Exemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadFromFile()
                string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fleetFile);

                for (int lineNum = 0; lineNum < lines.Length; lineNum++)
                    string[] vehColumns = lines[lineNum].Split(',');

                    string rego  = vehColumns[0];
                    string make  = vehColumns[1];
                    string model = vehColumns[2];
                    int    year  = int.Parse(vehColumns[3]);
                    Vehicle.VehicleClass vehicleClass = (Vehicle.VehicleClass)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.VehicleClass), vehColumns[4]);
                    int numseat = int.Parse(vehColumns[5]);
                    Vehicle.TransmissionType transmissionType = (Vehicle.TransmissionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.TransmissionType), vehColumns[6]);
                    Vehicle.FuelType         fuelType         = (Vehicle.FuelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.FuelType), vehColumns[7]);
                    bool   gps       = bool.Parse(vehColumns[8]);
                    bool   sunroof   = bool.Parse(vehColumns[9]);
                    string colour    = vehColumns[10];
                    double dailyRate = double.Parse(vehColumns[11]);

                    _vehicleFleet.Add(new Vehicle(rego, vehicleClass, make, model, year, numseat, transmissionType, fuelType, gps, sunroof, dailyRate, colour));
            catch (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not load file" + fleetFile);
Exemplo n.º 2
        } // end SaveToFile() method

        /// <summary>
        /// Loading all data from the .csv files to local Variables.
        /// This data can then be used to populate the data grid views of the Windows Form application
        /// This method creates a temporary array that reads and writess each column of the .csv file as an element and
        /// Then instantiates a class with all of the temp. variables as input params.
        /// Each time adding the new instace to either the Fleet or the CRM
        /// </summary>

        public void LoadFromFile()
            // Create empty local arrays to append with .csv data
            fleet          = new List <Vehicle>();
            rentedRego     = new List <string>();
            rentedCustomer = new List <int>();

            if (File.Exists(fleetFile))
                // Use StreamReader to read each line of the csv file
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fleetFile))
                    sr.ReadLine(); // Accounting for header row of each .csv file
                    while (sr.Peek() != -1)
                        string                   line             = sr.ReadLine();
                        List <string>            lineValues       = line.Split(',').ToList();
                        string                   vehicleRego      = lineValues[0];
                        string                   make             = lineValues[1];
                        string                   model            = lineValues[2];
                        int                      year             = int.Parse(lineValues[3]);
                        Vehicle.VehicleClass     vehicleClass     = (Vehicle.VehicleClass)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.VehicleClass), lineValues[4]);
                        int                      numSeats         = int.Parse(lineValues[5]);
                        Vehicle.TransmissionType transmissionType = (Vehicle.TransmissionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.TransmissionType), lineValues[6]);
                        Vehicle.FuelType         fuelType         = (Vehicle.FuelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.FuelType), lineValues[7]);
                        bool                     GPS       = bool.Parse(lineValues[8]);
                        bool                     sunRoof   = bool.Parse(lineValues[9]);
                        string                   colour    = lineValues[10];
                        double                   dailyRate = double.Parse(lineValues[11]);

                        // Create instance of Class Vehicle
                        Vehicle current_vehicle = new Vehicle(vehicleRego, make, model, year, vehicleClass, numSeats,
                                                              transmissionType, fuelType, GPS, sunRoof, colour, dailyRate);

                        // Append Vehicle to fleet
                } // end using

            if (File.Exists(rentalsFile))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(rentalsFile))
                    sr.ReadLine(); // Accounting for header row
                    while (sr.Peek() != -1)
                        string        line        = sr.ReadLine();
                        List <string> lineValues  = line.Split(',').ToList();
                        string        vehicleRego = lineValues[0];
                        int           customerID  = int.Parse(lineValues[1]);
                        // Append to rented array
                        // Append to customer array
                } // end using
        }         // end LoadFromFile() method
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Loads the data from csv files at given locations. Separates the data by ",".
        // Reads in each line as a vehicle and assigns each attribute.
        public void LoadFromFile()
            string       csvVehicle;
            StreamReader inFile;

            inFile = new StreamReader(fleetFile);
            while ((csvVehicle = inFile.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] listVehicle = csvVehicle.Split(',');

                if (listVehicle[0] != "Rego") // Skips the Headers
                    vehicleRego = listVehicle[0];
                    make        = listVehicle[1];
                    model       = listVehicle[2];
                    year        = int.Parse(listVehicle[3]);
                    Vehicle.VehicleClass vehicleClass = (Vehicle.VehicleClass)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.VehicleClass), listVehicle[4]);
                    numSeats = int.Parse(listVehicle[5]);
                    Vehicle.TransmissionType transmission = (Vehicle.TransmissionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.TransmissionType), listVehicle[6]);
                    Vehicle.FuelType         fuel         = (Vehicle.FuelType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Vehicle.FuelType), listVehicle[7]);
                    if (listVehicle[8] == "False")
                        GPS = false;
                        GPS = true;
                    if (listVehicle[9] == "False")
                        sunRoof = false;
                        sunRoof = true;
                    colour    = listVehicle[10];
                    dailyRate = double.Parse(listVehicle[11]);

                    Vehicle newVehicle = new Vehicle(vehicleRego, vehicleClass, make, model, year, numSeats, transmission, fuel, GPS, sunRoof, dailyRate, colour);

            // loads the rental data into the dictionary
            string       csvRental;
            StreamReader inFileRental;

            inFileRental = new StreamReader(rentalFile);
            while ((csvRental = inFileRental.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] listRental = csvRental.Split(',');

                if (listRental[0] != "Vehicle") // Skips the Headers
                    rego       = listRental[0];
                    customerID = int.Parse(listRental[1]);

                    // makes sure no vehicle is added twice
                        rentals.Add(rego, customerID);

                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        Console.WriteLine("Vehicle Already exists");
