Exemplo n.º 1
        public static string AchievementsHTML(WOTStats stats)
            string html = @"<table class='b-gray-text' width='100%'><tbody>";

            using (Achievements ach = new Achievements())
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Achievement> item in ach.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                    int total     = 0;
                    int completed = 0;
                    foreach (string tank in item.Value.Tanks)
                        total += (from x in stats.tanks.Select(h => h.FragList.Where(f => f.CountryID + "_" + f.TankID == tank).Select(g => g.frags).Sum())
                                  select x).Sum();

                    while (total >= item.Value.Value)
                        total -= item.Value.Value;
                    html += @"<tr><th class='th1' align='center' width=100% colspan='2'>" + item.Value.Name + @"</th></tr>
										   <tr><th class='th1' align='center' width=100% colspan='2'>"                                         + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_ACHIEVED", "DE", "Achieved: ") + completed + @"</th> </tr>";
                    html += @"<tr><td width=100%><table width=100%><tr><td align='center' width=" + Math.Round((decimal)total / (decimal)item.Value.Value * (decimal)100, 0) + "% bgColor=green><font><strong>" + (total == 0 ? "" : total.ToString()) + @"</strong></font></td>";
                    html += @"<td align='center' width=" + ((decimal)100 - Math.Round((decimal)total / (decimal)item.Value.Value * (decimal)100, 0)) + "% bgColor=red><font ><strong>" + ((item.Value.Value - total) == 0 ? "" : (item.Value.Value - total).ToString()) + @"</strong></font></td></tr></table></td></tr>";
            html += @"</tbody></table>";
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string BattleExperience(WOTStats stats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
            string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_TOTALEXP", "DE", "Total Experience:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.Experience, 2), 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.Experience, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_AVGEXP", "DE", "Average Experience per Battle:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.AverageExperiencePerBattle, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.AverageExperiencePerBattle, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_MAXEXP", "DE", "Maximum Experience per Battle:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.MaxExperience, 2), 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.MaxExperience, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGCAUSED", "DE", "Damage Dealt:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.DamageDealt, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DamageDealt, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGASSRADIO", "DE", "Damage Assisted Radio:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.DamageAssistedRadio, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DamageAssistedRadio, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGASSTRACK", "DE", "Damage Assisted Track:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.DamageAssistedTracks, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DamageAssistedTracks, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGREC", "DE", "Damage Received:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.DamageReceived, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DamageReceived, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_COMP_AVGDAM", "DE", "Average Damage:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.AverageDamageDealtPerBattle, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.AverageDamagePerBattle, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGRATIO", "DE", "Damage Ratio:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.DamageRatio, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DamageRatio, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>

            return html;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string GlobalHTML(WOTStats stats, WOTStats prevStats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
            string html = @"<div id='toolTipLayer' style='position:absolute; visibility: hidden;left:0;right:0;'></div> <table class='b-gray-text' Border=0 width=100%>
                                        <th align=center width=33.33%><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_OVRESULTS", "DE", "Overall Results") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <th align=center width=33.33%><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_BATPERFORMANCE", "DE", "Battle Performance") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <th align=center width=33.33%><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_BATEXPERIENCE", "DE", "Battle Experience") + @"<strong></th>

                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top>" + OverallResults(stats, delta) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top>" + BattlePerformance(stats, delta) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top>" + BattleExperience(stats, delta) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1' COLSPAN=3 Height=20px> </TD>
                                        <th align=center colspan=3><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_COUNTRYSTATS", "DE", "Country Statistics") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top colspan=3>" + CountryStats(stats, prevStats, delta) + @"</td>
                                       <td class='td-1' COLSPAN=3 Height=20px> </TD>
                                        <th align=center colspan=3><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TANKCLASSSTATS", "DE", "Tank Class Statistics") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top colspan=3>" + TankTypeStats(stats, prevStats, delta) + @"</td>
                                       <td class='td-1' COLSPAN=3 Height=20px> </TD>
                                        <th align=center colspan=1><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TIEREFF", "DE", "Tier WN7") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <th align=center colspan=1><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TOPEFF", "DE", "Top 7 Efficiency") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <th align=center colspan=1><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TOPEXP", "DE", "Top 7 Experience") + @"<strong></th>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top colspan=1>" + TierEfficiency(stats, prevStats) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top colspan=1>" + Top05Eff(stats) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1' class=r valign=top colspan=1>" + Top05Experience(stats) + @"</td>

            stats = null;
            delta = null;
            return html;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static double GetStatValue(string StatName, WOTStats wotStats)
             * Kill Ratio
             * Kill/Death Ratio
            switch (StatName)
            case "Damage Taken : Total":

            case "Damage Dealt : Total":

            case "Damage Dealt : Average":

            case "Damage Taken : Average":

            case "Efficiency":

            case "Battle Rating":

            case "WN7":

            case "WN8":

            case "Win Ratio":
                return(wotStats.Victory_Ratio * 100);

            case "Experience : Total":

            case "Experience : Average":

            case "Kill Ratio":
                return(wotStats.Kills / wotStats.BattlesCount);

            case "Kill/Death Ratio":
                return(wotStats.Kills / (wotStats.BattlesCount - wotStats.Survived));

Exemplo n.º 5
        private static double GetTankStatValue(string tankID, string StatName, WOTStats wotStats)
            int countryID  = int.Parse(tankID.Split('_')[0]);
            int tempTankID = int.Parse(tankID.Split('_')[1]);

            switch (StatName)
            case "Damage Taken : Total":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.DamageReceived));

            case "Damage Dealt : Total":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.DamageDealt));

            case "Efficiency":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.RatingEff));

            case "Battle Rating":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.RatingBR));

            case "WN7":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.RatingWN7));

            case "WN8":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.RatingWN8));

            case "Win Ratio":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.VictoryPercentage));

            case "Experience : Total":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.Xp));

            case "Damage Dealt : Average":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.AverageDamageDealt));

            case "Damage Taken : Average":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.AverageDamageReceived));

            case "Experience : Average":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.AverageXP));

            case "Kill Ratio":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.KillperBattle));

            case "Kill/Death Ratio":
                return(wotStats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == countryID && x.TankID == tempTankID).Sum(y => y.Data.KillperDeaths));

Exemplo n.º 6
        private string TankTypeStats(WOTStats stats, WOTStats prevStats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
            using (TankTypeDescription tankTypes = new TankTypeDescription(_message))
                string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_VEHICLECLASS", "DE", "Vehicle Class") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_BATTLES", "DE", "Battles") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_VICTORIES", "DE", "Victories") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DEFEATS", "DE", "Defeats") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DRAWS", "DE", "Draws") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_LASTPLAY", "DE", "Last Played") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_KILLS", "DE", "Kills") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGCAUSED", "DE", "Damage Dealt") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGASSRADIO", "DE", "Damage Assisted Radio") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGASSTRACK", "DE", "Damage Assisted Track") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGREC", "DE", "Damage Received") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_WN7_Caption", "DE", "WN7") + @"</strong></th>
                                                    <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> tankType in tankTypes)
                    double tier = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                        double var = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i && x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                        tier += var;
                    double frags = (from x in stats.tanks
                                    where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                    select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                    double victories = (from x in stats.tanks
                                        where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                        select x.Data.Victories).Sum();
                    double defeats = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.Defeats).Sum();
                    double draws = (from x in stats.tanks
                                    where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                    select x.Data.Draws).Sum();
                    double damage = (from x in stats.tanks
                                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                     select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                    double damageAssistedRadio = (from x in stats.tanks
                                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                    select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();
                    double damageAssistedTrack = (from x in stats.tanks
                                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                     select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();
                    double damageReceived = (from x in stats.tanks
                                             where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                             select x.Data.DamageReceived).Sum();
                    double spotted = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                    double defence = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                    double capture = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                    double battles = (from x in stats.tanks
                                      where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                      select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();
                    //double efficiency = (frags * (350.0 - (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2)) * 20.0) + damage * (0.2 + 1.5 / (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2))) + 200.0 * spotted + 150.0 * defence + 150.0 * capture) / battles;
                    //double efficiency = ((damage / battles) * (10 / (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2) + 2)) * (0.23 + 2 * Math.Round(tier / battles, 2) / 100)) + ((frags / battles) * 250) + ((spotted / battles) * 150) + ((Math.Log((capture / battles) + 1, 1.732)) * 150) + ((defence / battles) * 150);

                    RatingStructure ratingStructs = new RatingStructure();
                    ratingStructs.countryID =0;
                    ratingStructs.tankID = 0;
                    ratingStructs.tier = tier;
                    ratingStructs.globalTier = tier;

                    ratingStructs.singleTank = false;

                    ratingStructs.battlesCount = Convert.ToInt32(battles);
                    ratingStructs.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                    ratingStructs.capturePoints = capture;
                    ratingStructs.defencePoints = defence;

                    ratingStructs.damageAssistedRadio = damageAssistedRadio;
                    ratingStructs.damageAssistedTracks = damageAssistedTrack;
                    ratingStructs.damageDealt = damage;
                    ratingStructs.frags = frags;
                    ratingStructs.spotted = spotted;

                    ratingStructs.gWinRate = ratingStructs.winRate;

                    double efficiency = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStructs).Value;

                        //ScriptWrapper.GetEFFValue(battles, damage, Math.Round(tier / battles, 2), frags, spotted, capture, defence, (victories / battles) * 100, true, stats.AverageTier, stats.AverageDefencePoints, stats.BattlesCount, damageAssistedRadio, damageAssistedTrack);
                    //double delTier = 0;
                    //for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    //double delVar = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                 where x.Tier == i && x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                 select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                    //delTier += delVar;
                    //double delFrags = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                   where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                   select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                    //double delDamage = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                    where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                    select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                    //double delSpotted = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                     select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                    //double delDefence = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                     select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                    //double delCapture = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                     select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                    //double delBattles = (from x in delta.tanks
                    //                     where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                    //                     select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();

                    double prevTier = 0;
                    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                        double prevVar = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.Tier == i && x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                        prevTier += prevVar;
                    double prevFrags = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                        where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                        select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                    double prevVictories = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                            where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                            select x.Data.Victories).Sum();
                    double prevDefeats = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.Defeats).Sum();
                    double prevDraws = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                        where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                        select x.Data.Draws).Sum();
                    double prevDamage = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                         where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                         select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                    double prevDamageAssistedRadio = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                         where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                         select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();
                    double prevDamageAssistedTrack = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                         where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                         select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();
                    double prevDamageReceived = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                                 where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                                 select x.Data.DamageReceived).Sum();
                    double prevSpotted = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                    double prevDefence = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                    double prevCapture = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                    double prevBattles = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                          where x.TankClass == tankType.Key
                                          select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();
                    // double delEfficiency = ((frags - delFrags) * (350.0 - (Math.Round((tier - delTier) / (battles - delBattles), 2)) * 20.0) + (damage - delDamage) * (0.2 + 1.5 / (Math.Round((tier - delTier) / (battles - delBattles), 2))) + 200.0 * (spotted - delSpotted) + 150.0 * (defence - delDefence) + 150.0 * (capture - delCapture)) / (battles - delBattles);
                    //double delEfficiency = ((prevDamage / prevBattles) * (10 / (Math.Round(prevTier / prevBattles, 2) + 2)) * (0.23 + 2 * Math.Round(prevTier / prevBattles, 2) / 100)) + ((prevFrags / prevBattles) * 250) + ((prevSpotted / prevBattles) * 150) + ((Math.Log((prevCapture / prevBattles) + 1, 1.732)) * 150) + ((prevDefence / prevBattles) * 150);
                    //EffCalcProperties f = new EffCalcProperties(DateTime.Now) { battles = 1, winRate = 50 };

                    ratingStructs.countryID = 0;
                    ratingStructs.tankID = 0;
                    ratingStructs.tier = prevTier;
                    ratingStructs.globalTier = prevTier;

                    ratingStructs.singleTank = false;

                    ratingStructs.battlesCount = Convert.ToInt32(prevBattles);
                    ratingStructs.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                    ratingStructs.capturePoints = prevCapture;
                    ratingStructs.defencePoints = prevDefence;

                    ratingStructs.damageAssistedRadio = prevDamageAssistedRadio;
                    ratingStructs.damageAssistedTracks = prevDamageAssistedTrack;
                    ratingStructs.damageDealt = prevDamage;
                    ratingStructs.frags = prevFrags;
                    ratingStructs.spotted = prevSpotted;

                    ratingStructs.wins= prevVictories;
                    ratingStructs.gWinRate = ratingStructs.winRate;

                    double prevEfficiency = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStructs).Value;

                    //double prevEfficiency = -356; //ScriptWrapper.GetEFFValue(prevBattles, prevDamage, Math.Round(prevTier / prevBattles, 2), prevFrags, prevSpotted, prevCapture, prevDefence, (prevVictories / prevBattles) * 100, true, prevStats.AverageTier, prevStats.AverageDefencePoints, stats.BattlesCount, prevDamageAssistedRadio, prevDamageAssistedTrack);
                    html += @"
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=leff>" + tankType.Value + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(battles, 0) + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(battles - prevBattles, "", 0) + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(victories, 0) + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(victories - prevVictories, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((victories / battles * 100) - (prevVictories / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2) + ")</span>" + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(defeats, 0) + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(defeats - prevDefeats, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((defeats / battles * 100) - (prevDefeats / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2, true) + ")</span>" + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(draws, 0) + @"</td>
                                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(draws - prevDraws, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((draws / battles * 100) - (prevDraws / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2, true) + ")</span>" + "</td>";
                        html += @"<td class='td-1'  align=right>" + stats.tanks.Where(x => x.TankClass == tankType.Key).Max(y => y.Updated_Friendly).ToString(UserSettings.DateFormat + (UserSettings.TimeStamp ? " " + UserSettings.TimeFormat : "")) + "</td>";
                        html += @"<td class='td-1'  align=right> </td>";
                    html += @" <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(frags, 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(frags - prevFrags, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damage, 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damage - prevDamage, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damageAssistedRadio, 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damageAssistedRadio - prevDamageAssistedTrack, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damageAssistedRadio, 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damageAssistedTrack - prevDamageAssistedTrack, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damageReceived, 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damageReceived - prevDamageReceived, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(efficiency, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                        <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(efficiency, 2) - Math.Round(prevEfficiency, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                html += @"</tbody>
                return html;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private string OverallResults(WOTStats stats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
            string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_BATTLESPART", "DE", "Battles Participated:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.BattlesCount, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round((double)delta.BattlesCount, 2), 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_VICTORIES", "DE", "Victories:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Victories, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.Victory_Percentage, 2), 2) + "%)</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(delta.TotalVictories, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.WinPercentage, 2), "%", 2) + @")</span></td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DEFEATS", "DE", "Defeats:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Losses, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.Losses_Percentage, 2), 2) + "%)</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(delta.TotalLosses, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.LossPercentage, 2), "%", 2, true) + @")</span></td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DRAWS", "DE", "Draws:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Draws, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.Draws_Percentage, 2), 2) + "%)</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(delta.TotalDraws, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DrawPercentage, 2), "%", 2, true) + @")</span></td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_SURVIVAL", "DE", "Survival:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Survived, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.Survived_Percentage, 2), 2) + "%)</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(delta.Survived, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.Survived_Percentage, 2), "%", 2) + @")</span></td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_TOTALBT", "DE", "Total Battle Time:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + FormatBattleTime(TotalBattleTime(stats)) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + FormatBattleTime(TotalBattleTimeDelta(delta)) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_AVGBT", "DE", "Average Battle Time:") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + FormatBattleTime(AverageBattleTime(stats)) + @"</td>
                                       <!-- tr>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_TOTALMILEAGE", "DE", "Total Mileage") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + FormatBattleTime(AverageBattleTime(stats)) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_AVGMILEAGE", "DE", "Average Mileage") + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + FormatBattleTime(AverageBattleTime(stats)) + @"</td>
                                        </tr -->

            return html;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private string CountryStats(WOTStats stats, WOTStats prevStats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
            CountryDescriptions countries = new CountryDescriptions(_message);
            string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_COUNTRY", "DE", "Country") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_BATTLES", "DE", "Battles") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_VICTORIES", "DE", "Victories") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DEFEATS", "DE", "Defeats") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DRAWS", "DE", "Draws") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_LASTPLAY", "DE", "Last Played") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_KILLS", "DE", "Kills") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGCAUSED", "DE", "Damage Caused") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DMGREC", "DE", "Damage Received") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_WN7_Caption", "DE", "WN7") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> country in countries)
                double tier = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    double var = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.Tier == i && x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                    tier += var;

                double frags = (from x in stats.tanks
                                where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                select x.Data.Frags).Sum();

                double victories = (from x in stats.tanks
                                    where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                    select x.Data.Victories).Sum();

                double defeats = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.Defeats).Sum();

                double draws = (from x in stats.tanks
                                where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                select x.Data.Draws).Sum();

                double damage = (from x in stats.tanks
                                 where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                 select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();

                double damageAssistedRadio = (from x in stats.tanks
                                 where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                 select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();

                double damageAssistedTrack = (from x in stats.tanks
                                              where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                              select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();

                double damageReceived = (from x in stats.tanks
                                         where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                         select x.Data.DamageReceived).Sum();

                double spotted = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();

                double defence = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();

                double capture = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();

                double battles = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                  select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();

                //double efficiency = (frags * (350.0 - (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2)) * 20.0) + damage * (0.2 + 1.5 / (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2))) + 200.0 * spotted + 150.0 * defence + 150.0 * capture) / battles;
                //double efficiency = ((damage / battles) * (10 / (Math.Round(tier / battles, 2) + 2)) * (0.23 + 2 * Math.Round(tier / battles, 2) / 100)) + ((frags / battles) * 250) + ((spotted / battles) * 150) + ((Math.Log((capture / battles) + 1, 1.732)) * 150) + ((defence / battles) * 150);
                RatingStructure ratingStruct = new RatingStructure();
                ratingStruct.WN8ExpectedTankList = WN8ExpectedTankList;
                ratingStruct.countryID = -1;
                ratingStruct.tankID = -1;
                ratingStruct.tier = tier;
                ratingStruct.globalTier = tier;

                ratingStruct.singleTank = true;

                ratingStruct.battlesCount =  Convert.ToInt32(battles);
                ratingStruct.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                ratingStruct.capturePoints = capture;
                ratingStruct.defencePoints = defence;

                ratingStruct.damageAssistedRadio = 0;
                ratingStruct.damageAssistedTracks = 0;
                ratingStruct.damageDealt = damage;
                ratingStruct.frags = frags;
                ratingStruct.spotted = spotted;

                ratingStruct.wins = victories;
                ratingStruct.gWinRate = ratingStruct.winRate;
                double RatingWN7 = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStruct).Value;

                //double delTier = 0;
                //for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                //double delVar = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                 where x.Tier == i && x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                 select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                //delTier += delVar;

                //double delFrags = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                   where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                   select x.Data.Frags).Sum();

                //double delDamage = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                    where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                    select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();

                //double delSpotted = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                     select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();

                //double delDefence = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                     select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();

                //double delCapture = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                     select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();

                //double delBattles = (from x in delta.tanks
                //                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                //                     select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();

                double prevTier = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                    double prevVar = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i && x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum() * i;
                    prevTier += prevVar;
                double prevFrags = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                    where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                    select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                double prevVictories = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                        where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                        select x.Data.Victories).Sum();
                double prevDefeats = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.Defeats).Sum();
                double prevDraws = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                    where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                    select x.Data.Draws).Sum();
                double prevDamage = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                     select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                double prevDamageAssistedRadio = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                     select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();
                double prevDamageAssistedTrack = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                     select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();
                double prevDamageReceived = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                             where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                             select x.Data.DamageReceived).Sum();
                double prevSpotted = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                double prevDefence = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                double prevCapture = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                double prevBattles = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.CountryID == country.Key
                                      select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();
                // double delEfficiency = ((frags - delFrags) * (350.0 - (Math.Round((tier - delTier) / (battles - delBattles), 2)) * 20.0) + (damage - delDamage) * (0.2 + 1.5 / (Math.Round((tier - delTier) / (battles - delBattles), 2))) + 200.0 * (spotted - delSpotted) + 150.0 * (defence - delDefence) + 150.0 * (capture - delCapture)) / (battles - delBattles);
                //double delEfficiency = ((prevDamage / prevBattles) * (10 / (Math.Round(prevTier / prevBattles, 2) + 2)) * (0.23 + 2 * Math.Round(prevTier / prevBattles, 2) / 100)) + ((prevFrags / prevBattles) * 250) + ((prevSpotted / prevBattles) * 150) + ((Math.Log((prevCapture / prevBattles) + 1, 1.732)) * 150) + ((prevDefence / prevBattles) * 150);

                ratingStruct = new RatingStructure();
                ratingStruct.WN8ExpectedTankList = WN8ExpectedTankList;
                ratingStruct.countryID = -1;
                ratingStruct.tankID = -1;
                ratingStruct.tier = tier;
                ratingStruct.globalTier = tier;

                ratingStruct.singleTank = true;

                ratingStruct.battlesCount = Convert.ToInt32(prevBattles);
                ratingStruct.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                ratingStruct.capturePoints = prevCapture;
                ratingStruct.defencePoints = prevDefence;

                ratingStruct.damageAssistedRadio = 0;
                ratingStruct.damageAssistedTracks = 0;
                ratingStruct.damageDealt = prevDamage;
                ratingStruct.frags = prevFrags;
                ratingStruct.spotted = prevSpotted;

                ratingStruct.wins = prevVictories;
                ratingStruct.gWinRate = ratingStruct.winRate;

                double prevRatingWN7 = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStruct).Value;

                html += @"
                                            <td class='" + CountryFlag(country.Key) + @" td-armory-icon'>
                                                <div class='wrapper'>
                                                    <span class='MiddleCenter'><a class='b-gray-text'>" + country.Value + @"</a></span>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(battles, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(battles - prevBattles, "", 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(victories, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(victories - prevVictories, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((victories / battles * 100) - (prevVictories / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2) + ")</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(defeats, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(defeats - prevDefeats, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((defeats / battles * 100) - (prevDefeats / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2, true) + ")</span>" + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(draws, 0) + @"</td>
                                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(draws - prevDraws, 0) + @" <span style='white-space: nowrap;'>(" + GetDelta(Math.Round((draws / battles * 100) - (prevDraws / prevBattles * 100), 2), "%", 2, true) + ")</span>" + "</td>";

                    html += @"<td class='td-1'  align=right>" + stats.tanks.Where(x => x.CountryID == country.Key).Max(y => y.Updated_Friendly).ToString(UserSettings.DateFormat + (UserSettings.TimeStamp ? " " + UserSettings.TimeFormat : "")) + "</td>";
                    html += @"<td class='td-1'  align=right> </td>";

                html += @" <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(frags, 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(frags - prevFrags, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damage, 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damage - prevDamage, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(damageReceived, 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(damageReceived - prevDamageReceived, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(RatingWN7, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                            <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(RatingWN7, 2) - Math.Round(prevRatingWN7, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>

            html += @"</tbody>
            return html;
Exemplo n.º 9
 private string BattlePerformance(WOTStats stats, WOTStatsDelta delta)
     string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_KILLS", "DE", "Kills:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Destroyed, 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.Destroyed, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_KILLRATIO", "DE", "Kill Ratio:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(((double)stats.Destroyed / (double)stats.BattlesCount), 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.Destroyed / (double)stats.BattlesCount, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DETECTED", "DE", "Detected:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.Detected, 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.Detected, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_HITRATIO", "DE", "Hit Ratio:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.HitRatio, 2), 2) + "%" + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.HitRatio, 2), "%", 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_CAPPOINTS", "DE", "Capture Points:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.CapturePoints, 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.CapturePoints, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_DEFPOINTS", "DE", "Defense Points:") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(stats.DefencePoints, 0) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.DefencePoints, 2), "", 0) + @"</td>
                                 <!-- tr>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_EFFICIENCY", "DE", "Eff") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + EfficiencyDescription(stats.OverallRatingEff) + " - " + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.OverallRatingEff, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.OverallRatingEff, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                                 </tr -->
                                 <!-- tr>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_CONT_BATTLERATING", "DE", "Battle Rating") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + EfficiencyDescription(stats.OverallRatingBR) + " - " + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.OverallRatingBR, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + GetDelta(Math.Round(delta.OverallRatingBR, 2), "", 2) + @"</td>
                                 </tr -->
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_WN7_Caption", "DE", "WN7") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WN7ColorScaleDescription(stats.OverallRatingWN7) + " - " + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.OverallRatingWN7, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>&nbsp;</td>
                                     <td class='td-1' >" + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_WN8_Caption", "DE", "WN8") + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>" + WN8ColorScaleDescription(stats.OverallRatingWN8) + " - " + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round(stats.OverallRatingWN8, 2), 2) + @"</td>
                                     <td class='td-1'  align=right>&nbsp;</td>
     //" + GetDelta(delta.OverallRatingWN7, "", 2) + @"
     return html;
Exemplo n.º 10
        void CompareItemB_LinkClicked(object sender, NavBarLinkEventArgs e)
            WOTCompare wotCompare;
            _currentStatsFile.TryGetValue(dockPanel4.Text.Replace("_", "*"), out wotCompare);
            WOTStats ws = wotCompare.WOTCurrent;
            _compareStatB = ws;
            _compareTankIDB = e.Link.ItemName;

            if (_compareStatA != null)
                _browser.DocumentText = new WOTHtml(_message).CompareHTML(dockPanel3.Text, _compareTankIDA, _compareStatA, dockPanel4.Text, e.Link.ItemName, ws);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void barRatingSystem_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch { }

            //UserSettings.RatingSystem = barRatingSystem.EditValue.ToString();
            DossierManager dm;

            dictPlayers.TryGetValue(_currentPlayer.Replace("_", "*"), out dm);

            if (_currentPage == "Compare")
                WOTCompare wotA;
                _currentStatsFile.TryGetValue(_currentPlayer.Replace("_", "*"), out wotA);
                _compareStatA = wotA.WOTCurrent;
                WOTCompare wotB;
                _currentStatsFile.TryGetValue(_currentComparePlayer, out wotB);
                _compareStatB = wotB.WOTCurrent;
                FillCompare(wotA.WOTCurrent, wotB.WOTCurrent);

                    if (_compareStatA != null)
                        _browser.DocumentText = new WOTHtml(_message).CompareHTML(dockPanel3.Text, _compareTankIDA, _compareStatA, dockPanel4.Text, _compareTankIDB, wotB.WOTCurrent);

                        NavBarGroup groupA = navBarControl3.ActiveGroup;



                    if (_compareStatB != null)
                        _browser.DocumentText = new WOTHtml(_message).CompareHTML(dockPanel3.Text, _compareTankIDA, wotA.WOTCurrent, dockPanel4.Text, _compareTankIDB, _compareStatB);
                        NavBarGroup groupB = navBarControl4.ActiveGroup;


                if (splashScreenManagerWaitForm.IsSplashFormVisible)
            catch { }
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void FillListView(WOTStats ws)
            NavBarGroup group = null;
            NavBarItem groupItem = null;
            foreach (Tank tank in ws.tanks.OrderBy(y => y.CountryID).ThenByDescending(x => x.Tier))
                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}", WOTHelper.GetImagePath(tank.CountryID + "_" + tank.TankID + "_Large.png"))));

                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}\Images\Countries\{1}.png", WOTHelper.GetEXEPath(), tank.CountryID)));
                { }

                if (group == null)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tank.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tank.CountryID;

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)] != null)
                        group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)];


                if (group.Name != "group_" + tank.CountryID)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tank.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tank.CountryID;
                    group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)];
                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tank.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)];

                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tank.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)];

                groupItem.LinkClicked += groupItem_LinkClicked;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void FillCompare(WOTStats wsA, WOTStats wsB)


            tankimage.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
            tankimage.ImageSize = new Size(50, 24);

            NavBarGroup group = null;
            NavBarItem groupItem = null;
            foreach (Tank tank in wsA.tanks.OrderBy(y => y.CountryID).ThenByDescending(x => x.Tier))
                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}", WOTHelper.GetImagePath(tank.CountryID + "_" + tank.TankID + "_Large.png"))));

                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}\Images\Countries\{1}.png", WOTHelper.GetEXEPath(), tank.CountryID)));
                { }

                if (group == null)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tank.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tank.CountryID;

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)] != null)
                        group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)];


                if (group.Name != "group_" + tank.CountryID)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tank.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tank.CountryID;
                    group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tank.CountryID)];
                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tank.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)];

                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tank.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tank.CountryID, tank.TankID)];

                groupItem.LinkClicked += CompareItemA_LinkClicked;

            group = null;
            groupItem = null;
            foreach (Tank tankB in wsB.tanks.OrderBy(y => y.CountryID).ThenByDescending(x => x.Tier))
                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}\Images\Tanks\{1}_{2}_Large.png", WOTHelper.GetEXEPath(), tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)));

                    if (!tankimage.Images.ContainsKey(String.Format("{0}", tankB.CountryID)))
                        tankimage.Images.Add(String.Format("{0}", tankB.CountryID), Image.FromFile(String.Format(@"{0}\Images\Countries\{1}.png", WOTHelper.GetEXEPath(), tankB.CountryID)));
                { }

                if (group == null)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tankB.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tankB.CountryID;

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tankB.CountryID)] != null)
                        group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tankB.CountryID)];


                if (group.Name != "group_" + tankB.CountryID)
                    group = new NavBarGroup(tankB.Country_Description);
                    group.Name = "group_" + tankB.CountryID;
                    group.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}", tankB.CountryID)];
                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tankB.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)];

                    groupItem = new NavBarItem(tankB.Tank_Description);
                    groupItem.Name = String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID);

                    if (tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)] != null)
                        groupItem.SmallImage = tankimage.Images[String.Format("{0}_{1}", tankB.CountryID, tankB.TankID)];

                groupItem.LinkClicked += new NavBarLinkEventHandler(CompareItemB_LinkClicked);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void OverallChart(string playerName, string chartID, GraphFields gFields, ChartControl chartControl)
            Player         player         = new PlayerListing(new MessageQueue()).GetPlayer(playerName);
            DossierManager dossierManager = new DossierManager(player.PlayerID, player.WatchFile, player.Monitor, new MessageQueue(), null);

            DateTime endFile   = dossierManager.FormatTextDate(dossierManager.GetCurrentPlayerFile().ToString());
            DateTime startFile = dossierManager.FormatTextDate(dossierManager.GetCurrentPlayerFile().ToString()).AddDays((gFields.Period + 1) * -1);

            Dictionary <Int32, Int32> files         = dossierManager.GetAllFilesForPlayer();
            Dictionary <Int32, Int32> selectedFiles = (from d in files
                                                       where dossierManager.FormatTextDate(d.Key.ToString()) >= startFile && dossierManager.FormatTextDate(d.Key.ToString()) <= endFile
                                                       select d).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            Series series1 = new Series(gFields.Caption, ViewType.Line);

            series1.Label.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLCellFont), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Int32, Int32> file in selectedFiles.OrderBy(x => x.Key))
                Dossier  dossierFile  = new Dossier(file.Value, player.PlayerID, new MessageQueue());
                WOTStats dossierStats = dossierFile.GetStats();
                series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(dossierManager.FormatTextDate(file.Key.ToString()), Math.Round(GetStatValue(gFields.DataField, dossierStats), 2)));

            // Add the series to the chart.

            // Set the numerical argument scale types for the series,
            // as it is qualitative, by default.
            series1.ArgumentScaleType            = ScaleType.DateTime;
            series1.Label.ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.HideOverlapped;

            // Access the view-type-specific options of the series.
            ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineMarkerOptions.Kind = MarkerKind.Circle;
            ((LineSeriesView)series1.View).LineStyle.DashStyle    = DashStyle.Solid;

            // Access the type-specific options of the diagram.
            ((XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram).EnableAxisXZooming = true;

            // Hide the legend (if necessary).
            chartControl.Legend.Visible = false;

            // Add a title to the chart (if necessary).
            chartControl.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle());
            chartControl.Titles[0].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLHeaderFont), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));
            chartControl.Titles[0].Text = gFields.Caption;
            chartControl.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle());
            chartControl.Titles[1].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLHeaderFont) - 1.5F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));
            chartControl.Titles[1].Text = startFile.ToString(UserSettings.DateFormat) + " to " + endFile.ToString(UserSettings.DateFormat);
            chartControl.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle());
            chartControl.Titles[2].Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLHeaderFont) - 3, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));
            chartControl.Titles[2].Text = gFields.DataField;

            XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram;

            switch (gFields.Period)
            case 7:
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.GridAlignment = DateTimeGridAlignment.Day;
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.MeasureUnit   = DateTimeMeasureUnit.Day;

            case 14:
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.GridAlignment = DateTimeGridAlignment.Day;
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.MeasureUnit   = DateTimeMeasureUnit.Day;

            case 92:
            case 184:
            case 365:
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.GridAlignment = DateTimeGridAlignment.Month;
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.MeasureUnit   = DateTimeMeasureUnit.Day;
                diagram.AxisX.Label.TextPattern = "MMM yy";

                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.GridAlignment = DateTimeGridAlignment.Week;
                diagram.AxisX.DateTimeScaleOptions.MeasureUnit   = DateTimeMeasureUnit.Day;

            diagram.AxisX.Label.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLCellFont), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));
            diagram.AxisY.Label.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", float.Parse(UserSettings.HTMLCellFont), System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ((byte)(0)));

            diagram.AxisY.WholeRange.AlwaysShowZeroLevel = false;
            diagram.AxisY.NumericScaleOptions.AutoGrid   = true;
            diagram.AxisY.DateTimeScaleOptions.AutoGrid  = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private string TierEfficiency(WOTStats stats, WOTStats prevStats)
            TankTypeDescription tankTypes = new TankTypeDescription(_message);
            string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TIER", "DE", "Tier") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TANKCOUNT", "DE", "Tank Count") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_BATTLES", "DE", "Battles") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("STR_WN7_Caption", "DE", "WN7") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_DELTA", "DE", "Delta") + @"</strong></th>

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

                double frags = (from x in stats.tanks
                                where x.Tier == i
                                select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                double victories = (from x in stats.tanks
                                    where x.Tier == i
                                    select x.Data.Victories).Sum();
                double victoriesPercentage = (from x in stats.tanks
                                              where x.Tier == i
                                              select x.Data.VictoryPercentage).Sum();
                double damage = (from x in stats.tanks
                                 where x.Tier == i
                                 select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                double damageAssistedRadio = (from x in stats.tanks
                                 where x.Tier == i
                                  select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();
                double damageAssistedTrack = (from x in stats.tanks
                                 where x.Tier == i
                                 select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();
                double spotted = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.Tier == i
                                  select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                double defence = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.Tier == i
                                  select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                double capture = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.Tier == i
                                  select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                double battles = (from x in stats.tanks
                                  where x.Tier == i
                                  select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();

                double tanksPerTier = stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Count();

                RatingStructure ratingStructs = new RatingStructure();
                ratingStructs.countryID = 0;
                ratingStructs.tankID = 0;
                ratingStructs.tier = stats.AverageTier;
                ratingStructs.globalTier = ratingStructs.tier;

                ratingStructs.singleTank = false;

                ratingStructs.battlesCount = Convert.ToInt32(battles);
                ratingStructs.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                ratingStructs.capturePoints = capture;
                ratingStructs.defencePoints = defence;

                ratingStructs.damageAssistedRadio = damageAssistedRadio;
                ratingStructs.damageAssistedTracks = damageAssistedTrack;
                ratingStructs.damageDealt = damage;
                ratingStructs.frags = frags;
                ratingStructs.spotted = spotted;

                ratingStructs.gWinRate = ratingStructs.winRate;

                double efficiency = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStructs).Value;

                //double efficiency = -64323; //ScriptWrapper.GetEFFValue(battles, damage, i, frags, spotted, capture, defence, victoriesPercentage, true, stats.AverageTier, stats.AverageDefencePoints, stats.BattlesCount, damageAssistedRadio, damageAssistedTrack);

                double prevFrags = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                    where x.Tier == i
                                    select x.Data.Frags).Sum();
                double prevVictories = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                        where x.Tier == i
                                        select x.Data.Victories).Sum();
                double prevVictoriesPercentage = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                                  where x.Tier == i
                                                  select x.Data.VictoryPercentage).Sum();
                double prevDamage = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.Tier == i
                                     select x.Data.DamageDealt).Sum();
                double prevDamageAssistedRadio = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.Tier == i
                                     select x.Data.DamageAssistedRadio).Sum();
                double prevDamageAssistedTrack = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                     where x.Tier == i
                                     select x.Data.DamageAssistedTracks).Sum();
                double prevSpotted = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i
                                      select x.Data.Spotted).Sum();
                double prevDefence = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i
                                      select x.Data.DefencePoints).Sum();
                double prevCapture = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i
                                      select x.Data.CapturePoints).Sum();
                double prevBattles = (from x in prevStats.tanks
                                      where x.Tier == i
                                      select x.Data.BattlesCount).Sum();
                //double prevEfficiency = -6343; //ScriptWrapper.GetEFFValue(prevBattles, prevDamage, i, prevFrags, prevSpotted, prevCapture, prevDefence, prevVictoriesPercentage, true, stats.AverageTier, stats.AverageDefencePoints, stats.BattlesCount, prevDamageAssistedRadio, prevDamageAssistedTrack);
                //double prevEfficiency = ScriptWrapper.GetEFFValue(prevBattles, prevDamage, i, prevFrags, prevSpotted, prevCapture, prevDefence, (prevVictories / prevBattles) * 100, true, stats.AverageTier, stats.AverageDefencePoints, stats.BattlesCount);

                ratingStructs.countryID = 0;
                ratingStructs.tankID = 0;
                ratingStructs.tier = stats.AverageTier;
                ratingStructs.globalTier = ratingStructs.tier;

                ratingStructs.singleTank = false;

                ratingStructs.battlesCount = Convert.ToInt32(prevBattles);
                ratingStructs.battlesCount8_8 = 0;
                ratingStructs.capturePoints = prevCapture;
                ratingStructs.defencePoints = prevDefence;

                ratingStructs.damageAssistedRadio = prevDamageAssistedRadio;
                ratingStructs.damageAssistedTracks = prevDamageAssistedTrack;
                ratingStructs.damageDealt = prevDamage;
                ratingStructs.frags = prevFrags;
                ratingStructs.spotted = prevSpotted;

                ratingStructs.gWinRate = ratingStructs.winRate;

                double prevEfficiency = WOTStatistics.Core.Ratings.GetRatingWN7(ratingStructs).Value;

                //var answer = stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Select(x => new { tankid = x.CountryID + "_" + x.TankID, Tier = x.Tier, TotalEff = x.Data.BattlesCount * x.Efficiency }).Sum(y => y.TotalEff) / stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Sum(y => y.Data.BattlesCount);
                //var answer = stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Select(x => new { tankid = x.CountryID + "_" + x.TankID, Tier = x.Tier, TotalEff = x.Data.BattlesCount * x.Efficiency }).Sum(y => y.TotalEff);
                //var answer = stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Select(x => new { tankid = x.CountryID + "_" + x.TankID, Tier = x.Tier, TotalEff = x.Data.BattlesCount * x.Efficiency });
                //var answer = stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Select(x => new { tankid = x.CountryID + "_" + x.TankID, Tier = x.Tier, Battles = x.Data.BattlesCount, Eff = x.Efficiency });

                //<td class='td-1' align=right width=auto>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString((stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Sum(y => y.Efficiency) / stats.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Count()), 2) + @"</td>

                //<td class='td-1' align=right width=auto>" + GetDelta((delta.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Sum(y => y.Efficiency) / delta.tanks.Where(x => x.Tier == i).Count()), "", 2) + @"</td>

                html += @"<tr>
                             <td class='td-1' align=center width=auto>" + GetRoman(i) + @"</td>
                             <td class='td-1' align=center width=auto>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(tanksPerTier, 0) + @"</td>
                             <td class='td-1' align=center width=auto>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(battles, 0) + @"</td>
                             <td class='td-1' align=center width=auto>" + GetDelta(battles - prevBattles, "", 0) + @"</td>
                             <td class='td-1' align=right width=auto>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(efficiency, 2) + @"</td>

                            <td class='td-1' align=right width=auto>" + GetDelta(efficiency - prevEfficiency, "", 2) + @"</td>
            html += @"</tbody>
            return html;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private string Top05Experience(WOTStats stats)
            string html = @"<table class=o width=100%>
            <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_RANK", "DE", "Rank") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TIER", "DE", "Tier") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_HEAD_TANK", "DE", "Tank") + @"</strong></th>
                                        <th align=center><strong>" + Translations.TranslationGet("HTML_EXPER", "DE", "Experience") + @"</strong></th>

            int place = 1;
            foreach (Tank tank in stats.tanks.OrderByDescending(x => x.Data.MaxXp).Take(UserSettings.TopXTake))
                html += @"<tr>
                            <td align=center>" + place + @"</td>
                            <td class='" + CountryFlag(tank.CountryID) + @" td-armory-icon'>
                               <div class='wrapper'>
                                  <span class='level'>
                                    <a class='b-gray-text'>" + GetRoman(tank.Tier) + @"</a>
                                  <a>" + TankImage(tank.CountryID, tank.TankID, tank.Tank_Description) + @"</a>
                           <td><a href='h' onclick='window.external.Redirect(""" + tank.CountryID + "_" + tank.TankID + @""")'>" + tank.Tank_Description + @"</a></td>
                           <td align=right>" + WOTHelper.FormatNumberToString(Math.Round((double)tank.Data.MaxXp, 2), 0) + @"</td>

            html += @"</tbody>
            return html;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void CreateRecentBattle(MemoryTables mt)
            Dossier  fileB     = new Dossier(GetCurrentPlayerFile(), _playerName, _messages);
            WOTStats stats     = fileB.GetStats();
            double   avgTier   = stats.AverageTier;
            double   vics      = stats.Victory_Percentage;
            double   defPoints = stats.AverageDefencePoints;

            List <string> cur = (from x in  mt.GetTable("File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                                 select x["foLastBattleTime"].ToString()).ToList();
            List <string> saved;
            DataTable     currentRecord;
            DataTable     Kills;

            using (IDBHelpers db = new DBHelpers(WOTHelper.GetDBPath(_playerName), false))
                saved = (from x in  db.GetDataTable("select foLastBattleTime from File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                         select x["foLastBattleTime"].ToString()).ToList();

                currentRecord = db.GetDataTable(@"select
                                  case when T2.bpBattleMode = 7 then 7 else 15 end as bpBattleMode, T1.cmID, T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID, T1.cmUpdated, (T2.bpBattleCount) bpBattleCount, (t2.bpSpotted) bpSpotted,  (t2.bpHits) bpHits,  (t2.bpMaxFrags) bpMaxFrags,  (t2.bpMaxXP) bpMaxXP,  (t2.bpWins) bpWins,  (t2.bpCapturePoints) bpCapturePoints,  (t2.bpLosses) bpLosses,
                                   (t2.bpSurvivedBattles) bpSurvivedBattles, min(T4.foBattleLifeTime) foBattleLifeTime,  (t2.bpDefencePoints) bpDefencePoints, min(t4.foLastBattleTime) foLastBattleTime,  (t2.bpDamageReceived) bpDamageReceived,  (t2.bpShots) bpShots,  (t2.bpWinAndSurvive) bpWinAndSurvive,  (t2.bpFrags8P) bpFrags8P,
                                    (t2.bpXP) bpXP,                                   
                                    (t2.bpDamageDealt) bpDamageDealt,  
                                    (t2.bpDamageAssistedRadio) bpDamageAssistedRadio,  
                                    (t2.bpDamageAssistedTracks) bpDamageAssistedTracks,  
                                    (t2.bpMileage) bpMileage, 
                                    (t2.bpRatingEffWeight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingEff,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingBRWeight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingBR,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingWN7Weight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingWN7,  
                                    (t2.bpRatingWN8Weight)/(t2.bpBattleCount) bpRatingWN8,  
                                   (t2.bpFrags) bpFrags, t4.foTreesCut, t3.faMarkOfMastery
                                  from File_TankDetails T1
                                  inner join File_Battles T2
                                  on T1.cmID = T2.bpParentID
                                  inner join File_Achievements T3
                                  on T1.cmID = T3.faParentID
                                  inner join File_Total T4
                                  on T1.cmID = T4.foParentID
                                  where cmFileID =  " + GetCurrentPlayerFileKey() + " group by T2.bpBattleMode, T1.cmID, T1.cmCountryID, T1.cmTankID, T1.cmUpdated, t4.foTreesCut, t3.faMarkOfMastery");

                Kills = db.GetDataTable(String.Format(@"select fgParentID, fgCountryID, fgTankID, sum(fgValue) kills from File_TankDetails
                                                                                            inner join File_FragList
                                                                                            on cmID = fgParentID
                                                                                            where cmFileID = {0}
                                                                                            group by  fgParentID, fgCountryID, fgTankID", GetCurrentPlayerFileKey()));

            List <string> diff        = cur.Except(saved).ToList();
            RecentBattles lb          = new RecentBattles(GetPlayerName, _messages);
            var           battleCheck = from x in mt.GetTable("File_TankDetails").AsEnumerable()
                                        join y in mt.GetTable("File_Battles").AsEnumerable()
                                        on x.GetSafeInt("cmID") equals y.GetSafeInt("bpParentID")
                                        join z in mt.GetTable("File_Total").AsEnumerable()
                                        on x.GetSafeInt("cmID") equals z.GetSafeInt("foParentID")
                                        join d in diff
                                        on z["foLastBattleTime"].ToString() equals d
                                        group y by new { ID = x.GetSafeInt("cmID"), countryID = x.GetSafeInt("cmCountryID"), tankID = x.GetSafeInt("cmTankID"), battleTime = z["foLastBattleTime"].ToString(), BattleMode = y["bpBattleMode"] } into tank
                          select new
                ID                   = tank.Key.ID,
                CountryID            = tank.Key.countryID,
                TankID               = tank.Key.tankID,
                BattleTime           = tank.Key.battleTime,
                BattleCount          = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount")),
                Hits                 = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpHits")),
                Shots                = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpShots")),
                Victory              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpWins")),
                Losses               = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpLosses")),
                Survived             = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpSurvivedBattles")),
                DefencePoints        = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDefencePoints")),
                CapturePoints        = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpCapturePoints")),
                Spotted              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpSpotted")),
                DamageDealt          = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageDealt")),
                DamageAssistedRadio  = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedRadio")),
                DamageAssistedTracks = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedTracks")),
                DamageReceived       = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpDamageReceived")),
                Kills                = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpFrags")),
                Mileage              = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpMileage")),
                RatingEff            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingEff")),
                RatingBR             = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingBR")),
                RatingWN7            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN7")),
                RatingWN8            = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8")),
                XPReceived           = tank.Sum(y => y.GetSafeInt("bpXP")),
                BattleMode           = int.Parse(tank.Key.BattleMode.ToString())

            if (currentRecord.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in battleCheck)
                    //WOTHelper.AddToLog("BM 1: " + item.BattleMode);
                    DataRow dr = currentRecord.Select(String.Format("cmCountryID = {0} and cmTankID = {1} and bpBattleMode = {2}", item.CountryID, item.TankID, item.BattleMode)).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (dr != null)
                        if (item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount") > 0)
                            int           i        = 0;
                            List <string> newKills = new List <string>();
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                DataRow dr_oldKills = Kills.Select(String.Format(@"fgParentID = {0} and  fgCountryID = {1} and fgTankID = {2}", dr.GetSafeInt("cmID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID"))).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (dr_oldKills != null)
                                    if (killRow.GetSafeInt("fgValue") > dr_oldKills.GetSafeInt("kills"))
                                        newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                                    newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));

                            int vic = 0;
                            if (item.Victory - dr.GetSafeInt("bpWins") > 0)
                                vic = 0;
                            else if (item.Losses - dr.GetSafeInt("bpLosses") > 0)
                                vic = 1;
                                vic = 2;
                            //WOTHelper.AddToLog("ASD: " + dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8"));
                            lb.Add(int.Parse(item.BattleTime), new RecentBattle()
                                CountryID              = item.CountryID,
                                TankID                 = item.TankID,
                                Battles                = item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount"),
                                BattleTime             = int.Parse(item.BattleTime),
                                Hits                   = item.Hits - dr.GetSafeInt("bpHits"),
                                Shot                   = item.Shots - dr.GetSafeInt("bpShots"),
                                Victory                = vic,
                                Survived               = item.Survived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpSurvivedBattles"),
                                DefencePoints          = item.DefencePoints - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDefencePoints"),
                                CapturePoints          = item.CapturePoints - dr.GetSafeInt("bpCapturePoints"),
                                Spotted                = item.Spotted - dr.GetSafeInt("bpSpotted"),
                                DamageDealt            = item.DamageDealt - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageDealt"),
                                DamageAssistedRadio    = item.DamageAssistedRadio - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedRadio"),
                                DamageAssistedTracks   = item.DamageAssistedTracks - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageAssistedTracks"),
                                DamageReceived         = item.DamageReceived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpDamageReceived"),
                                Kills                  = item.Kills - dr.GetSafeInt("bpFrags"),
                                Mileage                = item.Mileage - dr.GetSafeInt("bpMileage"),
                                RatingEff              = item.RatingEff - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingEff"),
                                RatingBR               = item.RatingBR - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingBR"),
                                RatingWN7              = item.RatingWN7 - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN7"),
                                RatingWN8              = item.RatingWN8 - dr.GetSafeInt("bpRatingWN8"),
                                XPReceived             = item.XPReceived - dr.GetSafeInt("bpXP"),
                                OriginalBattleCount    = item.BattleCount - dr.GetSafeInt("bpBattleCount"),
                                FragList               = string.Join(";", newKills.ToArray().Take(15)),
                                GlobalAvgTier          = avgTier,
                                GlobalWinPercentage    = vics,
                                GlobalAvgDefencePoints = defPoints,
                                BattleMode             = item.BattleMode,
                                DBEntry                = false

                        int           i        = 0;
                        List <string> newKills = new List <string>();
                        WOTHelper.AddToLog("BM 2: " + item.BattleMode);
                        dr = currentRecord.Select(String.Format("cmCountryID = {0} and cmTankID = {1} and bpBattleMode <> '{2}'", item.CountryID, item.TankID, item.BattleMode)).DefaultIfEmpty(null).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (dr != null)
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                DataRow dr_oldKills = Kills.Select(String.Format(@"fgParentID = {0} and  fgCountryID = {1} and fgTankID = {2}", dr.GetSafeInt("cmID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID"))).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (dr_oldKills != null)
                                    if (killRow.GetSafeInt("fgValue") > dr_oldKills.GetSafeInt("kills"))
                                        newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                                    newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                            foreach (DataRow killRow in mt.GetTable("File_FragList").Select("fgParentID = " + item.ID))
                                newKills.Add(String.Format("{0}:{1}_{2}", i, killRow.GetSafeInt("fgCountryID"), killRow.GetSafeInt("fgTankID")));
                        int vic = 0;
                        if (item.Victory - 0 > 0)
                            vic = 0;
                        else if (item.Losses - 0 > 0)
                            vic = 1;
                            vic = 2;

                        lb.Add(int.Parse(item.BattleTime), new RecentBattle()
                            CountryID              = item.CountryID,
                            TankID                 = item.TankID,
                            Battles                = item.BattleCount,
                            BattleTime             = int.Parse(item.BattleTime),
                            Hits                   = item.Hits,
                            Shot                   = item.Shots,
                            Victory                = vic,
                            Survived               = item.Survived,
                            DefencePoints          = item.DefencePoints,
                            CapturePoints          = item.CapturePoints,
                            Spotted                = item.Spotted,
                            DamageDealt            = item.DamageDealt,
                            DamageAssistedRadio    = item.DamageAssistedRadio,
                            DamageAssistedTracks   = item.DamageAssistedTracks,
                            DamageReceived         = item.DamageReceived,
                            Kills                  = item.Kills,
                            Mileage                = item.Mileage,
                            XPReceived             = item.XPReceived,
                            OriginalBattleCount    = item.BattleCount,
                            FragList               = string.Join(";", newKills.ToArray().Take(15)),
                            GlobalAvgTier          = avgTier,
                            GlobalWinPercentage    = vics,
                            GlobalAvgDefencePoints = defPoints,
                            BattleMode             = item.BattleMode,
                            RatingEff              = item.RatingEff,
                            RatingBR               = item.RatingBR,
                            RatingWN7              = item.RatingWN7,
                            RatingWN8              = item.RatingWN8,
                            DBEntry                = false

            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    _messages.Add(String.Format("Error : Cannot create last battle ({0}) - {1}", GetPlayerName, ex.Message));