Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool HandlePointValues(PointF mousePt, ZedGraphControl sender)
            int       iPt;
            GraphPane pane;
            object    nearestObj;

            using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
                if (sender.MasterPane.FindNearestPaneObject(mousePt,
                                                            g, out pane, out nearestObj, out iPt))
                    if (nearestObj is CurveItem && iPt >= 0)
                        CurveItem curve = (CurveItem)nearestObj;
                        // Provide Callback for User to customize the tooltips
                        PointPair pt = curve.Points[iPt];

                        if (pt.Tag is string)
                            this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this, (string)pt.Tag);
                            double       xVal, yVal, lowVal;
                            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);
                            if ((curve is BarItem || curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem) &&
                                pane.BarSettings.Base != BarBase.X)
                                valueHandler.GetValues(curve, iPt, out yVal, out lowVal, out xVal);
                                valueHandler.GetValues(curve, iPt, out xVal, out lowVal, out yVal);

                            string xStr = MakeValueLabel(curve.GetXAxis(pane), xVal, iPt, curve.IsOverrideOrdinal);
                            string yStr = MakeValueLabel(curve.GetYAxis(pane), yVal, iPt, curve.IsOverrideOrdinal);

                            this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(sender, xStr + "\n" + yStr);
                            this.toolTip1.ForeColor = curve.Color;
                            this.toolTip1.BackColor = Color.Black;
                            toolTip1.Active         = true;
                            //this.pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this,
                            //  curve.Points[iPt].ToString( this.pointValueFormat ) );
                        toolTip1.Active = false;
                    toolTip1.Active = false;

Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void DrawSingleBar(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, CurveItem curve,
                                              int index, int pos, Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis, float barWidth, float scaleFactor)
            base.DrawSingleBar(g, pane, curve, index, pos, baseAxis, valueAxis, barWidth, scaleFactor);
            PointPair      pointPair   = curve.Points[index];
            MiddleErrorTag middleError = pointPair.Tag as MiddleErrorTag;

            if (pointPair.IsInvalid || middleError == null)

            double       curBase, curLowVal, curHiVal;
            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);

            valueHandler.GetValues(curve, index, out curBase, out curLowVal, out curHiVal);

            double middleValue = middleError.Middle;
            float  pixBase     = baseAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, curBase);
            float  pixLowBound = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curLowVal) - 1;
            float  pixHiBound  = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curHiVal);
            float  pixError    = (float)Math.Abs((pixLowBound - pixHiBound) / (curLowVal - curHiVal) * middleError.Error);

            float clusterWidth = pane.BarSettings.GetClusterWidth();
            //float barWidth = curve.GetBarWidth( pane );
            float clusterGap = pane.BarSettings.MinClusterGap * barWidth;
            float barGap     = barWidth * pane.BarSettings.MinBarGap;

            // Calculate the pixel location for the side of the bar (on the base axis)
            float pixSide = pixBase - clusterWidth / 2.0F + clusterGap / 2.0F +
                            pos * (barWidth + barGap);
            float pixMiddleValue = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, index, middleValue);

            // Draw the bar
            if (pane.BarSettings.Base == BarBase.X)
                if (barWidth >= 3 && middleError.Error > 0)
                    // Draw whiskers
                    float pixLowError = Math.Min(pixLowBound, pixMiddleValue + pixError / 2);
                    float pixHiError  = Math.Max(pixHiBound, pixLowError - pixError);
                    pixLowError = Math.Min(pixLowBound, pixHiError + pixError);

                    float pixMidX = (float)Math.Round(pixSide + barWidth / 2);

                    // Line
                    g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixMidX, pixHiError, pixMidX, pixLowError);
                    if (barWidth >= PIX_TERM_WIDTH)
                        // Ends
                        float pixLeft  = pixMidX - (float)Math.Round(PIX_TERM_WIDTH / 2);
                        float pixRight = pixLeft + PIX_TERM_WIDTH - 1;
                        g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixLeft, pixHiError, pixRight, pixHiError);
                        g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixLeft, pixLowError, pixRight, pixLowError);

                g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixSide, pixMiddleValue, pixSide + barWidth, pixMiddleValue);
                if (barWidth >= 3 && middleError.Error > 0)
                    // Draw whiskers
                    float pixHiError  = Math.Min(pixHiBound, pixMiddleValue + pixError / 2);
                    float pixLowError = Math.Max(pixLowBound, pixHiError - pixError);
                    pixHiError = Math.Min(pixHiBound, pixLowError + pixError);

                    float pixMidY = (float)Math.Round(pixSide + barWidth / 2);

                    // Line
                    g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixLowError, pixMidY, pixHiError, pixMidY);
                    if (barWidth >= PIX_TERM_WIDTH)
                        // Ends
                        float pixTop    = pixMidY - (float)Math.Round(PIX_TERM_WIDTH / 2);
                        float pixBottom = pixTop + PIX_TERM_WIDTH - 1;
                        g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixHiError, pixTop, pixHiError, pixBottom);
                        g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixLowError, pixTop, pixLowError, pixBottom);

                g.DrawLine(MiddlePen, pixMiddleValue, pixSide, pixMiddleValue, pixSide + barWidth);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private Point HandlePointValues(Point mousePt)
            GraphPane pane;

            using (Graphics g = CreateGraphics())
                int iPt;
                object nearestObj;
                if (_masterPane.FindNearestPaneObject(mousePt,
                                                      g, out pane, out nearestObj, out iPt))
                    if (nearestObj is CurveItem && iPt >= 0)
                        CurveItem curve = (CurveItem) nearestObj;
                        // Provide Callback for User to customize the tooltips
                        if (PointValueEvent != null)
                            string label = PointValueEvent(this, pane, curve, iPt);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                                pointToolTip.SetToolTip(this, label);
                                pointToolTip.Active = true;
                                pointToolTip.Active = false;
                            if (curve is PieItem)
                                                        ((PieItem) curve).Value.ToString(_pointValueFormat));
                                //							else if ( curve is OHLCBarItem || curve is JapaneseCandleStickItem )
                                //							{
                                //								StockPt spt = (StockPt)curve.Points[iPt];
                                //								this.pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this, ( (XDate) spt.Date ).ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ) + "\nOpen: $" +
                                //								spt.Open.ToString( "N2" ) +
                                //								"\nHigh: $" +
                                //								spt.High.ToString( "N2" ) + "\nLow: $" +
                                //								spt.Low.ToString( "N2" ) + "\nClose: $" +
                                //								spt.Close.ToString
                                //								( "N2" ) );
                                //							}
                                PointPair pt = curve.Points[iPt];

                                if (pt.Tag is string)
                                    pointToolTip.SetToolTip(this, (string) pt.Tag);
                                    double xVal, yVal, lowVal;
                                    ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, false);
                                    if ((curve is BarItem || curve is ErrorBarItem || curve is HiLowBarItem)
                                        && pane.BarSettings.Base != BarBase.X)
                                        valueHandler.GetValues(curve, iPt, out yVal, out lowVal, out xVal);
                                        valueHandler.GetValues(curve, iPt, out xVal, out lowVal, out yVal);

                                    string xStr = MakeValueLabel(curve.GetXAxis(pane), xVal, iPt,
                                    string yStr = MakeValueLabel(curve.GetYAxis(pane), yVal, iPt,

                                    pointToolTip.SetToolTip(this, "( " + xStr + ", " + yStr + " )");

                                    //this.pointToolTip.SetToolTip( this,
                                    //	curve.Points[iPt].ToString( this.pointValueFormat ) );

                            pointToolTip.Active = true;
                        pointToolTip.Active = false;
                    pointToolTip.Active = false;

            return mousePt;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a TextLabel for each bar in the GraphPane.
        /// Call this method only after calling AxisChange()
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method will go through the bars, create a label that corresponds to the bar value,
        /// and place it on the graph depending on user preferences.  This works for horizontal or
        /// vertical bars in clusters or stacks.</remarks>
        /// <param name="pane">The GraphPane in which to place the text labels.</param>
        /// <param name="isBarCenter">true to center the labels inside the bars, false to
        /// place the labels just above the top of the bar.</param>
        /// <param name="valueFormat">The double.ToString string format to use for creating
        /// the labels
        /// </param>
        private void CreateBarLabels(GraphPane pane, bool isBarCenter, string valueFormat)
            bool isVertical = pane.BarSettings.Base == BarBase.X;

            // Make the gap between the bars and the labels = 2% of the axis range
            float labelOffset;

            if (isVertical)
                labelOffset = (float)(pane.YAxis.Scale.Max - pane.YAxis.Scale.Min) * 0.02f;
                labelOffset = (float)(pane.XAxis.Scale.Max - pane.XAxis.Scale.Min) * 0.02f;

            // keep a count of the number of BarItems
            int curveIndex = 0;

            // Get a valuehandler to do some calculations for us
            ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler(pane, true);

            // Loop through each curve in the list
            foreach (CurveItem curve in pane.CurveList)
                // work with BarItems only
                BarItem bar = curve as BarItem;
                if (bar != null)
                    IPointList points = curve.Points;

                    // Loop through each point in the BarItem
                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                        // Get the high, low and base values for the current bar
                        // note that this method will automatically calculate the "effective"
                        // values if the bar is stacked
                        double baseVal, lowVal, hiVal;
                        valueHandler.GetValues(curve, i, out baseVal, out lowVal, out hiVal);

                        // Get the value that corresponds to the center of the bar base
                        // This method figures out how the bars are positioned within a cluster
                        float centerVal = (float)valueHandler.BarCenterValue(bar,
                                                                             bar.GetBarWidth(pane), i, baseVal, curveIndex);

                        // Create a text label -- note that we have to go back to the original point
                        // data for this, since hiVal and lowVal could be "effective" values from a bar stack
                        string barLabelText = (isVertical ? points[i].Y : points[i].X).ToString(valueFormat);

                        // Calculate the position of the label -- this is either the X or the Y coordinate
                        // depending on whether they are horizontal or vertical bars, respectively
                        float position;
                        if (isBarCenter)
                            position = (float)(hiVal + lowVal) / 2.0f;
                            position = (float)hiVal + labelOffset;

                        // Create the new TextObj
                        TextObj label;
                        if (isVertical)
                            label = new TextObj(barLabelText, centerVal, position);
                            label = new TextObj(barLabelText, position, centerVal);

                        // Configure the TextObj
                        label.Location.CoordinateFrame  = CoordType.AxisXYScale;
                        label.FontSpec.Size             = 12;
                        label.FontSpec.FontColor        = Color.Black;
                        label.FontSpec.Angle            = isVertical ? 90 : 0;
                        label.Location.AlignH           = isBarCenter ? AlignH.Center : AlignH.Left;
                        label.Location.AlignV           = AlignV.Center;
                        label.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
                        label.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible   = false;

                        // Add the TextObj to the GraphPane