Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Tcpclientmgr(TcpClient tcpc, int clientid, string clientname)
            //adds 1 to the program clientcount once this has been established so sync is maintained.
            int myid = clientid;
            //tcrun is used on a per thread basis to determine if this individual thread should still run
            Boolean tcrun = true;

            int       cmdreadcnt = inccmds.Count();
            NewClient thisclient = new NewClient(myid, tcpc.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());

            //add our id and remote endpoint to the clientlist
            //add our id and name to the clientlist - this is the list we will use later for our friendly name

            //overwrites endpoint client identifier with our naming client that can be modified later
            if (clientname != "")
                thisclient = new NewClient(myid, clientname);

            //adds the client to the list

            byte[] nbuff = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Client Connected:" + myid + vbcrlf + "To Send Shared Server Messages Use Chat:<Message>" + vbcrlf);
            tcpc.ReceiveTimeout = 10;
            tcpc.SendTimeout    = 10;
            //servrun is main boolean to determine if whole program should execute
            //tcrun is the boolean to determine if each individual threaded tcpclient should run or not

            //sends data to tcpclient on each cycle of the while loop to determine if it is still open, if not it closes so as not to hog threads.
                byte[] tempbuff = new byte[1];
                //peek must be used so that we dont tie up the main receive buffer
                if (tcpc.Client.Receive(tempbuff, SocketFlags.Peek) < 1)
                    tcrun = false;
            catch (Exception excnct)
                //WriteLog("TCP Server Error: " + excnct.ToString());
                //this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.Text = string.Format("Hutchison Technologies - Fiit Manager {0}", pollcount) + " - " + cmdreadcnt + "-" + inccmds.Count()));
                //open network stream from tcp client
                NetworkStream ns = tcpc.GetStream();
                // must set timeouts so that thread does not hang on read
                ns.ReadTimeout  = 10;
                ns.WriteTimeout = 10;

                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

                String unencbuff = null;

                //makes sure data is available in the network stream before trying to read
                if (ns.DataAvailable == true)
                    //makes sure reading is possible before trying to read
                    if (ns.CanRead == true)
                        // reads buffer value to byte
                        ns.Read(buffer, 0, 1024);

                        //steps through each byte in the byte array to make sure no dead data is held in memory if byte = 0 then it is not commited
                        foreach (byte b in buffer)
                            if (b != 0)
                                unencbuff += Convert.ToChar(b);

                        // writecmd(unencbuff);

                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            sb.AppendLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>");

                            string respbody = "<html><body><h1> Hello, Richard!</h1></body></html> ";
                            string response = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd MMM yyy HH:mm:SS") + "\r\nServer: Graeme Hind / 1.0 (Win64)\r\nLast - Modified: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd MMM yyy HH:mm:SS") + "\r\nContent - Length: " + respbody.Length + "\r\nContent - Type: text / xml\r\nConnection: Closed";

                            //tries to split the incoming commands, this stops us having to user .compare and creates a more specific environment where we can specify command[1] = a result
                            String[] command = new string[2];

                            command = unencbuff.Split(Convert.ToChar(":"));

                            string[] responselines;
                            string[] separators = { "\r\n" };

                            responselines = unencbuff.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None);

                            string searchline = "GET /requests/status.xml";
                            string actcmd     = "";
                            string input      = "";
                                string cururl = "" + responselines[0].Replace("GET ", "").Replace("HTTP/1.1", "");

                                Uri nuri = new Uri(cururl);
                                actcmd = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(nuri.Query).Get("command");
                                input  = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(nuri.Query).Get("input");
                            catch (Exception ex)

                                if (actcmd.ToLower() == "in_play")
                                    input = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(input);

                                    WMP.URL = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(input);


                                    if (WMP.playState.ToString() == "wmppsPlaying")
                                        skpTime.Maximum = Convert.ToInt32(WMP.currentMedia.duration);
                                        skpTime.Minimum = 0;
                                        skpTime.Enabled = true;
                                        btnSkip.Enabled = true;
                                        this.Invoke(new Action(() => this.Text = thistitle + " - Playing:" + WMP.currentMedia.name));
                                        Thread ntrd = new Thread(() => MusicFade("play"));
                                        ntrd.IsBackground = true;
                                else if (actcmd.ToLower() == "pl_stop")
                                    //Thread ntrd = new Thread(() => MusicFade("stop"));
                                    //ntrd.IsBackground = true;
                                    WMP.Invoke(new Action(() => WMP.Ctlcontrols.stop()));
                                else if (actcmd.ToLower() == "pl_empty")
                                    // Thread ntrd = new Thread(() => MusicFade("stop"));
                                    //ntrd.IsBackground = true;

                                    WMP.Invoke(new Action(() => WMP.Ctlcontrols.stop()));
                                    WMP.Invoke(new Action(() => WMP.URL = ""));
                                else if (actcmd.ToLower() == "pause")
                                    //Thread ntrd = new Thread(()=> MusicFade("pause"));
                                    //ntrd.IsBackground = true;
                                    WMP.Invoke(new Action(() => WMP.Ctlcontrols.pause()));
                                else if (actcmd.ToLower() == "play")
                                    Thread ntrd = new Thread(() => MusicFade("play"));
                                    ntrd.IsBackground = true;
                                else if (actcmd.ToLower() == "loop")
                                    if (input == "1")
                                        WMP.settings.setMode("loop", true);
                                    else if (input == "0")
                                        WMP.settings.setMode("loop", false);
                            }catch (Exception ex)

                                sb.AppendLine("<length>" + Convert.ToInt32(WMP.currentMedia.duration) + "</length>");
                            }catch (Exception ex)

                            sb.AppendLine("<time>" + Convert.ToInt32(WMP.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition) + "</time>");

                            if (WMP.playState.ToString() == "wmppsUndefined")
                            else if (WMP.playState.ToString() == "wmppsPlaying")
                            else if (WMP.playState.ToString() == "wmppsStopped")
                                sb.AppendLine("<track>" + WMP.currentMedia.name + "</track>");
                            }  catch (Exception ex)
                            byte[] nbuffinc = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(response + "\r\n\r\n" + sb.ToString());
                            ns.Write(nbuffinc, 0, nbuffinc.Length);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString());

                    // for loop to cycle through all messages sitting in our list of messages which we earlier removed dead bytes from and commited

                    /*  for (int i = cmdreadcnt; i < inccmds.Count; i++)
                     * {
                     *    byte[] nbuffinc = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inccmds[i]);
                     *    //keeps the regional variable in sync
                     *    cmdreadcnt++;
                     *    //write messages from the previous messages buffer to the connected client
                     *    if (ns.CanWrite == true)
                     *    {
                     *        ns.Write(nbuffinc, 0, nbuffinc.Length);
                     *    }
                     * }
                     * // ns.Write()
                catch (Exception ex)
                    WriteLog("TCP Client Manager: " + ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception mainex)
                WriteLog("TCP Client Manager:" + mainex.ToString());
            //sleep the thread for 1ms so it does not hog resources

            //if exited from the while loop close the tcp client and abort the thread