public ActionResult DeleteVotingStation(string StaffGUID, string id, string VotingStationID)
     if (StaffGUID != null && id != null)
         if (VotingStationID != null)
             var           ids    = Convert.ToInt32(VotingStationID);
             VotingStation search = db.VotingStations.Where(x => x.VotingStationID == ids).FirstOrDefault();
             if (search != null)
                 TempData["success"] = "The Voting Station was Deleted Successfully!";
                 return(RedirectToAction("StaffHomePage", "Staff", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID }));
                 TempData["message"] = "The Voting Station Could Not Be Found! Please Try Search Again!";
                 return(RedirectToAction("UpdateDeleteVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { SraffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
             TempData["message"] = "The Please Search for a Voting Station!";
             return(RedirectToAction("UpdateDeleteVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
         TempData["message"] = "Your Session Has Expired Please Login Again!";
         return(RedirectToAction("StaffLogin", "Staff"));
        public ActionResult doAddVotingStation(string StaffGUID, string id, string VotingStationName, [Bind(Include = "SuburbID, ProvinceID, CityOrTownID")] VotingStation vs, string StreetAddress, string Longitude, string Latitude, string OpeningTime, string ClosingTime)
            if (StaffGUID != null && id != null && VotingStationName != null && StreetAddress != null && Longitude != null && Latitude != null && OpeningTime != null && ClosingTime != null)
                StaffGUIDControl staffGUID = new StaffGUIDControl();
                if (staffGUID.IsLogedIn(db, StaffGUID))
                    var searchVotingStation = db.VotingStations.Where(x => x.VotingStationName == VotingStationName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (searchVotingStation == null)
                        VotingStation A = new VotingStation();
                        A.VotingStationName          = VotingStationName;
                        A.VotingStationLongitude     = Convert.ToInt32(Longitude);
                        A.VotingStationLatitude      = Convert.ToInt32(Latitude);
                        A.VotingStationOpeningTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(OpeningTime);
                        A.VotingStationClosingTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(ClosingTime);
                        A.VotingStationStreetAddress = StreetAddress;
                        A.SuburbID     = Convert.ToInt32(vs.SuburbID);
                        A.ProvinceID   = Convert.ToInt32(vs.ProvinceID);
                        A.CityOrTownID = Convert.ToInt32(vs.CityOrTownID);

                        TempData["success"] = "The Voting Station Has Been Added Successfully";
                        return(RedirectToAction("StaffHomePage", "Staff", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID }));
                        TempData["message"] = "The Voting Station Already Exists";
                        return(RedirectToAction("AddVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
                    TempData["message"] = "Your Session Has Expired, Please Login Again!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("StaffLogin", "Staff"));
                TempData["message"] = "Please Fill In All of Your Details";
                return(RedirectToAction("AddVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
 public ActionResult doVotingStationUpdate(string StaffGUID, string id, string VotingStationID, string VotingStationName, [Bind(Include = "SuburbID, ProvinceID, CityOrTownID")] VotingStation vs, string StreetAddress, string Longitude, string Latitude, string OpeningTime, string ClosingTime)
     if (StaffGUID != null && id != null && VotingStationID != null && VotingStationName != null && StreetAddress != null && Longitude != null && Latitude != null && OpeningTime != null && ClosingTime != null)
         var ids    = Convert.ToInt32(VotingStationID);
         var search = db.VotingStations.Where(x => x.VotingStationID == ids).FirstOrDefault();
         if (search != null)
             var searchName = db.VotingStations.Where(j => j.VotingStationID != ids && j.VotingStationName == VotingStationName).FirstOrDefault();
             if (searchName == null)
                 search.VotingStationName          = VotingStationName;
                 search.VotingStationLongitude     = Convert.ToInt32(Longitude);
                 search.VotingStationLatitude      = Convert.ToInt32(Latitude);
                 search.VotingStationOpeningTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(OpeningTime);
                 search.VotingStationClosingTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(ClosingTime);
                 search.VotingStationStreetAddress = StreetAddress;
                 search.SuburbID     = vs.SuburbID;
                 search.ProvinceID   = vs.ProvinceID;
                 search.CityOrTownID = vs.CityOrTownID;
                 TempData["success"] = "The Voting Station Has Been Successfully Updated!";
                 return(RedirectToAction("StaffHomePage", "Staff", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID }));
                 TempData["message"] = "Voting Sation Could Not be Found!";
                 return(RedirectToAction("UpdateVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id, VotingStationID = VotingStationID }));
             TempData["message"] = "The Voting Station does not exist!";
             return(RedirectToAction("UpdateVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id, VotingStationID = VotingStationID }));
         TempData["message"] = "Please Fill In All Of The Fields";
         return(RedirectToAction("UpdateVotingStation", "VotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id, VotingStationID = VotingStationID }));
        public ActionResult SearchVotingStation(string StaffGUID, string id, string VotingStationName, string StreetAddress, [Bind(Include = "SuburbID, ProvinceID, CityOrTownID")] VotingStation vs)
            ViewBag.message = TempData["message"];
            ViewBag.success = TempData["success"];

            if (StaffGUID != null)
                if (VotingStationName != null && StreetAddress != null && vs.ProvinceID != null && vs.SuburbID != null && vs.CityOrTownID != null)
                    var SearchVotingStation = db.VotingStations.Where(x => x.VotingStationName == VotingStationName && x.ProvinceID == vs.ProvinceID && x.SuburbID == vs.SuburbID && x.CityOrTownID == vs.CityOrTownID && x.VotingStationStreetAddress == StreetAddress).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (SearchVotingStation != null)
                        TempData["TempSearch"] = SearchVotingStation;
                        TempData["success"]    = "The Station Was Successfully Found!";
                        return(RedirectToAction("UpdateDeleteVotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
                        TempData["message"] = "The Voting Station You Have Searched For, Does Not Exist! Please Ensure That All Information Is Correct";
                        return(RedirectToAction("UpdateDeleteVotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
                    TempData["message"] = "Please Ensure Fill In All Fields!";
                    return(RedirectToAction("UpdateDeleteVotingStation", new { StaffGUID = StaffGUID, id = id }));
                TempData["message"] = "Your Session Has Expired Please Login Again";
                return(RedirectToAction("StaffLogin", "Staff"));