Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            double latMin = 0 + (ScaleY * (Height - PixelCenterY));
            double latMax = 0 - (ScaleY * PixelCenterY);
            double lngMin = 0 + (ScaleX * PixelCenterX);
            double lngMax = 0 - (ScaleX * (Width - PixelCenterX));

            Vector3d TopLeft     = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMin);
            Vector3d BottomRight = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMax);
            Vector3d TopRight    = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMax);
            Vector3d BottomLeft  = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMin);

            // Create a vertex buffer
            PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

            verts[0].Position = TopLeft;
            verts[0].Normal   = TopLeft;
            verts[0].Tu       = 0;
            verts[0].Tv       = 0;
            verts[1].Position = TopRight;
            verts[1].Normal   = TopRight;
            verts[1].Tu       = 1;
            verts[1].Tv       = 0;
            verts[2].Position = BottomRight;
            verts[2].Normal   = BottomRight;
            verts[2].Tu       = 1;
            verts[2].Tv       = 1;
            verts[3].Position = BottomLeft;
            verts[3].Normal   = BottomLeft;
            verts[3].Tu       = 0;
            verts[3].Tv       = 1;

            short[] indexArray = (short[])indexBuffer.Lock();
            indexArray[0] = 3;
            indexArray[1] = 1;
            indexArray[2] = 0;
            indexArray[3] = 1;
            indexArray[4] = 3;
            indexArray[5] = 2;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

                double lat, lng;

                var index = 0;
                var tileDegrees = 360 / (Math.Pow(2, level));

                latMin = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(y * 256, level);
                latMax = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom((y + 1) * 256, level);
                lngMin = ((x * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                lngMax = (((x + 1) * tileDegrees) - 180.0);

                var latCenter = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y * 2) + 1) * 256, level + 1);
                var lngCenter = (lngMin / lngMax) / 2;

                demIndex = 0;

                tileDegrees = lngMax - lngMin;

                // Create a vertex buffer
                var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                var dGrid = (tileDegrees / SubDivisions);
                int x1, y1;
                double textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;

                var latDegrees = latMax - latCenter;

                demIndex = 0;
                for (y1 = 0; y1 < SubDivisions / 2; y1++)

                    if (y1 != SubDivisions / 2)
                        //lat = latMax - (2 * textureStep * latDegrees * (double)y1);
                        lat = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y + 1) * 256) - y1 * 8, level);
                        lat = latCenter;

                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        if (x1 != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegrees * x1);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(x1 * textureStep) + .002f;
                        verts[index].Lat = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng = lng;
                        // For top levels the geometry is vastly out of scale for v so we adjust with real Lat calculation, otherwise
                        // simple linear interpolation will do

                         verts[index].Tv = (float)((AbsoluteLatToMetersAtZoom(lat, level) - (y * 256)) / 256f) + .002f;

                        sb.Append(verts[index].Tv + ", " + verts[index].Tu + "\n");

                latDegrees = latMin - latCenter;

                for (y1 = SubDivisions / 2; y1 <= SubDivisions; y1++)

                    if (y1 != SubDivisions)
                        //lat = latCenter + (2 * textureStep * latDegrees * (double)(y1 - (SubDivisions / 2)));
                        lat = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y + 1) * 256) - y1 * 8, level);
                        lat = latMin;

                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        if (x1 != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegrees * x1);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(x1 * textureStep) + .002f;
                        verts[index].Lat = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng = lng;
                        // For top levels the geometry is vastly out of scale for v so we adjust with real Lat calculation, otherwise
                        // simple linear interpolation will do

                        verts[index].Tv = (float)((AbsoluteLatToMetersAtZoom(lat, level) - (y * 256)) / 256f) + .002f;

                        sb.Append(verts[index].Tv + ", " + verts[index].Tu  + "\n");


                if (Y == 0)
                    // Send the tops to the pole to fill in the Bing Hole
                    y1 = SubDivisions;
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);

                if (Y == Math.Pow(2, level)-1)
                    // Send the tops to the pole to fill in the Bing Hole
                    y1 = 0;
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);

                #region createIndex
                TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;
                //bool flipFlop = false;
                //int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                //int part = 0;
                //for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                //    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                //    {
                //        short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[part].Lock(0, LockFlags.None);
                //        index = 0;
                //        for (y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                //        {
                //            for (x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                //            {
                //                if (flipFlop)
                //                {
                //                    //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                //                    // First triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                //                    // Second triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    index += 6;
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                //                    // First triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                //                    // Second triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 ));
                //                    indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    index += 6;
                //                }
                //                flipFlop = !flipFlop;
                //            }
                //            flipFlop = !flipFlop;

                //        }
                //        this.indexBuffer[part].Unlock();
                //        part++;
                //    }

                var data = sb.ToString();
              //  LoadMeshFile();
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            indexBuffer[0] = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), subDivisionsX * subDivisionsY * 6, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);

            double lat, lng;

            int index = 0;
            //            double tileDegrees = 360;

            double latMin = 90;
            double latMax = -90;
            double lngMin = -180;
            double lngMax = 180;

            // Create a vertex buffer
            PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
            int x1, y1;

            double latDegrees = latMax - latMin;
            double lngDegrees = lngMax - lngMin;

            double textureStepX = 1.0f / subDivisionsX;
            double textureStepY = 1.0f / subDivisionsY;
            for (y1 = 0; y1 <= subDivisionsY; y1++)

                if (y1 != subDivisionsY)
                    lat = latMax - (textureStepY * latDegrees * (double)y1);
                    lat = latMin;

                for (x1 = 0; x1 <= subDivisionsX; x1++)
                    if (x1 != subDivisionsX)
                        lng = lngMin + (textureStepX * lngDegrees * (double)x1);
                        lng = lngMax;
                    index = y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1;
                    verts[index].Position = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);// Add Altitude mapping here
                    verts[index].Normal = verts[index].Position;
                    if (domeMaster)
                        double dist = (90-lat) / 180;
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(.5 +Math.Sin((lng+180)/180*Math.PI)*dist);
                        verts[index].Tv = (float)(.5 + Math.Cos((lng+180) / 180 * Math.PI) * dist);
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(x1 * textureStepX);
                        verts[index].Tv = (float)(1f - (y1 * textureStepY));
            TriangleCount = (subDivisionsX) * (subDivisionsY) * 2;
            short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[0].Lock();

            for (y1 = 0; y1 < subDivisionsY; y1++)
                if (!(domeMaster && y1 < subDivisionsY / 2))
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < subDivisionsX; x1++)
                        index = (y1 * subDivisionsX * 6) + 6 * x1;
                        // First triangle in quad
                        indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                        // Second triangle in quad
                        indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                        indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                indexBuffer[i] = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), ((SubDivisions / 2) * (SubDivisions / 2) * 6), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
                if (!topDown)

                int index;
                var tileDegrees = dataset.BaseTileDegrees / (Math.Pow(2, level));

                var latMin = (90 - (this.y * tileDegrees));
                var latMax = (90 - ((this.y + 1) * tileDegrees));
                var lngMin = ((this.x * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                var lngMax = (((this.x + 1) * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                var tileDegreesX = lngMax - lngMin;
                var tileDegreesY = latMax - latMin;

                //bugbug altitude broken
                TopLeft = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMin, lngMin, false);
                BottomRight = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMax, lngMax, false);
                TopRight = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMin, lngMax, false);
                BottomLeft = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMax, lngMin, false);

                // Create a vertex buffer
                var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                int x, y;

                var textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;
                for (y = 0; y <= SubDivisions; y++)
                    double lat;
                    if (y != SubDivisions)
                        lat = latMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesY * y);
                        lat = latMax;
                    for (x = 0; x <= SubDivisions; x++)
                        double lng;
                        if (x != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesX * x);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y * (SubDivisions + 1) + x;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu = x * textureStep;
                        verts[index].Tv = y * textureStep;
                        verts[index].Lat = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng = lng;

                TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;

                var quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                var part = 0;
                for (var y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                    for (var x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                        var indexArray = (short[])indexBuffer[part].Lock();
                        index = 0;
                        for (var y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                            for (var x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                                //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                                // First triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 1] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 2] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                                // Second triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                index += 6;
        public void OnCreateVertexBufferBottomsUp(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            double lat, lng;

            var index = 0;
            var tileDegrees = dataset.BaseTileDegrees / (Math.Pow(2, level));

            var latMin = (-90 + ((this.y + 1) * tileDegrees));
            var latMax = (-90 + (this.y * tileDegrees));
            var lngMin = ((this.x * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
            var lngMax = (((this.x + 1) * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
            var tileDegreesX = lngMax - lngMin;
            var tileDegreesY = latMax - latMin;

            // Create a vertex buffer
            var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
            int x, y;

            var textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;
            for (y = 0; y <= SubDivisions; y++)
                if (y != SubDivisions)
                    lat = latMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesY * y);
                    lat = latMax;
                for (x = 0; x <= SubDivisions; x++)

                    if (x != SubDivisions)
                        lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesX * x);
                        lng = lngMax;
                    index = y * (SubDivisions + 1) + x;
                    verts[index].Position = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                    verts[index].Normal = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);
                    verts[index].Tu = x * textureStep;
                    verts[index].Tv = y * textureStep;
                    verts[index].Lat = lat;
                    verts[index].Lng = lng;

            TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;

            var quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
            var part = 0;
            for (var y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                for (var x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                    var indexArray = (short[])indexBuffer[part].Lock();
                    index = 0;
                    for (var y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                        for (var x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                            //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                            // First triangle in quad
                            indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 1] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 2] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                            // Second triangle in quad
                            indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                            indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                            index += 6;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            var dem = DemEnabled;

            if (!subDivided)
                if (vertexList == null)

                for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    var count = subDivisionLevel;
                    while (count-- > 1)
                        var newList = BufferPool11.GetTriagleList();
                        foreach (var tri in childTriangleList[i])
                            tri.SubDivide(newList, vertexList);
                        childTriangleList[i] = newList;
                subDivided = true;

            //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            //    indexBuffer[i] = BufferPool11.GetShortIndexBuffer(childTriangleList[i].Count * 3);
            var indexCount = childTriangleList[0].Count * 3;

            demIndex = 0;

                // Create a vertex buffer
                var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

                var index = 0;
                if (dem && level > 1)
                    demArray = new double[17 * 17];
                    if (backslash)
                        if (backslashYIndex == null)
                            tempBackslashYIndex = new byte[demSize];
                            tempBackslashXIndex = new byte[demSize];
                        if (slashYIndex == null)
                            tempSlashYIndex = new byte[demSize];
                            tempSlashXIndex = new byte[demSize];

                foreach (var vert in vertexList)
                    if (dem)
                        // todo map this with backslash as well
                        verts[index++] = GetMappedVertex(vert);
                        verts[index++] = vert.PositionNormalTextured(localCenter, backslash );

                TriangleCount = childTriangleList[0].Count*4;

                var quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                var part = 0;
                foreach (var triList in childTriangleList)
                    if (GetIndexBuffer(part, 0) == null)
                        var indexArray = new short[indexCount];
                        var indexer = 0;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("start Index dump:" + part.ToString() + ";" + (backslash ? "Backslash" : "Slash"));
                        foreach (var tri in triList)
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.A;
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.B;
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.C;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End Index dump");
                        ProcessIndexBuffer(indexArray, part);

                if (backslash)
                    if (tempBackslashXIndex != null)
                        backslashXIndex = tempBackslashXIndex;
                        backslashYIndex = tempBackslashYIndex;
                        tempBackslashXIndex = null;
                        tempBackslashYIndex = null;
                    if (tempSlashYIndex != null)
                        slashXIndex = tempSlashXIndex;
                        slashYIndex = tempSlashYIndex;
                        tempSlashYIndex = null;
                        tempSlashXIndex = null;



Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                indexBuffer[i] = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), ((SubDivisions / 2) * (SubDivisions / 2) * 6), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
                if (!topDown)
                double lat, lng;

                int    index       = 0;
                double tileDegrees = this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / (Math.Pow(2, this.level));

                double latMin       = (90 - (((double)this.y) * tileDegrees));
                double latMax       = (90 - (((double)(this.y + 1)) * tileDegrees));
                double lngMin       = (((double)this.x * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                double lngMax       = ((((double)(this.x + 1)) * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                double tileDegreesX = lngMax - lngMin;
                double tileDegreesY = latMax - latMin;

                //bugbug altitude broken
                TopLeft     = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMin, lngMin, false);
                BottomRight = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMax, lngMax, false);
                TopRight    = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMin, lngMax, false);
                BottomLeft  = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(latMax, lngMin, false);

                // Create a vertex buffer
                PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                int x, y;

                float textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;
                for (y = 0; y <= SubDivisions; y++)
                    if (y != SubDivisions)
                        lat = latMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesY * y);
                        lat = latMax;
                    for (x = 0; x <= SubDivisions; x++)
                        if (x != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesX * x);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y * (SubDivisions + 1) + x;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal   = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu       = x * textureStep;
                        verts[index].Tv       = y * textureStep;
                        verts[index].Lat      = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng      = lng;
                TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;

                int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                int part          = 0;
                for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                        short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[part].Lock();
                        index = 0;
                        for (int y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                            for (int x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                                //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                                // First triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index]     = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 1] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 2] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                                // Second triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                index += 6;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            var latMin = 0 + (ScaleY * (Height - PixelCenterY));
            var latMax = 0 - (ScaleY * PixelCenterY);
            var lngMin = 0 + (ScaleX * PixelCenterX);
            var lngMax = 0 - (ScaleX * (Width - PixelCenterX));

            var TopLeft = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMin);
            var BottomRight = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMax);
            var TopRight = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMax);
            var BottomLeft = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMin);

            // Create a vertex buffer
            var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

            verts[0].Position = TopLeft;
            verts[0].Normal = TopLeft;
            verts[0].Tu = 0;
            verts[0].Tv = 0;
            verts[1].Position = TopRight;
            verts[1].Normal = TopRight;
            verts[1].Tu = 1;
            verts[1].Tv = 0;
            verts[2].Position = BottomRight;
            verts[2].Normal = BottomRight;
            verts[2].Tu = 1;
            verts[2].Tv = 1;
            verts[3].Position = BottomLeft;
            verts[3].Normal = BottomLeft;
            verts[3].Tu = 0;
            verts[3].Tv = 1;

            var indexArray = (short[])indexBuffer.Lock();
            indexArray[0] = 3;
            indexArray[1] = 1;
            indexArray[2] = 0;
            indexArray[3] = 1;
            indexArray[4] = 3;
            indexArray[5] = 2;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                indexBuffer[i] = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), ((SubDivisions / 2) * (SubDivisions / 2) * 6), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
                if (!topDown)
                double lat, lng;

                int index = 0;
                float tileDegrees = (float)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / ((float)Math.Pow(2, this.level));

                float latMin = (float)(((double)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / 2.0 - (((double)this.y) * tileDegrees)) + this.dataset.OffsetY);
                float latMax = (float)(((double)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / 2.0 - (((double)(this.y + 1)) * tileDegrees)) + this.dataset.OffsetY);
                float lngMin = (float)((((double)this.x * tileDegrees) - (float)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / dataset.WidthFactor) + this.dataset.OffsetX);
                float lngMax = (float)(((((double)(this.x + 1)) * tileDegrees) - (float)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / dataset.WidthFactor) + this.dataset.OffsetX);
                float tileDegreesX = lngMax - lngMin;
                float tileDegreesY = latMax - latMin;

                TopLeft = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMin, false);
                BottomRight = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMax, false);
                TopRight = GeoTo3d(latMin, lngMax, false);
                BottomLeft = GeoTo3d(latMax, lngMin, false);

                // Create a vertex buffer
                PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                int x, y;

                float textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;
                for (y = 0; y <= SubDivisions; y++)
                    if (y != SubDivisions)
                        lat = latMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesY * y);
                        lat = latMax;
                    for (x = 0; x <= SubDivisions; x++)

                        if (x != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesX * x);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y * (SubDivisions + 1) + x;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, true);
                        verts[index].Normal = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu = x * textureStep +.002f;
                        verts[index].Tv = y * textureStep +.002f;


                TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;

                int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                int part = 0;
                for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                        short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[part].Lock();
                        index = 0;
                        for (int y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                            for (int x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                                //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                                // First triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                                // Second triangle in quad
                                indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                                indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                                index += 6;
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                double lat, lng;

                int    index       = 0;
                double tileDegrees = 360 / (Math.Pow(2, this.level));

                latMin = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(y * 256, level);
                latMax = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom((y + 1) * 256, level);
                lngMin = (((double)this.x * tileDegrees) - 180.0);
                lngMax = ((((double)(this.x + 1)) * tileDegrees) - 180.0);

                double latCenter = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y * 2) + 1) * 256, level + 1);
                double lngCenter = (lngMin / lngMax) / 2;

                demIndex = 0;

                tileDegrees = lngMax - lngMin;

                // Create a vertex buffer
                PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                double dGrid = (tileDegrees / SubDivisions);
                int    x1, y1;
                double textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;

                double latDegrees = latMax - latCenter;

                demIndex = 0;
                for (y1 = 0; y1 < SubDivisions / 2; y1++)
                    if (y1 != SubDivisions / 2)
                        //lat = latMax - (2 * textureStep * latDegrees * (double)y1);
                        lat = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y + 1) * 256) - y1 * 8, level);
                        lat = latCenter;

                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        if (x1 != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegrees * (double)x1);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal   = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu       = (float)(x1 * textureStep) + .002f;
                        verts[index].Lat      = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng      = lng;
                        // For top levels the geometry is vastly out of scale for v so we adjust with real Lat calculation, otherwise
                        // simple linear interpolation will do

                        verts[index].Tv = (float)((AbsoluteLatToMetersAtZoom(lat, level) - (y * 256)) / 256f) + .002f;

                        sb.Append(verts[index].Tv.ToString() + ", " + verts[index].Tu.ToString() + "\n");
                latDegrees = latMin - latCenter;

                for (y1 = SubDivisions / 2; y1 <= SubDivisions; y1++)
                    if (y1 != SubDivisions)
                        //lat = latCenter + (2 * textureStep * latDegrees * (double)(y1 - (SubDivisions / 2)));
                        lat = AbsoluteMetersToLatAtZoom(((y + 1) * 256) - y1 * 8, level);
                        lat = latMin;

                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        if (x1 != SubDivisions)
                            lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegrees * (double)x1);
                            lng = lngMax;
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal   = GeoTo3dWithAltitude(lat, lng, false);
                        verts[index].Tu       = (float)(x1 * textureStep) + .002f;
                        verts[index].Lat      = lat;
                        verts[index].Lng      = lng;
                        // For top levels the geometry is vastly out of scale for v so we adjust with real Lat calculation, otherwise
                        // simple linear interpolation will do

                        verts[index].Tv = (float)((AbsoluteLatToMetersAtZoom(lat, level) - (y * 256)) / 256f) + .002f;

                        sb.Append(verts[index].Tv.ToString() + ", " + verts[index].Tu.ToString() + "\n");


                if (Y == 0)
                    // Send the tops to the pole to fill in the Bing Hole
                    y1 = SubDivisions;
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal   = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);

                if (Y == Math.Pow(2, level) - 1)
                    // Send the tops to the pole to fill in the Bing Hole
                    y1 = 0;
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 <= SubDivisions; x1++)
                        index = y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1;
                        verts[index].Position = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);// Add Altitude mapping here
                        verts[index].Normal   = new Vector3d(0, -1, 0);

                #region createIndex
                TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;
                //bool flipFlop = false;
                //int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                //int part = 0;
                //for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                //    for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                //    {
                //        short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[part].Lock(0, LockFlags.None);
                //        index = 0;
                //        for (y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                //        {
                //            for (x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                //            {
                //                if (flipFlop)
                //                {
                //                    //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                //                    // First triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                //                    // Second triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    index += 6;
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                //                    // First triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                //                    // Second triangle in quad
                //                    indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 ));
                //                    indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                //                    indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                //                    index += 6;
                //                }
                //                flipFlop = !flipFlop;
                //            }
                //            flipFlop = !flipFlop;

                //        }
                //        this.indexBuffer[part].Unlock();
                //        part++;
                //    }

                string data = sb.ToString();
                //  LoadMeshFile();
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            bool dem = DemEnabled;

            if (!subDivided)
                if (vertexList == null)

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    int count = subDivisionLevel;
                    while (count-- > 1)
                        List <Triangle> newList = BufferPool11.GetTriagleList();
                        foreach (Triangle tri in childTriangleList[i])
                            tri.SubDivide(newList, vertexList);
                        childTriangleList[i] = newList;
                subDivided = true;

            //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            //    indexBuffer[i] = BufferPool11.GetShortIndexBuffer(childTriangleList[i].Count * 3);
            int indexCount = childTriangleList[0].Count * 3;

            demIndex = 0;
                // Create a vertex buffer
                PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

                int index = 0;
                if (dem && level > 1)
                    demArray = new double[17 * 17];
                    if (backslash)
                        if (backslashYIndex == null)
                            tempBackslashYIndex = new byte[demSize];
                            tempBackslashXIndex = new byte[demSize];
                        if (slashYIndex == null)
                            tempSlashYIndex = new byte[demSize];
                            tempSlashXIndex = new byte[demSize];

                foreach (PositionTexture vert in vertexList)
                    if (dem)
                        // todo map this with backslash as well
                        verts[index++] = GetMappedVertex(vert);
                        verts[index++] = vert.PositionNormalTextured(localCenter, backslash);

                TriangleCount = childTriangleList[0].Count * 4;

                int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
                int part             = 0;
                foreach (List <Triangle> triList in childTriangleList)
                    if (GetIndexBuffer(part, 0) == null)
                        short[] indexArray = new short[indexCount];
                        int     indexer    = 0;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("start Index dump:" + part.ToString() + ";" + (backslash ? "Backslash" : "Slash"));
                        foreach (Triangle tri in triList)
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.A;
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.B;
                            indexArray[indexer++] = (short)tri.C;
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End Index dump");
                        ProcessIndexBuffer(indexArray, part);

                if (backslash)
                    if (tempBackslashXIndex != null)
                        backslashXIndex     = tempBackslashXIndex;
                        backslashYIndex     = tempBackslashYIndex;
                        tempBackslashXIndex = null;
                        tempBackslashYIndex = null;
                    if (tempSlashYIndex != null)
                        slashXIndex     = tempSlashXIndex;
                        slashYIndex     = tempSlashYIndex;
                        tempSlashYIndex = null;
                        tempSlashXIndex = null;

Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void OnCreateVertexBuffer(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            indexBuffer[0] = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), subDivisionsX * subDivisionsY * 6, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);

            double lat, lng;

            int index = 0;
            //            double tileDegrees = 360;

            double latMin = 90;
            double latMax = -90;
            double lngMin = -180;
            double lngMax = 180;

            // Create a vertex buffer
            PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
            int x1, y1;

            double latDegrees = latMax - latMin;
            double lngDegrees = lngMax - lngMin;

            double textureStepX = 1.0f / subDivisionsX;
            double textureStepY = 1.0f / subDivisionsY;

            for (y1 = 0; y1 <= subDivisionsY; y1++)
                if (y1 != subDivisionsY)
                    lat = latMax - (textureStepY * latDegrees * (double)y1);
                    lat = latMin;

                for (x1 = 0; x1 <= subDivisionsX; x1++)
                    if (x1 != subDivisionsX)
                        lng = lngMin + (textureStepX * lngDegrees * (double)x1);
                        lng = lngMax;
                    index = y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1;
                    verts[index].Position = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);// Add Altitude mapping here
                    verts[index].Normal   = verts[index].Position;
                    if (domeMaster)
                        double dist = (90 - lat) / 180;
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(.5 + Math.Sin((lng + 180) / 180 * Math.PI) * dist);
                        verts[index].Tv = (float)(.5 + Math.Cos((lng + 180) / 180 * Math.PI) * dist);
                        verts[index].Tu = (float)(x1 * textureStepX);
                        verts[index].Tv = (float)(1f - (y1 * textureStepY));
            TriangleCount = (subDivisionsX) * (subDivisionsY) * 2;
            short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[0].Lock();

            for (y1 = 0; y1 < subDivisionsY; y1++)
                if (!(domeMaster && y1 < subDivisionsY / 2))
                    for (x1 = 0; x1 < subDivisionsX; x1++)
                        index = (y1 * subDivisionsX * 6) + 6 * x1;
                        // First triangle in quad
                        indexArray[index]     = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 2] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 1] = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                        // Second triangle in quad
                        indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                        indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + x1);
                        indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (subDivisionsX + 1) + (x1 + 1));
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void InitRings()
            if (ringsVertexBuffer != null)
                ringsVertexBuffer = null;
            var inner = 1.113;
            var outer = 2.25;

            ringsVertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer11(typeof(PositionNormalTextured), ((subDivisionsRings + 1) * 4), RenderContext11.PrepDevice);

            triangleCountRings = (subDivisionsRings) * 2;
            var verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])ringsVertexBuffer.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)

            var radStep = Math.PI * 2.0 / subDivisionsRings;
            var index = 0;
            for (var x = 0; x <= subDivisionsRings; x += 2)
                var rads1 = x * radStep;
                var rads2 = (x + 1) * radStep;

                verts[index].Position = new Vector3d((Math.Cos(rads1) * inner), 0, (Math.Sin(rads1) * inner));
                verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
                verts[index].Tu = 1;
                verts[index].Tv = 0;

                verts[index].Position = new Vector3d((Math.Cos(rads1) * outer), 0, (Math.Sin(rads1) * outer));
                verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
                verts[index].Tu = 0;
                verts[index].Tv = 0;
                verts[index].Position = new Vector3d((Math.Cos(rads2) * inner), 0, (Math.Sin(rads2) * inner));
                verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
                verts[index].Tu = 1;
                verts[index].Tv = 1;
                verts[index].Position = new Vector3d((Math.Cos(rads2) * outer), 0, (Math.Sin(rads2) * outer));
                verts[index].Normal = new Vector3d(0, 1, 0);
                verts[index].Tu = 0;
                verts[index].Tv = 1;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public void OnCreateVertexBufferBottomsUp(VertexBuffer11 vb)
            double lat, lng;

            int   index       = 0;
            float tileDegrees = (float)this.dataset.BaseTileDegrees / ((float)Math.Pow(2, this.level));

            float latMin       = (float)((-90 + (((double)(this.y + 1)) * tileDegrees)) + dataset.OffsetY);
            float latMax       = (float)((-90 + (((double)this.y) * tileDegrees)) + dataset.OffsetY);
            float lngMin       = (float)((((double)this.x * tileDegrees) - 180.0) + dataset.OffsetX);
            float lngMax       = (float)(((((double)(this.x + 1)) * tileDegrees) - 180.0) + dataset.OffsetX);
            float tileDegreesX = lngMax - lngMin;
            float tileDegreesY = latMax - latMin;

            // Create a vertex buffer
            PositionNormalTexturedX2[] verts = (PositionNormalTexturedX2[])vb.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
            int x, y;

            float textureStep = 1.0f / SubDivisions;

            for (y = 0; y <= SubDivisions; y++)
                if (y != SubDivisions)
                    lat = latMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesY * y);
                    lat = latMax;
                for (x = 0; x <= SubDivisions; x++)
                    if (x != SubDivisions)
                        lng = lngMin + (textureStep * tileDegreesX * x);
                        lng = lngMax;
                    index = y * (SubDivisions + 1) + x;
                    verts[index].Position = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, true);// Add Altitude mapping here
                    verts[index].Normal   = GeoTo3d(lat, lng, false);
                    verts[index].Tu       = x * textureStep;
                    verts[index].Tv       = y * textureStep;

            TriangleCount = (SubDivisions) * (SubDivisions) * 2;

            int quarterDivisions = SubDivisions / 2;
            int part          = 0;

            for (int y2 = 0; y2 < 2; y2++)
                for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 2; x2++)
                    short[] indexArray = (short[])this.indexBuffer[part].Lock();
                    index = 0;
                    for (int y1 = (quarterDivisions * y2); y1 < (quarterDivisions * (y2 + 1)); y1++)
                        for (int x1 = (quarterDivisions * x2); x1 < (quarterDivisions * (x2 + 1)); x1++)
                            //index = ((y1 * quarterDivisions * 6) + 6 * x1);
                            // First triangle in quad
                            indexArray[index]     = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 1] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 2] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));

                            // Second triangle in quad
                            indexArray[index + 3] = (short)(y1 * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                            indexArray[index + 4] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + x1);
                            indexArray[index + 5] = (short)((y1 + 1) * (SubDivisions + 1) + (x1 + 1));
                            index += 6;