public static async Task <(bool success, string message)> SetUserPermission(VCommandContext context, ulong userId, string permInput, bool givePerm)
            if (!MatchModuleOrCommand(context.Bot, permInput, out string perm))
                return(false, $"Permission '{permInput}' is not valid");

            if (await context.Guild.FetchMemberAsync(userId) is not IMember user)
                return(false, "User not found");

            ConcurrentSet <string> userPerms = context.Bot.Config

            // Give permission
            if (givePerm)
                if (userPerms.Contains(perm))
                    return(false, $"User {user.Name}#{user.Discriminator} already has permission '{perm}'");

                return(true, $"Given permission '{perm}' to user {user.Name}#{user.Discriminator}");

            // Revoke permission
            if (!userPerms.Contains(perm))
                return(false, $"User {user.Name}#{user.Discriminator} does not have permission '{perm}'");

            return(true, $"Revoked permission '{perm}' from user {user.Name}#{user.Discriminator}");
        public static async Task <(bool success, string message)> SetRolePermission(VCommandContext context, ulong roleId, string permInput, bool givePerm)
            if (!MatchModuleOrCommand(context.Bot, permInput, out string perm))
                return(false, $"Permission '{permInput}' is not valid");

            if (await context.Bot.GetRoleAsync(context.GuildId, roleId) is not IRole role)
                return(false, "Role not found");

            ConcurrentSet <string> rolePerms = context.Bot.Config

            // Give permission
            if (givePerm)
                if (rolePerms.Contains(perm))
                    return(false, $"Role '{role.Name}' already has permission '{perm}'");

                return(true, $"Given permission '{perm}' to role '{role.Name}'");

            // Revoke permission
            if (!rolePerms.Contains(perm))
                return(false, $"Role '{role.Name}' does not have permission '{perm}'");

            return(true, $"Revoked permission '{perm}' from role '{role.Name}'");
        public static bool UserHasPermission(VCommandContext context)
            ConfigGuild guild = context.Bot.Config.GetOrAddGuild(context.Guild.Id);

            // Check user perms
            ConcurrentSet <string> perms = guild.GetOrAddUserPerms(context.Author.Id);

            if (perms.Contains(context.Command.Module.Name) || perms.Contains(context.Command.Name))

            // Check role perms
            foreach (ulong roleId in context.Author.RoleIds)
                perms = guild.GetOrAddRolePerms(roleId);
                if (perms.Contains(context.Command.Module.Name) || perms.Contains(context.Command.Name))
