private Collection <ClassifierReport> IVA_Classify(VisionImage image, Roi roi, string classifierFilePath)
            // Create a binary image that will contain the segmented image.
            using (VisionImage binaryImage = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                ParticleClassifierSession vaClassifier = new ParticleClassifierSession(classifierFilePath);

                // Segments the image.
                Functions.IVA_Classification_Segmentation(image, binaryImage, roi, vaClassifier.PreprocessingOptions);

                // Get the ROIs of all individual particles.
                Collection <Roi> rois = Functions.IVA_Classification_Extract_Particles(image, binaryImage);

                //  Allocates the classifier reports for all objects in the image.
                Collection <ClassifierReport> classifierReports = new Collection <ClassifierReport>();

                List <VisGrainSize> listGrain = new List <VisGrainSize>();
                // Classifies the object located in the given ROIs.
                for (int i = 0; i < rois.Count; ++i)
                    //RectangleContour rect = binaryImage=new VisionImage()
                    object              obj1   = rois[i][0].Shape;
                    RectangleContour    rc     = (RectangleContour)rois[i][0].Shape;
                    VisRectangleContour rect   = new VisRectangleContour(rc);
                    ClassifierReport    report = vaClassifier.Classify(image, rois[i]);
                    VisGrainSize        grain  = new VisGrainSize {
                        Name = report.BestClassName, ScoreClassification = report.ClassificationScore, ScoreIdentification = report.IdentificationScore

                GrainResults       = new VisGrainSizeCollection();
                GrainResults.Items = listGrain;

        public PaletteType ProcessImage(VisionImage image)
            //vaParticleReportCalibrated = new ParticleMeasurementsReport();
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(15, 0);

            // Image Buffer: Push
            Functions.IVA_PushBuffer(ivaData, image, 0);

            // Operators: NOR Image
            Algorithms.Nor(image, Functions.IVA_GetBuffer(ivaData, 0), image);

            // Extract Color Plane
            using (VisionImage plane = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                // Extract the red color plane and copy it to the main image.
                Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(image, ColorMode.Rgb, plane, null, null);
                Algorithms.Copy(plane, image);

            // Thresholds an image into 2 classes by using local thresholding.
            LocalThresholdOptions vaLocalThresholdOptions = new LocalThresholdOptions();

            vaLocalThresholdOptions.DeviationWeight = 1;
            vaLocalThresholdOptions.Method          = LocalThresholdMethod.BackgroundCorrection;
            vaLocalThresholdOptions.ParticleType    = ParticleType.Dark;
            vaLocalThresholdOptions.ReplaceValue    = 1;
            vaLocalThresholdOptions.WindowHeight    = 35;
            vaLocalThresholdOptions.WindowWidth     = 35;
            Algorithms.LocalThreshold(image, image, vaLocalThresholdOptions);

            // Basic Morphology - Applies morphological transformations to binary images.
            int[] vaCoefficients            = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
            StructuringElement vaStructElem = new StructuringElement(3, 3, vaCoefficients);

            vaStructElem.Shape = StructuringElementShape.Square;
            // Applies morphological transformations
            Algorithms.Morphology(image, image, MorphologyMethod.GradientOut, vaStructElem);

            // Advanced Morphology: Fill Holes
            Algorithms.FillHoles(image, image, Connectivity.Connectivity8);

            // Advanced Morphology: Remove Objects
            int[] vaCoefficients2            = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
            StructuringElement vaStructElem2 = new StructuringElement(3, 3, vaCoefficients2);

            vaStructElem.Shape = StructuringElementShape.Hexagon;
            // Filters particles based on their size.
            Algorithms.RemoveParticle(image, image, 6, SizeToKeep.KeepLarge, Connectivity.Connectivity8, vaStructElem2);

            // Advanced Morphology: Remove Border Objects - Eliminates particles touching the border of the image.
            Algorithms.RejectBorder(image, image, Connectivity.Connectivity8);

            // Lookup Table: Equalize
            // Calculates the histogram of the image and redistributes pixel values
            // accross the desired range to maintain the same pixel value distribution.
            Range equalizeRange = new Range(0, 255);

            if (image.Type != ImageType.U8)
                equalizeRange.Maximum = 0;
            Algorithms.Equalize(image, image, null, equalizeRange, null);

            // Image Buffer: Push
            Functions.IVA_PushBuffer(ivaData, image, 1);

            // Particle Analysis - Computes the number of particles detected in a binary image and
            // returns the requested measurements about the particles.
            Collection <MeasurementType> vaPixelMeasurements      = new Collection <MeasurementType>(new MeasurementType[] { MeasurementType.BoundingRectLeft, MeasurementType.BoundingRectTop, MeasurementType.BoundingRectRight, MeasurementType.BoundingRectBottom, MeasurementType.MaxFeretDiameter });
            Collection <MeasurementType> vaCalibratedMeasurements = new Collection <MeasurementType>(new MeasurementType[] {});

            //IVA_Particle(image, Connectivity.Connectivity4, null, null, null, 10, out vaParticleReport, out vaParticleReportCalibrated);
            IVA_Particle(image, Connectivity.Connectivity4, vaPixelMeasurements, vaCalibratedMeasurements, ivaData, 10, out vaParticleReport, out vaParticleReportCalibrated);

            // Image Buffer: Pop
            Algorithms.Copy(Functions.IVA_GetBuffer(ivaData, 1), image);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

            // Classifies all the objects located in the given ROI.
            string vaClassifierFilePath = "C:\\DATA\\#hasilscan3\\Particle Classifier.clf";

            vaClassifierReports = IVA_Classify(image, roi, vaClassifierFilePath);
            VisGrainTypeCollection colType = new VisGrainTypeCollection(vaClassifierReports);


            // Image Buffer: Pop
            Algorithms.Copy(Functions.IVA_GetBuffer(ivaData, 1), image);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi2 = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            RectangleContour vaRect2 = new RectangleContour(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

            // Classifies all the objects located in the given ROI.
            string vaClassifierFilePath2 = "C:\\DATA\\#hasilscan3\\Ukuran Classifier.clf";

            vaClassifierReports2 = IVA_Classify(image, roi2, vaClassifierFilePath2);
            VisGrainSizeCollection colSize = new VisGrainSizeCollection(vaClassifierReports2);

            GrainResults = new VisGrainDataCollection(vaClassifierReports, vaClassifierReports2, ListShape);


            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.
        public PaletteType ProcessImage_OLD(VisionImage image)
            // Initialize the IVA_Data structure to pass results and coordinate systems.
            IVA_Data ivaData = new IVA_Data(7, 0);

            // Extract Color Plane
            using (VisionImage plane = new VisionImage(ImageType.U8, 7))
                // Extract the red color plane and copy it to the main image.
                Algorithms.ExtractColorPlanes(image, ColorMode.Rgb, plane, null, null);
                Algorithms.Copy(plane, image);

            // Filters: Convolution - Applies a linear filter to an image by convolving the image with a filtering kernel.
            double[] vaCoefficients = { 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 4, 8, 16, 8, 4, 2, 4, 8, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1 };
            Algorithms.Convolute(image, image, new Kernel(5, 5, vaCoefficients));

            // Filters: Convolution - Applies a linear filter to an image by convolving the image with a filtering kernel.
            double[] vaCoefficients2 = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 10, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
            Algorithms.Convolute(image, image, new Kernel(3, 3, vaCoefficients2));

            // Automatic Threshold
            Algorithms.AutoThreshold(image, image, 2, ThresholdMethod.Clustering);

            // Basic Morphology - Applies morphological transformations to binary images.
            int[] vaCoefficients3           = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
            StructuringElement vaStructElem = new StructuringElement(7, 7, vaCoefficients3);

            vaStructElem.Shape = StructuringElementShape.Hexagon;
            // Applies morphological transformations
            Algorithms.Morphology(image, image, MorphologyMethod.Open, vaStructElem);

            // Lookup Table: Equalize
            // Calculates the histogram of the image and redistributes pixel values
            // accross the desired range to maintain the same pixel value distribution.
            Range equalizeRange = new Range(0, 255);

            if (image.Type != ImageType.U8)
                equalizeRange.Maximum = 0;
            Algorithms.Equalize(image, image, null, equalizeRange, null);

            // Creates a new, empty region of interest.
            Roi roi = new Roi();
            // Creates a new RectangleContour using the given values.
            //RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(49, 33, 667, 163);
            RectangleContour vaRect = new RectangleContour(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

            // Classifies all the objects located in the given ROI.
            string vaClassifierFilePath = "C:\\DATA\\#hasilscan\\Particle Classifier.clf";

            vaClassifierReports = IVA_Classify(image, roi, vaClassifierFilePath);
            VisGrainTypeCollection colType = new VisGrainTypeCollection(vaClassifierReports);

            string vaClassifierFilePathSize = "C:\\DATA\\#hasilscan2\\Ukuran Classifier.clf";

            vaClassifierReports2 = IVA_ClassifySize(image, roi, vaClassifierFilePathSize);
            VisGrainSizeCollection colSize = new VisGrainSizeCollection(vaClassifierReports2);

            GrainResults = new VisGrainDataCollection(vaClassifierReports, vaClassifierReports2, ListShape);


            // Dispose the IVA_Data structure.

            // Return the palette type of the final image.