Exemplo n.º 1
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.txtDirectoryName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtProperties = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
     ffpArtifactFile = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker()
         ServerId = 1
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Directory", "Directory Information", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Directory Name:", txtDirectoryName)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Artifact", "Artifact information", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Artifact File Disk Location:", ffpArtifactFile)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Properties",
                                          "Additional properties for artifacts. Enter each as a name=value pair on a line", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Properties:", txtProperties)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtBaseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };

            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };

            this.txtDomain = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300 };

            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox { Width = 270 };

            ddlAuthentication = new DropDownList();
            ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("System", "system"));
            ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("Specify account...", "specify"));

            var ffgAuthentication = new FormFieldGroup("Authentication",
                    "The method used for authenticating a connection to Team Foundation Server",
                    new StandardFormField("Authentication:", ddlAuthentication)

            var ffgCredentials = new FormFieldGroup("Credentials",
                    "Specify the credentials of the account you would like to use to connect to Team Foundation Server",
                    new StandardFormField("Username:"******"Password:"******"Domain:", txtDomain)

                new FormFieldGroup("TFS Server Name",
                    "The name of the Team Foundation Server to connect to, e.g. http://tfsserver:8080/tfs",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Server Name:",
                        new RenderClientScriptDelegator(w =>
                                // jQuery code used to hide the Credentials section if the "System" account is to be used
    var onAuthorizationChange = function(){
        if($('#" + ddlAuthentication.ClientID + @" option:selected').val() == 'system') {
            $('#" + ffgCredentials.ClientID + @"').hide();
        else {
            $('#" + ffgCredentials.ClientID + @"').show();
    $('#" + ddlAuthentication.ClientID + @"').change(onAuthorizationChange);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ShowKeyboard(bool Show, ValidatingTextBox Control)
            if (!m_IsKeyboardShown && Show)
                m_IsKeyboardShown = true;

                var asPopup =
                    !(Control.TransformToAncestor(this).Transform(new Point(0, Control.ActualHeight)).Y >
                      Height - defaultKeyboard.Height);

                if (asPopup)
                    keyboardPopup.IsOpen = true;
                    keyboardBorder.Height = defaultKeyboard.Height;
                    keyboardPopup.IsOpen = true;

            if (m_IsKeyboardShown && !Show)
                m_IsKeyboardShown = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                Enabled  = !this.Template.ArtifactNameLocked,
                Text     = this.Template.ArtifactName
            this.txtBranchName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Text        = this.Template.BranchName,
                Enabled     = !this.Template.BranchNameLocked,
                DefaultText = "Default"
            this.ctlBuildNumber = new BuildNumberPicker
                Value   = Util.CoalesceStr(this.Template.BuildNumber, "lastSuccessful"),
                Enabled = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Template.BuildNumber),
                BuildConfigurationId = this.Template.BuildConfigurationId,
                ConfigurerId         = this.Template.ExtensionConfigurerId ?? 0

                new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", new Div(this.Template.BuildConfigurationDisplayName)),
                new SlimFormField("TeamCity build number:", new Div(this.ctlBuildNumber)),
                new SlimFormField("Artifact name:", this.txtArtifactName)
                HelpText = "The name of artifact, for example: \"ideaIC-118.SNAPSHOT.win.zip\"."
                new SlimFormField("Branch:", this.txtBranchName)
                HelpText = "The branch used to get the artifact, typically used in conjunction with predefined constant build numbers."
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtTargetAssembly = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };

            this.cbQueue = new CheckBox { Text = "Queue for background generation" };

            this.ddlMode = new DropDownList();
            this.ddlMode.AutoPostBack = true;
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Install", "Install"));
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Uninstall", "Uninstall"));
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Update", "Update"));
            this.ddlMode.SelectedValue = "Install";
            this.ddlMode.SelectedIndexChanged += ddlMode_SelectedIndexChanged;

            this.ffgTargetAssembly = new SlimFormField("Target assembly:", this.txtTargetAssembly)
                HelpText = "The absolute path to the .NET assembly or its strong name if it is installed in the GAC."

            this.ffgOptions = new SlimFormField("Options:", this.cbQueue);

                new SlimFormField("Action:", this.ddlMode),
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSourceMask = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtTargetMask = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.chkLogVerbose = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Log each file rename"
            this.chkOverwriteExisting = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Overwrite Existing Files"

                new SlimFormField("Rename files matching:", this.txtSourceMask)
                HelpText = "This can be a mask that utilizes wildcards, such as \"*.sql\""
                new SlimFormField("To files matching:",
                                  new Div(this.txtTargetMask),
                                  new Div(this.chkOverwriteExisting))
                HelpText = "When using a masks, the matched wildcards will remain the same; e.g. \"*.asp\" to \"*.asp.old\" will rename each file with the .asp extension to have an .asp.old extension instead."
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkLogVerbose)
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtTeamProject = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtBuildDefinition = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "default"
            this.txtBuildNumber = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "last successful"
            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "use name of build definition"

                new SlimFormField("Team project:", this.txtTeamProject),
                new SlimFormField("Build definition:", this.txtBuildDefinition)
                HelpText = "By default, the single build definition for the team project will be used. If there are multiple build definitions and one is not supplied here, an error will be generated at execution time."
                new SlimFormField("Build number:", this.txtBuildNumber),
                new SlimFormField("Artifact name:", this.txtArtifactName)
                HelpText = "By default, the BuildMaster build artifact created from the output will use the name of the build definition. To use a different name, specify one here."
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFiles = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3, Text = "*", Required = true
            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Set attributes on files in all subdirectories", Checked = true

            this.ddlReadOnly = new DropDownList();
            this.ddlReadOnly.Items.AddRange(GetAttribListItems("Read Only"));

            this.ddlSystem = new DropDownList();

            this.ddlHidden = new DropDownList();

                new SlimFormField("File masks:",
                                  new Div(new Div(this.txtFiles), new Div(this.chkRecursive))),
                new SlimFormField("Change attributes:",
                                  new Div(new Div("Read Only:"), new Div(this.ddlReadOnly)),
                                  new Div(new Div("Hidden:"), new Div(this.ddlHidden)),
                                  new Div(new Div("System:"), new Div(this.ddlSystem)))
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based
        /// implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            txtAmiID = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = Unit.Pixel(300),
                Required = true

            txtIPAddress = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = Unit.Pixel(300)

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Amazon Image ID",
                    "Specify an image ID you would like to use to create the instance.",
                    new StandardFormField("Image ID:", txtAmiID)),
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "IP Address",
                    "Specify an optional public IP address to associate with this instance.",
                    new StandardFormField("IP Address:", txtIPAddress))
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required           = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ID       = "txtProjectPath",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID          = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ID = "txtProjectPath",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional", Width = 300 };
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Optionally provide the organization name which owns the repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Provide the user name and password of a GitHub user which has access to the desired repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "User Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)"
            this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)",
            this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)"
            this.ctlSignExe = new FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true

                new SlimFormField("File to sign:", this.ctlSignExe),
                new SlimFormField("Certificate subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Timestamp server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer),
                new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtContentDescription),
                new SlimFormField("Information URL:", this.txtContentUrl)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var config = (TfsConfigurer)this.GetExtensionConfigurer();

            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "Same as project name" };
            this.txtTeamProject = new TeamProjectPicker(config);
            this.txtBuildDefinition = new BuildDefinitionPicker(config);
            this.txtTeamProject.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { this.txtBuildDefinition.TeamProject = this.txtTeamProject.SelectedValue; };
            this.ddlBuildNumber = new DropDownList
                Items =
                    new ListItem("allow selection at build time", string.Empty),
                    new ListItem("last succeeded build", "success"),
                    new ListItem("last completed build", "last")
            this.txtBuildNumberPattern = new ValidatingTextBox { Text = "_(?<num>[^_]+)$" };

                new SlimFormField("Artifact name:", this.txtArtifactName),
                new SlimFormField("Team project:", this.txtTeamProject),
                new SlimFormField("Build definition:", txtBuildDefinition),
                new SlimFormField("Build number:", this.ddlBuildNumber),
                new SlimFormField("Capture pattern:", this.txtBuildNumberPattern)
                    HelpText = "When importing a build, you can opt to use the TFS build number; however, because TFS build numbers "
                    + "can be 1,000 characters (or more), up to 10 characters must be extracted to fit the BuildMaster build number "
                    + "using a Regex capture group named \"num\". The default TFS Build Number Format is $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r); "
                    + " and thus the pattern _(?<num>[^_]+)$ will extract the date and revision."
Exemplo n.º 15
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtServerUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtUsername = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "Anonymous"
            this.txtPassword        = new PasswordTextBox();
            this.txtDefaultViewPath = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "/view/All/api/xml"

                new SlimFormField("Server URL:", this.txtServerUrl)
                HelpText = "This should be the base url that you use to access Jenkins; for example, http://myjenkinsbox.local:8080"
                new SlimFormField("Username:"******"API Token / Password", this.txtPassword)
                HelpText = "For Jenkins version 1.426 and higher enter the API Token value as the password"
                new SlimFormField("Default view path", this.txtDefaultViewPath)
                HelpText = "Only change this for non-English installations of Jenkins"
Exemplo n.º 16
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtServerUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtUsername          = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtPassword          = new PasswordTextBox();
            this.txtDefaultBranchName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "TeamCity-defined"

                new SlimFormField("TeamCity server URL:", this.txtServerUrl)
                HelpText = "Enter the URL of the TeamCity server, typically: http://teamcityserver"
                new SlimFormField("User name:", this.txtUsername)
                HelpText = "If you wish to connect to the TeamCity server with HTTP Authentication, please enter the credentials. Leaving the username field blank will connect using guest authentication."
                new SlimFormField("Password:"******"Default branch:", this.txtDefaultBranchName)
                HelpText = "To override the default branch used by TeamCity for Get Artifact operations, specify a branch name here. "
                           + "The branch may also be overridden in individual deployment actions."
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtComponents = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows = 5,
                Wrap = false

            this.txtProjects = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows = 5,
                Wrap = false

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Search directories recursively"

                new SlimFormField("Licensed components:", this.txtComponents)
                    HelpText = "Specify the names of licensed components (one per line). These will be added as lines to a licenses.licx file."
                new SlimFormField("Projects:", this.txtProjects)
                    HelpText =  "Specify file masks (one per line) for project files which require the licensed components."
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkRecursive)
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtTeamProject = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "use name of build definition"
            this.txtBuildNumber = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "last successful"
            this.txtBuildDefinition = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "any"
            this.chkIncludeUnsuccessful = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Only include builds that are \"succeeded\"", Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Team project:", this.txtTeamProject),
                new SlimFormField("Build definition:", this.txtBuildDefinition),
                new SlimFormField("Build number:", this.txtBuildNumber),
                new SlimFormField("Artifact name:", this.txtArtifactName)
                HelpText = "By default, the BuildMaster build artifact created from the output will use the name of the build definition. To use a different name, specify one here."
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkIncludeUnsuccessful)
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtPackageSource = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "nuget.org"

            this.txtNuGetExe = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "use embedded nuget.exe"

            this.chkUseProGet = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use proget.exe instead of nuget.exe for installing packages"

            this.chkClearCache = new CheckBox
                Text = "Attempt to clear the NuGet cache before packages are installed"

                new SlimFormField("Package source:", this.txtPackageSource),
                new SlimFormField("NuGet client:", this.txtNuGetExe),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", new Div(this.chkUseProGet), new Div(this.chkClearCache))
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtJobName     = new JenkinsJobPicker((JenkinsConfigurer)this.GetExtensionConfigurer());
            this.ddlBuildNumber = new DropDownList
                Items =
                    new ListItem("allow entry at build import time", ""),
                    new ListItem("lastBuild"),
                    new ListItem("lastCompletedBuild"),
                    new ListItem("lastStableBuild"),
                    new ListItem("lastSuccessfulBuild"),
            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "same as job name"

                new SlimFormField("Job name:", this.txtJobName),
                new SlimFormField("Build number:", this.ddlBuildNumber),
                new SlimFormField("Create as artifact:", txtArtifactName)
                HelpText = "All artifacts from the specified job will be captured as a zip file and then saved to this artifact in BuildMaster."
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseCustomProfileXml = new CheckBox() { Text = "Use custom publish settings..." };
            var ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer = new Div() { ID = "ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer" };

            this.txtProjectPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileName = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml = new ValidatingTextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 7 };
            ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer.Controls.Add(new Div("Enter custom publish profile XML:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml);

            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true };
            this.txtVisualStudioVersion = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "12.0" };
            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "Inherit credentials from extension configuration" };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox();

                new SlimFormField("Project/Solution file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Publish profile:", new Div("Profile Name:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileName, this.chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer),
                new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Visual Studio version:", this.txtVisualStudioVersion)
                    HelpText = "Visual Studio must be installed in order to publish directly from the command line. Choose " 
                    + "the version of Visual Studio that is installed on the selected server in order for Web Deploy to use the "
                    + "appropriate build targets for the installed version. The default is 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013)."
                new SlimFormField("Credentials:", new Div(new Div("Username:"******"Password:"******"Additional MSBuild arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var application = StoredProcs.Applications_GetApplication(this.ApplicationId).Execute().Applications_Extended.FirstOrDefault();
            var variableMode = application != null ? application.VariableSupport_Code : Domains.VariableSupportCodes.All;

            this.txtFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows = 5,
                Text = "*\\AssemblyInfo.cs"

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Also search in subdirectories"

            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                Text = variableMode == Domains.VariableSupportCodes.Old ? "%RELNO%.%BLDNO%" : "$ReleaseNumber.$BuildNumber"

                new SlimFormField("Assembly version files:", this.txtFileMasks)
                    HelpText = "Use standard BuildMaster file masks (one per line)."
                new SlimFormField("Assembly version:", this.txtVersion),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkRecursive)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            ddlVersion = new DropDownList();
            ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("(auto detect)", ""));
            ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("2.0", "2.0.50727"));
            ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("3.5", "3.5"));
            ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("4.0", "4.0.30319"));

            txtVirtualPath = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Text = "/" };

            chkUpdatable = new CheckBox { Text = "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable" };
            chkFixedNames = new CheckBox { Text = "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies" };

                    new FormFieldGroup(".NET Framework Version",
                    "The version of the .NET Framework to use when building this project.",
                    new StandardFormField("Version:", ddlVersion)
                new FormFieldGroup("Application Virtual Path",
                    "The virtual path of the application to be compiled.",
                    new StandardFormField("Application Virtual Path:", txtVirtualPath)
                new FormFieldGroup("Additional Options",
                    new StandardFormField("", chkUpdatable),
                    new StandardFormField("", chkFixedNames)
Exemplo n.º 24
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtDescripition = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtLocation = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtAffinityGroup = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
         new SlimFormField("Label:", txtLabel),
         new SlimFormField("Description:", txtDescripition),
         new SlimFormField("Location:", txtLocation),
         new SlimFormField("Affinity group:", txtAffinityGroup)
Exemplo n.º 25
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtTargetAssembly = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true

            this.cbQueue = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Queue for background generation"

            this.ddlMode = new DropDownList();
            this.ddlMode.AutoPostBack = true;
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Install", "Install"));
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Uninstall", "Uninstall"));
            this.ddlMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Update", "Update"));
            this.ddlMode.SelectedValue         = "Install";
            this.ddlMode.SelectedIndexChanged += ddlMode_SelectedIndexChanged;

            this.ffgTargetAssembly = new SlimFormField("Target assembly:", this.txtTargetAssembly)
                HelpText = "The absolute path to the .NET assembly or its strong name if it is installed in the GAC."

            this.ffgOptions = new SlimFormField("Options:", this.cbQueue);

                new SlimFormField("Action:", this.ddlMode),
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtDescripition = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtLocation = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     txtAffinityGroup = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Create Hosted Service Configuration",
                                          "Options for the Create Hosted Service action", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Label:", txtLabel),
                                          new StandardFormField("Description:", txtDescripition),
                                          new StandardFormField("Location:", txtLocation),
                                          new StandardFormField("Affinity Group:", txtAffinityGroup)
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtComponents = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows     = 5,
                Wrap     = false

            this.txtProjects = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows     = 5,
                Wrap     = false

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Search directories recursively"

                new SlimFormField("Licensed components:", this.txtComponents)
                HelpText = "Specify the names of licensed components (one per line). These will be added as lines to a licenses.licx file."
                new SlimFormField("Projects:", this.txtProjects)
                HelpText = "Specify file masks (one per line) for project files which require the licensed components."
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkRecursive)
Exemplo n.º 28
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var client = new JenkinsClient((JenkinsConfigurer)this.GetExtensionConfigurer());

            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "download all artifacts"

            this.txtJob = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true

            this.txtBuildNumber = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required           = true,
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "lastBuild", "lastCompletedBuild", "lastStableBuild", "lastSuccessfulBuild" }

            this.chkExtractFilesToTargetDirectory = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Extract archive.zip when downloading all artifacts", Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Artifact filter:", this.txtArtifactName),
                new SlimFormField("Job name:", this.txtJob),
                new SlimFormField("Build number", this.txtBuildNumber),
                new SlimFormField("Download options:", this.chkExtractFilesToTargetDirectory)
Exemplo n.º 29
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            var application  = DB.Applications_GetApplication(this.ApplicationId).Applications_Extended.FirstOrDefault();
            var variableMode = application != null ? application.VariableSupport_Code : Domains.VariableSupportCodes.All;

            this.txtFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 5,
                Text     = "*\\AssemblyInfo.cs"

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Also search in subdirectories"

            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                Text     = variableMode == Domains.VariableSupportCodes.Old ? "%RELNO%.%BLDNO%" : "$ReleaseNumber.$BuildNumber"

                new SlimFormField("Assembly version files:", this.txtFileMasks)
                HelpText = "Use standard BuildMaster file masks (one per line)."
                new SlimFormField("Assembly version:", this.txtVersion),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkRecursive)
Exemplo n.º 30
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     this.txtSourceItem = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtDestinationRepository = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.txtDestionationItemName = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300
     this.chkSuppressCrossLayoutTranslation = new CheckBox()
         Width = 300
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Source", "Source Item Information", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Source Name:", txtSourceItem)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Destination", "Destination Information:", false,
                                          new StandardFormField("Destination Repository:", txtDestinationRepository),
                                          new StandardFormField("Destination Name:", txtDestionationItemName)
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Options", "Other options", true,
                                          new StandardFormField("Suppress Cross Layout Translation", chkSuppressCrossLayoutTranslation)
Exemplo n.º 31
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtTeamProject = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true };
            this.txtBuildDefinition = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true };

            this.chkWaitForCompletion = new CheckBox() { Text = "Wait until the TFS build completes", Checked = true };
            this.chkValidateBuild = new CheckBox() { Text = "Fail if the TFS build does not succeed", Checked = true };
            this.chkCreateBuildVariable = new CheckBox() { Text = "Store the TFS build number as $TfsBuildNumber", Checked = true };

                new SlimFormField(
                    "Team project:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Build definition:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    new Div(this.chkCreateBuildVariable),
                    new Div(this.chkWaitForCompletion),
                    new Div(this.chkValidateBuild)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new ValidatingTextBox()
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3, Required = true
            this.txtSearchText = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3, Required = true
            this.txtReplaceText = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 3
            this.chkUseRegex = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Use Regular Expression for Search and Replace"
            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Also search in subdirectories"

                new SlimFormField("Matching files:",
                                  new Div(new Div(this.txtFileName), new Div(this.chkRecursive)))
                HelpText = "This can be a mask that utilizes wildcards, such as \"*.sql\" or \"\\subpath\\myclass.php\" "
                new SlimFormField("Search text:",
                                  new Div(new Div(this.txtSearchText), new Div(this.chkUseRegex))),
                new SlimFormField("Replace text:", this.txtReplaceText)
Exemplo n.º 33
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlVersion = new DropDownList();
            this.ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("(auto detect)", ""));
            this.ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("2.0", "2.0.50727"));
            this.ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("3.5", "3.5"));
            this.ddlVersion.Items.Add(new ListItem("4.0", "4.0.30319"));

            this.txtVirtualPath = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, Text = "/"

            this.chkUpdatable = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable"

            this.chkFixedNames = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies"

                new SlimFormField(".NET version:", this.ddlVersion),
                new SlimFormField("Virtual path:", this.txtVirtualPath),
                new SlimFormField(
                    new Div(this.chkUpdatable),
                    new Div(this.chkFixedNames)
Exemplo n.º 34
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtServerUrl = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true,
                Width = 300

            this.txtUsername = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Width = 300

            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox()
                Width = 270

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "TeamCity Server URL",
                    "Enter the URL of the TeamCity server, typically: http://teamcityserver",
                    new StandardFormField("Server URL:", this.txtServerUrl)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "If you wish to connect to the TeamCity server with HTTP Authentication, please enter the credentials. Leaving the username field blank will connect using guest authentication.",
                    new StandardFormField("Username:"******"Password:", this.txtPassword)
Exemplo n.º 35
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSourceFile = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, Text = "Web.config"
            this.txtTransformFile = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtDestinationFile = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, Text = "Web.config"
            this.chkPreserveWhitespace = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Preserve Whitespace in Destination File", Checked = true
            this.chkVerbose = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Enable Verbose Logging", Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Source file:", this.txtSourceFile),
                new SlimFormField("Transform file:", this.txtTransformFile),
                new SlimFormField("Target file:", this.txtDestinationFile),
                new SlimFormField(
                    new Div(this.chkPreserveWhitespace),
                    new Div(this.chkVerbose)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional", Width = 300
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, Width = 300
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox {
                Required = true, Width = 300

            var ctlExePathField = new StandardFormField("Git Executable Path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Optionally provide the organization name which owns the repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Provide the user name and password of a GitHub user which has access to the desired repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "User Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Password:"******"Git Client",
                    "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkUseStandardGitClient),

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
Exemplo n.º 37
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSecondsToSleep = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true

            this.Controls.Add(new SlimFormField("Seconds to sleep:", txtSecondsToSleep));
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtConnectionString = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };

                new SlimFormField("Connection string:", this.txtConnectionString)
Exemplo n.º 39
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtBaseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "ex: http://tfsserver:80/tfs", Required = true

            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox();

            this.txtDomain = new ValidatingTextBox();

            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox();

            this.txtCustomWorkspacePath = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "BuildMaster managed"
            this.txtCustomWorkspaceName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "Default"

            ddlAuthentication = new DropDownList {
                ID = "ddlAuthentication"
            ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("System", "system"));
            ddlAuthentication.Items.Add(new ListItem("Specify account...", "specify"));

            var ffgAuthentication = new SlimFormField("Authentication:", ddlAuthentication);

            var ffgCredentials = new Div(
                new SlimFormField("User name:", this.txtUserName),
                new SlimFormField("Password:"******"Domain:", this.txtDomain)

                new SlimFormField("TFS URL:", this.txtBaseUrl),
                new SlimFormField("Workspace path:", this.txtCustomWorkspacePath)
                HelpText = "The directory on disk where the TFS workspace will be mapped. By default, BuildMaster will use "
                           + @"_SVCTEMP\SrcRepos\{workspace-name}"
                new SlimFormField("Workspace name:", this.txtCustomWorkspaceName)
                HelpText = "The name of the TFS workspace to use. This value should be unique per credentials and machine. "
                           + "By default, BuildMaster will use the deepest subdirectory of the workspace path to generate the name."
                new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator(
                    w =>
                w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID);
                w.Write("if($(this).val() == 'system') $('#{0}').hide(); else $('#{0}').show();", ffgCredentials.ClientID);
                w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlAuthentication.ClientID);
Exemplo n.º 40
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            Tables.Deployables_Extended deployable = null;
            if (this.DeployableId > 0)
                deployable = DB.Applications_GetDeployable(this.DeployableId).FirstOrDefault();

            this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText  = "default for selected configuration"

            this.txtGroupName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Text     = deployable != null ? deployable.Deployable_Name : string.Empty,
                Required = true

            this.txtTestFile = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "none"

            this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "managed by BuildMaster"

            this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure = new CheckBox
                Text    = "Treat inconclusive tests as failures",
                Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Unit test group:", this.txtGroupName),
                new SlimFormField("NUnit-console.exe path:", this.txtExePath)
                HelpText = "The path to (and including) nunit-console.exe if using a different version of NUnit than the one specified "
                           + "in the NUnit extension configuration."
                new SlimFormField("Test file:", this.txtTestFile)
                HelpText = "This should normally be a .dll or project file."
                new SlimFormField("XML output path:", this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath),
                new SlimFormField("Additional NUnit arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure)
Exemplo n.º 41
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtMode = new ValidatingTextBox()
         Width = 300, Required = true
     this.Controls.Add(new SlimFormField("Mode (Auto|Manual):", txtMode));
Exemplo n.º 42
        public AzureConfigurerEditor()
            this.sdkPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker();
            this.sdkPath.ID = "sdkPath";
            this.sdkPath.DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.Folders;

            this.txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
            this.txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtPackageId = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtPackageVersion = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "latest"
            this.txtPackageSource = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "default"
            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "none"
            this.txtPackageArtifactRoot = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "/"
            this.chkIncludePrerelease = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Include prerelease versions"
            this.chkVersionUnlocked = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Allow version selection at build time"
            this.chkCaptureIdAndVersion = new CheckBox
                Text    = "Capture $ImportedPackageId and $ImportedPackageVersion build variables",
                Checked = true

            this.chkIncludeVersionInArtifactName = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Include package version in build artifact name"

                new SlimFormField("Package ID:", this.txtPackageId),
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Package version:",
                    new Div(this.txtPackageVersion),
                    new Div(this.chkIncludePrerelease),
                    new Div(this.chkVersionUnlocked)
                new SlimFormField("Package source:", this.txtPackageSource),
                new SlimFormField("Package root:", this.txtPackageArtifactRoot)
                HelpText = "Optionally specify a relative path within the package to only capture files beneath that path as part of the build artifact."
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
                HelpText = "Optionally supply any additional arguments that will be passed to NuGet.exe when the package is installed."
                new SlimFormField(
                    new Div(this.chkCaptureIdAndVersion),
                    new Div(this.chkIncludeVersionInArtifactName)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlSourceServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlSourceServer",
                ShowGroups    = false,
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ddlTargetServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlTargetServer",
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ctlSourcePath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlSourceServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.ctlTargetPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlTargetServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.chkDelete = new CheckBox
                ID      = "chkDelete",
                Checked = true,
                Text    = "Delete files/directories not present in source"

            this.txtIncludeFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 4,
                Text     = "*"

                new SlimFormField("From server:", this.ddlSourceServer),
                new SlimFormField("From directory:", this.ctlSourcePath),
                new SlimFormField("To server:", this.ddlTargetServer),
                new SlimFormField("To directory:", this.ctlTargetPath),
                new SlimFormField("File/directory mask:", this.txtIncludeFileMasks)
                HelpText = "Files and folders matching the specified masks (entered one per line) will be transferred. "
                           + "For example, if you want to transfer all files except *.src files, enter the following lines "
                           + "(without quotes): \"*\" and \"!*.src\""
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkDelete)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtStackName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 400 };
         new FormFieldGroup("Stack Options", "Stack Options", false,
             new StandardFormField("Stack Name", txtStackName)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtMode = new ValidatingTextBox() {Width = 300, Required = true};
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Change Deployment Configuration",
         "Options for the Change Deployment Configuration action",true,
         new StandardFormField("Mode (Auto|Manual):",txtMode)
Exemplo n.º 47
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtRemoteRepoPath = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 300, Required = true };

                new StandardFormField(
                    "Remote Repository URL:",
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ctlScriptPath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { Required = true };

            this.txtArguments = new ValidatingTextBox();

                new SlimFormField("Script file path:", this.ctlScriptPath),
                new SlimFormField("CScript arguments:", this.txtArguments)
 public AzureComputeActionBaseEditor()
     this.txtServiceName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300, Required = true };
     this.txtDeploymentName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtSlotName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtExtendedProperties = new TextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Width = 300, Rows = 4 };
     this.txtExtensionConfiguration = new TextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Width = 300, Rows = 4 };
     this.chkWarningsAsError = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, TextAlign = TextAlign.Right };
     this.chkWaitForCompletion = new CheckBox() { Width = 300, TextAlign = TextAlign.Right };
     this.txtSubscriptionID = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.txtCertificateName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseStandardGitClient = new CheckBox
                Text = "Use Standard Git Client"

            this.txtGitExecutablePath = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = false

            this.txtOrganizationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = false, DefaultText = "Optional", Width = 300 };
            this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox { Required = true, Width = 300 };

            var ctlExePathField = new StandardFormField("Git Executable Path:", this.txtGitExecutablePath);

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Optionally provide the organization name which owns the repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Provide the user name and password of a GitHub user which has access to the desired repositories.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "User Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Password:"******"Git Client",
                    "This extension includes a lightweight Git client for Windows. To use an alternate Git client, check the box and provide the path of the other client.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkUseStandardGitClient),

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseStandardGitClient, ctlExePathField);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtComponents = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Width = 300,
                Rows = 5,
                Wrap = false

            this.txtProjects = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Width = 300,
                Rows = 5,
                Wrap = false

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Search directories recursively"

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Licensed Components",
                    "Specify the names of licensed components (one per line). These will be added as lines to a licenses.licx file.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Specify file masks (one per line) for project files which require the licensed components.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Project File Masks:",
                    new StandardFormField(
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtStackName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, Width = 400 };
     chkWaitUntilComplete = new CheckBox { Width = 400 };
         new FormFieldGroup("Stack Options", "Stack Options", false,
             new StandardFormField("Stack Name", txtStackName)
         new FormFieldGroup("Deploy", "Deploy Options", false,
             new StandardFormField("Wait Until Complete", chkWaitUntilComplete)
Exemplo n.º 53
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtArtifactName = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true,
                Width = 300

            this.txtBuildConfigurationId = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true

            this.txtBuildNumber = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true

            this.chkExtractFilesToTargetDirectory = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Extract files in artifact to target directory"

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Artifact Name",
                    "The name of artifact, for example: <br />\"ideaIC-118.SNAPSHOT.win.zip\". This value can also take a form of \"artifactName!archivePath\" for reading archive's content",
                    new StandardFormField("Artifact Name:", this.txtArtifactName)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Build Configuration ID",
                    "This value can be found in a browser address bar when corresponding configuration is browsed within TeamCity. <br /><br />As an example, teamcity.jetbrains.com/viewLog.html?buildId=64797&buildTypeId=<strong>bt343</strong>&tab=...",
                    new StandardFormField("Build Configuration ID:", this.txtBuildConfigurationId)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Build Number",
                    "The build number or one of predefined constants: \"lastSuccessful\", \"lastPinned\", or \"lastFinished\".",
                    new StandardFormField("Build Number:", this.txtBuildNumber)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Additional Options",
                    "Select any addition options for this action.",
                    new StandardFormField("", this.chkExtractFilesToTargetDirectory)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Width = 300,
                Rows = 5,
                Text = "*\\AssemblyInfo.cs"

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Text = "Also search in subdirectories"

            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox
                Width = 300,
                Required = true,
                Text = "%RELNO%.%BLDNO%"

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Specify the masks (one per line) used to determine if a file should be searched for Assembly Version Attributes to replace.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "File Masks:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Assembly Version",
                    "Specify the version to write to the matched Assembly Version Attributes.",
                    new StandardFormField(
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };
            this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" };
            this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", };
            this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" };
            this.ctlSignExe = new SourceControlFileFolderPicker { DisplayMode = SourceControlBrowser.DisplayModes.FoldersAndFiles };

                new SlimFormField("File to sign:", this.ctlSignExe),
                new SlimFormField("Certificate subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Timestamp server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer),
                new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtContentDescription),
                new SlimFormField("Information URL:", this.txtContentUrl)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtLabel = new ValidatingTextBox() {Width = 300};
     txtDescripition = new ValidatingTextBox() {Width = 300};
     txtLocation = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     txtAffinityGroup = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     this.Controls.Add(new FormFieldGroup("Create Hosted Service Configuration",
         "Options for the Create Hosted Service action", true,
         new StandardFormField("Label:",txtLabel),
         new StandardFormField("Description:",txtDescripition),
         new StandardFormField("Location:",txtLocation),
         new StandardFormField("Affinity Group:",txtAffinityGroup)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtProductionDeploymentName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
     txtSourceDeploymentName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Width = 300 };
         new FormFieldGroup(
             "Swap Deployment Options",
             "Specify the Source and Production deployment names to swap. "
             + "Leave these fields blank to swap Production and Staging.",
             new StandardFormField("Production Deployment Name:",txtProductionDeploymentName),
             new StandardFormField("Source Deployment Name:",txtSourceDeploymentName)
 protected override void CreateChildControls()
     txtAccessKey = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 400 };
     txtSecretKey = new ValidatingTextBox { Width = 400 };
     chkEncryptKeys = new CheckBox { Width = 400 };
     ddlRegion = new DropDownList { Width = 400 };
     ddlRegion.Items.AddRange((from r in RegionEndpoint.EnumerableAllRegions select new ListItem { Text = r.DisplayName, Value = r.SystemName }).ToArray());
         new FormFieldGroup("Credentials", "AWS Service Credentials", false,
             new StandardFormField("Access Key", txtAccessKey),
             new StandardFormField("Secret Key", txtSecretKey),
             new StandardFormField("Encrypt Keys in database", chkEncryptKeys),
             new StandardFormField("Region",ddlRegion)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };
            this.txtPhysicalPath = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true };
            this.txtApplicationPoolName = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true };
            this.txtPort = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "80" };
            this.txtHostName = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "any" };
            this.txtIPAddress = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "All unassigned" };
            chkBoxlistOmitAction = new CheckBoxList
                Items =
                    new ListItem("if web site already exist.","true"),

                new SlimFormField(
                    "Web site name:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Physical path:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Application pool:",
                new SlimFormField(
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Host name:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    "IP address:",
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Omit action:",
Exemplo n.º 60
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            this.txtTeamProject = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true,
                Width = 300

            this.txtBuildDefinition = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true,
                Width = 300

            this.chkWaitForCompletion = new CheckBox() { Text = "Wait For Completion" };

            this.chkFailActionOnBuildFailure = new CheckBox { Text = "Fail action on build failure" };

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Team Project",
                    "The name of the team project for which to create the build.",
                    new StandardFormField("Team Project:", this.txtTeamProject)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Build Definition",
                    "The name of the build definition used to create the build.",
                    new StandardFormField("Build Definition:", this.txtBuildDefinition)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Wait for Completion",
                    "If checked, the BuildMaster execution will wait until the build is completed before continuing to the next action.",
                    new StandardFormField("", this.chkWaitForCompletion)
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Fail Action on Build Failure",
                    "If checked, the action will fail if the build fails.",
                    new StandardFormField("", this.chkFailActionOnBuildFailure)