Exemplo n.º 1
     * <summary>
     * Fully animates a jump of a player using the spring.
     * </summary>
     * <remarks>
     * The player object will undergo several adjustments during the jump, to avoid interaction with other map objects
     * during the jump.
     * <list type="bullet">
     *   <item><description><see cref="PlayerController.PhysicsEffects"/> will be disabled</description></item>
     *   <item><description>The rigidbody will be disabled.</description></item>
     *   <item><description>The layer will be changed</description></item>
     *   <item><description>...</description></item>
     * </list>
     * </remarks>
    private IEnumerator AnimateSpringJump(PlayerController player)
        // === 0. While in use, no other player shall use this Spring ===
        _interactive.enabled = false;

        // === 1. Adjust the player object so that it will not interact with other objects during the jump ===
        player.PhysicsEffects.enabled = false;
        player.PhysicsEffects.rigidbody2D.simulated = false;

        var originalLayer = player.gameObject.layer;

        player.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Carried");

        player.InteractorCollider.CanInteract = false;

        // Ensure the player is rendered above everything else
        var originalSortingOrder = player.spriteRenderer.sortingOrder;

        player.spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = 999;

        // === 2. Move player linearly to the start point. ===
        var playerTransform = player.transform;
        var currentPosition = (Vector2)playerTransform.position;

        while (currentPosition != (Vector2)springJumpStartPoint.transform.position)
            player.transform.position = VectorExtensions.Assign2D(
                    Time.deltaTime * jumpOnSpringSpeed

            currentPosition = playerTransform.position;

            // wait one frame
            yield return(0);

        // === 3. Animate Jump ===

        // Animate the spring to tense up
        _animator.SetBool(UnderTensionAnimatorProperty, true);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(underTensionTime));

        // Release spring and play sound
        _animator.SetBool(UnderTensionAnimatorProperty, false);

        // Inform player object to use a jump sprite

        // Calculate, how far the player will jump
        var jumpDistance = ((Vector2)springJumpDestination.transform.position - (Vector2)player.transform.position).magnitude;
        // We store how far we have travelled this distance here
        var traveledDistance = 0.0f;

        // We introduce a temporary parent object to scale the player while jumping.
        // This way, other components adjusting the player scaling can not interfere with us.
        var scalingParent  = new GameObject();
        var originalParent = player.transform.parent;

        scalingParent.transform.position = player.transform.position;
        player.transform.position        = Vector3.zero;
        player.transform.SetParent(scalingParent.transform, false);
        var maxScale = jumpMaxScale * Vector3.one;

        // Move the parent to the target location. This will also move the player
        currentPosition = (Vector2)scalingParent.transform.position;
        while (currentPosition != (Vector2)springJumpDestination.transform.position)
            // Compute how far we can move in this frame depending on the passed time
            var distanceDelta = Time.deltaTime * jumpSpeed;
            // Accumulate the distance we moved so far. We will use this to adjust the scaling
            traveledDistance += distanceDelta;

            scalingParent.transform.position = VectorExtensions.Assign2D(

            currentPosition = scalingParent.transform.position;

            // Animate the scaling of the player
            // They shall appear bigger towards the middle of the travel distance, to give the illusion of a high jump

            // If we have not reached half the travel distance yet...
            if (traveledDistance < jumpDistance / 2)
                // ...linearly interpolate the scale so that the maximum is reached at half the travel distance
                scalingParent.transform.localScale = VectorExtensions.Assign2D(
                    Vector2.Lerp(Vector2.one, maxScale, 2 * traveledDistance / jumpDistance)

            // Otherwise...
                // ...linearly interpolate the scale starting at the maximum so that the minimum is reached at the full travel distance
                scalingParent.transform.localScale = VectorExtensions.Assign2D(
                    Vector2.Lerp(maxScale, Vector2.one, 2 * traveledDistance / jumpDistance - 1)

            // wait one frame
            yield return(0);

        // === 4. Remove all adjustments to the player object ===
        player.InteractorCollider.CanInteract = true;

        player.transform.position = scalingParent.transform.position;

        player.spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = originalSortingOrder;

        player.PhysicsEffects.enabled = true;
        player.PhysicsEffects.rigidbody2D.simulated = true;

        player.gameObject.layer = originalLayer;

        // === 5. reenable interactions with this spring ===
        _interactive.enabled = true;