Exemplo n.º 1
 private bool SetBonusPrehurt(Player player, bool pvp, bool quiet, ref int damage, ref int hitDirection, ref bool crit, ref bool customDamage, ref bool playSound, ref bool genGore, ref PlayerDeathReason damageSource)
     if (player.armor[0].type == ItemType <VitricHead>() && player.armor[1].type == ItemType <VitricChest>() && player.armor[2].type == ItemType <VitricLegs>())//Better way to do this?
         foreach (Projectile shard in Main.projectile.Where(proj => proj.active && proj.owner == player.whoAmI && proj.modProjectile != null && proj.modProjectile is VitricArmorProjectile))
             VitricArmorProjectile moddedproj = shard.modProjectile as VitricArmorProjectile;
             if (moddedproj.projectile.ai[0] < 1)
                 damage = (int)(damage * 0.750f);
        public override void ModifyDrawLayers(List <PlayerLayer> layers)
            void backTarget(PlayerDrawInfo s) => DrawShards(s, false);                                   //the Action<T> of our layer. This is the delegate which will actually do the drawing of the layer.

            PlayerLayer backLayer = new PlayerLayer("VitricLayer", "Vitric Armor Effect", backTarget);   //Instantiate a new instance of PlayerLayer to insert into the list

            layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers.First()), backLayer);                                    //Insert the layer at the appropriate index.

            void frontTarget(PlayerDrawInfo s) => DrawShards(s, true);                                   //the Action<T> of our layer. This is the delegate which will actually do the drawing of the layer.

            PlayerLayer frontLayer = new PlayerLayer("VitricLayer", "Vitric Armor Effect", frontTarget); //Instantiate a new instance of PlayerLayer to insert into the list

            layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers.Last()), frontLayer);                                    //Insert the layer at the appropriate index.

            void DrawShards(PlayerDrawInfo info, bool back)
                List <VitricArmorProjectile> allshards = new List <VitricArmorProjectile>();

                foreach (Projectile shard in Main.projectile.Where(proj => proj.active && proj.owner == player.whoAmI && proj.modProjectile != null && proj.modProjectile is VitricArmorProjectile))
                    VitricArmorProjectile moddedproj = shard.modProjectile as VitricArmorProjectile;

                allshards = allshards.OrderBy((x) => x.projectile.Center.Y).ToList();

                foreach (VitricArmorProjectile modshard in allshards)
                    double angle = Math.Sin(-modshard.projectile.localAI[1]);
                    if (angle > 0 && !back ||
                        angle <= 0 && back)