Exemplo n.º 1
        public static VolumePropertiesDataProtection ConvertDataProtectionFromPs(PSNetAppFilesVolumeDataProtection psDataProtection)
            var dataProtection = new VolumePropertiesDataProtection();

            if (psDataProtection.Replication != null)
                var replication = new ReplicationObject();

                // replication.ReplicationId = psDataProtection.Replication.ReplicationId;
                replication.EndpointType           = psDataProtection.Replication.EndpointType;
                replication.ReplicationSchedule    = psDataProtection.Replication.ReplicationSchedule;
                replication.RemoteVolumeResourceId = psDataProtection.Replication.RemoteVolumeResourceId;
                // replication.RemoteVolumeRegion = psDataProtection.Replication.RemoteVolumeRegion;
                dataProtection.Replication = replication;

            if (psDataProtection.Snapshot != null)
                var snapshot = new VolumeSnapshotProperties();
                snapshot.SnapshotPolicyId = psDataProtection.Snapshot.SnapshotPolicyId;
                dataProtection.Snapshot   = snapshot;

            if (psDataProtection.Backup != null)
                var backup = new VolumeBackupProperties();
                backup.BackupEnabled  = psDataProtection.Backup.BackupEnabled;
                backup.BackupPolicyId = psDataProtection.Backup.BackupPolicyId;
                backup.PolicyEnforced = psDataProtection.Backup.PolicyEnforced;
                dataProtection.Backup = backup;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection ConvertToPatchFromPs(this PSNetAppFilesVolumeDataProtection psDataProtection)
            var dataProtection = new VolumePatchPropertiesDataProtection();

            if (psDataProtection.Snapshot != null)
                var snapshot = new VolumeSnapshotProperties();
                snapshot.SnapshotPolicyId = psDataProtection.Snapshot.SnapshotPolicyId;
                dataProtection.Snapshot   = snapshot;
            if (psDataProtection.Backup != null)
                var backup = new VolumeBackupProperties();
                backup.BackupEnabled  = psDataProtection.Backup.BackupEnabled;
                backup.BackupPolicyId = psDataProtection.Backup.BackupPolicyId;
                backup.PolicyEnforced = psDataProtection.Backup.PolicyEnforced;
                backup.VaultId        = psDataProtection.Backup.VaultId;
                dataProtection.Backup = backup;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Or Updates Azure NetApp Files Volume
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anfClient">ANF client object</param>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">Resource group name</param>
        /// <param name="location">Azure location</param>
        /// <param name="accountName">Azure NetApp Files Account name</param>
        /// <param name="poolName">Azure NetApp Files Capacity Pool name</param>
        /// <param name="serviceLevel">Service Level</param>
        /// <param name="volumeName">Azure NetApp Files Volume name</param>
        /// <param name="subnetId">Subnet Id</param>
        /// <param name="volumeSize">Azure NetApp Files Volume size</param>
        /// <param name="snapshotPolicyId">Existing Snapshot Policy Id</param>
        /// <returns>Azure NetApp Files Volume</returns>
        public static async Task <Volume> CreateOrUpdateANFVolumeAsync(AzureNetAppFilesManagementClient anfClient,
                                                                       string resourceGroupName,
                                                                       string location,
                                                                       string accountName,
                                                                       string poolName,
                                                                       string serviceLevel,
                                                                       string volumeName,
                                                                       string subnetId,
                                                                       long volumeSize,
                                                                       string snapshotPolicyId)
            VolumeSnapshotProperties snapshotProperties = new VolumeSnapshotProperties()
                SnapshotPolicyId = snapshotPolicyId

            VolumePropertiesDataProtection dataProtectionProperties = new VolumePropertiesDataProtection()
                Snapshot = snapshotProperties

            Volume volumeBody = new Volume()
                Location       = location.ToLower(),
                ServiceLevel   = serviceLevel, //Service level can be one of three levels -> { Standard, Premium, Ultra }
                CreationToken  = volumeName,
                SubnetId       = subnetId,
                UsageThreshold = volumeSize,
                DataProtection = dataProtectionProperties,
                ProtocolTypes  = new List <string>()

            return(await anfClient.Volumes.CreateOrUpdateAsync(volumeBody, resourceGroupName, accountName, poolName, volumeName));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a test for the current category methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hVolume">The current volume pointer.</param>
        /// <param name="nOpType">The current operation type.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void RunTest(IntPtr hVolume, XTensionActionSource nOpType)
            // Get the action type description.
            string ActionDescription;

            switch (nOpType)
            case XTensionActionSource.MainMenu:
                ActionDescription = "Called from the main menu for no particular "
                                    + "volume.";

            case XTensionActionSource.VolumeSnapshotRefinement:
                ActionDescription = "Called from volume snapshot refinement.";

            case XTensionActionSource.LogicalSimultaneousSearch:
                ActionDescription = "Called from a logical simultaneous search.";

            case XTensionActionSource.PhysicalSimultaneousSearch:
                ActionDescription = "Called from a physical simultaneous search.";

            case XTensionActionSource.DirectoryBrowserContextMenu:
                ActionDescription = "Called from the directory browser context "
                                    + "menu.";

            case XTensionActionSource.SearchHitContextMenu:
                ActionDescription = "Called from the search hit context menu.";

                ActionDescription = "ALERT: Called from an unknown area!";

            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Volume Handle = " + hVolume);
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Action Type = " + nOpType);
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Action Description = "
                                        + ActionDescription);

            // XWF_OpenItem test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_OpenItem Test:");

            // Item 1 test.
            long   ItemID1 = 0;
            IntPtr hItem1  = HelperMethods.OpenItem(hVolume, ItemID1
                                                    , ItemOpenModes.LogicalContents);

            if (hItem1 != IntPtr.Zero)
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item ID = " + ItemID1);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Handle = " + hItem1);

                Int64 itemPhysicalSize = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem1
                                                               , ItemSizeType.PhysicalSize);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Physical Size: "
                                            + itemPhysicalSize);

                Int64 itemLogicalSize = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem1
                                                              , ItemSizeType.LogicalSize);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Logical Size: "
                                            + itemLogicalSize);

                Int64 itemValidDateLength = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem1
                                                                  , ItemSizeType.ValidDataLength);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Valid Data Length: "
                                            + itemValidDateLength);

                //string itemName = HelperMethods.XWF_GetItemName(ItemID1);
                //HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Name = " + itemName);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item ID " + ItemID1 + " couldn't be opened.");

            // Item 2 test.
            Int64  itemID2 = 3;
            IntPtr hItem2  = HelperMethods.OpenItem(hVolume, itemID2
                                                    , ItemOpenModes.LogicalContents);

            if (hItem1 != IntPtr.Zero)
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item ID = " + itemID2);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Handle = " + hItem2);

                Int64 itemPhysicalSize = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem2
                                                               , ItemSizeType.PhysicalSize);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Physical Size: "
                                            + itemPhysicalSize);

                Int64 itemLogicalSize = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem2
                                                              , ItemSizeType.LogicalSize);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Logical Size: "
                                            + itemLogicalSize);

                Int64 itemValidDateLength = HelperMethods.GetSize(hItem2
                                                                  , ItemSizeType.ValidDataLength);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Valid Data Length: "
                                            + itemValidDateLength);

                //string itemName = HelperMethods.XWF_GetItemName(itemID2);
                //HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Item Name = " + itemName);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item ID " + itemID2 + " couldn't be opened.");

            // XWF_Read test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_Read Test:");

            byte[] itemContent = HelperMethods.Read(hItem2, 0x4E, 0x27);

            if (itemContent != null)
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item 2 Content from Offset 0x4E: "
                                            + System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(itemContent));
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item read failed.");

            // XWF_Close test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_Close Test:");

            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item 1 closed");

            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Item 2 closed");

            // XWF_GetFirstEvObj, XWF_GetNextEvObj, and GetCaseEvidence, XWF_OpenEvObj,
            // XWF_CloseEvObj, XWF_GetEvObjProp test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_GetFirstEvObj, XWF_GetNextEvObj, "
                                        + "GetCaseEvidence, XWF_OpenEvObj, XWF_CloseEvObj, XWF_GetEvObjProp "
                                        + "Test:");

            int nEvidenceNumber = 0;

            foreach (IntPtr currentEvidence in HelperMethods.GetCaseEvidence())
                nEvidenceNumber += 1;
                                                "Evidence {0} Object Handle: {1}",
                                                nEvidenceNumber, currentEvidence));

                IntPtr hCurrentEvidence = HelperMethods.OpenEvidenceObject(
                    currentEvidence, EvidenceOpenOptions.None);
                                                "    Opened Evidence {0} Object Handle: {1}",
                                                nEvidenceNumber, hCurrentEvidence));

                                                "    Closed Open Evidence {0} Object Handle",

                EvidenceObjectProperties evidenceObjectProps
                    = HelperMethods.GetEvidenceObjectProperties(currentEvidence);

                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Object Number: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.objectNumber);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Object ID: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.objectID);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Parent Object ID: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.parentObjectID);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Title: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.title);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Extended Title: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.extendedTitle);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Abbreviated Title: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.abbreviatedTitle);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Internal Name: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.internalName);
                // Commenting out since it can be fairly wordy
                //HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Description: "
                //    + evidenceObjectProps.description);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Examiner Comments: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.examinerComments);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Internally Used Directory: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.internallyUsedDirectory);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Output Directory: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.outputDirectory);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Size in Bytes: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.SizeInBytes);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Volume Snapshot File Count: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.VolumeSnapshotFileCount);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Flags: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.Flags);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    File System Identifier: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.FileSystemIdentifier);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Creation Time: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.CreationTime);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Modification Time: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.ModificationTime);
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Hash 1 Type: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.HashType);
                if (evidenceObjectProps.HashType != HashType.Undefined)
                    HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Hash 1 Value: "
                                                + HelperMethods.Hexlify(evidenceObjectProps.HashValue).ToUpper());
                HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Hash 2 Type: "
                                            + evidenceObjectProps.HashType2);
                if (evidenceObjectProps.HashType2 != HashType.Undefined)
                    HelperMethods.OutputMessage("    Hash 2 Value: "
                                                + HelperMethods.Hexlify(evidenceObjectProps.HashValue).ToUpper());

            // XWF_CreateEvObj test.
            // Commenting this method out for now. The following exception occurs when
            // using this function, though it did successfully add the evidence object:
            // Lost internal information about parent disk of partition!
            // Lost internal information about parent disk of partition!
            // Lost internal information about parent disk of partition!
            // An exception of type 216 (page protection fault) occurred at offset
            // 1:001F52E2.

             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("");
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_CreateEvObj Test:");
             * string evidencePath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(caseProps.caseDirectory
             *  , @"..\Media\test1.img"));
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object to be created: "
             + evidencePath);
             + HelperMethods.XWF_CreateEvObj(
             +  XWFEvidenceObjTypeID.DiskImage, evidencePath);

            // XWF_GetReportTableInfo test.
            // Exception from running this. Needs more investigation.

             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("");
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_GetReportTableInfo Test:");
             * string sReportName = HelperMethods.XWF_GetReportTableInfo(0
             *  , XWFGetReportTableInfoFlags.UserCreated
             *  & XWFGetReportTableInfoFlags.ApplicationCreated
             *  & XWFGetReportTableInfoFlags.RepresentsSearchTerm);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Report Table Name:" + sReportName);

            // XWF_SelectVolumeSnapshot test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_SelectVolumeSnapshot Test:");

            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Volume Snapshots for volume " + hVolume
                                        + " will be processed with subsquent function calls.");

            // XWF_GetVSProp test.
            HelperMethods.OutputMessage("XWF_GetVSProp Test:");

            VolumeSnapshotProperties vsProps
                = HelperMethods.GetVolumeSnapshotProperties();

             * IntPtr hEvidence1 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetFirstEvObj();
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 1: " + hEvidence1);
             * IntPtr hEvidence2 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(hEvidence1);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 2: " + hEvidence2);
             * IntPtr hEvidence3 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(hEvidence2);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 3: " + hEvidence3);
             * IntPtr hEvidence4 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(hEvidence3);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 4: " + hEvidence4);
             * IntPtr hEvidence5 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(hEvidence4);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 5: " + hEvidence5);
             * IntPtr hEvidence6 = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(hEvidence5);
             * HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Evidence Object 6: " + hEvidence6);

             * // XT_Prepare may get called with a zero handle, which means there is no
             * // volume to prepare for. Before calling any function on hVolume passed from
             * // XT_Prepare, you have to check that its not zero: hVolume != IntPtr.Zero
             * if (hVolume != IntPtr.Zero)
             * {
             *  // Get the case properties.
             *  var props = HelperMethods.XWF_GetCaseProps();
             *  HelperMethods.OutputMessage(string.Format(
             *      "Case Title: {0}, Case Examiner: {1}, File Path: {2}"
             + ", Case Directory: {3}"
             +    , props.caseTitle, props.caseExaminer, props.caseFilePath
             +    , props.caseDirectory));
             +  // Get the volume information.
             +  var volumeInfo = HelperMethods.XWF_GetVolumeInformation(hVolume);
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage(string.Format(
             +      "File System: {0}, Bytes per Sector: {1}, Sectors per Cluster: {2}"
             + ", Cluster Count: {3}, First Cluster Sector Number: {4}"
             +    , volumeInfo.FileSystem, volumeInfo.BytesPerSector
             +    , volumeInfo.SectorsPerCluster, volumeInfo.ClusterCount
             +    , volumeInfo.FirstClusterSectorNo));
             +  // Get the first cluster sector.
             +  string sectorDesc;
             +  Int32 sectorItemId;
             +  bool sectorIsUsed = HelperMethods.XWF_GetSectorContents(hVolume
             +      , volumeInfo.FirstClusterSectorNo, out sectorDesc
             +      , out sectorItemId);
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage(string.Format(
             +      "First Cluster Sector Description: {0}, Sector Item Id: {1}, "
             + "Sector Is Used: {2}"
             +    , sectorDesc, sectorItemId, sectorIsUsed));
             +  // Get the volume name.
             +  string volumeName = HelperMethods.XWF_GetVolumeName(hVolume
             +      , XWFVolumeNameType.Type1);
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage("Volume Name: " + volumeName);
             +  // Enumerate evidence objects
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage("ENUMERATE EVIDENCE OBJECTS");
             +  var currentObject = HelperMethods.XWF_GetFirstEvObj();
             +  var objectProps = HelperMethods.XWF_GetEvObjProp(currentObject);
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage(string.Format(
             +      "Object Number: {0}, Object ID: {1}, Parent Object ID: {2}"
             + ", Object Title: {3}, Extended Object Title: {4}"
             + ", Abber. Object Title: {5}, Internal Name: {6}, Description: {7}"
             + ", Size in Bytes: {8}, Creation Time: {9}, Modification Time: {10}"
             +    , objectProps.objectNumber, objectProps.objectID
             +    , objectProps.parentObjectID, objectProps.title
             +    , objectProps.extendedTitle, objectProps.abbreviatedTitle
             +    , objectProps.internalName, objectProps.description
             +    , objectProps.SizeInBytes, objectProps.CreationTime
             +    , objectProps.ModificationTime));
             +  currentObject = HelperMethods.XWF_GetNextEvObj(currentObject);
             +  objectProps = HelperMethods.XWF_GetEvObjProp(currentObject);
             +  HelperMethods.OutputMessage(string.Format(
             +      "Object Number: {0}, Object ID: {1}, Parent Object ID: {2}"
             + ", Object Title: {3}, Extended Object Title: {4}"
             + ", Abber. Object Title: {5}, Internal Name: {6}, Description: {7}"
             + ", Size in Bytes: {8}, Creation Time: {9}, Modification Time: {10}"
             +    , objectProps.objectNumber, objectProps.objectID
             +    , objectProps.parentObjectID, objectProps.title
             +    , objectProps.extendedTitle, objectProps.abbreviatedTitle
             +    , objectProps.internalName, objectProps.description
             +    , objectProps.SizeInBytes, objectProps.CreationTime
             +    , objectProps.ModificationTime));
             + }