Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Import_Doctors_from_xls(string connectionString, SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket)
            string folder    = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName;
            string filePath  = Path.Combine(folder, "Excel\\doctors.xlsx");
            bool   hasHeader = true;
            bool   flagValid = true;

            System.Data.DataTable excelData = ExcelUtils.getDataFromExcelFileMM(filePath, hasHeader);
                excelData = ExcelUtils.getDataFromExcelFileMM(filePath, hasHeader);
                filePath  = Path.Combine(folder, "Excel\\doctors.xls");
            catch (Exception ex)

            List <Doctor_model_from_xlsx> DoctorL = new List <Doctor_model_from_xlsx>();

            DO_GAPR_1112[] PracticeData       = new DO_GAPR_1112[] { };
            DbConnection   Connection         = null;
            DbTransaction  Transaction        = null;
            bool           cleanupConnection  = Connection == null;
            bool           cleanupTransaction = Transaction == null;

            if (cleanupConnection == true)
                Connection = CSV2Core_MySQL.Support.DBSQLSupport.CreateConnection(connectionString);
            if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();

                PracticeData = cls_Get_all_Practices.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, securityTicket).Result;

                //Commit the transaction
                if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                //Close the connection
                if (cleanupConnection == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                    if (cleanupTransaction == true && Transaction != null)
                catch { }

                    if (cleanupConnection == true && Connection != null)
                catch { }

                throw ex;
            List <string> LoginMailUnique          = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> LANRUnique = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            IEnumerable <DataRow>       doctors    = excelData.Rows.Cast <DataRow>();

            foreach (System.Data.DataRow item in excelData.Rows)
                Doctor_model_from_xlsx doctor = new Doctor_model_from_xlsx();
                doctor.ValidationErrors = "";
                // doctor.Salutation = item.ItemArray[0].ToString();
                doctor.Salutation = "";
                doctor.Title      = item.ItemArray[1].ToString();
                doctor.FirstName  = item.ItemArray[2].ToString();
                if (doctor.FirstName == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = "First name empty";
                doctor.LastNAme = item.ItemArray[3].ToString();
                if (doctor.LastNAme == "")
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Last name empty";
                doctor.Email = item.ItemArray[4].ToString();
                if (doctor.Email != "")
                    if (!ValidationMethods.IsMailValid(doctor.Email))
                        flagValid = false;
                        doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Email not valid";

                doctor.Phone = item.ItemArray[5].ToString();
                if (doctor.Phone == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Phone empty";
                doctor.LANR = item.ItemArray[6].ToString();

                if (doctor.LANR == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "LANR empty";
                else if (doctor.LANR.Length != 9)
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "LANR length not valid";
                else if (!ValidationMethods.IsDigitsOnly(doctor.LANR))
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "LANR not number";

                else if (!ValidationMethods.LANRValidation(doctor.LANR))
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "LANR not valid";

                doctor.BSNR = item.ItemArray[7].ToString();

                if (doctors.Count(doc => doc.ItemArray[6] == doctor.LANR && doc.ItemArray[7] == doctor.BSNR) > 1)
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "LANR already exists in practice: " + item.ItemArray[8].ToString() + ", (BSNR: " + doctor.BSNR + ")";

                if (doctor.BSNR == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "BSNR empty";
                doctor.PracticeName = item.ItemArray[8].ToString();
                if (doctor.PracticeName == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Practice name empty";
                var PracticeForDoctor = PracticeData.Where(pr => pr.CompanyInfo_EstablishmentNumber == doctor.BSNR && pr.DisplayName == doctor.PracticeName).SingleOrDefault();
                if (PracticeForDoctor == null)
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Practice with given name and BSNR do not exists";
                    doctor.PracticeID = PracticeForDoctor.HEC_MedicalPractiseID;
                    doctor.IsUsePracticeBank = int.Parse(item.ItemArray[9].ToString()) == 1 ? true : false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    doctor.IsUsePracticeBank = bool.Parse(item.ItemArray[9].ToString());

                doctor.AccountHolder = item.ItemArray[10].ToString();

                doctor.Bic = item.ItemArray[11].ToString();
                if (doctor.Bic != "")
                    if (!doctor.IsUsePracticeBank && !ValidationMethods.isValidBic(doctor.Bic))
                        flagValid = false;
                        doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Bic invalid";
                doctor.IBAN = item.ItemArray[12].ToString();
                if (doctor.IBAN != "")
                    IBAN.IbanValidator validateIban = new IbanValidator();
                    if (doctor.IBAN != "")
                            bool isValidIban = validateIban.ValidateIban(doctor.IBAN);
                            flagValid = false;
                            doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Iban not valid";
                doctor.Bank = item.ItemArray[13].ToString();
                if (!doctor.IsUsePracticeBank && doctor.Bic != "" && doctor.Bank == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Bic entered, bank empty";
                doctor.LoginEmail = item.ItemArray[14].ToString();
                if (doctor.LoginEmail == "")
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Login mail empty";
                else if (!ValidationMethods.IsMailValid(doctor.LoginEmail))
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Login mail not valid";

                foreach (var lg in LoginMailUnique)
                    if (lg == doctor.LoginEmail)
                        flagValid = false;
                        doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Login email already exists";

                doctor.inPassword = item.ItemArray[15].ToString();
                if (doctor.inPassword != "" && !ValidationMethods.isValidPass(doctor.inPassword))
                    flagValid = false;
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors + ", " + "Password not valid";
                else if (doctor.inPassword == "")
                    doctor.inPassword = ValidationMethods.CreatePassword(8);
                if (doctor.ValidationErrors != "")
                    doctor.ValidationErrors = doctor.ValidationErrors.Substring(1);
                doctor.isValid = flagValid;

            string       file = ExportDoctorsBeforeUpload.ExportDoctorBeforeUploadToDB(DoctorL);
            MemoryStream ms   = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(file));

            Console.WriteLine("----- XLS created.");

            if (!DoctorL.Any(vl => vl.isValid == false))
                foreach (var doctor in DoctorL)
                    if (doctor.LoginEmail != "")
                        doctor.account_id = Create_Accounts.Save_accounts_to_DBPerson(doctor, connectionString, securityTicket);

                foreach (var doctor in DoctorL)
                    if (doctor.LoginEmail != "")
                        Save_Doctors.Save_Doctors_to_DB(doctor, connectionString, securityTicket);

                Console.WriteLine("Doctors imported");
                Console.WriteLine("Data not valid,won't be saved ");