Exemplo n.º 1
        static int LargestDelta(Level lvl, Vec3S32 point)
            Vec3S32 clamped;

            clamped.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(point.X, lvl.Width - 1));
            clamped.Y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(point.Y, lvl.Height - 1));
            clamped.Z = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(point.Z, lvl.Length - 1));

            int dx = Math.Abs(point.X - clamped.X);
            int dy = Math.Abs(point.Y - clamped.Y);
            int dz = Math.Abs(point.Z - clamped.Z);

            return(Math.Max(dx, Math.Max(dy, dz)));
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static bool GetTeleportCoords(Player p, Entity ori, string[] args, bool precise,
                                               out Position pos, out byte yaw, out byte pitch)
            Vec3S32 P;

            pos   = p.Pos;
            yaw   = ori.Rot.RotY;
            pitch = ori.Rot.HeadX;

            if (!precise)
                // relative to feet block coordinates
                P = p.Pos.FeetBlockCoords;
                if (!CommandParser.GetCoords(p, args, 0, ref P))
                pos = Position.FromFeetBlockCoords(P.X, P.Y, P.Z);
                // relative to feet position exactly
                P = new Vec3S32(p.Pos.X, p.Pos.Y + Entities.CharacterHeight, p.Pos.Z);
                if (!CommandParser.GetCoords(p, args, 0, ref P))
                pos = new Position(P.X, P.Y - Entities.CharacterHeight, P.Z);

            int angle = 0;

            if (args.Length > 3)
                if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, args[3], "Yaw angle", ref angle, -360, 360))
                yaw = Orientation.DegreesToPacked(angle);
            if (args.Length > 4)
                if (!CommandParser.GetInt(p, args[4], "Pitch angle", ref angle, -360, 360))
                pitch = Orientation.DegreesToPacked(angle);
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void TeleportCoordsPrecise(Player p, string[] args)
            Vec3S32 P = new Vec3S32(p.Pos.X, p.Pos.Y + Entities.CharacterHeight, p.Pos.Z);

            if (!CommandParser.GetCoords(p, args, 1, ref P))

            Position pos = new Position(P.X, P.Y - Entities.CharacterHeight, P.Z);

            p.SendPos(Entities.SelfID, pos, p.Rot);
Exemplo n.º 4
        void MakeBranch(int x, int y, int z, TreeOutput output)
            int branchX      = rnd.Next(-maxExtent, maxExtent);
            int branchZ      = rnd.Next(-maxExtent, maxExtent);
            int branchStartY = rnd.Next((trunkHeight / 4) + 1, trunkHeight + (trunkHeight / 4));
            int branchEndY   = branchStartY + rnd.Next(1, maxBranchHeight + 3);

            Vec3S32 p1 = new Vec3S32(x, y + branchStartY, z);
            Vec3S32 p2 = new Vec3S32(x + branchX, y + branchEndY, z + branchZ);

            Line(p1, p2, output);

            GenCluster(x + branchX, y + branchEndY, z + branchZ, output);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void Generate(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, TreeOutput output)
            // Generate base tree
            Vec3S32 p1 = new Vec3S32(x, y, z);
            Vec3S32 p2 = new Vec3S32(x, y + trunkHeight, z);

            Line(p1, p2, output);
            GenCluster(x, y + trunkHeight, z, output);

            // Generate branches
            for (int i = 0; i < numBranches; i++)
                MakeBranch(x, y, z, output);
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static void Fall(Player p, AABB bb, bool movingDown)
            // Client position is slightly more precise than server's
            // If don't adjust, it's possible for player to land on edge of a block and not die
            // Only do when not moving down, so hitting a pillar while falling doesn't trigger
            if (!movingDown)
                bb.Min.X -= 1; bb.Max.X += 1;
                bb.Min.Z -= 1; bb.Max.Z += 1;

            bb.Min.Y -= 2; // test block below player feet
            Vec3S32 min = bb.BlockMin, max = bb.BlockMax;
            bool    allGas = true;

            for (int z = min.Z; z <= max.Z; z++)
                for (int x = min.X; x <= max.X; x++)
                    BlockID block   = GetSurvivalBlock(p, x, min.Y, z);
                    byte    collide = p.level.CollideType(block);
                    allGas = allGas && collide == CollideType.WalkThrough;
                    if (!CollideType.IsSolid(collide))

                    int fallHeight = p.startFallY - bb.Min.Y;
                    if (fallHeight > p.level.Config.FallHeight * 32)
                        p.HandleDeath(Block.Air, null, false, true);

                    p.startFallY = -1;

            if (!allGas)
            if (bb.Min.Y > p.lastFallY)
                p.startFallY = -1;                         // flying up resets fall height
            p.startFallY = Math.Max(bb.Min.Y, p.startFallY);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void Use(Player p, string message)
            if (CheckSuper(p, message, "player name"))
            int ignored = 0;

            if (message == "")
                UndoSelf(p); return;
            else if (p != null && int.TryParse(message, out ignored))
                message = p.name.ToLower() + " " + message;

            string[] parts       = message.Split(' ');
            bool     undoPhysics = parts[0].CaselessEq("physics");
            Player   who         = undoPhysics ? null : PlayerInfo.Find(parts[0]);
            TimeSpan delta       = GetDelta(p, who, parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : "30m");

            if (delta == TimeSpan.MinValue)

            if (parts.Length > 1 && parts[1].CaselessEq("update"))
                Player.Message(p, "Updated undo files for " + parts[0] + " to the new binary format.");

            Vec3S32[] marks = new Vec3S32[] { Vec3U16.MaxVal, Vec3U16.MaxVal };
            if (who != null)
                UndoOnlinePlayer(p, delta, who, marks);
            else if (undoPhysics)
                UndoLevelPhysics(p, delta);
                UndoOfflinePlayer(p, delta, parts[0], marks);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data)
            TimeSpan delta = TimeSpan.Zero;
            bool     area  = message.CaselessStarts("area ");

            if (area)
                message = message.Substring("area ".Length);

            if (message.Length == 0)
                message = p.name;
            string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces();

            if (parts.Length >= 2)
                if (!CommandParser.GetTimespan(p, parts[1], ref delta, "highlight the past", "s"))
                delta = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

            parts[0] = PlayerDB.MatchNames(p, parts[0]);
            if (parts[0] == null)
            int[] ids = NameConverter.FindIds(parts[0]);

            if (!area)
                Vec3S32[] marks = new Vec3S32[] { Vec3U16.MinVal, Vec3U16.MaxVal };
                HighlightPlayer(p, delta, parts[0], ids, marks);
                p.Message("Place or break two blocks to determine the edges.");
                HighlightAreaArgs args = new HighlightAreaArgs();
                args.ids = ids; args.who = parts[0]; args.delta = delta;
                p.MakeSelection(2, "Selecting region for &SHighlight", args, DoHighlightArea);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data)
            bool area = message.CaselessStarts("-area");

            if (area)
                message = message.Substring("-area".Length).TrimStart();

            if (CheckSuper(p, message, "player name"))
            if (message.Length == 0)
                p.Message("You need to provide a player name."); return;

            string[] parts = message.SplitSpaces(), names = null;
            int[]    ids   = GetIds(p, parts, data, out names);
            if (ids == null)

            TimeSpan delta = CmdUndo.GetDelta(p, parts[0], parts, 1);

            if (delta == TimeSpan.MinValue)

            if (!area)
                Vec3S32[] marks = new Vec3S32[] { Vec3U16.MinVal, Vec3U16.MaxVal };
                UndoPlayer(p, delta, names, ids, marks);
                if (!p.Ignores.DrawOutput || !p.Supports(CpeExt.MessageTypes))
                    p.Message("Place or break two blocks to determine the edges.");
                UndoAreaArgs args = new UndoAreaArgs();
                args.ids = ids; args.names = names; args.delta = delta;
                p.MakeSelection(2, "Selecting region for &SUndo player", args, DoUndoArea);
Exemplo n.º 10
        void DrawPlayerFlag(Player p, CtfData data)
            Vec3S32 coords = p.Pos.BlockCoords; coords.Y += 3;

            if (coords == data.LastHeadPos)
            ResetPlayerFlag(p, data);

            data.LastHeadPos = coords;
            ushort  x = (ushort)coords.X, y = (ushort)coords.Y, z = (ushort)coords.Z;
            CtfTeam opposing = Opposing(TeamOf(p));

            Map.BroadcastChange(x, y, z, opposing.FlagBlock);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override long BlocksAffected(Level lvl, Vec3S32[] marks)
            Vec3S32 p1 = Min, p2 = Max;
            long    total = 0;

            while (p1.Y >= 0 && p1.Y < lvl.Height && p1.X <= p2.X && p1.Z <= p2.Z)
                baseOp.Min = p1; baseOp.Max = p2;
                total     += baseOp.BlocksAffected(lvl, marks);

                p1.X++; p2.X--;
                p1.Z++; p2.Z--;
                p1.Y += yDir; p2.Y = p1.Y;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)
            Vec3S32 p1 = Min, p2 = Max;

            baseOp.Setup(Player, Level, marks);

            while (p1.Y >= 0 && p1.Y < Level.Height && p1.X <= p2.X && p1.Z <= p2.Z)
                baseOp.Min = p1; baseOp.Max = p2;
                baseOp.Perform(marks, brush, output);

                p1.X++; p2.X--;
                p1.Z++; p2.Z--;
                p1.Y += yDir; p2.Y = p1.Y;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override long BlocksAffected(Level lvl, Vec3S32[] marks)
            Vec3S32 p1 = marks[0], p2 = marks[1];
            double  dx = Math.Abs(p2.X - p1.X) + 0.25, dy = Math.Abs(p2.Y - p1.Y) + 0.25, dz = Math.Abs(p2.Z - p1.Z) + 0.25;

            if (WallsMode)
                int baseLen = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz));
                return(Math.Min(baseLen, MaxLength) * (Math.Abs(p2.Y - p1.Y) + 1));
                int baseLen = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
                return(Math.Min(baseLen, MaxLength));
Exemplo n.º 14
        internal static void Drown(Player p, AABB bb)
            // Want to check block at centre of bounding box
            bb.Max.X -= (bb.Max.X - bb.Min.X) / 2;
            bb.Max.Z -= (bb.Max.Z - bb.Min.Z) / 2;

            Vec3S32 P     = bb.BlockMax;
            BlockID bHead = GetSurvivalBlock(p, P.X, P.Y, P.Z);

            if (Block.IsPhysicsType(bHead))
                bHead = Block.Convert(bHead);

            if (p.level.Props[bHead].Drownable)
                p.startFallY = -1;
                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
                // level drown is in 10ths of a second
                if (p.drownTime == DateTime.MaxValue)
                    p.drownTime = now.AddSeconds(p.level.Config.DrownTime / 10.0);

                if (now > p.drownTime)
                    p.drownTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                bool isGas = p.level.CollideType(bHead) == CollideType.WalkThrough;
                // NOTE: Rope is a special case, it should always reset fall height
                if (bHead == Block.Rope)
                    isGas = false;

                if (!isGas)
                    p.startFallY = -1;
                p.drownTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void Use(Player p, string message, CommandData data)
            if (message.Length == 0)
                Help(p); return;
            if (message.CaselessEq("me"))
                message = p.name;

            string[] args = message.SplitSpaces();
            Vec3S32  P    = p.Pos.BlockCoords;

            if (args.Length == 1)
                Player target = PlayerInfo.FindMatches(p, args[0]);
                if (target == null)

                P = target.Pos.BlockCoords;
                if (DoExplode(p, target.level, ref P))
                    p.Message("{0} %Shas been exploded!", p.FormatNick(target));
            else if (args.Length == 3)
                if (!CommandParser.GetCoords(p, args, 0, ref P))

                if (DoExplode(p, p.level, ref P))
                    p.Message("An explosion was made at ({0}, {1}, {2}).", P.X, P.Y, P.Z);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Player p, Level lvl,
                                     DrawOp op, Brush brush, Action <DrawOpBlock> output)
            P     = (op.Min + op.Max) / 2;
            dirX  = 1; dirY = 1; dirZ = 1;
            width = lvl.Width; height = lvl.Height; length = lvl.Length;

            if (!CentreOrigin)
                // Guess the direction in which we should be scaling -
                // for simplicity we assume we are scaling in positive direction
                P    = op.Origin;
                dirX = op.Min.X == op.Max.X ? 1 : (P.X == op.Max.X ? -1 : 1);
                dirY = op.Min.Y == op.Max.Y ? 1 : (P.Y == op.Max.Y ? -1 : 1);
                dirZ = op.Min.Z == op.Max.Z ? 1 : (P.Z == op.Max.Z ? -1 : 1);
            op.Perform(marks, brush, b => OutputBlock(b, output));
Exemplo n.º 17
        bool ParseCoords(string message, Player p, ref Vec3S32 P)
            string[] args = message.SplitSpaces();
            // Expand /mark ~4 into /mark ~4 ~4 ~4
            if (args.Length == 1)
                args = new string[] { message, message, message };
            if (args.Length != 3)
                Help(p); return(false);

            AdjustArg(ref args[0], ref P.X, "X", p.lastClick.X);
            AdjustArg(ref args[1], ref P.Y, "Y", p.lastClick.Y);
            AdjustArg(ref args[2], ref P.Z, "Z", p.lastClick.Z);

            return(CommandParser.GetCoords(p, args, 0, ref P));
Exemplo n.º 18
        bool DeleteZone(Player p, Vec3S32[] marks, object state, byte type, byte extType)
            Level   lvl      = p.level;
            bool    foundDel = false;
            Vec3S32 P        = marks[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < lvl.ZoneList.Count; i++)
                Level.Zone zn = lvl.ZoneList[i];
                if (P.X < zn.smallX || P.X > zn.bigX || P.Y < zn.smallY || P.Y > zn.bigY || P.Z < zn.smallZ || P.Z > zn.bigZ)

                if (zn.Owner.Length >= 3 && zn.Owner.StartsWith("grp"))
                    string grpName = zn.Owner.Substring(3);
                    if (p.Rank < Group.Find(grpName).Permission)
                else if (zn.Owner != "" && !zn.Owner.CaselessEq(p.name))
                    Group group = Group.findPlayerGroup(zn.Owner);
                    if (p.Rank < group.Permission)

                LevelDB.DeleteZone(lvl.name, zn);
                lvl.ZoneList.RemoveAt(i); i--;
                Player.Message(p, "Zone deleted for &b" + zn.Owner);
                foundDel = true;

            if (!foundDel)
                Player.Message(p, "No zones found to delete.");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)
            Vec3S32 p1 = marks[0], p2 = marks[1];

            if (Math.Abs(p2.X - p1.X) > Math.Abs(p2.Z - p1.Z))
                dir.X = p2.X > p1.X ? 1 : -1;
                dir.Z = p2.Z > p1.Z ? 1 : -1;

            pos = p1;
            foreach (char c in Text)
                DrawLetter(Player, c, brush, output);
Exemplo n.º 20
        static bool RedFlagCallback(Player p, Vec3S32[] marks, object state, ExtBlock block)
            CTFConfig cfg = RetrieveConfig(p);
            Vec3S32   P   = marks[0];

            cfg.RedFlagX = P.X; cfg.RedFlagY = P.Y; cfg.RedFlagZ = P.Z;
            Player.Message(p, "Set flag position of red team to ({0}, {1}, {2})", P.X, P.Y, P.Z);

            block = p.level.GetBlock((ushort)P.X, (ushort)P.Y, (ushort)P.Z);
            if (block.IsAir)
                block = (ExtBlock)Block.Red;
            cfg.RedFlagBlock = block.RawID;
            Player.Message(p, "Set flag block of red team to {0}", p.level.BlockName(block));

            UpdateConfig(p, cfg);
Exemplo n.º 21
        static bool DoExplode(Player p, Level lvl, ref Vec3S32 pos)
            if (lvl.physics < 3 || lvl.physics == 5)
                p.Message("%WThe physics on {0} %Ware not sufficient for exploding!", lvl.ColoredName);

            pos = lvl.ClampPos(pos);
            ushort  x = (ushort)pos.X, y = (ushort)pos.Y, z = (ushort)pos.Z;
            BlockID old = lvl.GetBlock(x, y, z);

            if (!lvl.CheckAffect(p, x, y, z, old, Block.TNT))
            lvl.MakeExplosion(x, y, z, 1);
Exemplo n.º 22
        static void ComposeParts(Level lvl, List <Model> parts, int minX, int minY, int minZ)
            foreach (Model part in parts)
                for (int i = 0; i < part.Voxels.Length; i++)
                    Voxel   v = part.Voxels[i];
                    Vec3S32 p = part.Transform(v.X, v.Y, v.Z);
                    // need to make the global coordinates fit inside the level
                    int x = p.X - minX, y = p.Y - minY, z = p.Z - minZ;

                    // mirror over Y to match magicavoxel
                    y = (lvl.Length - 1 - y);

                    // magicavox uses Z for vertical
                    lvl.SetBlock((ushort)x, (ushort)z, (ushort)y, Block.FromRaw(v.B));
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary> Initialize the internal values for the Tree object. </summary>
        /// <remarks> Primarily, sets up the foliage cluster locations. </remarks>
        public override void Prepare()
            Vec3S32 treeposition = pos;

            trunkradius = (float)(Math.Sqrt(height * TRUNKTHICKNESS));
            if (trunkradius < 1)
                trunkradius = 1;
            trunkheight = 0.618f * height;
            int ystart = treeposition.Y, yend = treeposition.Y + height;

            branchdensity = BRANCHDENSITY / FOLIAGEDENSITY;
            int topy = treeposition.Y + (int)(trunkheight + 0.5);
            int num_of_clusters_per_y = (int)(1.5 + Math.Pow(FOLIAGEDENSITY * height / 19.0, 2));

            if (num_of_clusters_per_y < 1)
                num_of_clusters_per_y = 1;

            // TODO: fCraft is yEnd - 1, ????
            // Outdated, since maps can be twice as tall now.
            for (int y = yend; y != ystart; y--)
                for (int i = 0; i < num_of_clusters_per_y; i++)
                    double shapefac = ShapeFunc(y - ystart);
                    if (shapefac == none)
                    double r = (Math.Sqrt(random()) + 0.328) * shapefac;

                    double theta = random() * 2 * Math.PI;
                    int    x     = (int)(r * Math.Sin(theta)) + treeposition.X;
                    int    z     = (int)(r * Math.Cos(theta)) + treeposition.Z;
                    foliage_coords.Add(new Vec3S32(x, y, z));
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected override void GetMarks(DrawArgs dArgs, ref Vec3S32[] m)
            AdvDrawMeta meta   = (AdvDrawMeta)dArgs.Meta;
            int         radius = meta.radius;

            Vec3S32 P = m[0];

            m = new Vec3S32[] {
                new Vec3S32(P.X - radius, P.Y, P.Z - radius),
                new Vec3S32(P.X + radius, P.Y, P.Z + radius),

            if (UsesHeight(dArgs))
                m[1].Y += meta.height - 1;
                m[0].Y -= radius; m[1].Y += radius;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, Action <DrawOpBlock> output)
            Vec3S32 p1 = Min, p2 = Max;

            baseOp.Level  = Level;
            baseOp.Player = Player;

            while (true)
                baseOp.Perform(marks, brush, output);
                if (p1.Y >= Level.Height || Math.Abs(p2.X - p1.X) <= 1 || Math.Abs(p2.Z - p1.Z) <= 1)

                p1.X++; p2.X--;
                p1.Z++; p2.Z--;
                p1.Y       = (ushort)(p1.Y + yDir); p2.Y = p1.Y;
                baseOp.Min = p1; baseOp.Max = p2;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)
            int     upper = (Radius + 1) * (Radius + 1);
            Vec3U16 p1 = Clamp(Min), p2 = Clamp(Max);
            Vec3S32 C = (Min + Max) / 2;

            for (ushort y = p1.Y; y <= p2.Y; y++)
                for (ushort z = p1.Z; z <= p2.Z; z++)
                    for (ushort x = p1.X; x <= p2.X; x++)
                        int dist = (C.X - x) * (C.X - x) + (C.Y - y) * (C.Y - y) + (C.Z - z) * (C.Z - z);
                        if (dist < upper)
                            output(Place(x, y, z, brush));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, Action <DrawOpBlock> output)
            Vec3U16 p1 = Clamp(Min), p2 = Clamp(Max);
            Vec3S32 C      = (Min + Max) / 2;
            int     height = Max.Y - Min.Y;

            for (ushort y = p1.Y; y <= p2.Y; y++)
                for (ushort z = p1.Z; z <= p2.Z; z++)
                    for (ushort x = p1.X; x <= p2.X; x++)
                        int xx = C.X - x, yy = y - Min.Y, zz = C.Z - z;
                        int curHeight = Invert ? yy : height - yy;
                        if (curHeight == 0)

                        double curRadius = Radius * ((double)curHeight / (double)height);
                        int    absx = Math.Abs(xx), absz = Math.Abs(zz);
                        if (absx > curRadius || absz > curRadius)
                        if (absx < (curRadius - 1) && absz < (curRadius - 1))

                        byte ctile = Level.GetTile(x, y, z);
                        if (ctile != 0)
                        output(Place(x, y, z, brush));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)
            Vec3U16 p1 = Clamp(Min), p2 = Clamp(Max);
            Vec3S32 C      = (Min + Max) / 2;
            int     height = Max.Y - Min.Y;

            for (ushort y = p1.Y; y <= p2.Y; y++)
                int yy        = y - Min.Y;
                int curHeight = height - yy;
                if (curHeight == 0)

                int curRadius  = Radius * curHeight / height;
                int curRadius2 = Radius * (curHeight - 1) / height;

                for (ushort z = p1.Z; z <= p2.Z; z++)
                    for (ushort x = p1.X; x <= p2.X; x++)
                        int dx = C.X - x, dz = C.Z - z;
                        int dist = dx * dx + dz * dz;
                        if (dist > curRadius * curRadius)

                        bool layer = curRadius == 0 ||
                                     !(dist <= (curRadius - 1) * (curRadius - 1) &&
                                       dist <= (curRadius2) * (curRadius2));

                        BlockID block = layer ? Block.Grass : Block.StillLava;
                        output(Place(x, y, z, block));
Exemplo n.º 29
        bool DoMeasure(Player p, Vec3S32[] m, object state, ExtBlock block)
            ExtBlock[] toCount = (ExtBlock[])state;
            Vec3S32    min = Vec3S32.Min(m[0], m[1]), max = Vec3S32.Max(m[0], m[1]);

            int[] counts = new int[512];

            for (ushort y = (ushort)min.Y; y <= (ushort)max.Y; y++)
                for (ushort z = (ushort)min.Z; z <= (ushort)max.Z; z++)
                    for (ushort x = (ushort)min.X; x <= (ushort)max.X; x++)
                        counts[p.level.GetBlock(x, y, z).Index]++;

            int width = max.X - min.X + 1, height = max.Y - min.Y + 1, length = max.Z - min.Z + 1;
            int volume = width * height * length;

            Player.Message(p, "Measuring from &a({0}, {1}, {2}) %Sto &a({3}, {4}, {5})",
                           min.X, min.Y, min.Z, max.X, max.Y, max.Z);
            Player.Message(p, "  &b{0} %Swide, &b{1} %Shigh, &b{2} %Slong, {3} blocks",
                           width, height, length, volume);

            string title = "Block types: ";

            if (toCount == null)
                toCount = MostFrequentBlocks(counts);
                title   = "Top " + toCount.Length + " block types: ";

            string blocks = toCount.Join(bl => p.level.BlockName(bl) + FormatCount(counts[bl.Index], volume));

            Player.Message(p, title + blocks);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void Perform(Vec3S32[] marks, Brush brush, DrawOpOutput output)
            Vec3U16 p1 = Clamp(Min), p2 = Clamp(Max);
            Vec3S32 C      = (Min + Max) / 2;
            int     height = Max.Y - Min.Y;

            for (ushort y = p1.Y; y <= p2.Y; y++)
                int dy        = y - Min.Y;
                int curHeight = Invert ? dy : height - dy;
                if (curHeight == 0)

                int curRadius  = Radius * curHeight / height;
                int curRadius2 = Radius * (curHeight - 1) / height;

                for (ushort z = p1.Z; z <= p2.Z; z++)
                    for (ushort x = p1.X; x <= p2.X; x++)
                        int dx = C.X - x, dz = C.Z - z;
                        int dist = dx * dx + dz * dz;
                        if (dist > curRadius * curRadius)

                        if (dist <= (curRadius - 1) * (curRadius - 1) &&
                            dist <= (curRadius2) * (curRadius2))
                        output(Place(x, y, z, brush));