/// <summary> /// Upload a file to the VC using the method overload which will preserve line boundaries on large files. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Path to the local file.</param> /// <param name="dest">Desired stream location.</param> /// <param name="expiryDays">Expiry in days (if null, will use default of 30 days).</param> public static void UploadFile(string source, string dest, int?expiryDays = null) { var certificate = CertificateGenerator.GetCertificateByThumbprint(); VC.Setup(null, certificate); var fi = new FileInfo(source); VC.Upload(source, dest, 0, fi.Length, false, TimeSpan.FromDays(expiryDays ?? 30), false); }
public static void UploadLargeStream(string target, string source, Action <AdsAnswer.Logging.EventType, string> writeLog = null, bool lineBoundary = false) { var fileSize = new System.IO.FileInfo(source).Length; if (fileSize < 500 * 1024 * 1024) // <500M { UploadStream(target, source, lineBoundary); return; } // split into blocks List <long> blockOffsets = new List <long>(); List <int> blockLengths = new List <int>(); using (var stream = File.OpenRead(source)) { long blockSize = 200 * 1024 * 1024; // 200M if (lineBoundary) { byte[] Buffer = new byte[blockSize]; const byte EndOfLine = (byte)'\n'; long pos = 0; int numRead = -1; while ((numRead = stream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)) > 0) { int offset = -1; for (int i = numRead - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Buffer[i].Equals(EndOfLine)) { offset = i + 1; break; } } if (offset < 0) // the last line { blockOffsets.Add(pos); blockLengths.Add(numRead); } else { blockOffsets.Add(pos); blockLengths.Add(offset); pos += offset; stream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin); } } Buffer = null; } else { long pos; for (pos = 0; pos < stream.Length; pos += blockSize) { blockOffsets.Add(pos); blockLengths.Add((int)Math.Min(blockSize, stream.Length - pos)); } } } long[] offsets = blockOffsets.ToArray(); int[] lengths = blockLengths.ToArray(); Debug.Assert(offsets.Length == lengths.Length); // upload blocks string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string incomplete = target + guid; List <string> partials = new List <string>(); int n = offsets.Length; int retryNum = 0; do { if (retryNum++ >= 3) { throw new Exception("Failed to upload " + source); } partials.Clear(); if (VC.StreamExists(incomplete)) { VC.Delete(incomplete); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long offset = offsets[i]; int length = lengths[i]; string partial = string.Format("{0}_parts/{1}_{2}", target, guid, i); int number = 0; do { number++; try { if (VC.StreamExists(partial)) { if (VC.GetStreamInfo(partial, false).CommittedLength == length) { break; } VC.Delete(partial); } if (writeLog != null && i % 10 == 0) { writeLog(AdsAnswer.Logging.EventType.Information, string.Format("Uploading block {0}/{1}", i, n)); } // Console.WriteLine(partial); VC.Upload(source, partial, offset, length, true, new TimeSpan(DEFAULT_STREAM_EXPIRE_DAYS, 0, 0, 0), true); VC.SealStream(partial); } catch (Exception ex) { AdsAnswer.Logging.Logger.Error("CosmosStream", "UploadLargeStream", "", ex.ToString()); if (number >= 3) { throw ex; } } } while (!VC.StreamExists(partial) || VC.GetStreamInfo(partial, false).CommittedLength != length); VC.Concatenate(partial, incomplete); partials.Add(partial); } VC.SealStream(incomplete); } while (!VC.StreamExists(incomplete) || VC.GetStreamInfo(incomplete, false).CommittedLength != fileSize); // commit & clean up if (VC.StreamExists(target)) { VC.Delete(target); } VC.Concatenate(incomplete, target); VC.Delete(incomplete); foreach (var p in partials) { VC.Delete(p); } }