private void RVHHLevelVarForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // get all HH-level variables from the variables file
                List <string> hhVars = (from v in EM_AppContext.Instance.GetVarConfigFacade().GetVarConfig().Variable
                                        where VariablesManager.IsHHLevel(v) && v.Name.ToLower() != DefVarName.IDHH.ToLower()
                                        select v.Name.ToLower()).ToList();
                // gather the files to check: those fulfilling the pattern and the custom ones
                if (Directory.Exists(dataPath))
                    foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(dataPath, namePattern))
                        dataToCheck.Add(Path.Combine(dataPath, f));

                // do the checking, showing a progress bar
                // the background-worker gets 2 parameters:
                // - the list of HH-level variables and
                // - the list of files to check
                ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(CheckData_BackgroundEventHandler, "Checking Data ...",
                                                                            new Tuple <List <string>, List <string> >(hhVars, dataToCheck));
                if (progressIndicator.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                    Close(); return;
                }                                                                           // user pressed Cancel

                // interpret the results
                // the background-worker returns 2 results:
                // - the list of variables, each variable with a list of the file(s) that caused problems, and an empty list if there are no problems
                // - a (hopefully empty) list of critical errors, i.e. one for each file that could not be analysed
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > hhVarResults = (progressIndicator.Result as Tuple <Dictionary <string, List <string> >, List <string> >).Item1;
                List <string> problemData = (progressIndicator.Result as Tuple <Dictionary <string, List <string> >, List <string> >).Item2;

                if (problemData.Count > 0)
                    UserInfoHandler.ShowError("The following data could not be checked:" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, problemData));
                    if (problemData.Count == dataToCheck.Count)
                        Close(); return;
                    }                                                                // checking failed for all data-files

                // show the results in the grid
                foreach (var result in hhVarResults)
                    string problems = result.Value.Count == 0 ? "No problems found for the checked files" : string.Join(SEPARATOR, result.Value);
                    dgvVar.Rows.Add(result.Key, problems);
            catch (Exception exception) { UserInfoHandler.ShowException(exception); Close(); }
        internal override bool Perform()
            DataGridViewRow changedRow = _dgvVariables.Rows[_eventArgs.RowIndex];

            VarConfig.VariableRow variableRow = changedRow.Tag as VarConfig.VariableRow;

            if (_eventArgs.ColumnIndex == _dgvVariables.Columns.IndexOf(_variablesForm.colVariableName))
            {     //variables name edited
                if (variableRow.Name != changedRow.Cells[_eventArgs.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString())
                { //only (change and) return true if actually changed
                    variableRow.Name = changedRow.Cells[_eventArgs.ColumnIndex].Value.ToString();
                    int columnIndexAutoLabel = _variablesForm.dgvVariables.Columns.IndexOf(_variablesForm.colAutomaticLabel);
                    variableRow.AutoLabel = changedRow.Cells[columnIndexAutoLabel].Value.ToString();

            if (_eventArgs.ColumnIndex == _dgvVariables.Columns.IndexOf(_variablesForm.colMonetary))
            {//checkbox monetary edited
                bool newValue_IsMonetary = (bool)changedRow.Cells[_eventArgs.ColumnIndex].Value;
                if (VariablesManager.IsMonetary(variableRow) && !newValue_IsMonetary)
                {//current value monetary, new value non-monetary
                    variableRow.Monetary = "0";
                if (!VariablesManager.IsMonetary(variableRow) && newValue_IsMonetary)
                {//current value non-monetary, new value monetary
                    variableRow.Monetary = "1";

            if (_eventArgs.ColumnIndex == _dgvVariables.Columns.IndexOf(_variablesForm.colHHLevel))
            {//checkbox HH Level edited
                bool newValue_IsHHLevel = (bool)changedRow.Cells[_eventArgs.ColumnIndex].Value;
                if (VariablesManager.IsHHLevel(variableRow) && !newValue_IsHHLevel)
                {//current value hh-level, new value ind-level
                    variableRow.HHLevel = "0";
                if (!VariablesManager.IsHHLevel(variableRow) && newValue_IsHHLevel)
                {//current value ind-level, new value hh-level
                    variableRow.HHLevel = "1";

        internal override bool Perform()
            VarConfig.VariableRow variableRow = _varConfigFacade.AddVariable();

            int index = 0;

            if (_dgvVariables.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
                index = _dgvVariables.Rows.IndexOf(_dgvVariables.SelectedRows[0]) + 1;
            _dgvVariables.Rows.Insert(index, variableRow.Name, VariablesManager.IsMonetary(variableRow),
                                      VariablesManager.IsHHLevel(variableRow), false, variableRow.AutoLabel);
            _dgvVariables.Rows[index].Tag = variableRow;
            _dgvVariables.Rows[index].Cells[0].Selected = true; //set input focus to just added row (selecting row instead of cell does not work)
            _dgvVariables.Select();                             //grid view must be selected too, otherwise another list may have the input focus