public async Task <IActionResult> VolunteerJobAssignment(JobAssignmentViewModel vm)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            VolunteerRepository repo = new VolunteerRepository(configModel.ConnectionString);
            VolunteerJobModel   job;

            // This endpoint should only be accessible if the user is a staff member or if the user is trying to sign themselves up for a job
            if (user.VolunteerId != vm.VolunteerId && !User.IsInRole(UserHelpers.UserRoles.Staff.ToString()))

            if (vm.Date == DateTime.MinValue)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Must specify a date"));

            if (vm.Date.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Jobs can only be signed up for for Saturdays"));

            // The first check is so we can skip a call to the database if the user is signing up for a job on their own - clearly the user id is valid in that case
            if (vm.VolunteerId != user.VolunteerId && repo.GetVolunteer(vm.VolunteerId) == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid volunteer id"));

                job = repo.GetVolunteerJob(vm.JobId, vm.Date);
            catch (Exception e)

            if (job == null)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Invalid volunteer job id"));

            if (repo.CheckSignedUpForJob(vm.JobId, vm.VolunteerId, vm.Date))
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Already signed up"));

            if (job.CurrentNumber >= job.Max)
                return(Utilities.ErrorJson("Too many people are already signed up for this job"));

                repo.AddVolunteerJobAssignment(vm.VolunteerId, vm.JobId, vm.Date);
            catch (Exception e)
