Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ConvertFromProto_V1Attributes()
            var proto = new V1.CloudEvent
                SpecVersion = "1.0",
                Type        = "test-type",
                Id          = "test-id",
                TextData    = "text",
                Source      = "//event-source",
                Attributes  =
                    { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain")       },
                    { "dataschema",      UriAttribute("https://data-schema") },
                    { "subject",         StringAttribute("event-subject")    },
                    { "time",            TimestampAttribute(SampleTimestamp) }
            var cloudEvent = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertFromProto(proto, null);

            Assert.Equal(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0, cloudEvent.SpecVersion);
            Assert.Equal("test-type", cloudEvent.Type);
            Assert.Equal("test-id", cloudEvent.Id);
            Assert.Equal("text/plain", cloudEvent.DataContentType);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("https://data-schema"), cloudEvent.DataSchema);
            Assert.Equal("event-subject", cloudEvent.Subject);
            Assert.Equal(new Uri("//event-source", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), cloudEvent.Source);
            // The protobuf timestamp loses the offset information, but is still the correct instant.
            AssertTimestampsEqual(SampleTimestamp.ToUniversalTime(), cloudEvent.Time);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ConvertToProto_V1Attributes()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0)
                Data            = "text",
                DataContentType = "text/plain",
                DataSchema      = new Uri("https://data-schema"),
                Id      = "event-id",
                Source  = new Uri("https://event-source"),
                Subject = "event-subject",
                Time    = new DateTimeOffset(2021, 2, 19, 12, 34, 56, 789, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
                Type    = "event-type"

            var actualProto   = new ProtobufEventFormatter().ConvertToProto(cloudEvent);
            var expectedProto = new V1.CloudEvent
                SpecVersion = "1.0",
                Id          = "event-id",
                Source      = "https://event-source",
                Type        = "event-type",
                Attributes  =
                    { "datacontenttype", StringAttribute("text/plain")       },
                    { "dataschema",      UriAttribute("https://data-schema") },
                    { "subject",         StringAttribute("event-subject")    },
                    // Deliberately not reusing cloudEvent.Time: this demonstrates that only the instant in time
                    // is relevant, not the UTC offset.
                    { "time",            TimestampAttribute(new DateTimeOffset(2021, 2, 19, 11, 34, 56, 789, TimeSpan.Zero))}
                TextData = "text"

            Assert.Equal(expectedProto, actualProto);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_Minimal()
            var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0)
                Id     = "event-id",
                Source = new Uri("https://event-source"),
                Type   = "event-type",

            var encoded = new ProtobufEventFormatter().EncodeStructuredModeMessage(cloudEvent, out var contentType);

            Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents+protobuf; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString());
            var actualProto = V1.CloudEvent.Parser.ParseFrom(encoded.ToArray());

            var expectedProto = new V1.CloudEvent
                SpecVersion = "1.0",
                Id          = "event-id",
                Source      = "https://event-source",
                Type        = "event-type"

            Assert.Equal(expectedProto, actualProto);