Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle all the key events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The key event.</param>
        /// <param name="dispatcherTimer">The timer.</param>
        public void KeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
                #region EscapeKey

                // The pressed key is the Esc key.
                if (e.Key == Key.Escape)
                    // Pause the game and send message.
                    gameIsPaused = true;

                    if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to quit?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                        gameInSession = false;
                        viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenMenu;

                #endregion EscapeKey

                #region OptionBindedKeys

                // The pressed key is one of the binded keys.
                else if (SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().FireButton || SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().PauseButton || SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().LeftMove ||
                    SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().RightMove)
                    #region MovementKeys

                    // The pressed key is one of the movement keys, the keyboard is controller item and the game is not paused.
                    if ((SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().LeftMove || SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().RightMove) && GetOption().IsKeyboardEnabled && !gameIsPaused)
                        #region LeftMovement

                        // The pressed key is the left movement key.
                        if (SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().LeftMove)
                            // There is at least one racket.
                            if (racketList.Count > 0)
                                // Check each racket.
                                foreach (var oneRacket in racketList)
                                    // The racket is not deleted.
                                    if (!oneRacket.IsDeleted)
                                        // Move the racket left.
                                        oneRacket.Direction = Racket.Directions.Left;
                                        oneRacket.KeyMove(racketSpeed, canvasWidth);

                                        // There is at least one ball.
                                        if (ballList.Count > 0)
                                            // Check each ball.
                                            foreach (var oneBall in ballList)
                                                // The ball is not deleted.
                                                if (!oneBall.IsDeleted)
                                                    // The ball is on the racket.
                                                    if (!oneBall.BallInMove)
                                                        // Move the ball with the racket left if ball is not moving.
                                                        oneBall.KeyMove(canvasWidth, oneRacket);

                        #endregion LeftMovement

                        #region RightMovement

                        // The pressed key is the right movement key.
                        else if (SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().RightMove)
                            // There is at least one racket.
                            if (racketList.Count > 0)
                                // Check each racket.
                                foreach (var oneRacket in racketList)
                                    // The racket is not deleted.
                                    if (!oneRacket.IsDeleted)
                                        // Move the racket right.
                                        oneRacket.Direction = Racket.Directions.Right;
                                        oneRacket.KeyMove(racketSpeed, canvasWidth);

                                        // There is at least one ball.
                                        if (ballList.Count > 0)
                                            // Check each ball.
                                            foreach (var oneBall in ballList)
                                                // The ball is not deleted.
                                                if (!oneBall.IsDeleted)
                                                    // The ball is on the racket.
                                                    if (!oneBall.BallInMove)
                                                        // Move the ball with the racket right if ball is not moving.
                                                        oneBall.KeyMove(canvasWidth, oneRacket);

                        #endregion RightMovement

                    #endregion MovementKeys

                    #region FireKey

                    // The pressed key is the fire key.
                    else if (SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().FireButton)
                        // The keyboard is a controller item and the game didn't begin yet.
                        if (GetOption().IsKeyboardEnabled && !gameInSession)
                            // The game didn't start yet.
                            if (!gameInSession)
                                // Start the game.
                                gameInSession = true;

                            // There is at least one ball.
                            if (ballList.Count > 0)
                                bool oneGo = false;
                                int iteratorCounter = 0;

                                // Move the first ball.
                                while (!oneGo && iteratorCounter < ballList.Count)
                                    // Start a ball.
                                    if (!ballList[iteratorCounter].BallInMove)
                                        ballList[iteratorCounter].BallInMove = true;
                                        oneGo = true;


                    #endregion FireKey

                    #region PauseKey

                    // The pressed key is the pause key.
                    else if (SpecKeys(e.Key) == GetOption().PauseButton)
                        // The game is not paused and the game has started.
                        if (!gameIsPaused && gameInSession)
                            // Pause the game.
                            gameIsPaused = true;
                        // The game is paused and the game has started.
                        else if (gameIsPaused && gameInSession)
                            // Continue the game.
                            gameIsPaused = false;

                    #endregion PauseKey

                #endregion OptionBindedKeys
            catch (Exception error)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the end of the game.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="status">The status.</param>
        private void GameOver(string status)
                #region Fail

                // The game ended in failure.
                if (status == "fail")
                    MessageBox.Show("You've failed.", "Game Over");

                    gameIsOver = false;
                    gameOverStatus = null;

                    viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenHighscores;

                #endregion Fail

                #region Success

                // The game ended in success.
                else if (status == "success")
                    gameIsOver = false;
                    gameOverStatus = null;

                    #region NotLastMap

                    if (GetOption().MapNumber < mapMaxNumber)
                        #region Continue

                        // The map has been cleared and the player chose to continue.
                        if (MessageBox.Show("You've succeeded. \n Would you like to continue.", "Game Over", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                            // Increment the map's number.
                            optionsViewModel.OptionModel.MapNumber += 1;
                            viewAction = ViewActionStatus.NewMap;

                        #endregion Constinue

                        #region Exit

                        // The map has been cleared and the player chose to exit.
                            viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenHighscores;

                        #endregion Exit

                    #endregion NotLastMap

                    #region LastMap

                    // This was the last map.
                        MessageBox.Show("You've succeeded.", "Game Over");
                        viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenHighscores;

                    #endregion LastMap

                #endregion Success
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Presets the values.
        /// </summary>
        private void PresetValues1()
                #region PresetValues

                // Set the values for the functionality fileds.
                viewAction = ViewActionStatus.DoNothing;
                playerLife = 3;
                playerScorePoint = 0;
                gameInSession = false;
                gameIsPaused = false;
                gameIsOver = false;
                gameOverStatus = "";
                currentMapPath = "notfound";
                bonusSpeed = 1;
                mapMaxNumber = 5;
                ballHorizontalMovement = 5;
                ballVerticalMovement = 5;
                racketSpeed = 20;
                ballSpeed = 1;
                speedScale = 1;
                brickWidth = 27.7;
                brickHeight = 8;
                racketWidth = 80;
                racketHeight = 8;
                bonusWidth = 24;
                bonusHeight = 24;
                ballRadius = 5;
                ballMinRadius = 3;
                ballMaxRadius = 15;
                ballExaminationProximity = 4;
                horizontalScaleNumber = 1;
                verticalScaleNumber = 1;
                racketMaxSize = 160;
                racketMinSize = 40;
                racketDifference = 16;
                mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
                rnd = new Random();

                // Initialize the lists.
                ballList = new ObservableCollection<Ball>();
                brickList = new ObservableCollection<Brick>();
                racketList = new ObservableCollection<Racket>();
                bonusList = new ObservableCollection<Bonus>();

                #endregion PresetValues

                #region SetScaling

                // Set the dimensions scaling based on the resolution.
                switch (GetOption().Resolution)
                    case "580x420":
                        horizontalScaleNumber = 0.9;
                        verticalScaleNumber = 0.9;
                    case "640x480":
                        horizontalScaleNumber = 1;
                        verticalScaleNumber = 1;
                    case "800x600":
                        horizontalScaleNumber = 1.25;
                        verticalScaleNumber = 1.25;

                // Set the speed scaling based on the difficulty.
                switch (GetOption().Difficulty)
                    case 1:
                        speedScale = 0.9;
                    case 2:
                        speedScale = 1;
                    case 3:
                        speedScale = 1.2;

                // Set the scaling.
                bonusWidth *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                bonusHeight *= verticalScaleNumber;
                racketWidth *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                racketHeight *= verticalScaleNumber;
                brickWidth *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                brickHeight *= verticalScaleNumber;
                ballHorizontalMovement *= speedScale;
                ballVerticalMovement *= speedScale;
                ballRadius *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                ballMinRadius *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                ballMaxRadius *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                bonusSpeed *= speedScale;
                ballSpeed *= speedScale;
                racketSpeed *= speedScale;
                ballExaminationProximity *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                racketMaxSize *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                racketMinSize *= horizontalScaleNumber;
                racketDifference *= horizontalScaleNumber;

                #endregion SetScaling
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the values for the map.
        /// </summary>
        public void WindowLoaded()
                // Set the values for the current map.

                // If the map wasn't found then close the window.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentMapPath) && currentMapPath == "notfound")
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find the map file.", "Error");

                    viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenMenu;
                // The current map path is empty, this should be impossible.
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentMapPath))
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find the options xml file.", "Error");

                    viewAction = ViewActionStatus.OpenMenu;
            catch (Exception e)