Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Quat FromToRotation(Vector3f from, Vector3f to)
            float    angle = Vector3f.Angle(from, to);
            Vector3f axis  = Vector3f.Cross(from, to);

            return(AngleAxis(angle, axis.normalized));
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Angle formed by two 3D vectors along a provided axis.
        public static float SignedAngle(Vector3f from, Vector3f to, Vector3f axis)
            var angle = Vector3f.Angle(from, to);
            var cross = Vector3f.Cross(from, to);
            var sign  = Math.Sign(axis.x * cross.x + axis.y * cross.y + axis.z * cross.z);

            return(angle * sign);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Calculate(Vector3f top, Vector3f mid, Vector3f low, Vector3f target, Vector3f hint, Quat topRotation, Quat midRotation, ref Quat topLocalRotation, ref Quat midLocalRotation)
            // Epsilon is used to prevent the chain to be fully extended (in order to prevent float point errors).
            float epsilon         = 0.0001f;
            float lengthTopMid    = (mid - top).length;
            float lengthMidLow    = (low - mid).length;
            float lengthTopLow    = (low - top).length;
            float lengthTopTarget = Math.Clamp((target - top).length, epsilon, lengthTopMid + lengthMidLow - epsilon);

            // Get angle difference using current and desired angle for mid.
            // Axis is multiplied by the inverse of mid global rotation in order to make the new rotation in local space (this is done every time).
            float    currentMidAngle  = Math.TriangleAngle(lengthTopLow, lengthTopMid, lengthMidLow);
            float    desiredMidAngle  = Math.TriangleAngle(lengthTopTarget, lengthTopMid, lengthMidLow);
            float    midAngleDiff     = (currentMidAngle - desiredMidAngle);
            Vector3f midAxis          = Vector3f.Normalize(Vector3f.Cross(top - mid, mid - low));
            Quat     finalMidRotation = new Quat(midAngleDiff, Quat.Inverse(midRotation) * midAxis);

            midLocalRotation *= finalMidRotation;

            // Rotate low in global space.
            Vector3f rotatedLow = (new Quat(midAngleDiff, midAxis) * (low - mid)) + mid;

            // Get angle difference by calculating the angle between top-low-target.
            float    topAngleDiff     = Vector3f.Angle(rotatedLow - top, target - top);
            Vector3f topAxis          = Vector3f.Normalize(Vector3f.Cross(rotatedLow - top, target - top));
            Quat     finalTopRotation = new Quat(topAngleDiff, Quat.Inverse(topRotation) * topAxis);

            topLocalRotation *= finalTopRotation;

            // Rotate mid and low (again) in global space.
            Vector3f rotatedMid     = (new Quat(topAngleDiff, topAxis) * (mid - top)) + top;
            Vector3f lastRotatedLow = (new Quat(topAngleDiff, topAxis) * new Quat(midAngleDiff, midAxis) * (low - mid)) + rotatedMid;

            // Get a plane using top and the normal top-low (rotated).
            // This will be used to calculate how many degrees needs top to be rotated in order to align mid with hint position (top and low won't be moved).
            Vector3f planeNormal            = Vector3f.Normalize(top - lastRotatedLow);
            var      plane                  = new Plane(planeNormal, top);
            Vector3f projectedMid           = plane.ClosestPoint(rotatedMid);
            Vector3f projectedHint          = plane.ClosestPoint(hint);
            float    angleDiff              = Vector3f.SignedAngle(top - projectedMid, top - projectedHint, plane.normal);
            Quat     finalAdjustTopRotation = new Quat(angleDiff, Quat.Inverse(topRotation) * planeNormal);

            topLocalRotation = finalAdjustTopRotation * topLocalRotation;