Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override Control GetEditControl(string PropName, object CurrentValue, object CurrentObj)
            VariableFilterSelection w;
            ObjectWrapper           placeHolder = CurrentObj as ObjectWrapper;

            // DragDropList selectedElement = placeHolder.SelectedObject as DragDropList;
            if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                DragDropList variablelist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as DragDropList;
                //Added by Aaron 10/10/2013
                //This ensures that the variable filer dialog is opened with the correct filter settings for the number of
                //ordinal and nominal levels
                w = new VariableFilterSelection(variablelist.nomlevels, variablelist.ordlevels);
            else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                BSkyGroupingVariable grouplist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyGroupingVariable;
                w = new VariableFilterSelection(grouplist.nomlevels, grouplist.ordlevels);
            else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                BSkyAggregateCtrl agglist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyAggregateCtrl;
                w = new VariableFilterSelection(agglist.nomlevels, agglist.ordlevels);

                BSkySortCtrl sortlist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkySortCtrl;
                w = new VariableFilterSelection(sortlist.nomlevels, sortlist.ordlevels);

            w.Filter = CurrentValue.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override object GetEditedValue(Control EditControl, string PropertyName, object oldValue, object currentObj)
            ObjectWrapper        placeHolder = currentObj as ObjectWrapper;
            double               result;
            DragDropList         variablelist = null;
            BSkyGroupingVariable grouplist    = null;
            BSkyAggregateCtrl    aggList      = null;
            BSkySortCtrl         sortList     = null;

            // This function is called by both the DragdropList and BSkyGroupingVariable controls
            //to get the filter value. The vale of number of ordinal and nominal levels are stored in
            //properties of the dragdroplist class to ensure that when the dialog is saved and opened again
            //the variable filter is populated with the saved values

            if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                variablelist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as DragDropList;
            else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                grouplist = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyGroupingVariable;
            else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                aggList = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyAggregateCtrl;
                sortList = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkySortCtrl;

            if (EditControl is VariableFilterSelection)
                //Aaron 10/08/2013
                // I store the value ofthe number or levels I want an ordinal variable to have and the number of levels I want a nominal
                //variable to have as a property in dragdrop list
                //This is done so when I initialize the variable list, I can set the values correctly in the constructor
                VariableFilterSelection w = EditControl as VariableFilterSelection;
                if (w.chkordlevels.Text != "" && Double.TryParse(w.chkordlevels.Text, out result))
                    if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                        variablelist.ordlevels = w.chkordlevels.Text;
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                        aggList.ordlevels = w.chkordlevels.Text;
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkySortCtrl)
                        sortList.ordlevels = w.chkordlevels.Text;
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                        grouplist.ordlevels = w.chkordlevels.Text;
                //Aaron 10/08/2013
                // The else part handles the case where I have entered number of levels =5 and then when I bring up the variable filterdialog, I
                // reset the number of levels to blank.
                    if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                        variablelist.ordlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                        grouplist.ordlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                        aggList.ordlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkySortCtrl)
                        sortList.ordlevels = "";

                    //  else aggList.ordlevels = "";
                if (w.chkNomlevels.Text != "" && Double.TryParse(w.chkNomlevels.Text, out result))
                    if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                        variablelist.nomlevels = w.chkNomlevels.Text;
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                        grouplist.nomlevels = w.chkNomlevels.Text;

                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                        aggList.nomlevels = w.chkNomlevels.Text;
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkySortCtrl)
                        sortList.nomlevels = w.chkNomlevels.Text;
                //Aaron 10/08/2013
                // The else part handles the case where I have entered number of levels =5 and then when I bring up the variable filterdialog, I
                // reset the number of levels to blank.
                    if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is DragDropList)
                        variablelist.nomlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyGroupingVariable)
                        grouplist.nomlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkyAggregateCtrl)
                        aggList.nomlevels = "";
                    else if (placeHolder.SelectedObject is BSkySortCtrl)
                        sortList.nomlevels = "";
                //Added by Aaron:commented line below on 12/02/2013
                //  FrameworkElement selectedElement = placeHolder.SelectedObject as FrameworkElement;
                if (w.DialogResult.HasValue && w.DialogResult.Value)