Exemplo n.º 1
        IslandInfo GetShapeIslandCount(Vector2 startPos, BoardLogic board)
            IslandInfo info = new IslandInfo();

            //NOTE: This is since shape can be blown apart we want to still be able to move a block on their
            //own island. So the count isn't the shapeCount but only a portion in this count. So we first search
            //how big the island is and match against that.

            bool[] boardArray = new bool[board.boardWidth * board.boardHeight];

            VisitedQueue sentinel = new VisitedQueue();

            sentinel.next = sentinel.prev = sentinel;

            addToQueryList(sentinel, startPos, boardArray, board);

            VisitedQueue queryAt = sentinel.next;

            Assert.IsTrue(queryAt != sentinel);
            while (queryAt != sentinel)
                Vector2 pos = queryAt.pos;

                Assert.IsTrue(info.count < info.poses.Length);
                info.poses[info.count++] = pos;

                addToQueryList(sentinel, new Vector2(1, 0) + pos, boardArray, board);
                addToQueryList(sentinel, new Vector2(-1, 0) + pos, boardArray, board);
                addToQueryList(sentinel, new Vector2(0, 1) + pos, boardArray, board);
                addToQueryList(sentinel, new Vector2(0, -1) + pos, boardArray, board);

                queryAt = queryAt.next;

            if (info.count > this.count)
                //printf("Count At; %d\n", info.count);
                //printf("Shape Count: %d\n", shape->count);
            Assert.IsTrue(info.count <= this.count);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void addToQueryList(VisitedQueue sentinel, Vector2 pos, bool[] boardArray, BoardLogic board)
            if ((int)pos.x >= 0 && (int)pos.x < board.boardWidth && (int)pos.y >= 0 && (int)pos.y < board.boardHeight)
                int  boardIndex = (((int)pos.y) * board.boardWidth) + (int)pos.x;
                bool visited    = boardArray[boardIndex];

                if (!visited && board.GetBoardState(pos) == BoardState.BOARD_SHAPE)
                    boardArray[boardIndex] = true;
                    VisitedQueue queue = new VisitedQueue();
                    queue.pos = pos;

                    //add to the search queue
                    Assert.IsTrue(sentinel.prev.next == sentinel);
                    queue.prev         = sentinel.prev;
                    queue.next         = sentinel;
                    sentinel.prev.next = queue;
                    sentinel.prev      = queue;