation)));

            return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - new WPos(origin.X, origin.Y, pos.Z)).Rotate(-orientation)));
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Orientation in world-space
        public Func <WRot> PreviewOrientation(ActorPreviewInitializer init, Func <WRot> orientation, int facings)
            var body         = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            var turretFacing = LocalFacingFromInit(init);

            Func <WRot> world = () => WRot.FromYaw(turretFacing()).Rotate(orientation());

            if (facings == 0)

            // Quantize orientation to match a rendered sprite
            // Implies no pitch or roll
            return(() => WRot.FromYaw(body.QuantizeFacing(world().Yaw, facings)));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public new IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderSpritesInfo rs, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            if (!EnabledByDefault)
                yield break;

            var body = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            var t    = init.Actor.TraitInfos <TurretedInfo>()
                       .First(tt => tt.Turret == Turret);

            var bodyAnim = new Animation(init.World, image, init.GetFacing());

            bodyAnim.PlayRepeating(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(bodyAnim, init.GetDamageState(), "idle"));
            var         bodySequence = bodyAnim.CurrentSequence as OffsetsSpriteSequence;
            Func <WVec> offset       = null;

            if (bodySequence != null && bodySequence.EmbeddedOffsets.ContainsKey(bodyAnim.Image) && bodySequence.EmbeddedOffsets[bodyAnim.Image] != null)
                var point = bodySequence.EmbeddedOffsets[bodyAnim.Image].FirstOrDefault(p1 => p1.Id == 0);

                if (point != null)
                    offset = () => new WVec(point.X * 32, point.Y * 32, 0);

            var turretFacing = Turreted.TurretFacingFromInit(init, t.InitialFacing, Turret);
            var anim         = new Animation(init.World, image, turretFacing);

            anim.Play(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(anim, init.GetDamageState(), Sequence));

            if (offset == null)
                Func <int>  facing      = init.GetFacing();
                Func <WRot> orientation = () => body.QuantizeOrientation(WRot.FromFacing(facing()), facings);
                offset = () => body.LocalToWorld(t.Offset.Rotate(orientation()));

            Func <int> zOffset = () =>
                var tmpOffset = offset();
                return(-(tmpOffset.Y + tmpOffset.Z) + 1);

            yield return(new SpriteActorPreview(anim, offset, zOffset, p, rs.Scale));
Exemplo n.º 17
        void Nudge(Actor self)
            // Disable nudging if the aircraft is outside the map
            if (!self.World.Map.Contains(self.Location))

            var offset = new WVec(0, -self.World.SharedRandom.Next(512, 2048), 0)
            var target = Target.FromPos(self.CenterPosition + offset);

            self.SetTargetLine(target, Color.Green, false);
            self.QueueActivity(new Fly(self, target));
Exemplo n.º 18
		public VoxelRenderable(
			IEnumerable<VoxelAnimation> voxels, WPos pos, int zOffset, WRot camera, float scale,
			WRot lightSource, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor,
			PaletteReference color, PaletteReference normals, PaletteReference shadow)
			this.voxels = voxels;
			this.pos = pos;
			this.zOffset = zOffset;
			this.scale = scale;
			this.camera = camera;
			this.lightSource = lightSource;
			this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
			this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;
			this.palette = color;
			this.normalsPalette = normals;
			this.shadowPalette = shadow;
Exemplo n.º 19
        void SpawnCloud(Actor self)
            var position = self.World.Map.ChooseRandomCell(self.World.SharedRandom);

            var facing = 256 * info.WindDirection / 32;
            var delta  = new WVec(0, -1024, 0).Rotate(WRot.FromFacing(facing));

            var target     = self.World.Map.CenterOfCell(position) + new WVec(0, 0, info.CruiseAltitude.Length);
            var startEdge  = target - (self.World.Map.DistanceToEdge(target, -delta) + info.Cordon).Length * delta / 1024;
            var finishEdge = target + (self.World.Map.DistanceToEdge(target, delta) + info.Cordon).Length * delta / 1024;

            var animation = new Animation(self.World, info.Image, () => WAngle.FromFacing(facing));


            self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(new Cloud(self.World, animation, startEdge, finishEdge, facing, info)));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public WDist DistanceFromEdge(WPos pos, Actor actor)
            var actorPos    = actor.CenterPosition;
            var orientation = actor.Orientation + WRot.FromYaw(LocalYaw);

            if (pos.Z > actorPos.Z + VerticalTopOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - (actorPos + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalTopOffset))).Rotate(-orientation)));

            if (pos.Z < actorPos.Z + VerticalBottomOffset)
                return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - (actorPos + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalBottomOffset))).Rotate(-orientation)));

            return(DistanceFromEdge((pos - new WPos(actorPos.X, actorPos.Y, pos.Z)).Rotate(-orientation)));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public VoxelRenderable(
     IEnumerable <VoxelAnimation> voxels, WPos pos, int zOffset, WRot camera, float scale,
     WRot lightSource, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor,
     PaletteReference color, PaletteReference normals, PaletteReference shadow)
     this.voxels            = voxels;
     this.pos               = pos;
     this.zOffset           = zOffset;
     this.scale             = scale;
     this.camera            = camera;
     this.lightSource       = lightSource;
     this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
     this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;
     this.palette           = color;
     this.normalsPalette    = normals;
     this.shadowPalette     = shadow;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            if (!EnabledByDefault)
                yield break;

            if (image == null)
                yield break;

            // For this, image must not be null
            if (Palette != null)
                p = init.WorldRenderer.Palette(Palette);

            Func <WAngle> facing;
            var           dynamicfacingInit = init.GetOrDefault <DynamicFacingInit>();

            if (dynamicfacingInit != null)
                facing = dynamicfacingInit.Value;
                var f = init.GetValue <FacingInit, WAngle>(WAngle.Zero);
                facing = () => f;

            var anim = new Animation(init.World, image);

            anim.PlayThen(OpeningSequence, () => anim.PlayRepeating(Sequence));

            var         body        = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            Func <WRot> orientation = () => body.QuantizeOrientation(WRot.FromYaw(facing()), facings);
            Func <WVec> offset      = () => body.LocalToWorld(Offset.Rotate(orientation()));
            Func <int>  zOffset     = () =>
                var tmpOffset = offset();
                return(tmpOffset.Y + tmpOffset.Z + 1);

            yield return(new SpriteActorPreview(anim, offset, zOffset, p));
Exemplo n.º 23
        void DrawArmaments(Actor self, AttackBase attack, WorldRenderer wr, RgbaColorRenderer wcr, float iz)
            var c = Color.White;

            // Fire ports on garrisonable structures
            var garrison = attack as AttackGarrisoned;

            if (garrison != null)
                var bodyOrientation = coords.Value.QuantizeOrientation(self, self.Orientation);
                foreach (var p in garrison.Info.Ports)
                    var pos = self.CenterPosition + coords.Value.LocalToWorld(p.Offset.Rotate(bodyOrientation));
                    var da  = coords.Value.LocalToWorld(new WVec(224, 0, 0).Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(p.Yaw + p.Cone)).Rotate(bodyOrientation));
                    var db  = coords.Value.LocalToWorld(new WVec(224, 0, 0).Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(p.Yaw - p.Cone)).Rotate(bodyOrientation));

                    var o = wr.Screen3DPosition(pos);
                    var a = wr.Screen3DPosition(pos + da * 224 / da.Length);
                    var b = wr.Screen3DPosition(pos + db * 224 / db.Length);
                    wcr.DrawLine(o, a, iz, c);
                    wcr.DrawLine(o, b, iz, c);


            foreach (var a in attack.Armaments)
                if (a.IsTraitDisabled)

                foreach (var b in a.Barrels)
                    var muzzle    = self.CenterPosition + a.MuzzleOffset(self, b);
                    var dirOffset = new WVec(0, -224, 0).Rotate(a.MuzzleOrientation(self, b));

                    var sm = wr.Screen3DPosition(muzzle);
                    var sd = wr.Screen3DPosition(muzzle + dirOffset);
                    wcr.DrawLine(sm, sd, iz, c);
                    TargetLineRenderable.DrawTargetMarker(wr, c, sm);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderSpritesInfo rs, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            if (UpgradeMinEnabledLevel > 0)
                yield break;

            if (image == null)
                yield break;

            // For this, image must not be null
            if (Palette != null)
                p = init.WorldRenderer.Palette(Palette);

            Func <int> facing;

            if (init.Contains <DynamicFacingInit>())
                facing = init.Get <DynamicFacingInit, Func <int> >();
                var f = init.Contains <FacingInit>() ? init.Get <FacingInit, int>() : 0;
                facing = () => f;

            var anim = new Animation(init.World, image);

            anim.PlayThen(OpeningSequence, () => anim.PlayRepeating(Sequence));

            var         body        = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            Func <WRot> orientation = () => body.QuantizeOrientation(WRot.FromFacing(facing()), facings);
            Func <WVec> offset      = () => body.LocalToWorld(Offset.Rotate(orientation()));
            Func <int>  zOffset     = () =>
                var tmpOffset = offset();
                return(tmpOffset.Y + tmpOffset.Z + 1);

            yield return(new SpriteActorPreview(anim, offset, zOffset, p, rs.Scale));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public VoxelPreview(VoxelAnimation[] components, WVec offset, int zOffset, float scale, WAngle lightPitch, WAngle lightYaw, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor, WAngle cameraPitch,
                            PaletteReference colorPalette, PaletteReference normalsPalette, PaletteReference shadowPalette)
            this.components        = components;
            this.scale             = scale;
            this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
            this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;

            lightSource = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, new WAngle(256) - lightPitch, lightYaw);
            camera      = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, cameraPitch - new WAngle(256), new WAngle(256));

            this.colorPalette   = colorPalette;
            this.normalsPalette = normalsPalette;
            this.shadowPalette  = shadowPalette;

            this.offset  = offset;
            this.zOffset = zOffset;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public UIModelRenderable(
     IEnumerable <ModelAnimation> models, WPos effectiveWorldPos, int2 screenPos, int zOffset,
     WRot camera, float scale, WRot lightSource, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor,
     PaletteReference color, PaletteReference normals, PaletteReference shadow)
     this.models            = models;
     this.effectiveWorldPos = effectiveWorldPos;
     this.screenPos         = screenPos;
     this.zOffset           = zOffset;
     this.scale             = scale;
     this.camera            = camera;
     this.lightSource       = lightSource;
     this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
     this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;
     palette        = color;
     normalsPalette = normals;
     shadowPalette  = shadow;
Exemplo n.º 27
        public virtual IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreview(ActorPreviewInitializer init)
            var body             = init.Actor.Traits.Get <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            var sequenceProvider = init.World.Map.SequenceProvider;
            var image            = Image ?? init.Actor.Name;
            var facings          = body.QuantizedFacings == -1 ? init.Actor.Traits.Get <IQuantizeBodyOrientationInfo>().QuantizedBodyFacings(sequenceProvider, init.Actor) : body.QuantizedFacings;
            var palette          = init.WorldRenderer.Palette(Palette ?? (init.Owner != null ? PlayerPalette + init.Owner.InternalName : null));

            var facing      = init.Contains <FacingInit>() ? init.Get <FacingInit, int>() : 0;
            var orientation = WRot.FromFacing(facing);
            var components  = init.Actor.Traits.WithInterface <IRenderActorPreviewVoxelsInfo>()
                              .SelectMany(rvpi => rvpi.RenderPreviewVoxels(init, this, image, orientation, facings, palette))

            yield return(new VoxelPreview(components, WVec.Zero, 0, this.Scale, this.LightPitch,
                                          this.LightYaw, this.LightAmbientColor, this.LightDiffuseColor, body.CameraPitch,
                                          palette, init.WorldRenderer.Palette(NormalsPalette), init.WorldRenderer.Palette("shadow")));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public VoxelPreview(VoxelAnimation[] components, WVec offset, int zOffset, float scale, WAngle lightPitch, WAngle lightYaw, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor, WAngle cameraPitch,
			PaletteReference colorPalette, PaletteReference normalsPalette, PaletteReference shadowPalette)
            this.components = components;
            this.scale = scale;
            this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
            this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;

            lightSource = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, new WAngle(256) - lightPitch, lightYaw);
            camera = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, cameraPitch - new WAngle(256), new WAngle(256));

            this.colorPalette = colorPalette;
            this.normalsPalette = normalsPalette;
            this.shadowPalette = shadowPalette;

            this.offset = offset;
            this.zOffset = zOffset;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            if (!EnabledByDefault)
                yield break;

            if (Palette != null)
                var ownerName = init.Get <OwnerInit>().InternalName;
                p = init.WorldRenderer.Palette(IsPlayerPalette ? Palette + ownerName : Palette);

            Func <WAngle> facing;
            var           dynamicfacingInit = init.GetOrDefault <DynamicFacingInit>();

            if (dynamicfacingInit != null)
                facing = dynamicfacingInit.Value;
                var f = init.GetValue <FacingInit, WAngle>(WAngle.Zero);
                facing = () => f;

            var anim = new Animation(init.World, Image ?? image, facing)
                IsDecoration = IsDecoration

            anim.PlayRepeating(RenderSprites.NormalizeSequence(anim, init.GetDamageState(), Sequence));

            var         body        = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BodyOrientationInfo>();
            Func <WRot> orientation = () => body.QuantizeOrientation(WRot.FromYaw(facing()), facings);
            Func <WVec> offset      = () => body.LocalToWorld(Offset.Rotate(orientation()));
            Func <int>  zOffset     = () =>
                var tmpOffset = offset();
                return(tmpOffset.Y + tmpOffset.Z + 1);

            yield return(new SpriteActorPreview(anim, offset, zOffset, p));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public WVec GetRepulseForce(Actor self, Actor other)
            if (self == other || other.CenterPosition.Z < self.CenterPosition.Z)
                return WVec.Zero;

            var d = self.CenterPosition - other.CenterPosition;
            var distSq = d.HorizontalLengthSquared;
            if (distSq > Info.IdealSeparation.Range * Info.IdealSeparation.Range)
                return WVec.Zero;

            if (distSq < 1)
                var yaw = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(0, 1023);
                var rot = new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, new WAngle(yaw));
                return new WVec(1024, 0, 0).Rotate(rot);

            return (d * 1024 * 8) / (int)distSq;
Exemplo n.º 31
 void INotifyIdle.TickIdle(Actor self)
     if (state == PopupState.Open && idleTicks++ > info.CloseDelay)
         var facingOffset = new WVec(0, -1024, 0).Rotate(WRot.FromYaw(info.DefaultFacing));
         turret.FaceTarget(self, Target.FromPos(self.CenterPosition + facingOffset));
         state = PopupState.Rotating;
     else if (state == PopupState.Rotating && turret.HasAchievedDesiredFacing)
         state = PopupState.Transitioning;
         wsb.PlayCustomAnimation(self, info.ClosingSequence, () =>
             state = PopupState.Closed;
             wsb.PlayCustomAnimationRepeating(self, info.ClosedIdleSequence);
             turret.FaceTarget(self, Target.Invalid);
Exemplo n.º 32
        IEnumerable <IRenderable> IHitShape.RenderDebugOverlay(WorldRenderer wr, WPos origin, WRot orientation)
            orientation += WRot.FromYaw(LocalYaw);

            var vertsTop    = combatOverlayVertsTop.Select(v => origin + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();
            var vertsBottom = combatOverlayVertsBottom.Select(v => origin + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();
            var side1       = combatOverlayVertsSide1.Select(v => origin + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();
            var side2       = combatOverlayVertsSide2.Select(v => origin + v.Rotate(orientation)).ToArray();

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(vertsTop, origin, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(vertsBottom, origin, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(side1, origin, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new PolygonAnnotationRenderable(side2, origin, 1, Color.Yellow));

            yield return(new CircleAnnotationRenderable(origin, OuterRadius, 1, Color.LimeGreen));
Exemplo n.º 33
 public ModelRenderable(
     IEnumerable <ModelAnimation> models, WPos pos, int zOffset, WRot camera, float scale,
     WRot lightSource, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor,
     PaletteReference color, PaletteReference normals, PaletteReference shadow,
     float3 tint)
     this.models            = models;
     this.pos               = pos;
     this.zOffset           = zOffset;
     this.scale             = scale;
     this.camera            = camera;
     this.lightSource       = lightSource;
     this.lightAmbientColor = lightAmbientColor;
     this.lightDiffuseColor = lightDiffuseColor;
     palette        = color;
     normalsPalette = normals;
     shadowPalette  = shadow;
     this.tint      = tint;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo attack)
            foreach (var name in info.Weapons)
                var wep    = self.World.Map.Rules.Weapons[name];
                var pieces = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.Pieces[0], info.Pieces[1]);
                var range  = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(info.Range[0].Range, info.Range[1].Range);

                for (var i = 0; pieces > i; i++)
                    var rotation = WRot.FromFacing(self.World.SharedRandom.Next(1024));
                    var args     = new ProjectileArgs
                        Weapon            = wep,
                        Facing            = self.World.SharedRandom.Next(-1, 255),
                        FirepowerModifier = self.TraitsImplementing <IFirepowerModifier>()
                                            .Select(a => a.GetFirepowerModifier())

                        Source        = self.CenterPosition,
                        SourceActor   = self,
                        PassiveTarget = self.CenterPosition + new WVec(range, 0, 0).Rotate(rotation)

                    self.World.AddFrameEndTask(x =>
                        if (args.Weapon.Projectile != null)
                            var projectile = args.Weapon.Projectile.Create(args);
                            if (projectile != null)

                            if (args.Weapon.Report != null && args.Weapon.Report.Any())
                                Sound.Play(args.Weapon.Report.Random(self.World.SharedRandom), self.CenterPosition);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public WDist DistanceFromEdge(WPos pos, Actor actor)
            var actorPos = actor.CenterPosition;
            var orientation = new WRot(actor.Orientation.Roll, actor.Orientation.Pitch,
                new WAngle(actor.Orientation.Yaw.Angle + (RotateToIsometry ? 128 : 0)));

            var targetablePositions = actor.TraitsImplementing<ITargetablePositions>();
            if (ApplyToAllTargetablePositions && targetablePositions.Any())
                var positions = targetablePositions.SelectMany(tp => tp.TargetablePositions(actor));
                actorPos = positions.PositionClosestTo(pos);

            if (pos.Z > actorPos.Z + VerticalTopOffset)
                return DistanceFromEdge((pos - (actorPos + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalTopOffset))).Rotate(-orientation));

            if (pos.Z < actorPos.Z + VerticalBottomOffset)
                return DistanceFromEdge((pos - (actorPos + new WVec(0, 0, VerticalBottomOffset))).Rotate(-orientation));

            return DistanceFromEdge((pos - new WPos(actorPos.X, actorPos.Y, pos.Z)).Rotate(-orientation));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(WRot orientation, int facings)
            // Quantization disabled
            if (facings == 0)
                return orientation;

            // Map yaw to the closest facing
            var facing = QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw.Angle / 4, facings);

            // Roll and pitch are always zero if yaw is quantized
            return new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void DrawCombatOverlay(WorldRenderer wr, RgbaColorRenderer wcr, Actor actor)
            var actorPos = actor.CenterPosition;
            var orientation = new WRot(actor.Orientation.Roll, actor.Orientation.Pitch,
                new WAngle(actor.Orientation.Yaw.Angle + (RotateToIsometry ? 128 : 0)));

            var targetablePositions = actor.TraitsImplementing<ITargetablePositions>();
            if (ApplyToAllTargetablePositions && targetablePositions.Any())
                var positions = targetablePositions.SelectMany(tp => tp.TargetablePositions(actor));
                foreach (var pos in positions)
                    var vertsTop = combatOverlayVertsTop.Select(v => wr.Screen3DPosition(pos + v.Rotate(orientation)));
                    var vertsBottom = combatOverlayVertsBottom.Select(v => wr.Screen3DPosition(pos + v.Rotate(orientation)));
                    wcr.DrawPolygon(vertsTop.ToArray(), 1, Color.Yellow);
                    wcr.DrawPolygon(vertsBottom.ToArray(), 1, Color.Yellow);
                var vertsTop = combatOverlayVertsTop.Select(v => wr.Screen3DPosition(actorPos + v.Rotate(orientation)));
                var vertsBottom = combatOverlayVertsBottom.Select(v => wr.Screen3DPosition(actorPos + v.Rotate(orientation)));
                wcr.DrawPolygon(vertsTop.ToArray(), 1, Color.Yellow);
                wcr.DrawPolygon(vertsBottom.ToArray(), 1, Color.Yellow);
Exemplo n.º 38
        public VoxelRenderProxy RenderAsync(
			WorldRenderer wr, IEnumerable<VoxelAnimation> voxels, WRot camera, float scale,
			float[] groundNormal, WRot lightSource, float[] lightAmbientColor, float[] lightDiffuseColor,
			PaletteReference color, PaletteReference normals, PaletteReference shadowPalette)
            // Correct for inverted y-axis
            var scaleTransform = Util.ScaleMatrix(scale, scale, scale);

            // Correct for bogus light source definition
            var lightYaw = Util.MakeFloatMatrix(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, -lightSource.Yaw).AsMatrix());
            var lightPitch = Util.MakeFloatMatrix(new WRot(WAngle.Zero, -lightSource.Pitch, WAngle.Zero).AsMatrix());
            var shadowTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(lightPitch, lightYaw);

            var invShadowTransform = Util.MatrixInverse(shadowTransform);
            var cameraTransform = Util.MakeFloatMatrix(camera.AsMatrix());
            var invCameraTransform = Util.MatrixInverse(cameraTransform);
            if (invCameraTransform == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to invert the cameraTransform matrix during RenderAsync.");

            // Sprite rectangle
            var tl = new float2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            var br = new float2(float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            // Shadow sprite rectangle
            var stl = new float2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
            var sbr = new float2(float.MinValue, float.MinValue);

            foreach (var v in voxels)
                // Convert screen offset back to world coords
                var offsetVec = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(invCameraTransform, wr.ScreenVector(v.OffsetFunc()));
                var offsetTransform = Util.TranslationMatrix(offsetVec[0], offsetVec[1], offsetVec[2]);

                var worldTransform = v.RotationFunc().Aggregate(Util.IdentityMatrix(),
                    (x, y) => Util.MatrixMultiply(Util.MakeFloatMatrix(y.AsMatrix()), x));
                worldTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(scaleTransform, worldTransform);
                worldTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(offsetTransform, worldTransform);

                var bounds = v.Voxel.Bounds(v.FrameFunc());
                var worldBounds = Util.MatrixAABBMultiply(worldTransform, bounds);
                var screenBounds = Util.MatrixAABBMultiply(cameraTransform, worldBounds);
                var shadowBounds = Util.MatrixAABBMultiply(shadowTransform, worldBounds);

                // Aggregate bounds rects
                tl = float2.Min(tl, new float2(screenBounds[0], screenBounds[1]));
                br = float2.Max(br, new float2(screenBounds[3], screenBounds[4]));
                stl = float2.Min(stl, new float2(shadowBounds[0], shadowBounds[1]));
                sbr = float2.Max(sbr, new float2(shadowBounds[3], shadowBounds[4]));

            // Inflate rects to ensure rendering is within bounds
            tl -= SpritePadding;
            br += SpritePadding;
            stl -= SpritePadding;
            sbr += SpritePadding;

            // Corners of the shadow quad, in shadow-space
            var corners = new float[][]
                new[] { stl.X, stl.Y, 0, 1 },
                new[] { sbr.X, sbr.Y, 0, 1 },
                new[] { sbr.X, stl.Y, 0, 1 },
                new[] { stl.X, sbr.Y, 0, 1 }

            var shadowScreenTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(cameraTransform, invShadowTransform);
            var shadowGroundNormal = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(shadowTransform, groundNormal);
            var screenCorners = new float3[4];
            for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                // Project to ground plane
                corners[j][2] = -(corners[j][1] * shadowGroundNormal[1] / shadowGroundNormal[2] +
                                  corners[j][0] * shadowGroundNormal[0] / shadowGroundNormal[2]);

                // Rotate to camera-space
                corners[j] = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(shadowScreenTransform, corners[j]);
                screenCorners[j] = new float3(corners[j][0], corners[j][1], 0);

            // Shadows are rendered at twice the resolution to reduce artifacts
            Size spriteSize, shadowSpriteSize;
            int2 spriteOffset, shadowSpriteOffset;
            CalculateSpriteGeometry(tl, br, 1, out spriteSize, out spriteOffset);
            CalculateSpriteGeometry(stl, sbr, 2, out shadowSpriteSize, out shadowSpriteOffset);

            var sprite = sheetBuilder.Allocate(spriteSize, 0, spriteOffset);
            var shadowSprite = sheetBuilder.Allocate(shadowSpriteSize, 0, shadowSpriteOffset);
            var sb = sprite.Bounds;
            var ssb = shadowSprite.Bounds;
            var spriteCenter = new float2(sb.Left + sb.Width / 2, sb.Top + sb.Height / 2);
            var shadowCenter = new float2(ssb.Left + ssb.Width / 2, ssb.Top + ssb.Height / 2);

            var translateMtx = Util.TranslationMatrix(spriteCenter.X - spriteOffset.X, renderer.SheetSize - (spriteCenter.Y - spriteOffset.Y), 0);
            var shadowTranslateMtx = Util.TranslationMatrix(shadowCenter.X - shadowSpriteOffset.X, renderer.SheetSize - (shadowCenter.Y - shadowSpriteOffset.Y), 0);
            var correctionTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(translateMtx, FlipMtx);
            var shadowCorrectionTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(shadowTranslateMtx, ShadowScaleFlipMtx);

            doRender.Add(Pair.New<Sheet, Action>(sprite.Sheet, () =>
                foreach (var v in voxels)
                    // Convert screen offset to world offset
                    var offsetVec = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(invCameraTransform, wr.ScreenVector(v.OffsetFunc()));
                    var offsetTransform = Util.TranslationMatrix(offsetVec[0], offsetVec[1], offsetVec[2]);

                    var rotations = v.RotationFunc().Aggregate(Util.IdentityMatrix(),
                        (x, y) => Util.MatrixMultiply(Util.MakeFloatMatrix(y.AsMatrix()), x));
                    var worldTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(scaleTransform, rotations);
                    worldTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(offsetTransform, worldTransform);

                    var transform = Util.MatrixMultiply(cameraTransform, worldTransform);
                    transform = Util.MatrixMultiply(correctionTransform, transform);

                    var shadow = Util.MatrixMultiply(shadowTransform, worldTransform);
                    shadow = Util.MatrixMultiply(shadowCorrectionTransform, shadow);

                    var lightTransform = Util.MatrixMultiply(Util.MatrixInverse(rotations), invShadowTransform);

                    var frame = v.FrameFunc();
                    for (uint i = 0; i < v.Voxel.Limbs; i++)
                        var rd = v.Voxel.RenderData(i);
                        var t = v.Voxel.TransformationMatrix(i, frame);
                        var it = Util.MatrixInverse(t);
                        if (it == null)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to invert the transformed matrix of frame {0} during RenderAsync.".F(i));

                        // Transform light vector from shadow -> world -> limb coords
                        var lightDirection = ExtractRotationVector(Util.MatrixMultiply(it, lightTransform));

                        Render(rd, Util.MatrixMultiply(transform, t), lightDirection,
                            lightAmbientColor, lightDiffuseColor, color.TextureMidIndex, normals.TextureMidIndex);

                        // Disable shadow normals by forcing zero diffuse and identity ambient light
                        if (v.ShowShadow)
                            Render(rd, Util.MatrixMultiply(shadow, t), lightDirection,
                                ShadowAmbient, ShadowDiffuse, shadowPalette.TextureMidIndex, normals.TextureMidIndex);

            var screenLightVector = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(invShadowTransform, ZVector);
            screenLightVector = Util.MatrixVectorMultiply(cameraTransform, screenLightVector);
            return new VoxelRenderProxy(sprite, shadowSprite, screenCorners, -screenLightVector[2] / screenLightVector[1]);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public WRot QuantizeOrientation(Actor self, WRot orientation)
            // Map yaw to the closest facing
            var numDirs = Info.QuantizedFacings == -1 ? anim.CurrentSequence.Facings : Info.QuantizedFacings;
            var facing = Util.QuantizeFacing(orientation.Yaw.Angle / 4, numDirs) * (256 / numDirs);

            // Roll and pitch are always zero
            return new WRot(WAngle.Zero, WAngle.Zero, WAngle.FromFacing(facing));
Exemplo n.º 40
 public WRot QuantizeOrientation(Actor self, WRot orientation)
     return info.QuantizeOrientation(orientation, quantizedFacings.Value);