Exemplo n.º 1
    void ReGen()
        RaycastHit rch;

        for (float x = m_StartCoord.x + 0.5f; x < m_StartCoord.x + m_GenAreaSize; ++x)
            for (float z = m_StartCoord.z + 0.5f; z < m_StartCoord.z + m_GenAreaSize; ++z)
                Vector3 origin = new Vector3(x, 512f, z);

                if (Physics.Raycast(origin, Vector3.down, out rch, 1024, 1 << Pathea.Layer.VFVoxelTerrain))
                    VoxelGrassInstance gi = new VoxelGrassInstance();
                    gi.Position  = rch.point;
                    gi.Density   = 1;
                    gi.Normal    = rch.normal;
                    gi.ColorF    = m_GrassColor;
                    gi.Prototype = m_ProtoType;


        VoxelGrassMeshComputer.ComputeMesh(m_Grasses, 0, m_Mesh, m_Density);
Exemplo n.º 2
    private static int RandomCount(float expectation, VoxelGrassInstance vgi)
        float min = (float)((int)(expectation));
        float p   = expectation - min;

        return((int)((p == 0f) ? min : ((vgi.RandAttr.x < p) ? min + 1 : min)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void CopyTo(VoxelGrassInstance rgi)
     m_Position_x = rgi.m_Position_x;
     m_Position_y = rgi.m_Position_y;
     m_Position_z = rgi.m_Position_z;
     m_Density    = rgi.m_Density;
     m_Normal_x   = rgi.m_Normal_x;
     m_Normal_z   = rgi.m_Normal_z;
     m_Color_r    = rgi.m_Color_r;
     m_Color_g    = rgi.m_Color_g;
     m_Color_b    = rgi.m_Color_b;
     m_Prototype  = rgi.m_Prototype;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public static void ComputeParticleMesh(VoxelGrassInstance[] grass_array, int count)

        // Billboard grasses
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            VoxelGrassInstance vgi = grass_array[i];

            int a = i * 4;
            int b = a + 1;
            int c = a + 2;
            int d = a + 3;

            s_Output.Norms[d]             =
                s_Output.Norms[c]         =
                    s_Output.Norms[b]     =
                        s_Output.Norms[a] = vgi.RandPos(0);

            Vector3 n = vgi.Normal;

            s_Output.UVs[d]             =
                s_Output.UVs[c]         =
                    s_Output.UVs[b]     =
                        s_Output.UVs[a] = new Vector2(n.x, n.z);

            s_Output.UV2s[d]             =
                s_Output.UV2s[c]         =
                    s_Output.UV2s[b]     =
                        s_Output.UV2s[a] = new Vector2((float)(vgi.Prototype) / (float)(GrassPrototypeMgr.s_PrototypeCount), 0);

            s_Output.Color32s[d]             =
                s_Output.Color32s[c]         =
                    s_Output.Color32s[b]     =
                        s_Output.Color32s[a] = Color.white;
        s_Output.BillboardCount = count;
        s_Output.TriquadCount   = 0;
        s_Output.TotalVertCount = count * 4;
    private void PlantANewGrass(int startX, int startZ, int iX, int iZ, float fDensity, VoxelPaintXML.PlantDescCLS[] pVeges, float[][] tileHeightBuf,
                                List <VoxelGrassInstance> outlstGrassInst)
        int   ix = iX + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix;
        int   iz = iZ + VoxelTerrainConstants._numVoxelsPrefix;
        float fy = tileHeightBuf[iz][ix]; if (fy < 4.0f)
            return;                                             //minHeight
        float fHeightXL = tileHeightBuf[iz - 1][ix];
        float fHeightXR = tileHeightBuf[iz + 1][ix];
        float fHeightZL = tileHeightBuf[iz][ix - 1];
        float fHeightZR = tileHeightBuf[iz][ix + 1];
        float sx        = fHeightZR - fHeightZL; // _iC is x
        float sz        = fHeightXR - fHeightXL; // _iR is z

        int nVegesTypes = pVeges.Length;
        int idxVegeType = 0;
        int rand100     = myRand.Next(100);

        for (; idxVegeType < nVegesTypes && pVeges[idxVegeType].pct < rand100; idxVegeType++)
        if (idxVegeType >= nVegesTypes)

        VoxelGrassInstance _grassInst = new VoxelGrassInstance();

        _grassInst.Position  = new Vector3(startX + iX, fy, startZ + iZ);
        _grassInst.Density   = fDensity;
        _grassInst.Normal    = new Vector3(-sx, 2.0f, sz); // The attribute will normalize this vector
        _grassInst.ColorDw   = new Color32(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
        _grassInst.Prototype = pVeges[idxVegeType].idx;
Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Computes the mesh elements info the output
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name='grass_list'>
    /// Grass list.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name='density'>
    /// Global Density.
    /// </param>
    public static void ComputeMesh(List <VoxelGrassInstance> grass_list, List <VoxelGrassInstance> tri_grass_list, float density)
        int grass_cnt     = 0;
        int tri_grass_cnt = 0;

        if (grass_list != null)
            grass_cnt = grass_list.Count;
        if (tri_grass_list != null)
            tri_grass_cnt = tri_grass_list.Count;

        Vector3 up               = Vector3.up;
        int     quad             = 0;
        float   _2pi             = Mathf.PI * 2;
        float   _page_interval   = _2pi / 3;
        float   angle_randomness = 0.3f;

        // Billboard grasses
        for (int i = 0; i < grass_cnt; ++i)
            VoxelGrassInstance vgi = grass_list[i];
            int randcnt            = RandomCount(s_FullDensity * vgi.Density * density, vgi);
            for (int q = 0; q < randcnt; ++q)
                int a = quad * 4;
                int b = a + 1;
                int c = a + 2;
                int d = a + 3;

                s_Output.Norms[d]             =
                    s_Output.Norms[c]         =
                        s_Output.Norms[b]     =
                            s_Output.Norms[a] = vgi.RandPos(q);

                Vector3 n  = vgi.Normal;
                Vector3 n1 = (n * 1.25f - up * 0.25f).normalized;
                Vector3 n2 = (n * 0.5f + up * 0.5f).normalized;

                s_Output.UVs[a]     = new Vector2(n1.x, n1.z);
                s_Output.UVs[c]     =
                    s_Output.UVs[b] = new Vector2(n2.x, n2.z);
                s_Output.UVs[d]     = s_Output.UVs[a];

                s_Output.UV2s[d]             =
                    s_Output.UV2s[c]         =
                        s_Output.UV2s[b]     =
                            s_Output.UV2s[a] = new Vector2((float)(vgi.Prototype) / (float)(GrassPrototypeMgr.s_PrototypeCount), 0);

                s_Output.Color32s[d]             =
                    s_Output.Color32s[c]         =
                        s_Output.Color32s[b]     =
                            s_Output.Color32s[a] = vgi.ColorDw;

        s_Output.BillboardCount = quad;

        // Tri-quad grasses
        for (int i = 0; i < tri_grass_cnt; ++i)
            VoxelGrassInstance vgi = tri_grass_list[i];
            int randcnt            = RandomCount(s_FullDensity * vgi.Density * density * 0.333f, vgi);
            for (int t = 0; t < randcnt; ++t)
                float   phase   = (float)(vgi.RandAttr.x) * _2pi;
                Vector3 randpos = vgi.RandPos(t);
                for (int page = 0; page < 3; ++page)
                    int a = quad * 4;
                    int b = a + 1;
                    int c = a + 2;
                    int d = a + 3;

                    s_Output.Norms[d]             =
                        s_Output.Norms[c]         =
                            s_Output.Norms[b]     =
                                s_Output.Norms[a] = randpos;

                    Vector3 n  = vgi.Normal;
                    Vector3 n1 = (n * 1.1f - up * 0.1f).normalized;
                    Vector3 n2 = (n * 0.5f + up * 0.5f).normalized;

                    s_Output.UVs[a]     = new Vector2(n1.x, n1.z);
                    s_Output.UVs[c]     =
                        s_Output.UVs[b] = new Vector2(n2.x, n2.z);
                    s_Output.UVs[d]     = s_Output.UVs[a];

                    s_Output.UV2s[d]             =
                        s_Output.UV2s[c]         =
                            s_Output.UV2s[b]     =
                                s_Output.UV2s[a] = new Vector2((float)(vgi.Prototype - 64) / (float)(GrassPrototypeMgr.s_PrototypeCount),
                                                               page * _page_interval + phase + ((float)(vgi.RandAttrs(page + 1).x) - 0.5f) * angle_randomness);

                    s_Output.Color32s[d]             =
                        s_Output.Color32s[c]         =
                            s_Output.Color32s[b]     =
                                s_Output.Color32s[a] = vgi.ColorDw;

        s_Output.TriquadCount   = quad - s_Output.BillboardCount;
        s_Output.TotalVertCount = quad * 4;