public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
                var        row = convertView;
                ViewHolder holder;

                // Check if a view can be reused, otherwise inflate a layout and set up the view holder
                if (row == null)
                    // Inflate view from layout file
                    row = LayoutInflater.From(Context).Inflate(Resource.Layout.lite_list_demo_row, null);

                    // Set up holder and assign it to the View
                    holder         = new ViewHolder();
                    holder.Context = Context;
                    holder.MapView = row.FindViewById <MapView> (Resource.Id.lite_listrow_map);
                    holder.Title   = row.FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.lite_listrow_text);
                    // Set holder as tag for row for more efficient access.
                    row.Tag = holder;

                    // Initialise the MapView

                    // Keep track of MapView
                    // View has already been initialised, get its holder
                    holder = (ViewHolder)row.Tag;

                // Get the NamedLocation for this item and attach it to the MapView
                NamedLocation item = GetItem(position);

                holder.MapView.Tag = item;

                // Ensure the map has been initialised by the on map ready callback in ViewHolder.
                // If it is not ready yet, it will be initialised with the NamedLocation set as its tag
                // when the callback is received.
                if (holder.Map != null)
                    // The map is already ready to be used
                    setMapLocation(holder.Map, item);

                // Set the text label for this item
                holder.Title.Text = item.Name;
