Exemplo n.º 1
 public static bool RewriteUninterpretedOnDiseq(VerificationTask vt, Dictionary <string, Declaration> progDict, List <string> InequalProc = null)
     if (InequalProc == null || InequalProc.Count == 0)
         if (vt.Result != VerificationResult.Error)
         var fRenamer = new FunctionCallMapper(x => progDict.Get(x.Name.Replace(vt.Right.Name, vt.Left.Name)) as Function);
     if (InequalProc.Contains(vt.Left.Name.Split('.')[1]) && InequalProc.Contains(vt.Right.Name.Split('.')[1]))
         var fRenamer = new FunctionCallMapper(x => progDict.Get(x.Name.Replace(vt.Right.Name, vt.Left.Name)) as Function);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if two version of f are equivalnt
        /// Every procedure that is not inlined will be replaced by their specs (even unreachable ones)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param> the index of the fn
        /// <param name="inlinedFns1"></param> list of fns in side1 to inline
        /// <param name="inlinedFns2"></param> list of fns in side2 to inline
        ///  <param name="is_recursive"></param> whether f is recursive (or part of mutual recursion). Should be used for determining whether we can do differential inlining.
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool RVTCheckEq(int f, HashSet <int> inlinedFns1, HashSet <int> inlinedFns2, bool is_recursive)
            //name of the function
            string n1Name = fnIndexToName1[f];
            var    n1     = cg.NodeOfName(n1Name);
            var    n2Name = funs.Get(n1.Name);

            if (n1Name == null || n2Name == null)
            var n2 = cg.NodeOfName(n2Name);

            Console.Write("Checking (" + n1.Name + ", " + n2.Name + ").");
            if (is_recursive)
                Console.WriteLine(" These are recursive.");
                Console.WriteLine(" These are non recursive.");

            string eqpName = Transform.mkEqProcName(n1.Name, n2.Name);

            Duple <Procedure, Implementation> eqp = null;
            List <Variable> outputVars            = new List <Variable>();

            if (eqProcsCreated.ContainsKey(eqpName))
                var tmp = eqProcsCreated[eqpName];
                eqp        = tmp.fst;
                outputVars = tmp.snd;

            // if any visible output
            VerificationTask vt;

            if (eqp != null)
                vt = new VerificationTask(eqp.snd, n1.Impl, n2.Impl, outputVars);
            //it may be that these functions have no comparable effect. if so, don't generate a verification task
            else //we'll split their uninterpreted functions, but otherwise don't generate a verification task
                vt        = new VerificationTask(null, n1.Impl, n2.Impl);
                vt.Result = SDiff.VerificationResult.Error;
                SDiff.Boogie.Process.RewriteUninterpretedOnDiseq(vt, SDiff.Boogie.Process.BuildProgramDictionary(mergedProgram.TopLevelDeclarations.ToList()));

            //The inline:spec inlines a procedure with {:inline 1} 1 times and then uses the spec for deeper calls
            var boogieOptions = "-z3multipleErrors /typeEncoding:m -timeLimit:" + Options.Timeout + " -removeEmptyBlocks:0 -inline:spec " + Options.BoogieUserOpts;

            //VC.ConditionGeneration vcgen = BoogieVerify.InitializeVC(mergedProgram);

            // dictionary of all program AST objects by name

            // Call RVTRunVerification Task
            bool crashed;
            var  result = 1;

            if (eqp != null)
                result = RVTRunVerificationTask(vt, null, mergedProgram, inlinedFns1, inlinedFns2, out crashed);

            return(result == 1);