public ViewModelWindowWarnOnGISSelect(int numFeatures, int numIncids, ViewModelWindowMain.GeometryTypes typeFeatures, bool selectByjoin)
     // Store the expected number of features to be selected in GIS.
     _gisFeaturesNum = numFeatures;
     // CHANGED: CR12 (Select by attribute performance)
     // Store the expected number of incids to be selected in GIS.
     _gisIncidNum = numIncids;
     // If the type of feature is not known then just use 'feature'.
     if (typeFeatures != ViewModelWindowMain.GeometryTypes.Unknown)
         _gisFeaturesType = typeFeatures.ToString().ToLower();
         _gisFeaturesType = "feature";
     // Store if a GIS table join will be used to perform the selection.
     _selectByjoin = selectByjoin;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes history records to DB.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fixedValues">Dictionary of insert values that will be equal for all new rows.</param>
        /// <param name="newHistoryRecords">DataTable containing the new history rows to be inserted.</param>
        /// <param name="operation">One of the members of the Operations enum describing the operation 
        /// that created the new history records.</param>
        internal void HistoryWrite(Dictionary<int, string> fixedValues,
            DataTable newHistoryRecords, ViewModelWindowMain.Operations operation)
            if ((newHistoryRecords == null) || (newHistoryRecords.Rows.Count == 0)) return;

            bool startTransaction = _viewModelMain.DataBase.Transaction == null;

            if (startTransaction) _viewModelMain.DataBase.BeginTransaction(true, IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted);

                // create dictionary of insert values that will be equal for all new rows
                Dictionary<int, object> fixedValueDict = new Dictionary<int, object>();
                if (fixedValues != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> kv in fixedValues)
                        fixedValueDict.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value);
                if (!fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_user_idColumn.Ordinal))
                    fixedValueDict.Add(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_user_idColumn.Ordinal, _viewModelMain.UserID);
                if (!fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_dateColumn.Ordinal))
                // CHANGED: CR4 (Modified date)
                // Store the time with the date in the modified_date column to make the history more exact
                // and avoid separate updates with identical details (except the time) being merged together
                // when displayed by the tool.
                    // FIX: 028 Only update DateTime fields to whole seconds
                    // Fractions of a second can cause rounding differences when
                    // comparing DateTime fields later in some databases.
                    DateTime currDtTm = DateTime.Now;
                    DateTime nowDtTm = new DateTime(currDtTm.Year, currDtTm.Month, currDtTm.Day, currDtTm.Hour, currDtTm.Minute, currDtTm.Second, DateTimeKind.Local);
                    fixedValueDict.Add(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_dateColumn.Ordinal, nowDtTm);
                if (!fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_reasonColumn.Ordinal))
                    fixedValueDict.Add(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_reasonColumn.Ordinal, _viewModelMain.Reason);
                if (!fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_processColumn.Ordinal))
                    fixedValueDict.Add(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_processColumn.Ordinal, _viewModelMain.Process);
                if (!fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(_viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_operationColumn.Ordinal))
                    string operationCode = ViewModelWindowMainHelpers.GetOperationsCode(_viewModelMain.HluDataset, operation);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(operationCode))
                        throw new Exception(String.Format("Missing or indeterminate operation code for {0}.",

                // rename the generically named geom1 and geom2 fields according to layer type
                    _viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.modified_areaColumn.ColumnName, ref newHistoryRecords);

                // get an array of column ordinals in the new history table as they match columns
                // in DB history table and are not among the fixed values (fixedValueDic)
                // a new history column named "<columnName>" will match both DB history columns named
                // "<columnName>" *and* "modified_<columnName>" as long as there is no column named
                // "modified_<columnName>" in the new history table
                int[] newHistoryColumns = (from t in _viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                                           let gisCols = (from g in newHistoryRecords.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                                                          select g.ColumnName).ToArray()
                                           let gisColsMod = (from g in newHistoryRecords.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                                                             select !gisCols.Contains("modified_" + g.ColumnName) ?
                                                             "modified_" + g.ColumnName : String.Empty).ToArray()
                                           select new
                                               gisPos = !fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(t.Ordinal) ?
                                                        Array.IndexOf(gisCols, t.ColumnName) : -1,
                                               gisModPos = !fixedValueDict.ContainsKey(t.Ordinal) ?
                                                        Array.IndexOf(gisColsMod, t.ColumnName) : -1
                                           .Select(a => a.gisPos != -1 ? a.gisPos : a.gisModPos).ToArray();

                // get the next available history_id
                object objHistId = _viewModelMain.DataBase.ExecuteScalar(String.Format("SELECT MAX({0}) + 1 FROM {1}",
                    _viewModelMain.DataBase.Connection.ConnectionTimeout, CommandType.Text);
                int historyId = objHistId != DBNull.Value && objHistId != null ? (int)objHistId : 1;

                // append new history rows to a history table
                HluDataSet.historyDataTable historyTable = new HluDataSet.historyDataTable();
                foreach (DataRow r in newHistoryRecords.Rows)
                    HluDataSet.historyRow newRow = historyTable.NewhistoryRow();
                    for (int i = 0; i < historyTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                        if (i == _viewModelMain.HluDataset.history.history_idColumn.Ordinal)
                            newRow[i] = historyId++;
                        else if (newHistoryColumns[i] != -1)
                            if (!r.IsNull(newHistoryColumns[i]))
                                newRow[i] = r[newHistoryColumns[i]];
                            object val;
                            if (fixedValueDict.TryGetValue(i, out val))
                                newRow[i] = val;

                // insert new rows
                if (_viewModelMain.HluTableAdapterManager.historyTableAdapter.Update(historyTable) == -1)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to update history table.");

                if (startTransaction) _viewModelMain.DataBase.CommitTransaction();
                if (startTransaction) _viewModelMain.DataBase.RollbackTransaction();