Exemplo n.º 1
		private static void Test_BPMIncremental(
			int nClass, int totalFeatures, double noisePrec, int maxItemsInBatch,
			int nChunks, string trainingFile, Vector[] testData)
			Console.WriteLine("\n------- BPM Train Incremental -------");
			VectorGaussian[] wInfer = new VectorGaussian[nClass];
			BPM bpmIncremental = new BPM(nClass, totalFeatures, noisePrec);
			bpmIncremental.TrainingEngine.ShowProgress = false;
			bpmIncremental.TestEngine.ShowProgress = false;
			int LocToStart = 0;
			for (int c = 0; c < nChunks; c++)
				List<Vector>[] dataChunks = DataFromFile.Read(trainingFile, nClass, maxItemsInBatch, ref LocToStart);
				wInfer = bpmIncremental.TrainIncremental(dataChunks);
#if ShowWeights
			for (int i = 0; i < wInfer.GetLength(0); i++)
			Discrete[] predictions = bpmIncremental.Test(testData);
			foreach (Discrete pred in predictions)
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="concat">Constant value for 'concat'.</param>
		/// <param name="first">Constant value for 'first'.</param>
		/// <param name="second">Incoming message from 'second'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(second) p(second) factor(concat,first,second))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(Vector concat, Vector first, VectorGaussian second)
			for (int i = 0; i < first.Count; i++) {
				if (concat[i] != first[i]) return Double.NegativeInfinity;
			Vector concat2 = Vector.Subvector(concat, first.Count, second.Dimension);
			return second.GetLogProb(concat2);
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'B'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sum">Incoming message from 'Sum'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'A'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'B' as the random arguments are varied.
		/// The formula is <c>proj[p(B) sum_(Sum) p(Sum) factor(Sum,A,B)]/p(B)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="sum"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian sum, bool[] A, VectorGaussian result)
			if (result == default(VectorGaussian)) result = new VectorGaussian(A.Length);
			// (m - a'b)^2/v = (a'bb'a - 2a'bm + m^2)/v
			var ma = Vector.FromArray(A.Select(x => x ? 1.0 : 0.0).ToArray());
			result.Precision.SetToOuter(ma, ma);
			result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(ma, sum.MeanTimesPrecision);
			return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Test the test data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priorValue">Prior distribution from training.</param>
        /// <param name="testData">The test data.</param>
        /// <returns>The prediction.</returns>
        public Discrete[] Test(VectorGaussian[] priorValue, Vector[] testData)
            // Set the prior of all classes
            for (int i = 0; i < numOfClasses; i++)
                this.classes[i].Prior.ObservedValue = priorValue[i];

            // Set the observed test data
            this.numOfVectors.ObservedValue = testData.Length;
            this.featureVectors.ObservedValue = testData;

            // Infer the test model outputs
            return Distribution.ToArray<Discrete[]>(this.Engine.Infer(this.modelOutput));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static VectorGaussianWishart Combine(VectorGaussian position, Wishart orientation, VectorGaussianWishart result)
            if (orientation.IsUniform())
            else if (position.IsUniform())
                result.SetTo(orientation.Shape, orientation.Rate, Vector.Zero(2), 0);
                PositiveDefiniteMatrix rateTimesPrecision = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(2, 2);
                rateTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(orientation.Rate, position.Precision);
                double trace = MathHelpers.Invert(rateTimesPrecision).Trace();
                Vector positionMean = position.MeanTimesPrecision * MathHelpers.Invert(position.Precision);
                result.SetTo(orientation.Shape, orientation.Rate, positionMean, orientation.Dimension / (orientation.Shape * trace));

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
		public static VectorGaussian RotateAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian x, [SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, [Proper] WrappedGaussian angle, VectorGaussian result)
			// for x ~ N(m,v):
			// E[cos(x)] = cos(m)*exp(-v/2)
			// E[sin(x)] = sin(m)*exp(-v/2)
			if (angle.Period != 2*Math.PI) throw new ArgumentException("angle.Period ("+angle.Period+") != 2*PI ("+2*Math.PI+")");
			double angleMean, angleVar;
			angle.Gaussian.GetMeanAndVariance(out angleMean, out angleVar);
			double expHalfVar = Math.Exp(-0.5*angleVar);
			double mCos = Math.Cos(angleMean)*expHalfVar;
			double mSin = Math.Sin(angleMean)*expHalfVar;
			double mCos2 = mCos*mCos;
			double mSin2 = mSin*mSin;
			//  E[cos(x)^2] = 0.5 E[1+cos(2x)] = 0.5 (1 + cos(2m) exp(-2v))
			//  E[sin(x)^2] = E[1 - cos(x)^2] = 0.5 (1 - cos(2m) exp(-2v))
			double expVar = expHalfVar*expHalfVar;
			// cos2m = cos(2m)*exp(-v)
			double cos2m = 2*mCos2 - expVar;
			double mCosSqr = 0.5*(1 + cos2m*expVar);
			double mSinSqr = 1 - mCosSqr;
			double mSinCos = mSin*mCos*expVar;
			if (result.Dimension != 2) throw new ArgumentException("result.Dimension ("+result.Dimension+") != 2");
			double mx, vx, my, vy;
			x.GetMeanAndVariance(out mx, out vx);
			y.GetMeanAndVariance(out my, out vy);
			Vector mean = Vector.Zero(2);
			mean[0] = mCos*mx - mSin*my;
			mean[1] = mSin*mx + mCos*my;
			double mx2 = mx*mx + vx;
			double my2 = my*my + vy;
			double mxy = mx*my;
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(2, 2);
			variance[0, 0] = mx2*mCosSqr - 2*mxy*mSinCos + my2*mSinSqr - mean[0]*mean[0];
			variance[0, 1] = (mx2 - my2)*mSinCos + mxy*(mCosSqr - mSinSqr) - mean[0]*mean[1];
			variance[1, 0] = variance[0, 1];
			variance[1, 1] = mx2*mSinSqr + 2*mxy*mSinCos + my2*mCosSqr - mean[1]*mean[1];
			result.SetMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);
			return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static IEnumerable<Vector> CreateTestData(int dimensions, int clusters)
            var dimRange = new Range(dimensions);
            var clusterRange = new Range(clusters);
            var trueMeans = Variable.Array<Vector>(clusterRange);
            var trueCovariance = Variable.Array<PositiveDefiniteMatrix>(clusterRange);
            var trueVectorGaussian = new VectorGaussian[clusters];
            for (var i = 0; i < clusters; i++)
                var trueMeansVector = Vector.FromArray(CreateRandomArray(dimensions));
                Console.WriteLine("True means {0}", trueMeansVector);
                trueVectorGaussian[i] = VectorGaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(trueMeansVector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(dimensions));

            var vectorGaussians = Variable.Array<VectorGaussian>(clusterRange);
            var dirichletMixture = Dirichlet.Uniform(clusters).Sample();
            Console.WriteLine("True mixture {0}", dirichletMixture);

            while (true)
                var index = Rand.Sample(dirichletMixture);
                yield return trueVectorGaussian[index].Sample();
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="concat">Constant value for 'concat'.</param>
		/// <param name="first">Incoming message from 'first'.</param>
		/// <param name="second">Incoming message from 'second'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(first,second) p(first,second) factor(concat,first,second))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(Vector concat, VectorGaussian first, VectorGaussian second)
			Vector concat1 = Vector.Subvector(concat, 0, first.Dimension);
			Vector concat2 = Vector.Subvector(concat, first.Dimension, second.Dimension);
			return first.GetLogProb(concat1) + second.GetLogProb(concat2);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static Vector BMeanInit([IgnoreDependency] VectorGaussian B)
Exemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary>
		/// VMP message to 'B'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sum">Incoming message from 'Sum'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Incoming message from 'A'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the exponential of the average log-factor value, where the average is over all arguments except 'B'.
		/// Because the factor is deterministic, 'Sum' is integrated out before taking the logarithm.
		/// The formula is <c>exp(sum_(A) p(A) log(sum_Sum p(Sum) factor(Sum,A,B)))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="sum"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian sum, DistributionStructArray<Bernoulli, bool> A, VectorGaussian result)
			if (result == default(VectorGaussian)) result = new VectorGaussian(A.Count);
			// E[log N(x; ab, 0)] = -0.5 E[(x-ab)^2]/0 = -0.5 (E[x^2] - 2 E[x] a' E[b] + trace(aa' E[bb']))/0
			// message to a = N(a; E[x]*inv(var(b)+E[b]E[b]')*E[b], var(x)*inv(var(b)+E[b]E[b]'))
			// result.Precision = (var(b)+E[b]*E[b]')/var(x)
			// result.MeanTimesPrecision = E[x]/var(x)*E[b] = E[b]*X.MeanTimesPrecision
			Vector ma = Vector.FromArray(A.Select(x => x.GetMean()).ToArray());
			Vector va = Vector.FromArray(A.Select(x => x.GetVariance()).ToArray());
			result.Precision.SetToSumWithOuter(result.Precision, 1, ma, ma);
			result.Precision.SetToProduct(result.Precision, sum.Precision);
			result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(ma, sum.MeanTimesPrecision);
			return result;
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'b'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'b' as the random arguments are varied.
		/// The formula is <c>proj[p(b) sum_(product) p(product) factor(product,a,b)]/p(b)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
			if (product.IsPointMass) return BAverageConditional(product.Point, A, result);
			//   (p.mean - A*B)'*p.prec*(p.mean - A*B)
			// = B'*(A'*p.prec*A)*B - B'*A'*p.prec*p.mean - ...
			// B.prec = A'*p.prec*A
			// B.precTimesMean = A'*p.precTimesMean
			Matrix temp = (product.Precision*A).Transpose();
			result.Precision.SetToProduct(temp, A);
			result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(product.MeanTimesPrecision, A);
			return result;
		public static double AverageLogFactor(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B) { return 0.0; }
Exemplo n.º 13
		/// <summary>
		/// Runs the BPM using dense features and batched training.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="numClasses">The number of classes</param>
		/// <param name="noisePrecision">The noise precision</param>
		/// <param name="numFeatures">The number of features</param>
		/// <param name="trainingSetFile">The file containing the training set</param>
		/// <param name="testSet">The test set</param>
		/// <param name="maxItemsPerChunk">The maximum number of items per chunk</param>
		/// <param name="numChunks">The total number of chunks</param>
		private static void RunSharedBPM(int numClasses, double noisePrecision, int numFeatures, string trainingSetFile, bool labelAtEnd, bool addBias, Vector[] testSet, int maxItemsPerChunk, int numChunks)
			Console.WriteLine("\n------- Shared BPM -------");
			BPMShared bpm = new BPMShared(numClasses, noisePrecision, numFeatures, numChunks, 1);

			int[] labels;
			Vector[] featureVectors;
			VectorGaussian[] posteriorWeights = new VectorGaussian[numClasses];

			// Several passes to achieve convergence.
			for (int pass = 0; pass < 15; pass++)
				int locationToStart = 0;
				for (int c = 0; c < numChunks; c++)
					featureVectors = DataUtils.Read(trainingSetFile, maxItemsPerChunk, labelAtEnd, addBias, out labels, ref locationToStart);
					posteriorWeights = bpm.Train(featureVectors, labels, c);

#if ShowWeights
			Console.WriteLine("Weights=" + StringUtil.ArrayToString(posteriorWeights));

			Discrete[] predictions = bpm.Test(testSet, 0);
			foreach (Discrete prediction in predictions)
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Evidence message for EP
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="product">Constant value for 'product'.</param>
 /// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
 /// <param name="B">Incoming message from 'b'.</param>
 /// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
 /// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
 /// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's contribution the EP model evidence</returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// The formula for the result is <c>log(factor(product,a,b))</c>.
 /// Adding up these values across all factors and variables gives the log-evidence estimate for EP.
 /// </para></remarks>
 public static double LogEvidenceRatio(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance)
     return(LogAverageFactor(product, A, B, BMean, BVariance));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static double AverageLogFactor(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B)
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static double LogEvidenceRatio(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B)
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Evidence message for EP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">Constant value for 'product'.</param>
        /// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
        /// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
        /// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
        /// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// The formula for the result is <c>log(factor(product,a,b))</c>.
        /// </para></remarks>
        public static double LogAverageFactor(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance)
            VectorGaussian toProduct = ProductAverageConditional(A, BMean, BVariance, new VectorGaussian(A.Rows));

Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Evidence message for EP
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
 /// <param name="to_product">Outgoing message to 'product'.</param>
 /// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(product) p(product) factor(product,a,b))</c>.
 /// </para></remarks>
 public static double LogAverageFactor(VectorGaussian product, [Fresh] VectorGaussian to_product)
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the buffer 'BMean'
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="B">Incoming message from 'b'. Must be a proper distribution.  If any element is uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
 /// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
 /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// </para></remarks>
 /// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="B"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
 public static Vector BMean([Proper] VectorGaussian B, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, Vector result)
     return(B.GetMean(result, BVariance));
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// EP message to 'product'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
        /// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
        /// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
        /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'product' conditioned on the given values.
        /// </para></remarks>
        public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageConditional(Matrix A, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
            // P.mean = A*B.mean
            // P.var = A*B.var*A'
            // if A is invertible, then
            // P.prec = inv(A)'*inv(B.var)*inv(A)
            // P.precTimesMean = inv(A)'*B.precTimesMean
            Vector rmean = A * BMean;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix rvariance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(result.Dimension, result.Dimension);
            Matrix temp = (A * BVariance).Transpose();

            rvariance.SetToProduct(A, temp);
            result.SetMeanAndVariance(rmean, rvariance);
Exemplo n.º 21
		public static VectorGaussian RotateAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian x, [SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, double angle, VectorGaussian result)
			return RotateAverageLogarithm(x, y, WrappedGaussian.PointMass(angle), result);
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// EP message to 'b'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
        /// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
        /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
        /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'b' as the random arguments are varied.
        /// The formula is <c>proj[p(b) sum_(product) p(product) factor(product,a,b)]/p(b)</c>.
        /// </para></remarks>
        public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
            if (product.IsPointMass)
                return(BAverageConditional(product.Point, A, result));
            //   (p.mean - A*B)'*p.prec*(p.mean - A*B)
            // = B'*(A'*p.prec*A)*B - B'*A'*p.prec*p.mean - ...
            // B.prec = A'*p.prec*A
            // B.precTimesMean = A'*p.precTimesMean
            Matrix temp = (product.Precision * A).Transpose();

            result.Precision.SetToProduct(temp, A);
            result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(product.MeanTimesPrecision, A);
Exemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary>
		/// Performs inference on this Bayes point machine
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xValuesData">Lists of vectors for each component</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private VectorGaussian[] InferW(List<Vector>[] xValuesData)
			// Set the observed data
			for (int c = 0; c < nClass; c++)
				trainModel.nItems[c].ObservedValue = xValuesData[c].Count;
				trainModel.xValues[c].ObservedValue = xValuesData[c].ToArray();
			// Infer the weights
			VectorGaussian[] wInfer = new VectorGaussian[nClass];
			// Reset the priors to support incremental training
			for (int c = 0; c < nClass; c++)
				wInfer[c] = (trainModel.ie).Infer<VectorGaussian>(trainModel.w[c]);
				trainModel.wInit[c].ObservedValue = wInfer[c];
			return wInfer;
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// VMP message to 'b'
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
 /// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
 /// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
 /// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
 /// <remarks><para>
 /// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'b' with 'product' integrated out.
 /// The formula is <c>sum_product p(product) factor(product,a,b)</c>.
 /// </para></remarks>
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
     return(BAverageConditional(product, A, result));
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="product">Constant value for 'product'.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
		/// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(factor(product,a,b))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance)
			VectorGaussian toProduct = ProductAverageConditional(A, BMean, BVariance, new VectorGaussian(A.Rows));
			return toProduct.GetLogProb(product);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>Computations that depend on the observed value of vVector__7</summary>
        private void Changed_vVector__7()
            if (this.Changed_vVector__7_iterationsDone == 1)
            this.vVector__7_marginal = new PointMass <Vector[]>(this.VVector__7);
            // The constant 'vVectorGaussian7'
            VectorGaussian vVectorGaussian7 = VectorGaussian.FromNatural(DenseVector.FromArray(new double[3] {
                1547829870.0, 525077980.0, 200270.0
            }), new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[3, 3] {
                { 4254590363351.0, 1127383488860.0, 433199230.0 }, { 1127383488860.0, 482723521821.0, 146764360.0 }, { 433199230.0, 146764360.0, 56221.0 }

            this.vVector21_marginal_F = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian7);
            // Buffer for ReplicateOp_Divide.Marginal<VectorGaussian>
            VectorGaussian vVector21_rep_B_toDef = default(VectorGaussian);

            // Message to 'vVector21_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector21_rep_B_toDef = ReplicateOp_Divide.ToDefInit <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian7);
            // Message to 'vVector21_marginal' from Variable factor
            this.vVector21_marginal_F = VariableOp.MarginalAverageConditional <VectorGaussian>(vVector21_rep_B_toDef, vVectorGaussian7, this.vVector21_marginal_F);
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__21_F = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__21' Forwards messages.
            vdouble__21_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                vdouble__21_F[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__22_F = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__22' Forwards messages.
            vdouble__22_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                vdouble__22_F[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector> vVector21_rep_F = default(DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>);
            DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector> vVector21_rep_B = default(DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>);

            // Create array for 'vVector21_rep' Forwards messages.
            vVector21_rep_F = new DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>(1);
            // Create array for 'vVector21_rep' Backwards messages.
            vVector21_rep_B = new DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                vVector21_rep_B[index7] = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian7);
                vVector21_rep_F[index7] = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian7);
            // Buffer for ReplicateOp_Divide.UsesAverageConditional<VectorGaussian>
            VectorGaussian vVector21_rep_F_marginal = default(VectorGaussian);

            // Message to 'vVector21_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector21_rep_F_marginal = ReplicateOp_Divide.MarginalInit <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian7);
            // Message to 'vVector21_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector21_rep_F_marginal = ReplicateOp_Divide.Marginal <VectorGaussian>(vVector21_rep_B_toDef, vVectorGaussian7, vVector21_rep_F_marginal);
            // Buffer for InnerProductOp.InnerProductAverageConditional
            // Create array for replicates of 'vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean'
            Vector[] vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean = new Vector[1];
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                // Message to 'vdouble__22' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean[index7] = InnerProductOp.AMeanInit(vVector21_rep_F[index7]);
            // Buffer for InnerProductOp.AMean
            // Create array for replicates of 'vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance'
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix[] vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix[1];
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                // Message to 'vdouble__22' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance[index7] = InnerProductOp.AVarianceInit(vVector21_rep_F[index7]);
                // Message to 'vVector21_rep' from Replicate factor
                vVector21_rep_F[index7] = ReplicateOp_Divide.UsesAverageConditional <VectorGaussian>(vVector21_rep_B[index7], vVector21_rep_F_marginal, index7, vVector21_rep_F[index7]);
            // Create array for 'vdouble__22_marginal' Forwards messages.
            this.vdouble__22_marginal_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                this.vdouble__22_marginal_F[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            // Message from use of 'vdouble__22'
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__22_use_B = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__22_use' Backwards messages.
            vdouble__22_use_B = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                vdouble__22_use_B[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
                // Message to 'vdouble__22' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance[index7] = InnerProductOp.AVariance(vVector21_rep_F[index7], vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance[index7]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__22' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean[index7] = InnerProductOp.AMean(vVector21_rep_F[index7], vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance[index7], vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean[index7]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__22' from InnerProduct factor
                vdouble__22_F[index7] = InnerProductOp.InnerProductAverageConditional(vVector21_rep_F_index7__AMean[index7], vVector21_rep_F_index7__AVariance[index7], this.VVector__7[index7]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__22_marginal' from DerivedVariable factor
                this.vdouble__22_marginal_F[index7] = DerivedVariableOp.MarginalAverageConditional <Gaussian>(vdouble__22_use_B[index7], vdouble__22_F[index7], this.vdouble__22_marginal_F[index7]);
            // Create array for 'vdouble__21_marginal' Forwards messages.
            this.vdouble__21_marginal_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                this.vdouble__21_marginal_F[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            // Message from use of 'vdouble__21'
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__21_use_B = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__21_use' Backwards messages.
            vdouble__21_use_B = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(1);
            for (int index7 = 0; index7 < 1; index7++)
                vdouble__21_use_B[index7] = Gaussian.Uniform();
                // Message to 'vdouble__21' from GaussianFromMeanAndVariance factor
                vdouble__21_F[index7] = GaussianFromMeanAndVarianceOp.SampleAverageConditional(vdouble__22_F[index7], 0.1);
                // Message to 'vdouble__21_marginal' from Variable factor
                this.vdouble__21_marginal_F[index7] = VariableOp.MarginalAverageConditional <Gaussian>(vdouble__21_use_B[index7], vdouble__21_F[index7], this.vdouble__21_marginal_F[index7]);
            this.Changed_vVector__7_iterationsDone = 1;
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'product'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
		/// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'product' conditioned on the given values.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageConditional(Matrix A, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
			// P.mean = A*B.mean
			// P.var = A*B.var*A'
			// if A is invertible, then
			// P.prec = inv(A)'*inv(B.var)*inv(A)
			// P.precTimesMean = inv(A)'*B.precTimesMean
			Vector rmean = A * BMean;
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix rvariance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(result.Dimension, result.Dimension);
			Matrix temp = (A*BVariance).Transpose();
			rvariance.SetToProduct(A, temp);
			result.SetMeanAndVariance(rmean, rvariance);
			return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>Computations that depend on the observed value of vVector__46 and vdouble__138</summary>
        private void Changed_vVector__46_vdouble__138()
            if (this.Changed_vVector__46_vdouble__138_iterationsDone == 1)
            this.vVector__46_marginal  = new PointMass <Vector[]>(this.VVector__46);
            this.vdouble__138_marginal = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(5622, delegate(int index46) {
            this.vdouble__138_marginal = Distribution.SetPoint <DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>, double[]>(this.vdouble__138_marginal, this.Vdouble__138);
            // The constant 'vVectorGaussian46'
            VectorGaussian vVectorGaussian46 = VectorGaussian.FromNatural(DenseVector.FromArray(new double[3] {
                0.0, 0.0, 0.0
            }), new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[3, 3] {
                { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }

            this.vVector139_marginal_F = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian46);
            // Message from use of 'vdouble__139'
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__139_use_B = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__139_use' Backwards messages.
            vdouble__139_use_B = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(5622);
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                vdouble__139_use_B[index46] = Gaussian.Uniform();
                // Message to 'vdouble__139_use' from GaussianFromMeanAndVariance factor
                vdouble__139_use_B[index46] = GaussianFromMeanAndVarianceOp.MeanAverageConditional(this.Vdouble__138[index46], 0.1);
            DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector> vVector139_rep_B = default(DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>);

            // Create array for 'vVector139_rep' Backwards messages.
            vVector139_rep_B = new DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>(5622);
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                vVector139_rep_B[index46] = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian46);
                // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector139_rep_B[index46] = InnerProductOp.AAverageConditional(vdouble__139_use_B[index46], this.VVector__46[index46], vVector139_rep_B[index46]);
            // Buffer for ReplicateOp_Divide.Marginal<VectorGaussian>
            VectorGaussian vVector139_rep_B_toDef = default(VectorGaussian);

            // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector139_rep_B_toDef = ReplicateOp_Divide.ToDefInit <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian46);
            // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector139_rep_B_toDef = ReplicateOp_Divide.ToDef <VectorGaussian>(vVector139_rep_B, vVector139_rep_B_toDef);
            // Message to 'vVector139_marginal' from Variable factor
            this.vVector139_marginal_F = VariableOp.MarginalAverageConditional <VectorGaussian>(vVector139_rep_B_toDef, vVectorGaussian46, this.vVector139_marginal_F);
            DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double> vdouble__139_F = default(DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>);

            // Create array for 'vdouble__139' Forwards messages.
            vdouble__139_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(5622);
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                vdouble__139_F[index46] = Gaussian.Uniform();
            DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector> vVector139_rep_F = default(DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>);

            // Create array for 'vVector139_rep' Forwards messages.
            vVector139_rep_F = new DistributionRefArray <VectorGaussian, Vector>(5622);
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                vVector139_rep_F[index46] = ArrayHelper.MakeUniform <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian46);
            // Buffer for ReplicateOp_Divide.UsesAverageConditional<VectorGaussian>
            VectorGaussian vVector139_rep_F_marginal = default(VectorGaussian);

            // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector139_rep_F_marginal = ReplicateOp_Divide.MarginalInit <VectorGaussian>(vVectorGaussian46);
            // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from Replicate factor
            vVector139_rep_F_marginal = ReplicateOp_Divide.Marginal <VectorGaussian>(vVector139_rep_B_toDef, vVectorGaussian46, vVector139_rep_F_marginal);
            // Buffer for InnerProductOp.InnerProductAverageConditional
            // Create array for replicates of 'vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean'
            Vector[] vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean = new Vector[5622];
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                // Message to 'vdouble__139' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean[index46] = InnerProductOp.AMeanInit(vVector139_rep_F[index46]);
            // Buffer for InnerProductOp.AMean
            // Create array for replicates of 'vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance'
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix[] vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix[5622];
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                // Message to 'vdouble__139' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance[index46] = InnerProductOp.AVarianceInit(vVector139_rep_F[index46]);
                // Message to 'vVector139_rep' from Replicate factor
                vVector139_rep_F[index46] = ReplicateOp_Divide.UsesAverageConditional <VectorGaussian>(vVector139_rep_B[index46], vVector139_rep_F_marginal, index46, vVector139_rep_F[index46]);
            // Create array for 'vdouble__139_marginal' Forwards messages.
            this.vdouble__139_marginal_F = new DistributionStructArray <Gaussian, double>(5622);
            for (int index46 = 0; index46 < 5622; index46++)
                this.vdouble__139_marginal_F[index46] = Gaussian.Uniform();
                // Message to 'vdouble__139' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance[index46] = InnerProductOp.AVariance(vVector139_rep_F[index46], vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance[index46]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__139' from InnerProduct factor
                vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean[index46] = InnerProductOp.AMean(vVector139_rep_F[index46], vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance[index46], vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean[index46]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__139' from InnerProduct factor
                vdouble__139_F[index46] = InnerProductOp.InnerProductAverageConditional(vVector139_rep_F_index46__AMean[index46], vVector139_rep_F_index46__AVariance[index46], this.VVector__46[index46]);
                // Message to 'vdouble__139_marginal' from DerivedVariable factor
                this.vdouble__139_marginal_F[index46] = DerivedVariableOp.MarginalAverageConditional <Gaussian>(vdouble__139_use_B[index46], vdouble__139_F[index46], this.vdouble__139_marginal_F[index46]);
            this.Changed_vVector__46_vdouble__138_iterationsDone = 1;
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
			throw new NotSupportedException(MatrixVectorProductOp.LowRankNotSupportedMessage);
Exemplo n.º 30
        internal void SoftmaxGWAS()
            var v  = Vector.Zero(1);
            var x1 = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(Vector.Zero(1), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(1));

            x1.ObservedValue = v;
            var x2 = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(Vector.Zero(1), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(1));

            v[0]             = 1;
            x2.ObservedValue = v;

            int numExposures = 10;
            int numClasses   = 5;
            int numSamples   = 1000;
            var c            = new Range(numClasses);
            var n            = new Range(numSamples);
            // model
            var Bexposures = Variable.Array <Vector>(c);

            Bexposures[c] = Variable.VectorGaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(
            var exposures = Variable.Array <Vector>(n);
            var Bgenotype = Variable.Array <double>(c);

            Bgenotype[c] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1).ForEach(c);
            var genotypes = Variable.Array <double>(n);
            var mean      = Variable.Array <double>(c);

            mean[c] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndPrecision(0, 1).ForEach(c);
            var g = Variable.Array(Variable.Array <double>(c), n);

            g[n][c] = Bgenotype[c] * genotypes[n] + Variable.InnerProduct(Bexposures[c], exposures[n]) + mean[c];
            var classProbs = Variable.Array <Vector>(n);

            classProbs[n] = Variable.Softmax(g[n]);
            var classAssignments = Variable.Array <int>(n);

            classAssignments[n] = Variable.Discrete(classProbs[n]);
            // generate data
            var exposuresObs   = new Vector[numSamples];
            var genotypeObs    = new double[numSamples];
            var classObs       = new int[numSamples];
            var trueBexposures = new Vector[numClasses];
            var trueBgenotype  = new double[numClasses];

            for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++)
                trueBexposures[i] = VectorGaussian.SampleFromMeanAndVariance(Vector.Zero(numExposures), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(numExposures));
                trueBgenotype[i]  = Rand.Normal();
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
                exposuresObs[i] = VectorGaussian.SampleFromMeanAndVariance(Vector.Zero(numExposures), PositiveDefiniteMatrix.Identity(numExposures));
                genotypeObs[i]  = Rand.Double() < .5 ? 0.0 : 1.0;
                var gt = new double[numClasses];
                for (int j = 0; j < numClasses; j++)
                    gt[j] = genotypeObs[i] * trueBgenotype[j] + exposuresObs[i].Inner(trueBexposures[j]);
                var p = MMath.Softmax(gt);
                classObs[i] = Discrete.Sample(p);
            exposures.ObservedValue        = exposuresObs;
            genotypes.ObservedValue        = genotypeObs;
            classAssignments.ObservedValue = classObs;
            // inference
            var ie    = new InferenceEngine(new VariationalMessagePassing());
            var bPost = ie.Infer <Gaussian[]>(Bgenotype);

            for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Inferred: " + bPost[i] + " truth: " + trueBgenotype[i]);
Exemplo n.º 31
            public void Initialize(bool skipStringDistributions = false)
                // DO NOT make this a constructor, because it makes the test not notice complete lack of serialization as an empty object is set up exactly as the thing
                // you are trying to deserialize.
                this.pareto  = new Pareto(1.2, 3.5);
                this.poisson = new Poisson(2.3);
                this.wishart = new Wishart(20, new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 22, 21 }, { 21, 23 }
                this.vectorGaussian = new VectorGaussian(Vector.FromArray(13, 14), new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(new double[, ] {
                    { 16, 15 }, { 15, 17 }
                this.unnormalizedDiscrete = UnnormalizedDiscrete.FromLogProbs(DenseVector.FromArray(5.1, 5.2, 5.3));
                this.pointMass            = PointMass <double> .Create(1.1);

                this.gaussian             = new Gaussian(11.0, 12.0);
                this.nonconjugateGaussian = new NonconjugateGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.gamma              = new Gamma(9.0, 10.0);
                this.gammaPower         = new GammaPower(5.6, 2.8, 3.4);
                this.discrete           = new Discrete(6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
                this.conjugateDirichlet = new ConjugateDirichlet(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.dirichlet          = new Dirichlet(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);
                this.beta      = new Beta(2.0, 1.0);
                this.binomial  = new Binomial(5, 0.8);
                this.bernoulli = new Bernoulli(0.6);

                this.sparseBernoulliList    = SparseBernoulliList.Constant(4, new Bernoulli(0.1));
                this.sparseBernoulliList[1] = new Bernoulli(0.9);
                this.sparseBernoulliList[3] = new Bernoulli(0.7);

                this.sparseBetaList    = SparseBetaList.Constant(5, new Beta(2.0, 2.0));
                this.sparseBetaList[0] = new Beta(3.0, 4.0);
                this.sparseBetaList[1] = new Beta(5.0, 6.0);

                this.sparseGaussianList    = SparseGaussianList.Constant(6, Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.1, 0.2));
                this.sparseGaussianList[4] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.3, 0.4);
                this.sparseGaussianList[5] = Gaussian.FromMeanAndPrecision(0.5, 0.6);

                this.sparseGammaList = SparseGammaList.Constant(1, Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.0, 2.0));

                this.truncatedGamma    = new TruncatedGamma(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5);
                this.truncatedGaussian = new TruncatedGaussian(1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8);
                this.wrappedGaussian   = new WrappedGaussian(1.2, 2.3, 3.4);

                ga = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian });

                vga = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian });

                ga2D = Distribution <double> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }

                vga2D = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[, ] {
                    { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }

                gaJ = Distribution <double> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian }, new[] { this.gaussian, this.gaussian } });

                vgaJ = Distribution <Vector> .Array(new[] { new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian }, new[] { this.vectorGaussian, this.vectorGaussian } });

                var gp    = new GaussianProcess(new ConstantFunction(0), new SquaredExponential(0));
                var basis = Util.ArrayInit(2, i => Vector.FromArray(1.0 * i));

                this.sparseGp = new SparseGP(new SparseGPFixed(gp, basis));

                this.quantileEstimator = new QuantileEstimator(0.01);
                this.outerQuantiles = OuterQuantiles.FromDistribution(3, this.quantileEstimator);
                this.innerQuantiles = InnerQuantiles.FromDistribution(3, this.outerQuantiles);

                if (!skipStringDistributions)
                    // String distributions can not be serialized by some formatters (namely BinaryFormatter)
                    // That is fine because this combination is never used in practice
                    this.stringDistribution1 = StringDistribution.String("aa")
                                               .Append(StringDistribution.OneOf("b", "ccc")).Append("dddd");
                    this.stringDistribution2 = new StringDistribution();
                    this.stringDistribution2.SetToProduct(StringDistribution.OneOf("a", "b"),
                                                          StringDistribution.OneOf("b", "c"));
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="AverageLogFactor(Vector, Matrix, VectorGaussian, Vector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix)"]/*'/>
 public static double AverageLogFactor(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance)
     return(LogAverageFactor(product, A, B, BMean, BVariance));
 public static VectorGaussian RotateAverageLogarithm(double x, double y, [Proper] WrappedGaussian angle, VectorGaussian result)
     return(RotateAverageLogarithm(Gaussian.PointMass(x), Gaussian.PointMass(y), angle, result));
Exemplo n.º 34
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="ProductAverageConditional(Matrix, Vector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
        public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageConditional(Matrix A, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
            Vector mean = Vector.Zero(result.Dimension);
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = result.Precision;

            GetProductMoments(A, BMean, BVariance, mean, variance);
            result.SetMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);
		/// <summary>
		/// VMP message to 'second'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="concat">Constant value for 'concat'.</param>
		/// <param name="first">Incoming message from 'first'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the exponential of the average log-factor value, where the average is over all arguments except 'second'.
		/// The formula is <c>exp(sum_(first) p(first) log(factor(concat,first,second)))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static VectorGaussian SecondAverageLogarithm(Vector concat, VectorGaussian first, VectorGaussian result)
			return SecondAverageConditional(concat, first, result);
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="ProductAverageConditional(double[,], Vector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageConditional(DistributionArray2D <Gaussian, double> A, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
     if (!A.IsPointMass)
         throw new ArgumentException("A is not a point mass");
     return(ProductAverageConditional(new Matrix(A.Point), BMean, BVariance, result));
Exemplo n.º 37
		public static VectorGaussian RotateAverageLogarithm(double x, double y, [Proper] WrappedGaussian angle, VectorGaussian result)
			return RotateAverageLogarithm(Gaussian.PointMass(x), Gaussian.PointMass(y), angle, result);
Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="ProductAverageLogarithm(double[,], Vector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageLogarithm(double[,] A, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
     return(ProductAverageConditional(A, BMean, BVariance, result));
Exemplo n.º 39
		public static double AverageLogFactor(VectorGaussian rotate) { return 0.0; }
Exemplo n.º 40
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="BAverageConditional(VectorGaussian, Matrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
     if (product.IsPointMass)
         return(BAverageConditional(product.Point, A, result));
     //   (p.mean - A*B)'*p.prec*(p.mean - A*B)
     // = B'*(A'*p.prec*A)*B - B'*A'*p.prec*p.mean - ...
     // B.prec = A'*p.prec*A
     // B.precTimesMean = A'*p.precTimesMean
     if (UseAccurateMethod)
         // this method is slower but more numerically accurate
         // L*L' = p.prec
         int dim = product.Precision.Cols;
         LowerTriangularMatrix L = new LowerTriangularMatrix(dim, dim);
         Matrix At   = A.Transpose();
         Matrix temp = At * L;
         Matrix temp = (product.Precision * A).Transpose();
         result.Precision.SetToProduct(temp, A);
     result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(product.MeanTimesPrecision, A);
        /// <summary>
        /// Train the machine with training data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trainingData">Training data</param>
        private void TrainModel(IList<DataVector> trainingData)
            // Create the array to store classification results
            VariableArray<bool> trainResults =
                Variable.Observed(trainingData.Select(r => r.ClassId == 1).ToArray()).Named("trainResults");


            // Create an array to represent the observed training data
            Range resultRange = trainResults.Range.Named("relevance");
            VariableArray<Vector> observedData =
                Variable.Observed(trainingData.Select(r => r.FeatureVector).ToArray(), resultRange).Named("observedData");

            // Create Bayes Point Machine
            trainResults[resultRange] =
                    Variable.InnerProduct(weight, observedData[resultRange]).Named("innerProduct"), this.Noise) > 0;

            // Using expectation propagation to infer the posterior over test data
            this.Posterior = Engine.Infer<VectorGaussian>(this.weight);
Exemplo n.º 42
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="BAverageConditional(VectorGaussianMoments, Matrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
        public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussianMoments product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
            if (product.IsPointMass)
                return(BAverageConditional(product.Point, A, result));
            VectorGaussian productNatural = new VectorGaussian(product.Mean, product.Variance);

            return(BAverageConditional(productNatural, A, result));
Exemplo n.º 43
		/// <summary>
		/// Runs the BPM using dense features and incremental training.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="numClasses">The number of classes</param>
		/// <param name="noisePrecision">The noise precision</param>
		/// <param name="trainingSetFile">The file containing the training set</param>
		/// <param name="testSet">The test set</param>
		/// <param name="maxItemsPerChunk">The maximum number of items per chunk</param>
		/// <param name="numChunks">The total number of chunks</param>
		private static void RunIncrementalBPM(int numClasses, double noisePrecision, string trainingSetFile, bool labelAtEnd, bool addBias, Vector[] testSet, int maxItemsPerChunk, int numChunks)
			Console.WriteLine("\n------- Incremental BPM -------");
			BPM bpm = new BPM(numClasses, noisePrecision);

			int[] labels;
			Vector[] featureVectors;
			VectorGaussian[] posteriorWeights = new VectorGaussian[numClasses];

			int locationToStart = 0;
			for (int c = 0; c < numChunks; c++)
				featureVectors = DataUtils.Read(trainingSetFile, maxItemsPerChunk, labelAtEnd, addBias, out labels, ref locationToStart);
				posteriorWeights = bpm.Train(featureVectors, labels);

#if ShowWeights
			Console.WriteLine("Weights=" + StringUtil.ArrayToString(posteriorWeights));

			Discrete[] predictions = bpm.Test(testSet);
			foreach (Discrete pred in predictions)
Exemplo n.º 44
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="BAverageConditional(VectorGaussianMoments, double[,], VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussianMoments product, double[,] A, VectorGaussian result)
     return(BAverageConditional(product, new Matrix(A), result));
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for EP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
		/// <param name="to_product">Outgoing message to 'product'.</param>
		/// <returns>Logarithm of the factor's average value across the given argument distributions</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(sum_(product) p(product) factor(product,a,b))</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double LogAverageFactor(VectorGaussian product, [Fresh] VectorGaussian to_product)
			return to_product.GetLogAverageOf(product);
Exemplo n.º 46
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="BAverageConditional(VectorGaussianMoments, DistributionArray2D{Gaussian,double}, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussianMoments product, DistributionArray2D <Gaussian, double> A, VectorGaussian result)
     if (!A.IsPointMass)
         throw new ArgumentException("A is not a point mass");
     return(BAverageConditional(product, new Matrix(A.Point), result));
		public static double LogEvidenceRatio(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B) { return 0.0; }
Exemplo n.º 48
 /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="BAverageLogarithm(VectorGaussianMoments, Matrix, VectorGaussian)"]/*'/>
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussianMoments product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
     return(BAverageConditional(product, A, result));
		/// <summary>
		/// Evidence message for VMP
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="product">Constant value for 'product'.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="B">Incoming message from 'b'.</param>
		/// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
		/// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
		/// <returns>Zero</returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The formula for the result is <c>log(factor(product,a,b))</c>.
		/// Adding up these values across all factors and variables gives the log-evidence estimate for VMP.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static double AverageLogFactor(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian B, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance) { return LogAverageFactor(product, A, B, BMean, BVariance); }
Exemplo n.º 50
 public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm(Vector product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
     throw new NotSupportedException(MatrixVectorProductOp.LowRankNotSupportedMessage);
		/// <summary>
		/// VMP message to 'product'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="BMean">Buffer 'BMean'.</param>
		/// <param name="BVariance">Buffer 'BVariance'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'product' conditioned on the given values.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static VectorGaussian ProductAverageLogarithm(Matrix A, [Fresh] Vector BMean, [Fresh] PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, VectorGaussian result)
			return ProductAverageConditional(A, BMean, BVariance, result);
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'A'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="matrixMultiply">Incoming message from 'matrixMultiply'. Must be a proper distribution.  If any element is uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Incoming message from 'A'. Must be a proper distribution.  If any element is uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="B">Constant value for 'B'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'A' as the random arguments are varied.
		/// The formula is <c>proj[p(A) sum_(matrixMultiply) p(matrixMultiply) factor(matrixMultiply,A,B)]/p(A)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="matrixMultiply"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="A"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static GaussianArray2D AAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] GaussianArray2D matrixMultiply, [SkipIfUniform] GaussianArray2D A, double[,] B, GaussianArray2D result)
			int rows = matrixMultiply.GetLength(0);
			int cols = matrixMultiply.GetLength(1);
			int inner = B.GetLength(0);
			if (result == null) result = new GaussianArray2D(rows, inner);
			// sum_{i,j} (m[i,j] - a[i,:]*b[:,j])^2/v[i,j] = 
			// sum_{i,j} (m[i,j]^2 - 2m[i,j]a[i,:]*b[:,j] + a[i,:]*(b[:,j] b[:,j]')*a[i,:]')/v[i,j]
			// meanTimesPrec(a[i,:]) = sum_j (m[i,j]/v[i,j]) b[:,j]
			// prec(a[i,:]) = sum_j b[:,j]*b[:,j]'/v[i,j]
			Vector bj = Vector.Zero(inner);
			Vector mean = Vector.Zero(inner);
			VectorGaussian ai = new VectorGaussian(inner);
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(inner, inner);
			for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
				// we are projecting from family of full covariance Gaussians to diagonal
				// covariance, so we should include the context
				for (int c = 0; c < inner; c++) {
					ai.Precision[c, c] = A[i, c].Precision;
					ai.MeanTimesPrecision[c] = A[i, c].MeanTimesPrecision;
				for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
					Gaussian xij = matrixMultiply[i, j];
					for (int k = 0; k < inner; k++) {
						bj[k] = B[k, j];
					if (xij.IsPointMass) throw new NotImplementedException(LowRankNotSupportedMessage);
					ai.Precision.SetToSumWithOuter(ai.Precision, xij.Precision, bj, bj);
					ai.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToSum(1.0, ai.MeanTimesPrecision, xij.MeanTimesPrecision, bj);
				ai.GetMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);
				for (int k = 0; k < inner; k++) {
					Gaussian rik = result[i, k];
					rik.SetMeanAndVariance(mean[k], variance[k, k]);
					result[i, k] = rik / A[i, k];
			return result;
		/// <summary>
		/// VMP message to 'b'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="product">Incoming message from 'product'.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'a'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'b' with 'product' integrated out.
		/// The formula is <c>sum_product p(product) factor(product,a,b)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm(VectorGaussian product, Matrix A, VectorGaussian result)
			return BAverageConditional(product, A, result);
 public static VectorGaussian RotateAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian x, [SkipIfUniform] Gaussian y, double angle, VectorGaussian result)
     return(RotateAverageLogarithm(x, y, WrappedGaussian.PointMass(angle), result));
Exemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary>
		/// VMP message to 'B'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sum">Incoming message from 'Sum'. Must be a proper distribution.  If uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'A'.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is the factor viewed as a function of 'B' with 'Sum' integrated out.
		/// The formula is <c>sum_Sum p(Sum) factor(Sum,A,B)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="sum"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static VectorGaussian BAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] Gaussian sum, bool[] A, VectorGaussian result)
			if (result == default(VectorGaussian)) result = new VectorGaussian(A.Length);
			// E[log N(x; ab, 0)] = -0.5 E[(x-ab)^2]/0 = -0.5 (E[x^2] - 2 E[x] a' E[b] + trace(aa' E[bb']))/0
			// message to a = N(a; E[x]*inv(var(b)+E[b]E[b]')*E[b], var(x)*inv(var(b)+E[b]E[b]'))
			// result.Precision = (var(b)+E[b]*E[b]')/var(x)
			// result.MeanTimesPrecision = E[x]/var(x)*E[b] = E[b]*X.MeanTimesPrecision
			Vector ma = Vector.FromArray(A.Select(x => x ? 1.0 : 0.0).ToArray());
			// note this is exact if B is a point mass (vb=0).
			result.Precision.SetToOuter(ma, ma);
			result.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToProduct(ma, sum.MeanTimesPrecision);
			return result;
Exemplo n.º 56
 public static PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance([Proper] VectorGaussian B, PositiveDefiniteMatrix result)
Exemplo n.º 57
        /// <include file='FactorDocs.xml' path='factor_docs/message_op_class[@name="MatrixVectorProductOp"]/message_doc[@name="AAverageConditional(VectorGaussian, DistributionArray2D{Gaussian, double}, Vector, PositiveDefiniteMatrix, DistributionStructArray2D{Gaussian, double})"]/*'/>
        public static DistributionStructArray2D <Gaussian, double> AAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussian product, DistributionArray2D <Gaussian, double> A, Vector BMean, PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVariance, DistributionStructArray2D <Gaussian, double> result)
            if (product.IsUniform())
            if (!A.IsPointMass)
                throw new ArgumentException("A is not a point mass");
            // logZ = log N(mProduct; A*BMean, vProduct + A*BVariance*A')
            //      = -0.5 (mProduct - A*BMean)' inv(vProduct + A*BVariance*A') (mProduct - A*BMean) - 0.5 logdet(vProduct + A*BVariance*A')
            //      = -0.5 (mProduct - A*BMean)' pPrec inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (mProduct - A*BMean)
            //        - 0.5 logdet(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) + logdet(pProduct)
            // dlogZ   = 0.5 (dA*BMean)' pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (mProduct - A*BMean)
            //         +0.5 (mProduct - A*BMean)' pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (dA*BMean)
            //         +0.5 (mProduct - A*BMean)' pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) (pProduct*dA*BVariance*A'*pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*dA'*pProduct) inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (mProduct - A*BMean)
            //         - 0.5 tr(inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) (pProduct*dA*BVariance*A'*pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*dA'*pProduct))
            // dlogZ/dA = pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (mProduct - A*BMean) BMean'
            //          + pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct (mProduct - A*BMean) (mProduct - A*BMean)' pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct*A*BVariance
            //          - pProduct inv(pProduct + pProduct*A*BVariance*A'*pProduct) pProduct A*BVariance
            var Amatrix                 = new Matrix(A.Point);
            var pProductA               = product.Precision * Amatrix;
            var pProductABV             = pProductA * BVariance;
            PositiveDefiniteMatrix prec = new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(product.Dimension, product.Dimension);

            prec.SetToSum(product.Precision, pProductABV * pProductA.Transpose());
            // pProductA is now free
            for (int i = 0; i < prec.Rows; i++)
                if (prec[i, i] == 0)
                    prec[i, i] = 1;
            var v           = prec.Inverse();
            var ABM         = Amatrix * BMean;
            var pProductABM = product.Precision * ABM;
            var diff        = pProductABM;

            diff.SetToDifference(product.MeanTimesPrecision, pProductABM);
            // ABM is now free
            var pProductV     = product.Precision * v;
            var pProductVdiff = ABM;

            pProductVdiff.SetToProduct(pProductV, diff);
            var Vdiff = v * diff;

            pProductV.SetToSumWithOuter(pProductV, 1, pProductVdiff, Vdiff);
            Matrix dlogZ = pProductA;

            dlogZ.SetToProduct(pProductV, pProductABV);
            dlogZ.SetToSumWithOuter(dlogZ, 1, pProductVdiff, BMean);
            int rows = A.GetLength(0);
            int cols = A.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
                    double dlogp = dlogZ[i, j];
                    // for now, we don't compute the second derivative.
                    double ddlogp = -1;
                    result[i, j] = Gaussian.FromDerivatives(A[i, j].Point, dlogp, ddlogp, false);
 public static WrappedGaussian AngleAverageLogarithm([SkipIfUniform] VectorGaussian rotate, [Proper] Gaussian x, [Proper] Gaussian y)
     return(AngleAverageLogarithm(rotate, x.GetMean(), y.GetMean()));
		/// <summary>
		/// EP message to 'B'
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="matrixMultiply">Incoming message from 'matrixMultiply'. Must be a proper distribution.  If any element is uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="A">Constant value for 'A'.</param>
		/// <param name="B">Incoming message from 'B'. Must be a proper distribution.  If any element is uniform, the result will be uniform.</param>
		/// <param name="result">Modified to contain the outgoing message</param>
		/// <returns><paramref name="result"/></returns>
		/// <remarks><para>
		/// The outgoing message is a distribution matching the moments of 'B' as the random arguments are varied.
		/// The formula is <c>proj[p(B) sum_(matrixMultiply) p(matrixMultiply) factor(matrixMultiply,A,B)]/p(B)</c>.
		/// </para></remarks>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="matrixMultiply"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		/// <exception cref="ImproperMessageException"><paramref name="B"/> is not a proper distribution</exception>
		public static GaussianArray2D BAverageConditional([SkipIfUniform] GaussianArray2D matrixMultiply, double[,] A, [SkipIfUniform] GaussianArray2D B, GaussianArray2D result)
			int rows = matrixMultiply.GetLength(0);
			int cols = matrixMultiply.GetLength(1);
			int inner = A.GetLength(1);
			if (result == null) result = new GaussianArray2D(inner, cols);
			var ai = DenseVector.Zero(inner);
			var mean = DenseVector.Zero(inner);
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix variance = new
			PositiveDefiniteMatrix(inner, inner);
			var bj = new VectorGaussian(inner);
			for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
				// we are projecting from family of full covariance Gaussians to diagonal
				// covariance, so we should include the context
				for (int c = 0; c < inner; c++) {
					bj.Precision[c, c] = B[c, j].Precision;
					bj.MeanTimesPrecision[c] = B[c, j].MeanTimesPrecision;
				for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
					Gaussian xij = matrixMultiply[i, j];
					for (int k = 0; k < inner; k++) {
						ai[k] = A[i, k];
					if (xij.IsPointMass) throw new NotImplementedException(LowRankNotSupportedMessage);
					bj.Precision.SetToSumWithOuter(bj.Precision, xij.Precision, ai, ai);
					bj.MeanTimesPrecision.SetToSum(1.0, bj.MeanTimesPrecision, xij.MeanTimesPrecision, ai);
				bj.GetMeanAndVariance(mean, variance);
				for (int k = 0; k < inner; k++) {
					Gaussian rkj = result[k, j];
					rkj.SetMeanAndVariance(mean[k], variance[k, k]);
					result[k, j] = rkj / B[k, j];
			return result;
Exemplo n.º 60
 public static PositiveDefiniteMatrix BVarianceInit([IgnoreDependency] VectorGaussian B)
     return(new PositiveDefiniteMatrix(B.Dimension, B.Dimension));