Exemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerable <VeadGroup> GetVeadGroups(VcfNeighborhood neighborhood)
            var veadGroups = new Dictionary <string, VeadGroup>();

            var neighbors = neighborhood.VcfVariantSites;
            var refName   = neighbors.First().ReferenceName;


            // keep reading the alignments while we're on the same reference sequence

            var veadMaker = new VeadFinder(_options);
            var debugLog  = Path.Combine(_debugLogRoot, refName + "_" + neighborhood.Id + "_ReadsInNbhd.txt");

            WriteToReadLog(debugLog, string.Join("\t", "ReadName", "used?", "IsFirstMate", "CigarData", "Read.Position"));

            Read read = new Read();

            while (true)
                if (!_alignmentExtractor.GetNextAlignment(read))
                    break; // no more reads

                if (ShouldSkipRead(read, neighborhood))
                    WriteToReadLog(debugLog, (string.Join("\t", read.Name, "skipped", read.IsFirstMate, read.CigarData.ToString(), read.Position)));
                if (PastNeighborhood(read, neighborhood))
                    WriteToReadLog(debugLog, (string.Join("\t", read.Name, "past nbhd", read.IsFirstMate, read.CigarData.ToString(), read.Position)));

                //Make a vead and add it to our list
                var readName = read.Name + "_";
                if (read.IsFirstMate)
                    readName += "fwd_" + read.Position;
                    readName += "rev_" + read.Position;

                WriteToReadLog(debugLog, (string.Join("\t", read.Name, "will use", read.IsFirstMate, read.CigarData.ToString(), read.Position)));

                //map from bases to ref position
                var vead = new Vead(readName, veadMaker.FindVariantResults(neighbors, read));

                if (vead.SiteResults == null || !vead.SiteResults.Any())

                // Add vead to a veadgroup.
                var hash = vead.ToVariantSequence();
                if (!veadGroups.ContainsKey(hash))
                    veadGroups.Add(hash, new VeadGroup(vead));

Exemplo n.º 2
        //this unit test was made after we found bug ScyllaLoosingRefCalls_PICS-723.
        //We had a 1/. GT reported when it should be 1/0.
        //The reason for this is that all the refs (the "0"s) got incorrectly sucked up.
        //Ie, MNV ACG-> AG claimed 50 refs, so we (incorrectly) subtracted 50 refs from it.
        //The bug is that the ref counts got subtractedfrom the exact same mnv that claimed them.
        // This should never happen, and was not the intent of the alg.
        //The affected mehtod is: CreateMnvsFromClusters in VcfNbhd
        public void CreateMnvsFromClusters_TakeUpRefCount()
            var originalVcfVariant1 = TestHelper.CreateDummyAllele("chr1", 123, "ACG", "AT", 1000, 156);
            var originalVcfVariant2 = TestHelper.CreateDummyAllele("chr1", 123, "A", "TTTTTT", 1000, 200);
            // var originalVcfVariant3 = TestHelper.CreateDummyAllele("chr1", 123, "AC", "TT", 1000, 100);

            var vs1 = new VariantSite(originalVcfVariant1);
            var vs2 = new VariantSite(originalVcfVariant2);

            var caller = new VariantCaller(new VariantCallingParameters(), new BamFilterParameters());
            var nbhd   = new VcfNeighborhood(0, "chr1", vs1, vs2);
            var callableNeighborhood = new CallableNeighborhood(nbhd, new VariantCallingParameters());

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Snv)
                Chromosome        = "chr1",
                ReferencePosition = 123,
                ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                AlternateAllele   = "A",
                VariantQscore     = 100,
                TotalCoverage     = 1000,
                AlleleSupport     = 200,
                ReferenceSupport  = 350

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Mnv)
                Chromosome        = "chr1",
                ReferencePosition = 123,
                ReferenceAllele   = "ACG",
                AlternateAllele   = "AT",
                VariantQscore     = 100,
                TotalCoverage     = 1000,
                AlleleSupport     = 300,
                ReferenceSupport  = 350

                new CalledAllele(AlleleCategory.Insertion)
                Chromosome        = "chr1",
                ReferencePosition = 123,
                ReferenceAllele   = "A",
                AlternateAllele   = "AAAAA",
                VariantQscore     = 100,
                TotalCoverage     = 1000,
                AlleleSupport     = 250,
                ReferenceSupport  = 350

            //default behavior, nothing gets sucked up
            callableNeighborhood.UsedRefCountsLookup = new Dictionary <int, SuckedUpRefRecord>()
            vs1.VcfReferencePosition = 123;
            var vead        = new Vead("dummy", new VariantSite[] { vs1 });
            var vg          = new VeadGroup(vead);
            var fakeCluster = new Cluster("test", new List <VeadGroup>()

            callableNeighborhood.CreateMnvsFromClusters(new List <Cluster> {

            var acceptedMNVs = callableNeighborhood.CalledVariants;
            var acceptedRefs = callableNeighborhood.CalledRefs;

            Assert.Equal(2, acceptedMNVs.Count);
            Assert.Equal(3, acceptedMNVs[123].Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, acceptedRefs.Count);

            //check the ref counts on all the MNVs. Nothing should be sucked up.
            Assert.Equal(350, acceptedMNVs[123][0].ReferenceSupport);  // Previously: total depth - allele suport. overly simple for now)
            Assert.Equal(350, acceptedMNVs[123][1].ReferenceSupport);  // Now: explicitly set ref support
            Assert.Equal(350, acceptedMNVs[123][2].ReferenceSupport);  //

            // now variant 0 will suck up 100 ref calls:
            var suckedUpRefRecord100 = new SuckedUpRefRecord()
                Counts = 100, AlleleThatClaimedIt = callableNeighborhood.CandidateVariants[0]

            callableNeighborhood.UsedRefCountsLookup = new Dictionary <int, SuckedUpRefRecord>()
                { 123, suckedUpRefRecord100 }
            callableNeighborhood.CreateMnvsFromClusters(new List <Cluster> {


            acceptedMNVs = callableNeighborhood.CalledVariants;
            acceptedRefs = callableNeighborhood.CalledRefs;

            //check the ref counts on all the MNVs. refs should only be taken up by the first one
            Assert.Equal(350, acceptedMNVs[123][0].ReferenceSupport);  //Previously:  total depth - allele suport. overly simple for now)

            //old result - has bug
            //Assert.Equal(1000 - 300, acceptedMNVs[123][1].ReferenceSupport);  // Previously:  total depth - allele suport - sucked up ref)
            //Assert.Equal(1000 - 250, acceptedMNVs[123][2].ReferenceSupport);  // Now: explicitly set ref support

            //new result, fixed
            Assert.Equal(350 - 100, acceptedMNVs[123][1].ReferenceSupport);  // refSupport - sucked up ref)
            Assert.Equal(350 - 100, acceptedMNVs[123][2].ReferenceSupport);  // refSupport - sucked up ref)