Exemplo n.º 1
 internal static AuthorizeNet.APICore.validationModeEnum ToValidationMode(ValidationMode mode) {
     switch (mode) {
         case ValidationMode.None: return AuthorizeNet.APICore.validationModeEnum.none;
         case ValidationMode.TestMode: return AuthorizeNet.APICore.validationModeEnum.testMode;
         case ValidationMode.LiveMode: return AuthorizeNet.APICore.validationModeEnum.liveMode;
         default: return (AuthorizeNet.APICore.validationModeEnum)mode;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>Returns an attribute of this XML element as a bitmap image. The attribute validation mode and default value can be specified.</summary>
 /// <param name="element">The XML element.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The attribute name.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultValue">The attribute's default value.</param>
 /// <param name="validationMode">The attribute validation mode.</param>
 public static BitmapSource GetImage(this XElement element, XName name, BitmapImage defaultValue, ValidationMode validationMode) {
    try {
       var attr = element.Attribute(name);
       if (attr == null) {
          if (validationMode == ValidationMode.Required) throw new MissingAttributeException();
          return defaultValue;
       var uri = new Uri((string)attr, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
       return ImageServices.LoadImage(uri);
    } catch (Exception e) {
       if (validationMode == ValidationMode.Tolerant) return defaultValue;
       throw _castException(e, element, name);
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected bool Equals(ValidationMode other)
     return(string.Equals(_mode, other._mode));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This function validates the information on a profile - making sure what you have stored at AuthNET is valid. You can
        /// do this in two ways: in TestMode it will just run a validation to be sure all required fields are present and valid. If 
        /// you specify "live" - a live authorization request will be performed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profileID">The profile ID.</param>
        /// <param name="paymentProfileID">The payment profile ID.</param>
        /// <param name="shippingAddressID">The shipping address ID.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The mode.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ValidateProfile(string profileID, string paymentProfileID, string shippingAddressID, ValidationMode mode)
            var req = new validateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest();

            req.customerProfileId = profileID;
            req.customerPaymentProfileId = paymentProfileID;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(shippingAddressID)) {
                req.customerShippingAddressId = shippingAddressID;
            req.validationMode = Customer.ToValidationMode(mode);

            var response = (validateCustomerPaymentProfileResponse)_gateway.Send(req);
            return response.directResponse;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private byte[] ValidateText(string text, ValidationMode mode, bool save_results, bool async)
     var sr = new StringReader(text);
     var id = MakeId(save_results);
     var count = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(text);
     byte[] bytes;
     bytes = ValidateHelper(mode, async, sr, id, count);
     return bytes;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private byte[] AsyncValidate(long byte_count, TextReader tr, string id, ValidationMode mode)
     var validator = new AsyncValidator(Validate);
     var result = validator.BeginInvoke(byte_count, tr, id, null, null);
     var seconds = 2;
     Thread.Sleep(seconds * 1000);
     if (result.IsCompleted)
         var bytes = validator.EndInvoke(result);
         return bytes;
         RedirectToProgressPage(mode, id, "0");
     return new byte[0];
 public ResponseAlternateValidator(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode)
     : base(accountSession, validationMode)
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Overload method ommitting shippingAddressID.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profileID">The profile ID.</param>
 /// <param name="paymentProfileID">The payment profile ID.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string ValidateProfile(string profileID, string paymentProfileID, ValidationMode mode)
     return(ValidateProfile(profileID, paymentProfileID, null, mode));
		public static void ValidationMode(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, ValidationMode mode)
		public static void MaxValue(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, IComparable bounds, StringToken message, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new MaxValueFieldRule(bounds, message) { Mode = mode });
		public static void RangeLength(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, int min, int max, StringToken message, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new RangeLengthFieldRule(min, max, message) { Mode = mode });
		public static void MinValue(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, IComparable bounds, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new MinValueFieldRule(bounds) { Mode = mode });
		public static void MinimumLength(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, int length, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new MinimumLengthRule(length) { Mode = mode });
		public static void Email(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new EmailFieldRule { Mode = mode });
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void setValidationMode(ValidationMode mode, double parameter)
            this.mode = mode;

            switch (this.mode)
                case (ValidationMode.Holdout):
                    this.kSplits = 2;
                    this.holdoutSize = parameter;
                case (ValidationMode.KFold):
                    this.kSplits = (int) parameter;
                    this.currentHoldout = 0;
                    throw new Exception("Invalid validation mode:" + mode);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the value of the TextBoxRegex.ValidationMode XAML attached property for a target TextBox.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textBox">TextBox to set the <see cref="ValidationMode"/> on.</param>
 /// <param name="value">TextBox <see cref="ValidationMode"/> value</param>
 public static void SetValidationMode(TextBox textBox, ValidationMode value)
     textBox.SetValue(ValidationModeProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 17
 abstract protected void SendModeBytes(SerialPort port, ValidationMode validationMode);
		public static void MaximumLength(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, int length, StringToken message, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new MaximumLengthRule(length, message) { Mode = mode});
Exemplo n.º 19
        /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        * Workers
        * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a document/page command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Which command to execute.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Which validation mode to use.</param>
        private static void CommandExecute(ModelCommand command, ValidationMode mode)
            #region Validations

            if (command == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command));


             * #0. Settings!
            ModelExportSettings exportSettings = new ModelExportSettings();
            exportSettings.Program = "VisioAddIn";
            exportSettings.Mode    = mode;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Document.Path) == false)
                exportSettings.Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(command.Document.Path);

             * #1. Run the exporter
            ProgressForm pform = new ProgressForm();
            pform.Command  = command;
            pform.Settings = exportSettings;

             * #2. Repaint everything to show that it's ok.
             *     Paint all objects which have errors to red.
             * TODO: This should probably be done in an undo unit, so that
             * the repainting of all of the shapes can be done atomically.
            foreach (ModelCommandPageResult pageResult in pform.CommandResult.Pages)
                if (pageResult.Processed == false)

                 * Paint all black.
                Visio.IVPage page = command.Document.Pages[pageResult.Name];

                if (page == null)

                foreach (Visio.IVShape shape in page.Shapes)
                    Visio.VisDefaultColors orig = VU.ShapeColorGet(shape);

                    if (orig != Visio.VisDefaultColors.visBlack)
                        VU.ShapeColorSet(shape, Visio.VisDefaultColors.visBlack);

                if (pageResult.Success == true)

                 * Paint red, only shapes with errors.
                foreach (ModelResultItem item in pageResult.Items)
                    if (item.ItemType != ModelResultItemType.Error)

                    if (item.VisioShapeId == null)

                    Visio.IVShape shape = page.Shapes[item.VisioShapeId];

                    if (shape == null)

                    VU.ShapeColorSet(shape, Visio.VisDefaultColors.visRed);

             * #3.
            ResultForm rform = new ResultForm();
            rform.CommandResult = pform.CommandResult;
		public static void GreaterOrEqualToZero(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new GreaterOrEqualToZeroRule { Mode = mode });
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public ContentLocationEventDataSerializer(ValidationMode validationMode)
     _validationMode = validationMode;
		public static void GreaterOrEqualToZero(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, StringToken message, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new GreaterOrEqualToZeroRule(message) { Mode = mode });
        /// <summary>
        /// Extension method to validate a class instance based on attribute validation declarations.
        /// Validation offenses are returned to let the client code know which validations failed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The validations are performed on the class itself and all other related classes via aggregation and inheritance relationships.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to validate.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="offenses">If obj is invalid, it contains the validation offenses, otherwise it is empty.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The type of members to be validated, either properties or fields.</param>
        /// <param name="checkAll">True to gather all validation offenses. If false, the check stops at the first offense.</param>
        /// <returns>True if valid, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsValid <T>(this T obj, ref IList <ValidationOffense> offenses, ValidationMode mode = ValidationMode.Properties, bool checkAll = true) where T : class
            if (offenses == null)
                offenses = new List <ValidationOffense>();

            Type objectType = obj?.GetType();

            // Consider either properties or fields because auto-implemented properties can have backing fields and there is no
            // safe way to tell them apart from regular ones without relying on assumptions. So, if a property's type is a class
            // where validation attributes are declared, checking both properties and fields of the enclosing type would result in
            // having the same validation run twice, once for the property and once for its backing field.
            foreach (var member in GetMembers(objectType, mode))
                object value = member.GetValue(obj);

                // Validate this member's attributes.
                if (!ValidateAttributes(member, objectType.Name, value, offenses, checkAll) && !checkAll)

                // If the member is a reference type, call this function recursively.
                if (member.MemberType.IsClass && member.MemberType != typeof(string))
                    if (!value.IsValid(ref offenses, mode, checkAll) && !checkAll)
            return(offenses.Count == 0);
		public static void Required(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new RequiredFieldRule { Mode = mode });
Exemplo n.º 25
 private byte[] ValidateHelper(ValidationMode mode, bool async, TextReader tr, string id, long count)
     byte[] bytes;
     if (async)
         bytes = AsyncValidate(count, tr, id, mode);
         bytes = Validate(count, tr, id);
     return bytes;
		public static void Required(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, StringToken message, ValidationMode mode)
			expression.Add(new RequiredFieldRule(message) { Mode = mode });
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether a graph meets its connection assertions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The validation mode to apply.</param>
        /// <param name="errors">If the graph is not valid, this refers to a List of ConnectionAssertionError objects, otherwise it is null.</param>
        /// <returns>True, if the graph is valid.</returns>
        public static bool Validate(IGraph graph, ValidationMode mode, out List<ConnectionAssertionError> errors)
            bool result = true;
            Dictionary<IEdge, bool> checkedOutEdges = new Dictionary<IEdge, bool>(2 * graph.NumEdges);
            Dictionary<IEdge, bool> checkedInEdges = new Dictionary<IEdge, bool>(2 * graph.NumEdges);
            errors = new List<ConnectionAssertionError>();

            int numConnectionAssertions = 0;
            foreach(ValidateInfo valInfo in graph.Model.ValidateInfo)
                // Check outgoing count on nodes of source type
                foreach(INode node in graph.GetCompatibleNodes(valInfo.SourceType))
                    result &= ValidateSource(node, valInfo, errors, checkedOutEdges, checkedInEdges);
                // Check incoming count on nodes of target type
                foreach(INode node in graph.GetCompatibleNodes(valInfo.TargetType))
                    result &= ValidateTarget(node, valInfo, errors, checkedOutEdges, checkedInEdges);


            if(mode == ValidationMode.StrictOnlySpecified)
                Dictionary<EdgeType, bool> strictnessCheckedEdgeTypes = new Dictionary<EdgeType, bool>(2 * numConnectionAssertions);
                foreach(ValidateInfo valInfo in graph.Model.ValidateInfo)

                    foreach(IEdge edge in graph.GetExactEdges(valInfo.EdgeType))
                        // Some edges with connection assertions specified are not covered; strict only specified validation prohibits that!
                        if(!checkedOutEdges.ContainsKey(edge) || !checkedInEdges.ContainsKey(edge))
                            errors.Add(new ConnectionAssertionError(CAEType.EdgeNotSpecified, edge, 0, null));
                            result = false;
                    strictnessCheckedEdgeTypes.Add(valInfo.EdgeType, true);

            if(mode == ValidationMode.Strict
                && (graph.NumEdges != checkedOutEdges.Count || graph.NumEdges != checkedInEdges.Count))
                // Some edges are not covered; strict validation prohibits that!
                foreach(IEdge edge in graph.Edges)
                    if(!checkedOutEdges.ContainsKey(edge) || !checkedInEdges.ContainsKey(edge))
                        errors.Add(new ConnectionAssertionError(CAEType.EdgeNotSpecified, edge, 0, null));
                        result = false;

            if(result) errors = null;
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static void Required(this IAccessorRulesExpression expression, ValidationMode mode)
     expression.Add(new RequiredFieldRule {
         Mode = mode
Exemplo n.º 29
        public bool ValidateEmail(string strInputEmail, ValidationMode enumValidationMode = ValidationMode.Network)
            string strAcceptableEmailAddressPattern = @"^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}" +
                  @"\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\" +
            Regex regPatternEmail = new Regex(strAcceptableEmailAddressPattern);

            switch (enumValidationMode)
                case ValidationMode.Syntax:
                        return (regPatternEmail.IsMatch(strInputEmail));
                    catch (Exception RegExPatternException)
                        GetLastError = string.Format("Could not match pattern because of the error {0} ", RegExPatternException.Message);
                        return (false);
                case ValidationMode.Network:
                    if (ValidateEmail(strInputEmail, ValidationMode.Syntax))
                        string strHostName = string.Empty;
                            string[] arrHost = strInputEmail.Split('@');
                            strHostName = arrHost[1];
                        catch (Exception HostMalformedException)
                            GetLastError = string.Format("Could not identify the target email server because of the error {0} ", HostMalformedException.Message);

                            Resolver objResolver = new Resolver();
                            Response objResponse = objResolver.Query(strHostName, QType.MX, QClass.IN);

                            bool blnValidAddress = false;

                            if (objResponse.RecordsMX.Length < 1)
                                return (false);

                                foreach (RecordMX recMx in objResponse.RecordsMX)
                                    blnValidAddress = VerifySmtpResponse(recMx.EXCHANGE, strInputEmail);
                                    //if (blnValidAddress)

                            return (blnValidAddress);
                        catch (Exception NetworkQueryException)
                            GetLastError = NetworkQueryException.Message;
                            return (false);

                        return (false);
                    return (false);
        public IList <string> ValidateCourseRun(ICourseRun courseRun, ValidationMode validationMode)
            var validationMessages = new List <string>();

            // CourseName
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CourseName))
                validationMessages.Add("Course Name is required"); // "Enter Course Name"
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(courseRun.CourseName))
                    validationMessages.Add("Course Name contains invalid character");
                if (courseRun.CourseName.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add($"Course Name must be 255 characters or less");

            // ProviderCourseID
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.ProviderCourseID))
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(courseRun.ProviderCourseID))
                    validationMessages.Add("ID contains invalid characters");
                if (courseRun.ProviderCourseID.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add($"The maximum length of 'ID' is 255 characters");

            // DeliveryMode
            switch (courseRun.DeliveryMode)
            case DeliveryMode.ClassroomBased:

                // VenueId
                if (courseRun.VenueId == null || courseRun.VenueId == Guid.Empty)
                    validationMessages.Add($"Select a venue");

                // StudyMode
                if (courseRun.StudyMode.Equals(StudyMode.Undefined))
                    validationMessages.Add($"Select Study Mode");

                // AttendancePattern
                if (courseRun.AttendancePattern.Equals(AttendancePattern.Undefined))
                    validationMessages.Add($"Select Attendance Pattern");


            case DeliveryMode.Online:
                // No Specific Fields

            case DeliveryMode.WorkBased:

                // Regions
                if (courseRun.Regions == null || courseRun.Regions.Count().Equals(0))
                    validationMessages.Add($"Select a region");

            case DeliveryMode.Undefined:     // Question ???
                validationMessages.Add($"DeliveryMode is Undefined. We are not checking the specific fields now. On editing you can select the appropriate Delivery Mode and the rest of the fields will be validated accordingly.");

            // StartDate & FlexibleStartDate
            if (courseRun.StartDate != null)
                courseRun.FlexibleStartDate = false; // COUR-746-StartDate

                switch (validationMode)
                case ValidationMode.AddCourseRun:
                case ValidationMode.CopyCourseRun:
                    if (courseRun.StartDate < DateTime.Now || courseRun.StartDate > DateTime.Now.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add($"Start Date cannot be before Today's Date and must be less than or equal to 2 years from Today's Date");

                case ValidationMode.EditCourseYC:
                case ValidationMode.EditCourseMT:
                    // It cannot be done easily as we need both value - the newly entered and the previous. Call to saved version or modification in the model

                case ValidationMode.EditCourseBU:
                    // If the Provider does the editing on the same day of uploading it's fine. But from next day forward ?????????
                    if (courseRun.StartDate < DateTime.Now || courseRun.StartDate > DateTime.Now.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add($"Start Date cannot be before Today's Date and must be less than or equal to 2 years from Today's Date");

                case ValidationMode.BulkUploadCourse:
                    if (courseRun.StartDate < DateTime.Now || courseRun.StartDate > DateTime.Now.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add($"Start Date cannot be before Today's Date and must be less than or equal to 2 years from Today's Date");

                case ValidationMode.MigrateCourse:
                    if (courseRun.StartDate > DateTime.Now.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add($"Start Date must be less than or equal to 2 years from Today's Date");

                case ValidationMode.Undefined:
                    validationMessages.Add($"Validation Mode was not defined.");

            if (courseRun.StartDate == null && courseRun.FlexibleStartDate == false)
                validationMessages.Add($"Either 'Defined Start Date' or 'Flexible Start Date' has to be provided");

            // CourseURL
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CourseURL))
                if (!IsValidUrl(courseRun.CourseURL))
                    validationMessages.Add("The format of URL is incorrect");
                if (courseRun.CourseURL.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add($"The maximum length of URL is 255 characters");

            // Cost & CostDescription
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CostDescription) && courseRun.Cost.Equals(null))
                validationMessages.Add($"Enter cost or cost description");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CostDescription))
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(courseRun.CostDescription))
                    validationMessages.Add("Cost Description contains invalid characters");
                if (courseRun.CostDescription.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add($"Cost description must be 255 characters or less");

            if (!courseRun.Cost.Equals(null))
                if (!IsCorrectCostFormatting(courseRun.Cost.ToString()))
                    validationMessages.Add($"Enter the cost in pounds and pence");

            // DurationUnit
            if (courseRun.DurationUnit.Equals(DurationUnit.Undefined))
                validationMessages.Add($"Select Duration Unit");

            // DurationValue
            if (courseRun.DurationValue.Equals(null))
                validationMessages.Add($"Enter Duration");
                if (!ValidDurationValue(courseRun.DurationValue?.ToString()))
                    validationMessages.Add("Duration must be numeric and maximum length is 3 digits");

        public ResponseAgreementValidator(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode, ProviderResponseScheme response)
            : base(accountSession, validationMode)
            #region Wake Date
            RuleFor(i => i.WakeDate)
            .HasAgreementDate(response, "WakeDate")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Wake Date must be specified")

            #region Ceremony Date
            RuleFor(i => i.CeremonyDate)
            .HasAgreementDate(response, "CeremonyDate")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Funeral Date must be specified")

            #region Internment Type
            RuleFor(i => i.InternmentType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "InternmentType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Internment must be specified")

            #region Funeral Type
            RuleFor(i => i.FuneralType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "FuneralType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Funeral Style must be specified")

            #region Wake Type
            RuleFor(i => i.WakeType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "WakeType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Wake Style must be specified")

            #region Religion Type
            RuleFor(i => i.ReligionType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "ReligionType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Religion must be specified")

            #region Expected Attendance Type
            RuleFor(i => i.ExpectedAttendanceType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "ExpectedAttendanceType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Expected attendance must be specified")

            #region Service Preferences
            RuleFor(i => i.ServicePreferences)
            .HasAgreementText(response, "ServicePreferences")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Service Preferences must be specified")

            #region Casket Material Type
            RuleFor(i => i.CasketMaterialType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "CasketMaterialType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Casket Material must be specified")

            #region Casket Size Type
            RuleFor(i => i.CasketSizeType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "CasketSizeType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Casket Size must be specified")

            #region Casket Color Type
            RuleFor(i => i.CasketColorType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "CasketColorType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Casket Color must be specified")

            #region Casket Manufacturer Type
            RuleFor(i => i.CasketManufacturerType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "CasketManufacturerType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Casket Manufacturer must be specified")

            #region Burial Container Type
            RuleFor(i => i.BurialContainerType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "BurialContainerType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Burial Container must be specified")

            #region Transportation Of Family Type
            RuleFor(i => i.TransportationOfFamilyType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "TransportationOfFamilyType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Transportation of family must be specified")

            #region Flower Spray Type
            RuleFor(i => i.FlowerSprayType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "FlowerSprayType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Flower Spray must be specified")

            #region Primary Flower Type
            RuleFor(i => i.PrimaryFlowerType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "PrimaryFlowerType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Primary Flower must be specified")

            #region Secondary Flower Type
            RuleFor(i => i.SecondaryFlowerType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "SecondaryFlowerType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Secondary Flower must be specified")

            #region Accent Flower Type
            RuleFor(i => i.AccentFlowerType)
            .HasAgreement(response, "AccentFlowerType")
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Pending))
            .WithMessage("Accent Flower must be specified")
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>Returns an attribute of this XML element as a bitmap image. The attribute validation mode can be specified.</summary>
 /// <param name="element">The XML element.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The attribute name.</param>
 /// <param name="validationMode">The attribute validation mode.</param>
 public static BitmapSource GetImage(this XElement element, XName name, ValidationMode validationMode) {
    return GetImage(element, name, null, validationMode);
Exemplo n.º 33
 abstract public void SendMessage(SerialPort port, string msg, ValidationMode validationMode);
        public Result <IList <CourseValidationResult> > CourseValidationMessages(IEnumerable <Course> courses, ValidationMode mode)
            if (courses == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(courses));

                IList <CourseValidationResult> results = new List <CourseValidationResult>();

                foreach (Course c in courses)
                    CourseValidationResult cvr = new CourseValidationResult()
                        Course = c,
                        RunValidationResults = new List <CourseRunValidationResult>()
                    //Code to be refactored upon updated DQI stories

                    if (mode != ValidationMode.DataQualityIndicator)
                        cvr.Issues = ValidateCourse(c).Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
                        cvr.Issues = new List <string>();
                    foreach (CourseRun r in c.CourseRuns)
                        cvr.RunValidationResults.Add(new CourseRunValidationResult()
                            Run = r, Issues = ValidateCourseRun(r, mode).Select(x => x.Value)
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(ex, "PendingCourseValidationMessages error");
                return(Result.Fail <IList <CourseValidationResult> >("Error compiling messages for items requiring attention on landing page"));
Exemplo n.º 35
 public ValidationResult Validate(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode)
     return((new PaymentValidator(accountSession, validationMode)).Validate(this) as ValidationResult);
        public IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > ValidateCourseRun(CourseRun courseRun, ValidationMode validationMode)
            IList <KeyValuePair <string, string> > validationMessages = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            //Filtered down validation rules for DQI based on story
            //To be made more generic when we bring additional rules in
            if (validationMode == ValidationMode.DataQualityIndicator)
                if (courseRun.StartDate < DateTime.Today)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE", $"courses need their start date updating"));

            // CourseName
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CourseName))
                validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COURSE_NAME", "Enter course name"));
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(courseRun.CourseName))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COURSE_NAME", "Course Name contains invalid character"));
                if (courseRun.CourseName.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COURSE_NAME", $"Course Name must be 255 characters or less"));

            // ProviderCourseID
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.ProviderCourseID))
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(courseRun.ProviderCourseID))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ID", "ID contains invalid characters"));
                if (courseRun.ProviderCourseID.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ID", $"The maximum length of 'ID' is 255 characters"));

            // DeliveryMode
            switch (courseRun.DeliveryMode)
            case DeliveryMode.ClassroomBased:

                // VenueId
                if (courseRun.VenueId == null || courseRun.VenueId == Guid.Empty)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("VENUE", $"Select venue"));

                // StudyMode
                if (courseRun.StudyMode.Equals(StudyMode.Undefined))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("STUDY_MODE", $"Select Study Mode"));

                // AttendancePattern
                if (courseRun.AttendancePattern.Equals(AttendancePattern.Undefined))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ATTENDANCE_PATTERN", $"Select Attendance Mode"));


            case DeliveryMode.Online:
                // No Specific Fields

            case DeliveryMode.WorkBased:

                if (courseRun.National == null)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("NATIONAL_DELIVERY", $"Choose if you can deliver this course anywhere in England"));
                else if (courseRun.National == false)
                    // Regions
                    if (courseRun.Regions == null || courseRun.Regions.Count().Equals(0))
                        validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("REGION", $"Select at least one region or sub-region"));

            case DeliveryMode.Undefined:     // Question ???
                validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("DELIVERY_MODE", $"Select Delivery Mode"));

            // StartDate & FlexibleStartDate
            if (courseRun.StartDate != null)
                courseRun.FlexibleStartDate = false; // COUR-746-StartDate

                var currentDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

                switch (validationMode)
                case ValidationMode.AddCourseRun:
                case ValidationMode.CopyCourseRun:
                case ValidationMode.EditCourseBU:
                case ValidationMode.BulkUploadCourse:

                    _logger.LogError("course date" + courseRun.StartDate.Value.Date + "utc Date " + currentDate);

                    int result = DateTime.Compare(courseRun.StartDate.Value.Date, currentDate);

                    if (result < 0)
                        _logger.LogWarning("*Simon* Date in the past");

                    if (courseRun.StartDate < currentDate)
                        validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE", $"Start Date cannot be earlier than today's date"));
                    if (courseRun.StartDate > currentDate.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE", $"Start Date cannot be later than 2 years from today’s date"));

                case ValidationMode.EditCourseYC:
                case ValidationMode.EditCourseMT:
                    // It cannot be done easily as we need both value - the newly entered and the previous. Call to saved version or modification in the model

                case ValidationMode.MigrateCourse:
                    if (courseRun.StartDate > currentDate.AddYears(2))
                        validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE", $"Start Date cannot be later than 2 years from today’s date"));

                case ValidationMode.Undefined:
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE", $"Validation Mode was not defined."));

            if (courseRun.StartDate == null && courseRun.FlexibleStartDate == false)
                validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("START_DATE+FLEXIBLE_START_DATE", $"Either 'Defined Start Date' or 'Flexible Start Date' has to be provided"));

            // CourseURL
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CourseURL))
                if (!IsValidUrl(courseRun.CourseURL))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("URL", "The format of URL is incorrect"));
                if (courseRun.CourseURL.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("URL", $"The maximum length of URL is 255 characters"));

            // Cost & CostDescription
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(courseRun.CostDescription) && courseRun.Cost.Equals(null))
                validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COST", $"Enter cost or cost description"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReplaceSpecialCharacters(courseRun.CostDescription)))
                if (!HasOnlyFollowingValidCharacters(ReplaceSpecialCharacters(courseRun.CostDescription)))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COST_DESCRIPTION", "Cost Description contains invalid characters"));
                if (courseRun.CostDescription.Length > 255)
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COST_DESCRIPTION", $"Cost description must be 255 characters or less"));

            if (!courseRun.Cost.Equals(null))
                if (!IsCorrectCostFormatting(courseRun.Cost.ToString()))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COST", $"Enter the cost in pounds and pence"));
                if (courseRun.Cost > decimal.Parse("999999.99"))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("COST", $"Maximum allowed cost value is 999,999.99"));

            // DurationValue and DurationUnit
            if (courseRun.DurationValue.Equals(null) || courseRun.DurationUnit.Equals(DurationUnit.Undefined))
                validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("DURATION", $"Enter duration"));
                if (!ValidDurationValue(courseRun.DurationValue?.ToString()))
                    validationMessages.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("DURATION", "Duration must be numeric and maximum length is 3 digits"));

Exemplo n.º 37
        public async override Task <IEnumerable <ValidationResult> > ValidateWithDbConnectionAsync(DbContext unitOfWork, ValidationMode mode)
            var errors = new List <ValidationResult>();

 public ValidationResult Validate(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode)
     return((new AdministratorRegistrationFormValidator(accountSession, validationMode)).Validate(this) as ValidationResult);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public ValidationResult Validate(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode)
     return((new ConsumerRequestValidator(accountSession, validationMode)).Validate(this) as ValidationResult);
 internal NgClassErrorBinding(ValidationMode validationMode, AngularForm <TModel> form)
     _validationMode = validationMode;
     _form           = form;
Exemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        /// This function validates the information on a profile - making sure what you have stored at AuthNET is valid. You can
        /// do this in two ways: in TestMode it will just run a validation to be sure all required fields are present and valid. If
        /// you specify "live" - a live authorization request will be performed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="profileID">The profile ID.</param>
        /// <param name="paymentProfileID">The payment profile ID.</param>
        /// <param name="shippingAddressID">The shipping address ID.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The mode.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ValidateProfile(string profileID, string paymentProfileID, string shippingAddressID, ValidationMode mode)
            var req = new validateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest();

            req.customerProfileId        = profileID;
            req.customerPaymentProfileId = paymentProfileID;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(shippingAddressID))
                req.customerShippingAddressId = shippingAddressID;
            req.validationMode = Customer.ToValidationMode(mode);

            var response = (validateCustomerPaymentProfileResponse)_gateway.Send(req);

Exemplo n.º 42
 private ValidationContext Clone(ImmutableQueue <string> path, bool isOptional, ValidationMode mode)
     return(new ValidationContext(
                path, isOptional, mode));
        public override async Task <IEnumerable <ValidationResult> > ValidateWithDbConnectionAsync(DbContext context, ValidationMode mode)
            var errors = new List <ValidationResult>();

            return(await Task.FromResult(errors));
Exemplo n.º 44
 public DataManagerValidator(ValidationMode mode)
     this.mode = mode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extension method to validate a class instance based on attribute validation declarations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The validations are performed on the class itself and all other related classes via aggregation and inheritance relationships.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of object to validate.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="obj">The object to validate.</param>
        /// <param name="mode">The type of members to be validated, either properties or fields.</param>
        /// <returns>True if valid, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsValid <T>(this T obj, ValidationMode mode = ValidationMode.Properties) where T : class
            IList <ValidationOffense> offenses = null;

            return(obj.IsValid(ref offenses, mode, false));
Exemplo n.º 46
 public ResetTicketValidator(IResetTicketManager manager, ValidationMode mode) :
     base(manager, mode)
     RuleFor(x => x.Username)
     .MustAsync(async(x, token) => await Task.FromResult(ServiceLocator.Current.Get <IUserManager>().GetByEmail(x)) != null);
Exemplo n.º 47
		public JoyPage()
			vmode = ValidationMode.None;
			password = string.Empty;
			IsAthenticated = false;
 /// <nodoc />
 public ContentLocationEventDataSerializer(ValidationMode validationMode, bool synchronize = false)
     _validationMode = validationMode;
     _synchronize    = synchronize;
Exemplo n.º 49
 private void RedirectToProgressPage(ValidationMode mode, string id, string progress)
     var redirect_uri = string.Format(progress_fmt, mode, "", id, 0);
Exemplo n.º 50
        public ProviderProfileValidator(AccountSession accountSession, ValidationMode validationMode)
            : base(accountSession, validationMode)
            #region Description
            RuleFor(i => i.Description)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Description must be specified")
            .Length(0, 3000)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Description must be 3000 characters or less")

            #region Website
            RuleFor(i => i.Website)
            .WithMessage("Website URL invalid")
            .Length(0, 100)
            .WithMessage("Website URL must be 100 characters or less")

            #region Business Established
            RuleFor(i => i.BusinessEstablished)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Business established length must be specified")

            #region FacilityAge
            RuleFor(i => i.FacilityAge)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Facility age must be specified")

            #region Facility Style
            RuleFor(i => i.FacilityStyle)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Facility style must be specified")

            #region Funeral Director Experience
            RuleFor(i => i.FuneralDirectorExperience)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Funeral directors' experience must be specified")

            #region Transportation Fleet Age
            RuleFor(i => i.TransportationFleetAge)
            .When(i => (validationMode == ValidationMode.Update))
            .WithMessage("Transportation fleet age must be specified")
Exemplo n.º 51
 private byte[] ValidateStream(Stream s, ValidationMode mode, bool save_results, bool async)
     string id = MakeId(save_results);
     var sr = new StreamReader(s);
     var count = s.Length;
     byte[] bytes = ValidateHelper(mode, async, sr, id, count);
     return bytes;
Exemplo n.º 52
 private ValidationContext Clone(ImmutableQueue <string> path, bool isOptional, ValidationMode mode)
     return(new ValidationContext(AppId, SchemaId, Schema, ContentId, path, isOptional, mode));
Exemplo n.º 53
 public bool Validate(ValidationMode mode, out List<ConnectionAssertionError> errors)
     return GraphValidator.Validate(this, mode, out errors);
Exemplo n.º 54
        public StateMachineHostBuilder DisableVerboseValidation()
            _validationMode = ValidationMode.Default;

Exemplo n.º 55
 /// <summary>
 /// Overload method ommitting shippingAddressID.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="profileID">The profile ID.</param>
 /// <param name="paymentProfileID">The payment profile ID.</param>
 /// <param name="mode">The mode.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string ValidateProfile(string profileID, string paymentProfileID, ValidationMode mode)
     return ValidateProfile(profileID, paymentProfileID, null, mode);
Exemplo n.º 56
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs additional validation of pre-defined values for the IQVarEnumActivity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors"></param>
        /// <param name="pValidationMode"></param>
        public override void ValidatePreselectedValues(IList<ValidationError> errors, ValidationMode pValidationMode)
            if(PreselectedValues.Count == 0)
                //Hack to clear the selected values if no pre-selected values exist.
                if (SetToNoneAction != null)

            var groups = PreselectedValues.GroupBy(e => e.Value);

            if (groups.Any(group => group.Count() > 1))
                errors.Add(new ValidationError(Strings.IQEnumVarActivity_DuplicateKey, false, "Config"));

            base.ValidatePreselectedValues(errors, pValidationMode);
Exemplo n.º 57
 protected bool Equals(ValidationMode other)
     return string.Equals(_mode, other._mode);
 protected ValidationModeAttribute(ValidationMode mode)
     _mode = mode;