public void LeftIntersection_WhenSweeplinePassesThroughLowerOfTheTwoFocii_ShouldReturnDirectionOfThatFocus
            (Arc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            arc.LeftNeighbour.Position = Utilities.VectorAt(114, 94);
            arc.Site.Position          = Utilities.VectorAt(96, 77);
            sweepline = Utilities.SweeplineAt(121);

            // Fixture setup
            var focus      = arc.Site.Position;
            var leftFocus  = arc.LeftNeighbour.Position;
            var lowerFocus = focus.Z < leftFocus.Z ? focus : leftFocus;

            var directionOfLowerFocus = AngleUtilities.EquatorialDirection(lowerFocus);

            sweepline.Z = lowerFocus.Z;

            // Exercise system
            var directionOfLeftIntersection = arc.LeftIntersection(sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var failureString = String.Format("Direction of left intersection: {0},\n",

            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(directionOfLowerFocus, directionOfLeftIntersection, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public static Vector3 LeftIntersection(this IArc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            var p = arc.LeftNeighbour.Position;
            var q = arc.Site.Position;
            var Z = sweepline.Z;

            if (Vector.AlmostEqual(p, q))
            if (Number.AlmostEqual(Z, p.Z) && Number.AlmostEqual(Z, q.Z))
                return(AngleUtilities.EquatorialMidpoint(p, q));

            var A = p.X * (Z - q.Z) - q.X * (Z - p.Z);
            var B = p.Y * (Z - q.Z) - q.Y * (Z - p.Z);
            var C = (p.Z - q.Z) * Math.Sign(sweepline.Priority) * Math.Sqrt(1 - Z * Z);

            var A2PlusB2MinusC2 = Math.Max(A * A + B * B - C * C, 0);
            var x = (A * C + B * Math.Sqrt(A2PlusB2MinusC2)) / (A * A + B * B);
            var y = (B * C - A * Math.Sqrt(A2PlusB2MinusC2)) / (A * A + B * B);

            return(new Vector3(x, y, 0));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool UnorderedEquals(IEnumerable <Vector> expected, IEnumerable <Vector> actual, double relativeAccuracy)
            var expectedList = expected.ToList();
            var actualList   = actual.ToList();

            var missingFromActual   = expectedList.Where(x => expectedList.Count(y => Vector.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)) != actualList.Count(y => Vector.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)));
            var missingFromExpected = actualList.Where(x => expectedList.Count(y => Vector.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)) != actualList.Count(y => Vector.AlmostEqual(x, y, relativeAccuracy)));

            return(!(missingFromActual.Any() || missingFromExpected.Any()));
 public static bool AreInOrder(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
     if (Vector.AlmostEqual(b, c) || Vector.AlmostEqual(a, c))
         return((c - b).CrossMultiply(a - b)[2] >= 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestQuatproduct()
            Vector <double> q_1 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.63867877, 0.52251797, 0.56156573, 0.06089615 });

            Vector <double> q_2 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.35764716, 0.61051424, 0.11540801, 0.69716703 });

            Matrix <double> R_t = Q2R(q_1).Multiply(Q2R(q_2));
            Vector <double> q_t = R2Q(R_t);
            Vector <double> q   = Quatproduct(q_1).Multiply(q_2);

            Assert.IsTrue(q.AlmostEqual(q_t, 1e-6));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestR2Q()
            Matrix <double> rot = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { -0.5057639, -0.1340537, 0.8521928 },
                new[] { 0.6456962, -0.7139224, 0.2709081 },
                new[] { 0.5720833, 0.6872731, 0.4476342 });

            Vector <double> q_t = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2387194, 0.4360402, 0.2933459, 0.8165967 });

            Vector <double> q = R2Q(rot);

            Assert.IsTrue(q.AlmostEqual(q_t, 1e-6));
        public void LeftIntersection_WhenLeftNeigbourIsSameAsArcSite_ShouldReturnDirectionOfFocus
            (Arc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            // Fixture setup
            arc.LeftNeighbour = arc.Site;
            var directionOfFocus = AngleUtilities.EquatorialDirection(arc.Site.Position);

            // Exercise system
            var directionOfLeftIntersection = arc.LeftIntersection(sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var failureString = String.Format("Direction of left intersection: {0},\n",

            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(directionOfFocus, directionOfLeftIntersection, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestAlmostEquals_Vector()
            Vector a1 = Vector.Random(3, new ContinuousUniformDistribution());
            Vector a2 = a1.Clone();
            Vector b  = -a1;
            Vector c  = a1 * (1.0 + (1e+10 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0)));
            Vector d  = a1 * (1.0 + (2 * Number.PositiveEpsilonOf(1.0)));

            Helper_TestAlmostEqualityForGenericType(a1, a2, b, c, d);

            // Wrapper
            Assert.That(Vector.AlmostEqual(a1, c), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Vector.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-10), Is.False);
            Assert.That(Vector.AlmostEqual(a1, c, 1e-2), Is.True);

            // reference type -> no boxing
            Assert.That(a1, Is.SameAs(a1));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestRot2Q()
            Tuple <Vector <double>, double> rot = R2rot(Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfRowArrays(
                                                            new[] { -0.5057639, -0.1340537, 0.8521928 },
                                                            new[] { 0.6456962, -0.7139224, 0.2709081 },
                                                            new[] { 0.5720833, 0.6872731, 0.4476342 }));
            Vector <double> k = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(3);

            for (int i = 0; i < rot.Item1.Count; i++)
                k[i] = (double)rot.Item1[i];
            double          theta = (double)rot.Item2;
            Vector <double> q_t   = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0.2387194, 0.4360402, 0.2933459, 0.8165967 });

            Vector <double> q = Rot2Q(k, theta);

            Assert.IsTrue(q.AlmostEqual(q_t, 1e-6));
        public void PointAt_IfSweeplinePassesThroughFocusAndVectorIsNotAtSameAzimuthAsFocus_ShouldReturnNorthPole
            (Arc arc, Vector3 vector)
            // Fixture setup
            var sweepline = new Sweepline {
                Z = arc.Site.Position.Z
            var northPole = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            // Exercise system
            var point = arc.PointAt(vector, sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var failureString = String.Format("Point was {0}", point);

            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(northPole, point, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
        public void Curl_OverACube_ShouldSumToZero
            (IPolyhedron polyhedron, VectorField <Vertex> V)
            // Fixture setup
            var operators = new VectorFieldOperators(polyhedron);

            // Exercise system
            var divergence = operators.Curl(V);

            // Verify outcome
            var expected = Vector.Zeros(3);

            var actual = divergence.Values.Aggregate(Vector.Zeros(3), (c, v) => c + v);

            TestUtilities.WriteExpectedAndActual(expected, actual);
            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(expected, actual, TestUtilities.RelativeAccuracy));

            // Teardown
Exemplo n.º 12
        // singularRPI requested like this:
        //"A userId of null was inappropriately allowed.")]
        public void Testrpy2R()
            Vector <double> rpy1 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 10 * Math.PI / 180, -30 * Math.PI / 180, 90 * Math.PI / 180 });

            Matrix <double> R1   = rpy2R(rpy1);
            Matrix <double> R1_t = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfRowArrays(
                new[] { -0.0000000, -0.9848077, 0.1736482 },
                new[] { 0.8660254, -0.0868241, -0.4924039 },
                new[] { 0.5000000, 0.1503837, 0.8528686 });

            Assert.IsTrue(R1.AlmostEqual(R1_t, 1e-6));
            Vector <double> rpy2 = R2rpy(R1);

            Assert.IsTrue(rpy1.AlmostEqual(rpy2, 1e-6));

            // Check singularity
            Vector <double> rpy3 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 10 * Math.PI / 180, 90 * Math.PI / 180, -30 * Math.PI / 180 });

            Matrix <double> R3 = rpy2R(rpy3);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void LocalDirection_AnyVectorFromTheNorthPole_ShouldBeTheSameAsThatVectorProjectedOntoEquator
            (double colatitude, double azimuth)
            // Fixture setup
            var vector    = VectorUtilities.NewVector(colatitude, azimuth);
            var northPole = VectorUtilities.NewVector(0, 0);

            var expected = vector;

            expected[2] = 0;
            expected    = expected.Normalize();

            // Exercise system
            var actual = VectorUtilities.LocalDirection(northPole, vector);

            // Verify outcome
            TestUtilities.WriteExpectedAndActual(expected, actual);
            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(expected, actual, TestUtilities.RelativeAccuracy));

            // Teardown
        public void EdgeNormals_OnTheAllPositiveVertexOfACube_ShouldCalculateTheCorrectNormals
            (IPolyhedron polyhedron)
            // Fixture setup
            var expected = new List <Vector>
                VectorUtilities.NewVector(0, -1, 1).Normalize(),
                VectorUtilities.NewVector(1, 0, -1).Normalize(),
                VectorUtilities.NewVector(-1, 1, 0).Normalize(),

            // Exercise system
            var normals = VertexIndexedTableFactory.EdgeNormals(polyhedron);

            // Verify outcome
            var vertex = polyhedron.Vertices.First(v => Vector.AlmostEqual(v.Position, VectorUtilities.NewVector(1, 1, 1)));
            var actual = normals[polyhedron.IndexOf(vertex)];

            TestUtilities.WriteExpectedAndActual(expected, actual);
            Assert.True(TestUtilities.UnorderedEquals(expected, actual, TestUtilities.RelativeAccuracy));

            // Teardown
        public static Vector3 PointAt(Vector3 focus, Vector3 vector, Sweepline sweepline)
            var p = focus;
            var n = AngleUtilities.EquatorialDirection(vector);
            var Z = sweepline.Z;

            if (Number.AlmostEqual(p.Z, Z) && Vector.AlmostEqual(AngleUtilities.EquatorialDirection(p), n))
            if (Number.AlmostEqual(p.Z, Z))
                return(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

            var tanOfColatitude = (Z - p.Z) / (p.ScalarMultiply(n) - Math.Sign(sweepline.Priority) * Math.Sqrt(1 - Z * Z));

            var x = n.X * Math.Abs(tanOfColatitude / Math.Sqrt(1 + tanOfColatitude * tanOfColatitude));
            var y = n.Y * Math.Abs(tanOfColatitude / Math.Sqrt(1 + tanOfColatitude * tanOfColatitude));
            var z = Math.Sign(tanOfColatitude) / Math.Sqrt(1 + tanOfColatitude * tanOfColatitude);

            return(new Vector3(x, y, z));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool _test_last_configuration(Robot r, double[] theta, double[] last_theta)
            Transform pose1 = Fwdkin(r, theta);

            double[][] theta2 = InverseKin.robot6_sphericalwrist_invkin(r, pose1);
            Transform  pose2  = Fwdkin(r, theta2[0]);

            if (!(pose1 == pose2))
            Vector <double> theta2_vec = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(theta2[0]);

            Vector <double> last_vec = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(last_theta);

            Console.WriteLine("last config: {0}", theta2_vec);
            Console.WriteLine("last config: {0}", last_theta);
            if (theta2_vec.AlmostEqual(last_vec, 1e-8))
        public void LeftIntersection_WhenSweeplinePassesThroughBothFocuses_ShouldReturnEquatorialMidpointOfFocii
            (Arc arc, Sweepline sweepline)
            // Fixture setup
            var colatitudeOfFocus  = arc.Site.Position.SphericalCoordinates().Colatitude;
            var azimuthOfFocus     = arc.Site.Position.SphericalCoordinates().Azimuth;
            var azimuthOfLeftFocus = arc.LeftNeighbour.Position.SphericalCoordinates().Azimuth;

            arc.Site.Position          = new SphericalCoords(colatitudeOfFocus, azimuthOfFocus).CartesianCoordinates();
            arc.LeftNeighbour.Position = new SphericalCoords(colatitudeOfFocus, azimuthOfLeftFocus).CartesianCoordinates();

            // Exercise system
            var directionOfLeftIntersection = arc.LeftIntersection(sweepline);

            // Verify outcome
            var equatorialMidpoint = AngleUtilities.EquatorialMidpoint(arc.LeftNeighbour.Position, arc.Site.Position);
            var failureString      = String.Format("Direction of left intersection: {0},\n",

            Assert.True(Vector.AlmostEqual(equatorialMidpoint, directionOfLeftIntersection, Tolerance), failureString);

            // Teardown
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Test_Subproblems()
            Vector <double> x = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 1.0, 0, 0 });

            Vector <double> y = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 1.0, 0 });

            Vector <double> z = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, 0, 1.0 });

            // Subproblem0
            Assert.IsTrue(Subproblem0(x, y, z) == Math.PI / 2);

            // Subproblem1
            Vector <double> k1 = (x + z) / (x + z).L2Norm();
            Vector <double> k2 = (y + z) / (y + z).L2Norm();

            Assert.IsTrue(Subproblem1(k1, k2, z) == Math.PI / 2);

            // Subproblem2
            Vector <double> p2 = x;
            Vector <double> q2 = x.Add(y).Add(z);

            q2 = q2 / q2.L2Norm();
            double[] a2 = Subproblem2(p2, q2, z, y);
            Assert.IsTrue(a2.Length == 4);

            Matrix <double> r1_0 = Rot(z, a2[0]);
            Matrix <double> r1_1 = Rot(y, a2[1]);
            Vector <double> r1   = (r1_0 * r1_1).Column(0);

            Matrix <double> r2_0 = Rot(z, a2[2]);
            Matrix <double> r2_1 = Rot(y, a2[3]);
            Vector <double> r2   = (r2_0 * r2_1).Column(0);

            Assert.IsTrue(r1.AlmostEqual(q2, 1e-4));
            Assert.IsTrue(r2.AlmostEqual(q2, 1e-4));

            double[] a3 = Subproblem2(x, z, z, y);
            Assert.IsTrue(a3.Length == 2);

            Matrix <double> r3_0 = Rot(z, a3[0]);
            Matrix <double> r3_1 = Rot(y, a3[1]);
            Vector <double> r3   = (r3_0 * r3_1).Column(0);

            Assert.IsTrue(r3.AlmostEqual(z, 1e-4));

            // Subproblem3
            Vector <double> p4 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { .5, 0, 0 });

            Vector <double> q4 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { 0, .75, 0 });

            double[] a4 = Subproblem3(p4, q4, z, .5);
            double[] a5 = Subproblem3(p4, q4, z, 1.25);
            Assert.IsTrue(a4.Length == 2);

            Assert.IsTrue((q4 + Rot(z, a4[0]) * p4).L2Norm().AlmostEqual(0.5, 1e-8));
            Assert.IsTrue((q4 + Rot(z, a4[1]) * p4).L2Norm().AlmostEqual(0.5, 1e-8));

            Assert.IsTrue(a5.Length == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue((q4 + Rot(z, a5[0]) * p4).L2Norm().AlmostEqual(1.25, 1e-8));

            // Subproblem4
            Vector <double> p6 = y;
            Vector <double> q6 = Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(new[] { .8, .2, .5 });

            double d6 = .3;

            double[] a6 = Subproblem4(p6, q6, z, d6);
            Assert.IsTrue((p6 * Rot(z, a6[0]) * q6).AlmostEqual(d6, 1e-4));
            Assert.IsTrue((p6 * Rot(z, a6[1]) * q6).AlmostEqual(d6, 1e-4));