Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a cube of 4 vertices and a defined height.
        /// </summary>
        public static BuiltVerticesRange BuildCube(this GeometrySurface target, Vector3 topA, Vector3 topB, Vector3 topC, Vector3 topD, float height)
            var result = new BuiltVerticesRange(target.Owner)
                StartVertex = target.Owner.CountVertices

            var startTriangleIndex = target.CountTriangles;

            // Calculate texture coordinates
            var size = new Vector3(
                (topB - topA).Length(),
                (topC - topB).Length());
            var texX = 1f;
            var texY = 1f;
            var texZ = 1f;

            if (target.IsTextureTileModeEnabled(out var tileSize))
                texX = size.X / tileSize.X;
                texY = size.Y / tileSize.Y;
                texZ = size.Z / tileSize.X;

            // Calculate bottom vectors
            var bottomA = new Vector3(topA.X, topA.Y - height, topA.Z);
            var bottomB = new Vector3(topB.X, topB.Y - height, topB.Z);
            var bottomC = new Vector3(topC.X, topC.Y - height, topC.Z);
            var bottomD = new Vector3(topD.X, topD.Y - height, topD.Z);

            // Build Top side
            var vertex = new VertexBasic(topA, new Vector2(texX, 0f), new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));
            var a      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex);
            var b      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topB, new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            var c      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topC, new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            var d      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topD, new Vector2(0f, 0f)));

            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Build Bottom side
            vertex = new VertexBasic(topA, new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector3(0f, -1f, 0f));
            a      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex);
            b      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topD, new Vector2(texX, 0f)));
            c      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topC, new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            d      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topB, new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Build Front side
            vertex = new VertexBasic(topA, new Vector2(0f, texY), new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f));
            a      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex);
            b      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topB, new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            c      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomB, new Vector2(texX, 0f)));
            d      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomA, new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Build Right side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topB, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topC, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomC, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomB, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Build Back side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topC, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topD, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomD, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(texX, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomC, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Build Left side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topD, new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(topA, new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomA, new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(bottomD, new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            // Calculate normals finally
            target.CalculateNormalsFlat(startTriangleIndex, target.CountTriangles - startTriangleIndex);

            result.VertexCount = target.Owner.CountVertices - result.StartVertex;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a cone into the geometry with correct texture coordinates and normals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target <see cref="GeometrySurface"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">The radius of the cone.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the cone.</param>
        /// <param name="countOfSegments">Total count of segments to generate.</param>
        public static BuiltVerticesRange BuildCone(this GeometrySurface target, float radius, float height, int countOfSegments)
            var startVertex = target.Owner.CountVertices;

            radius          = Math.Max(EngineMath.TOLERANCE_FLOAT_POSITIVE, radius);
            height          = Math.Max(EngineMath.TOLERANCE_FLOAT_POSITIVE, height);
            countOfSegments = Math.Max(3, countOfSegments);

            var diameter = radius * 2f;

            // Get texture offsets
            var texX = 1f;
            var texY = 1f;

            if (target.IsTextureTileModeEnabled(out var tileSize))
                texX = diameter / tileSize.X;
                texY = diameter / tileSize.Y;

            // Specify bottom and top middle coordinates
            var bottomCoordinate = new Vector3(0f, -(height / 2f), 0f);
            var topCoordinate    = new Vector3(bottomCoordinate.X, bottomCoordinate.Y + height, bottomCoordinate.Z);

            // Create bottom and top vertices
            var bottomVertex = new VertexBasic(bottomCoordinate, new Vector2(texX / 2f, texY / 2f), new Vector3(0f, -1f, 0f));

            // AddObject bottom and top vertices to the geometry
            var bottomVertexIndex = target.Owner.AddVertex(bottomVertex);

            // Generate all segments
            var countOfSegmentsF = (float)countOfSegments;

            for (var loop = 0; loop < countOfSegments; loop++)
                // Calculate rotation values for each segment border
                var startRadian  = EngineMath.RAD_360DEG * (loop / countOfSegmentsF);
                var targetRadian = EngineMath.RAD_360DEG * ((loop + 1) / countOfSegmentsF);
                var normalRadian = startRadian + (targetRadian - startRadian) / 2f;

                // Generate all normals
                var sideNormal      = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(normalRadian, 0f);
                var sideLeftNormal  = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(startRadian, 0f);
                var sideRightNormal = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(targetRadian, 0f);

                //Generate all points
                var sideLeftBottomCoord   = bottomCoordinate + sideLeftNormal * radius;
                var sideRightBottomCoord  = bottomCoordinate + sideRightNormal * radius;
                var sideMiddleBottomCoord = bottomCoordinate + sideNormal * radius;
                var sideLeftTexCoord      = new Vector2(
                    texX / (diameter / (sideLeftBottomCoord.X + radius)),
                    texY / (diameter / (sideLeftBottomCoord.Z + radius)));
                var sideRightTexCoord = new Vector2(
                    texX / (diameter / (sideRightBottomCoord.X + radius)),
                    texY / (diameter / (sideRightBottomCoord.Z + radius)));

                //AddObject segment bottom triangle
                var segmentBottomLeft  = bottomVertex.Copy(sideLeftBottomCoord, sideLeftTexCoord);
                var segmentBottomRight = bottomVertex.Copy(sideRightBottomCoord, sideRightTexCoord);
                    bottomVertexIndex, target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentBottomLeft), target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentBottomRight));

                //Generate side normal
                var vectorToTop         = topCoordinate - sideMiddleBottomCoord;
                var vectorToTopRotation = Vector3Ex.ToHVRotation(vectorToTop);
                vectorToTopRotation.Y = vectorToTopRotation.Y + EngineMath.RAD_90DEG;
                var topSideNormal = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(vectorToTopRotation);

                //AddObject segment top triangle
                var topVertex       = new VertexBasic(topCoordinate, new Vector2(texX / 2f, texY / 2f), topSideNormal);
                var segmentTopLeft  = topVertex.Copy(sideLeftBottomCoord, sideLeftTexCoord);
                var segmentTopRight = topVertex.Copy(sideRightBottomCoord, sideRightTexCoord);

                target.AddTriangle(target.Owner.AddVertex(topVertex), target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentTopRight), target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentTopLeft));

            return(new BuiltVerticesRange(target.Owner, startVertex, target.Owner.CountVertices - startVertex));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds cube sides into this Geometry (these sides are built up of  16 vertices, so texture coordinates and normals are set)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target <see cref="GeometrySurface"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="start">Start point of the cube</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of the cube</param>
        public static BuiltVerticesRange BuildCubeSides(this GeometrySurface target, Vector3 start, Vector3 size)
            var result = new BuiltVerticesRange(target.Owner)
                StartVertex = target.Owner.CountVertices

            var dest = start + size;

            var texX = 1f;
            var texY = 1f;
            var texZ = 1f;

            if (target.IsTextureTileModeEnabled(out var tileSize))
                texX = size.X / tileSize.X;
                texY = size.Y / tileSize.Y;
                texZ = size.Z / tileSize.X;

            //Front side
            var vertex = new VertexBasic(start, new Vector2(0f, texY), new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f));
            var a      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex);
            var b      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, start.Y, start.Z), new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            var c      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, dest.Y, start.Z), new Vector2(texX, 0f)));
            var d      = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, dest.Y, start.Z), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));

            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            //Right side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, start.Y, start.Z), new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, start.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, dest.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, dest.Y, start.Z), new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            //Back side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, start.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(texX, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, dest.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(texX, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(dest.X, dest.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            //Left side
            a = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, texY)));
            b = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, start.Y, start.Z), new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, texY)));
            c = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, dest.Y, start.Z), new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(texZ, 0f)));
            d = target.Owner.AddVertex(vertex.Copy(new Vector3(start.X, dest.Y, dest.Z), new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 0f)));
            target.AddTriangle(a, c, b);
            target.AddTriangle(a, d, c);

            result.VertexCount = target.Owner.CountVertices - result.StartVertex;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a cylinder into the geometry with correct texture coordinates and normals.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target <see cref="GeometrySurface"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomMiddle">Coordinate of bottom middle.</param>
        /// <param name="radius">The radius of the cylinder.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the cylinder.</param>
        /// <param name="countOfSegments">Total count of segments to generate.</param>
        /// <param name="buildBottom">Build bottom of the cylinder.</param>
        /// <param name="buildSides">Build sides of the cylinder.</param>
        /// <param name="buildTop">Build top side of the cylinder.</param>
        public static BuiltVerticesRange BuildCylinder(
            this GeometrySurface target,
            Vector3 bottomMiddle, float radius, float height, int countOfSegments,
            bool buildSides, bool buildBottom, bool buildTop)
            var startVertex = target.Owner.CountVertices;

            radius          = Math.Max(EngineMath.TOLERANCE_FLOAT_POSITIVE, radius);
            height          = Math.Max(EngineMath.TOLERANCE_FLOAT_POSITIVE, height);
            countOfSegments = Math.Max(3, countOfSegments);

            var diameter = radius * 2f;

            // Get texture offsets
            var texX        = 1f;
            var texY        = 1f;
            var texSegmentY = 1f;
            var texSegmentX = 1f;

            if (target.IsTextureTileModeEnabled(out var tileSize))
                texX        = diameter / tileSize.X;
                texY        = diameter / tileSize.Y;
                texSegmentY = height / tileSize.Y;
                texSegmentX = EngineMath.RAD_180DEG * diameter / tileSize.X;

            // Specify bottom and top middle coordinates
            var bottomCoordinate = bottomMiddle;
            var topCoordinate    = new Vector3(bottomMiddle.X, bottomMiddle.Y + height, bottomMiddle.Z);

            // Create bottom and top vertices
            var bottomVertex = new VertexBasic(bottomCoordinate, new Vector2(texX / 2f, texY / 2f), new Vector3(0f, -1f, 0f));
            var topVertex    = new VertexBasic(topCoordinate, new Vector2(texX / 2f, texY / 2f), new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));

            // AddObject bottom and top vertices to the geometry
            var bottomVertexIndex = target.Owner.AddVertex(bottomVertex);
            var topVertexIndex    = target.Owner.AddVertex(topVertex);

            // Generate all segments
            var fullRadian       = EngineMath.RAD_360DEG;
            var countOfSegmentsF = (float)countOfSegments;

            for (var loop = 0; loop < countOfSegments; loop++)
                // Calculate rotation values for each segment border
                var startRadian  = fullRadian * (loop / countOfSegmentsF);
                var targetRadian = fullRadian * ((loop + 1) / countOfSegmentsF);
                var normalRadian = startRadian + (targetRadian - startRadian) / 2f;

                // Generate all normals
                var sideNormal      = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(normalRadian, 0f);
                var sideLeftNormal  = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(startRadian, 0f);
                var sideRightNormal = Vector3Ex.NormalFromHVRotation(targetRadian, 0f);

                var sideLeftTexCoord  = new Vector2(0.5f + sideLeftNormal.X * radius, 0.5f + sideLeftNormal.Z * radius);
                var sideRightTexCoord = new Vector2(0.5f + sideRightNormal.X * radius, 0.5f + sideRightNormal.Z * radius);

                // Generate all points
                var sideLeftBottomCoord  = bottomCoordinate + sideLeftNormal * radius;
                var sideRightBottomCoord = bottomCoordinate + sideRightNormal * radius;
                var sideLeftTopCoord     = new Vector3(sideLeftBottomCoord.X, sideLeftBottomCoord.Y + height, sideLeftBottomCoord.Z);
                var sideRightTopCoord    = new Vector3(sideRightBottomCoord.X, sideRightBottomCoord.Y + height, sideRightBottomCoord.Z);

                // AddObject segment bottom triangle
                if (buildBottom)
                    var segmentBottomLeft  = bottomVertex.Copy(sideLeftBottomCoord, sideLeftTexCoord);
                    var segmentBottomRight = bottomVertex.Copy(sideRightBottomCoord, sideRightTexCoord);
                        bottomVertexIndex, target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentBottomLeft), target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentBottomRight));

                // AddObject segment top triangle
                if (buildTop)
                    var segmentTopLeft  = topVertex.Copy(sideLeftTopCoord, sideLeftTexCoord);
                    var segmentTopRight = topVertex.Copy(sideRightTopCoord, sideRightTexCoord);
                        topVertexIndex, target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentTopRight), target.Owner.AddVertex(segmentTopLeft));

                if (buildSides)
                    // Calculate texture coords for side segment
                    var texCoordSegmentStart  = new Vector2(texSegmentX * (loop / (float)countOfSegments), 0f);
                    var texCoordSegmentTarget = new Vector2(texSegmentX * ((loop + 1) / (float)countOfSegments), texSegmentY);

                    // AddObject segment side
                    target.BuildRect(sideLeftBottomCoord, sideRightBottomCoord, sideRightTopCoord, sideLeftTopCoord, sideNormal, texCoordSegmentStart, texCoordSegmentTarget);

            return(new BuiltVerticesRange(target.Owner, startVertex, target.Owner.CountVertices - startVertex));