Exemplo n.º 1
    private void SpreadVein(Vein vein, Vector2Int position, ushort chunkSize)
        ActiveVein activeVein          = new ActiveVein(vein);
        Vector2Int lastRandomDirection = Vector2Int.Zero;

        while ((int)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 101) <= activeVein.CurrentExpansionRate)
            Vector2Int randomDirection = RandomDirection();
            while (randomDirection.Equals(lastRandomDirection))
                randomDirection = RandomDirection();
            Vector2Int nextPosition = position + randomDirection;

            if (nextPosition.x >= 0 && nextPosition.x < chunkSize && nextPosition.y >= 0 && nextPosition.y < chunkSize)
                if (tiles[nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y] == TileId.Dirt || tiles[nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y] == TileId.Empty)
                    tiles[nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y] = vein.Tile.TileId;
                    position = nextPosition;

Exemplo n.º 2
    private TileId StartVein(Vector2Int tileChunkPos, Vector2Int chunkPos, List <ChunkVein> veins, ushort chunkSize, out bool startVein)
        Vein vein = PickVein(veins);

        if (vein != null)
            startVein = true;
            SpreadVein(vein, tileChunkPos, chunkSize);
            startVein = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void DropItem()
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            string Name   = this.name.Substring(0, this.name.Length - 4);
            float  placeX = Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
            float  placeY = Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
            if (!this.name.Contains("Stone"))
                // Erzadern
                GameObject Spawn = Instantiate(Prefabliste.Instance().GetGameObject(Name + "ore"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                Spawn.transform.position = this.transform.position + new Vector3(placeX, placeY, 0);
                Spawn.name = Name + "ore";
                var spritetake = Spawn.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                spritetake.sortingOrder = 1;
                // Stein
                GameObject Spawn = Instantiate(Prefabliste.Instance().GetGameObject(Name), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
                Spawn.transform.position = this.transform.position + new Vector3(placeX, placeY, 0);
                Spawn.name = Name;
                var spritetake = Spawn.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                spritetake.sortingOrder = 1;

        float placeVX = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
        float placeVY = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
        // Vein
        GameObject Vein = Instantiate(Prefabliste.Instance().GetGameObject("Vein"), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);

        Vein.transform.position = this.transform.position + new Vector3(placeVX, placeVY, 0);
        Vein.name = "Vein";
        Vein myVein = Vein.GetComponent <Vein>();

        myVein.vein = this.name;
        var spritetakeV = Vein.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        spritetakeV.sortingOrder = 1;

        SoundManager.SendMessage("PlaySound", "stonebreak");
        Charakter.SendMessage("EXP", 10);
    public ChunkVein(Vein vein, int Ypos)
        Vein = vein;

        float minDepth = Mathf.Abs(vein.MinDepth);
        float maxDepth = Mathf.Abs(vein.MaxDepth);
        float depth    = Mathf.Abs(Ypos);

        float graphPoint = (depth - minDepth) / (maxDepth - minDepth);

        Chance = vein.Frequency.Evaluate(graphPoint);

#if debugLogVeinMath
        Debug.Log("Depth = " + depth + "   Min depth = " + minDepth + "  Max depth= " + maxDepth);
        Debug.Log("Depth sits at " + graphPoint + " between min and max");
        Debug.Log("Chance at that pos = " + Chance);
Exemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns whether or not this vein and the given vein cut the target in two
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="other"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool formsSlice(Vein other, int stencilCount)
        int start = interdataStart.stencilLineSegmentID;

        for (int i = start + 1; i <= start + stencilCount; i++)
            if (i % stencilCount == other.interdataStart.stencilLineSegmentID % stencilCount)
                Debug.Log("formsSLice: is slice");
            if (i % stencilCount == other.interdataEnd.stencilLineSegmentID % stencilCount)
                Debug.Log("formsSLice: is bumps");
        Debug.Log("formsSLice: default");
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void slice(Vein other)
     this.interdataEnd = other.interdataEnd;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Solve()
            _maxX = 2000;

            string inputPath = FileUtils.GetProjectFilePath("Days/Day17/ProblemA/input.txt");

            String[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(inputPath);

            List <Vein> veins    = new List <Vein>();
            Int32       deepestY = Int32.MinValue;

            _smallestYPoint = Int32.MaxValue;
            foreach (var line in lines)
                var l = line.Trim();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(l) && !l.StartsWith('/'))
                    Vein v = new Vein(l);
                    if (v.MaxY > deepestY)
                        deepestY = v.MaxY;

                    if (v.MinY < _smallestYPoint)
                        _smallestYPoint = v.MinY;


            Log.WriteLine("Parsed " + veins.Count + " lowest vein was " + deepestY);
            _maxY          = deepestY + 1;
            _largestYPoint = deepestY;
            _tiles         = new Tile[_maxX * _maxY];

            for (int i = 0; i < _maxX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _maxY; j++)
                    Tile t = new Tile();
                    t.TileIndex         = GetTileIndex(i, j);
                    t.X                 = i;
                    t.Y                 = j;
                    t.TileType          = TileType.Sand;
                    _tiles[t.TileIndex] = t;

            for (int i = 0; i < _tiles.Length; i++)
                var t = _tiles[i];
                t.Left   = GetTile(t.X - 1, t.Y);
                t.Bottom = GetTile(t.X, t.Y + 1);
                t.Right  = GetTile(t.X + 1, t.Y);

            foreach (var vein in veins)
                for (int i = vein.MinX; i <= vein.MaxX; i++)
                    for (int j = vein.MinY; j <= vein.MaxY; j++)
                        GetTile(i, j).TileType = TileType.Clay;

            var fountain = GetTile(500, 0);

            fountain.TileType = TileType.Fountain;

            Flood(fountain, null);

            Log.WriteLine("Total tiles flooded: " + FloodCount);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public ActiveVein(Vein vein)
     Vein = vein;
     CurrentExpansionRate = vein.ExpansionRate;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public void cutShape(Shape stencil, bool splitFurther = true)
        if (stencil.Direction != this.Direction)
            throw new UnityException("Trying to cut shape with stencil of different thread type! shape: " + Direction + ", stencil: " + stencil.Direction);

        //Show paths (for debugging)

        //Gather overlap info
        List <IntersectionData> intersectionData = new List <IntersectionData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < GlobalPoints.Count; i++)
            int i2 = (i + 1) % GlobalPoints.Count;

            //Line Checking
            LineSegment targetLine = new LineSegment(GlobalPoints, i);
            //Check to see if the bounds overlap
            if (stencil.bounds.Intersects(targetLine.Bounds))
                bool startInStencil = stencil.OverlapPoint(targetLine.startPos);
                bool endInStencil   = stencil.OverlapPoint(targetLine.endPos);
                //Check which stencil edges intersect the line segment
                bool intersectsSegment = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < stencil.GlobalPoints.Count; j++)
                    LineSegment stencilLine  = new LineSegment(stencil.GlobalPoints, j);
                    Vector2     intersection = Vector2.zero;
                    bool        intersects   = targetLine.Intersects(stencilLine, ref intersection);
                    //If it intersects,
                    if (intersects)
                        //Record a data point
                        intersectsSegment = true;
                        float            distanceToPoint = (intersection - targetLine.startPos).magnitude;
                        IntersectionData interdata       = new IntersectionData(intersection, i, j, intersects, startInStencil, endInStencil, distanceToPoint);
                //If no line segment intersections were found,
                if (!intersectsSegment)
                    //but one or more end points are in the stencil,
                    if (startInStencil || endInStencil)
                        //Make an intersection data point anyway, with slightly different arguments
                        IntersectionData interdata = new IntersectionData(Vector2.zero, i, -1, IntersectionData.IntersectionType.INSIDE);
                    //do nothing because the bounds lied about the line segment and stencil colliding
                    //don't worry, it's a known thing that can happen:
                    //bounds checking is quick but liable to give false positives

        // Refine intersection data entries

        //Sort the data entries
        intersectionData.Sort(new IntersectionData.IntersectionDataComparer());

        //Set the intersection type of the data
        int side = 0;//0 =not set, 1 =inside, -1 =outside

        foreach (IntersectionData interdata in intersectionData)
            if (side == 0)
                side = (interdata.startsInStencil) ? 1 : -1;
            if (interdata.segmentIntersection)
                side          *= -1;
                interdata.type = (side > 0) ? IntersectionData.IntersectionType.ENTER : IntersectionData.IntersectionType.EXIT;
                interdata.type = (side > 0) ? IntersectionData.IntersectionType.INSIDE : IntersectionData.IntersectionType.OUTSIDE;
        IntersectionData.printDataList(intersectionData, GlobalPoints);

        //Start cutting

        //Replace line segments inside the stencil
        int dataCount = intersectionData.Count;
        //Search for start of vein of changes
        List <Vein> veins = new List <Vein>();

        //only need to go through the loop once,
        //because the veins will find their own end points:
        //here we just need to find the start of each vein
        for (int iData = 0; iData < dataCount; iData++)
            IntersectionData interdata = intersectionData[iData];
            //if this segment enters the stencil at this data point,
            if (interdata.type == IntersectionData.IntersectionType.ENTER)
                //then it's a vein start
                Vein vein = new Vein(iData, interdata, intersectionData);
        //Process found veins
        if (veins.Count == 1)
            Vector2[] newPath = veins[0].getStencilPath(stencil.GlobalPoints);
            //Replace vein with stencil path
            int removeCount = veins[0].getRemoveCount(GlobalPoints.Count);
            replacePoints(newPath, veins[0].VeinStart + 1, removeCount);
            //Process all the veins
            IndexOffset.IndexOffsetContainer offsets = new IndexOffset.IndexOffsetContainer(GlobalPoints.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < veins.Count; i++)
                Vein vein = veins[i];
                //Update vein with new offsets
                //Check next vein
                bool slices = false;
                if (i < veins.Count - 1)
                    Vein vein2 = veins[i + 1];
                    slices = vein.formsSlice(vein2, stencil.GlobalPoints.Count);
                    Debug.Log("slices: " + slices);
                    if (slices)
                        if (splitFurther)
                            if (this.pc2d)
                                //make a new collider to make the new piece
                                PolygonCollider2D pc2dNew = GameObject.Instantiate(pc2d.gameObject)
                                                            .GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                                Shape newShape = new Shape(pc2dNew);
                                pc2dNew.transform.parent   = pc2d.transform.parent;
                                pc2dNew.transform.position = pc2d.transform.position;
                                newShape.cutShape(stencil, false);
                        //skip the next vein
                if (true || !slices)
                    //Replace vein with stencil path
                    Vector2[] newPath     = vein.getStencilPath(stencil.GlobalPoints);
                    int       removeCount = vein.getRemoveCount(GlobalPoints.Count);
                    replacePoints(newPath, vein.VeinStart + 1, removeCount);
                    //Add offset to the collection
                    IndexOffset offset = new IndexOffset(vein.VeinStart, newPath.Length - removeCount);

        // Finish up