Exemplo n.º 1
                static Statement Rewrite(VoidExpression ve)
                    var block = new List <Statement>();
                    var s     = Rewrite(ve.Statement);

                    if (s is BlockStatement)


Exemplo n.º 2
                static Statement TryRewriteExpression(Expression ex)
                    //if (ex is BoundAssignment)
                    //  var ba = (BoundAssignment)ex;
                    //  return Ast.Write(ba.Variable, ba.Value);
                    if (ex is UnaryExpression && ex.NodeType == AstNodeType.Convert)
                        var ux = ex as UnaryExpression;
                    if (ex is VoidExpression)
                        VoidExpression ve = (VoidExpression)ex;

                    if (ex is CommaExpression)
                        var ce    = ex as CommaExpression;
                        var block = RewriteExpressions(ce.Expressions, Ast.Statement);

                    if (ex is ConditionalExpression)
                        var ce = ex as ConditionalExpression;

                        if (ce.IfFalse == Unspecified || ce.IfFalse is MemberExpression && ((MemberExpression)ce.IfFalse).Member == Generator.Unspecified)
                            return(Ast.If(ce.Test, Rewrite(Ast.Statement(ce.IfTrue))));
                        if (ce.IfTrue == Unspecified || ce.IfTrue is MemberExpression && ((MemberExpression)ce.IfTrue).Member == Generator.Unspecified)
                            return(Ast.If(Ast.Not(ce.Test), Rewrite(Ast.Statement(ce.IfFalse))));

                        return(Ast.If(ce.Test, Rewrite(Ast.Statement(ce.IfTrue))).Else(Rewrite(Ast.Statement(ce.IfFalse))));

Exemplo n.º 3
 protected internal virtual void PostWalk(VoidExpression node) { }
Exemplo n.º 4
 // VoidExpression
 protected internal virtual bool Walk(VoidExpression node) { return true; }
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected override void PostWalk(VoidExpression node)
     node.Statement = Rewrite(node.Statement);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public override void Visit(VoidExpression node)
     unfinishedClone = new VoidExpression(GetCloneOf(node.Expression));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public override void Visit(VoidExpression node)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public override void Visit(VoidExpression node)
     UpdateType(node, TypeCalculator.GetType(node));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public override void Visit(VoidExpression node)
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void DefineBuiltInFunctions()
            #region add
            rootEnv.Symbols["add"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                // Check if all arguments are number expressions
                if (args.All(x => x is NumberExpression))
                    return(new NumberExpression(args.Sum(x => (x as NumberExpression).Value)));

                throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("add");

            #region sub
            rootEnv.Symbols["sub"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                int argCount = args.Count();

                // Insufficient number of arguments
                if (argCount < 1)
                    throw new UnexpectedNumberOfArgumentsException("sub", ">= 1", argCount);

                // Check if all arguments are number expressions
                if (args.All(x => x is NumberExpression))
                    IEnumerable <int> values = args.Select(x => (x as NumberExpression).Value);
                    return(new NumberExpression(values.First() - values.Skip(1).Sum()));

                throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("sub");

            #region mul
            rootEnv.Symbols["mul"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                // Check if all arguments are number expressions
                if (args.All(x => x is NumberExpression))
                    IEnumerable <int> values = args.Select(x => (x as NumberExpression).Value);

                    int result = 1;

                    foreach (int val in values)
                        result *= val;

                    return(new NumberExpression(result));

                throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("mul");

            #region div
            rootEnv.Symbols["div"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                int argCount = args.Count();

                // Insufficient number of arguments
                if (argCount < 1)
                    throw new UnexpectedNumberOfArgumentsException("div", ">= 1", argCount);

                // Check if all arguments are number expressions
                if (args.All(x => x is NumberExpression))
                    IEnumerable <int> numExprs = args.Select(x => (x as NumberExpression).Value);

                    int result = numExprs.First();

                    foreach (int val in numExprs.Skip(1))
                        if (val == 0)
                            throw new FatalException("Unable to perform division by zero");

                        result /= val;

                    return(new NumberExpression(result));

                throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("div");

            #region mod
            rootEnv.Symbols["mod"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                int argCount = args.Count();

                // Insufficient number of arguments
                if (argCount < 1)
                    throw new UnexpectedNumberOfArgumentsException("mod", ">= 1", argCount);

                // Check if all arguments are number expressions
                if (args.All(x => x is NumberExpression))
                    IEnumerable <int> numExprs = args.Select(x => (x as NumberExpression).Value);

                    int result = numExprs.First();

                    foreach (int val in numExprs.Skip(1))
                        if (val == 0)
                            throw new FatalException("Unable to calculate the remainder after division by zero");

                        result %= val;

                    return(new NumberExpression(result));

                throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("mod");

            #region print
            rootEnv.Symbols["print"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                foreach (IExpression expr in args)

                return(new VoidExpression());

            #region batch
            rootEnv.Symbols["batch"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                // Evaluate the expressions one by one and return
                // the expression obtained by evaluating the last expression
                IExpression returnValue = new VoidExpression();

                foreach (IExpression expr in args)
                    returnValue = expr.Evaluate(env);

            }, false);

            #region if
            rootEnv.Symbols["if"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                int argCount = args.Count();

                // Iterate through conditions
                for (int i = 0, nConditions = argCount / 2; i < nConditions; i++)
                    // Get base index for this condition
                    int baseIdx = i * 2;

                    // Try to convert the condition expression to a numeric value
                    NumberExpression condition = args.ElementAt(baseIdx).Evaluate(env) as NumberExpression;

                    // Unable to convert the condition to a number expression
                    if (condition == null)
                        throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("if");

                    // If the conditional evaluates to a truthy numeric value
                    if (condition.BooleanValue)
                        // Return the expression supplied as the next argument
                        return(args.ElementAt(baseIdx + 1).Evaluate(env));

                // Final else statement
                if (argCount % 2 == 1)
                    return(args.ElementAt(argCount - 1).Evaluate(env));
                // No condition met
                    return(new VoidExpression());
            }, false);

            #region not
            rootEnv.Symbols["not"] = new BuiltInFunction((env, args) =>
                int argCount = args.Count();

                // The function must be applied to a single number expression
                if (argCount != 1)
                    throw new UnexpectedNumberOfArgumentsException("not", 1, argCount);

                NumberExpression numExpr = args.ElementAt(0) as NumberExpression;

                // Invalid expression type
                if (numExpr == null)
                    throw new UnexpectedArgumentTypeException("not");

                // Invert the boolean value of the number expression and return it
                return(new NumberExpression(!numExpr.BooleanValue));

            // Comparison functions are always performed on two consecutive expressions
            // This can yield unexpected results (e.g., when calling not_equal with more than two arguments)
            // Example: (not_equal 1 0 1) evaluates to true because no two consecutive expressions are equal
            AddComparisonFunction("equal", (a, b) => a == b);
            AddComparisonFunction("not_equal", (a, b) => a != b);
            AddComparisonFunction("greater", (a, b) => a > b);
            AddComparisonFunction("greater_or_equal", (a, b) => a >= b);
            AddComparisonFunction("less", (a, b) => a < b);
            AddComparisonFunction("less_or_equal", (a, b) => a <= b);

            // Logical boolean functions
            AddBooleanFunction("and", (nTrue, nTotal) => nTrue == nTotal);
            AddBooleanFunction("or", (nTrue, nTotal) => nTrue > 0);
            AddBooleanFunction("xor", (nTrue, nTotal) => nTrue == 1);
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected internal virtual void PostWalk(VoidExpression node)
Exemplo n.º 12
 // VoidExpression
 protected internal virtual bool Walk(VoidExpression node)